The Lucknow Sentinel, 1946-02-21, Page 4• RAGE TWO { THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL Lucknow, Ontario.. , • g_.-._-.. �• 'Established 173 --- P'ulilished Each •Thursda-y-•�Moxnln • Subscription °Rate. $2.00 A Year in Advance -,-TO LT S. Member of The C.W.N.A. ; • • L. C. Thompson, Publisher and. Proprietor THURS., F EBRFARY • 21st, 1946 Le. I uckiiow Sentinel LucknQw, Ontario TUURS� FEIIR?UARX_ 21st, X9164. .00K� N BACKWARDS ROUOI-i TkIE SENTINEL FILES • Y.7 •Y i r, Kl ti r rut :fy� b ,I I L A PAIGN, • :�: • : ' ' R C lilt . THE QUE'EN,S "COMEBACK", LAUNCR;,CANC�.... .• • , . - thousand •tons. . The, eighty-five am •ai n to .raise '$.2,000,000 ' beth ' . the - `••�woi ld,'s • , A c p g Queen Ehza ,, : ..., will be launch.: o .conquer cancer.res. : line'r• will ' by ;autumn,' t.... lagt ed in Ontario in April: ;Can ; :he .ready for the ; luxury,; pa'ssen-• second leading cause. of .deat'h:: for, - .hire •` she S was r the . � rities. • ger ' traffic ,,... iq M R in this province, , •ret autho . but never used. Within tho, built . claim that four out of five cases w 'weeks she: will complete next fe w ._ ° a -le in early stages. �. ..� -talon' . Amer-: arA.c th b-- -: time her, last war- job g: - - . •, � • • At the:,same tune as this cam- icon 'and Canadian. home ai ' n � is underway .the P�merrcan • —and .,then •• she win • have � si:k pale' t Cancer Society ,.will alsp:. press its� o �erhaul and refit. The i n which will.;ted-letter : moat s Y . _ .0 . , , •cepa g , • first.'• :Part of the.renovation will Pa that period ' as ;the* first �. great >,n- ' `done..at•'Gourock on the- Clyde i nal onslaught on one ,.of be the 'ship's toldest where John -.-Brown, . , the': death -dealing Scourges __ ( builders, :will. complete the strict - �, air :d '"u �n -w ° -he✓- -'1 t m4A. d. Of It -n �` ` ri 'ar .objects. of ural, wo1 One of the p m Y her ,for troop ' id d to convert in a n c the c e tof •. • this campat�n is, • , ,• , carryirrg•.:�The boarlds over the administration.' and operation., of • . Will be.removed, • II swimming pools Clinics' at ,i 'fuhy=equipped cancer where soldiers slept' elabor- e tres Other objectives and. x • . •selected c n _�� _,. , ...e " ate'-cktail,,;,bars : will�:,reappear, 'to or anize and conduct can ive, the are, • g The builders will also. g ntan, clinics': where ie -s . • over:- . ,•car . ed, t ? shi a complete o d•: to ay ;a portion of the ,: • Pengineering. blades, ' • '; � iiia � :. P 'testing.'��her turbrn 9 r .haul,. ost 'of treatmen� -'of- cancer.' for' ` f -oi-1 f� - iping .. .. � four, '• thousand-fe'et�! P from, bunkers . to', furnaces, and. many. miles sof electric cables... in-and�.i<e_.. refurnlsh.g stocking wille , .Pte J. J. Philips arrived at the home .of his uncle and aunt, Mr, and, Mrs.. 'George Phillips last. Week,. Enroute " Home .'. the army perlist: •Among personnel ed .en' board the Queen Elizabeth . C.' W. Dunford, R.• are�;Cpl. iJuko n w and'Tpr,'I-1, S.:Gardeer of Wingham. • In' Civvies, Again G. H. ,Purves of St. Helens, reg cently received his. discharge ,af-" ter:' four years in., -the • Air.,Force. He had been' stationed at • Sand- spit, B.C. Goldie spent the Week= nd ere before. returning to.Tor- fo Je h • John Webster,' Webster,' Con; .10, Sixty 'Years Ago . wanosh. The young rn4n A' meeting of: all s' gg .' lieTla to Dakota in the "spi'ipg,partigwas heldoin' The . remainsbytwere' T. at Moore's Hotel. - Helens wherT the Old Light Lodge officers: wel e, was' conducted by installed` as followS:.:WM , . Capt; Craw with inter I S.W., $r 1VJallough; ham Cemetery„ J, .McPherson;; • .w J°. W H, Days; Chap.,'J9h'n. Mur- . At the home of MI: and mu `hoe' needing financial` ;help;•.; to 'those' pay travelling expenses to ' and 'ni s . if :needed; 'and 'to , of conduct.. an. energeticprogram 4 . whaxe he_and:ihis wife will em •lo reside, and where /ie. has P y ment •vciith `.a construction coni pan3r HOME, THIS WEEts ARRIVING est Wa was: ens, mpany 0 o to St, nal serviC.e R, •W.. nt In Wiog -...h• Tress;. Wm;: • .Lyons; $ec,, Wtn, Hetherington; `chit.3 . Kiri• doe ., Win, Mel .lis; Tyler; Jaines Lyons; loss, the rnarriae� was.',solemn, llin ' officers were Dr, Ten* ' ised of Miss Maud •Passmmore . n Instal. g ..:.. • . _ **limey :. • . -under, d •. "ant• and :John. M;athieson., ,• Mr., Hugh: Mel urney of Under, •n i ' izes . were Won•. as iill Manitoba:. The cCI•en Carnival 130Z:es • :., ki1,., � . • :�al?y.�yas s:: Bo s' ` i aee;Y Herbe +t performed by Rev.: S•; Rcim .cis' _ Grundy hurdle race, David, Law ' of Whitechurch. dressed ' ent,,, Alex ssrs. Will :Statters• `C ranee; best •,g Me. , .,harles'• Johnston'; comic gent,. James An- Salmon, Alex; Milne,',Hugh,Lane Berson; fancy and -comic ladies, and -.Morley Salmon -of Hblyrood' and ,Lizzie Findlater debated the' subject, "Resolved Jennie. Fall wheat . was 715c, barley 50c,'• that Ontario offers' nnorc' and'bet„ ork'- 5.50 per cwt.; but- ter, opportunities for the yours oats 30c,, p $ _ _ g . ter 14 cent -S a: pound -and eggs>16c roan than the-; Vest:--": Judgeser Y• .y_..a�nan:.::-.. k Messrs., Jbhnstori, Mc1.;,onnan an of`' the't u'ngatl st n . Oaher 'numbers on t artin McCaig Arta •�.o g he non district in Ashfield Township program were instrumentals by. was. instantly filled when struck t Mrs: R. ' J, Harper and, MI, E; ` on' the head' by� a: falling 'tree Alliston; a .recita'tion by James' 'cuttira • timber.'in the bush: