The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-12-20, Page 8rim. id The Luckilaw Sentineir loucknow Ontario Sr Merry es. Wishes that. ynu.K n4i yours will 'enjoy:- •A.:Rkight . M . y <;hristmas, and that 'the New. Year will . bestow A. Full, -Measure of Happiness Viand, Prosperity, MacMILLA ,BUTCHER ' " 3ta•tliemlemi fir?!rttottIt itoorttColw. 0i0b `lt'p'i it hart ibrivyi ftp f ila: 'HAS' SNOWPLOWI1!TG,: JOB. "missing',. and the.. Council' ''and: NORTH. CULROSS • Wood- buzzing is 'the order of the day.• Davie and • Betty McLeod of near Ripley arevisit i ing with Florence, Haldenby. The -hunter, from London and ed -.were rat er.Ldisappoinntted in thei . , luck this. - year. Only about' 40 percent of. their _quota.• . Mrs Colin • Lamont Sr 'is not enjoying. the bestof health, Her friertds hope for her complete reg cpvery,' • Mr. Fred Haldenby .;•left for the winter. Kincardine to 'spende with his. daugh.tei.- Blanche and her 'hiisban,d,'. Mr. Perry, .Ander Mr. ,and MI's, Joe, Wall; visited the Wm: Haldenb3''s one".day-last week. . ,.. Alex a 1n of All n., ..tow . '.has the Reeve Joynt, who had to do sonne. • contract for snowplowing of Vill . scurrying around the countk•3,, age roads this: winter; _and was had a.' ew headaches before the er, at 'worke"over =the weekend : A implement_wvas "back hoY-ne" ,wing was ordered for the Village plow last. July but has :not yet System Has.. Grown Rapidly arrived'`' :althou .h • delivery has Early Saturday: afternoon there beenR romised. within .a fe w days. was -a 'brief . interruption:. in.: .the A win �swill ena 1e_ a muc more , water service, ;w nee: nem -ser i'rce.r Satisfactory: •ob• to be done; were being connected; The local inWater S stem `.has :'expanded The; ;sidewalk ....snowplowing, 'Sy Stem: by horsepower, IS in charge., rapidly in. its comparatively,; short :life•, .and there are,'now:approxt..; Milne. � " Por :a time this- .summer and j mately 375. hou'• seholdsin the the:ton low was listed:'as' Village using , awn:•watei" fall, w p i• MAF.EIIN-G PLAN: TO ENTE.' .. G . At an .enthusiastic meeting last Wednesday evening Midget .hoc- key activities were ' planned for the ensuing 'season. A team . will be.. -:int •rad, ,in the W.O. A.A,, arid as well^ four local Midget. teams will .be org rnized ' The foursome named. to organize these teams- were Harvey 'Trelea'ven, J. P,:' Ross.-, •Red : Mcf(itu and W. ;S, Reid. Officers. were elected' tis lows: J; .L, MacMillan',. pres... s vice resident;. A. E: Mc D'Ftos:, p_ , ' Ilo� Inti, sec', treats;•, arcl the .fo frig' conn Puttees Were °appointed, Managing con?nitti c P W, Hoag, C. Tho _,pson; 'and '%I. Gi eet ; . Car committee, J. L. MacMillan, P'orteotzs and. W.• C., Finlayson. Harold. Greene, Kenneth c ,anie on. and Bill .Chin were named as' official referees •,P.' W. Hoag .andl Robert Rae were appointed and; ti tors and Mr. Hoag was' delegated te'i epresent" the local club `at any meeting'•,'or meetings in Wingham:. The• Management Committee, s a thor zed to buy:equipmen=t -as, neoessarY ,,T,. e . Club; starts til e . ., season with : a , credit of `66:3.0 • FHURS,1..DECEM0ER 20th, 1945 .0n-accotinti of . storm and baa. roads Blake's • Sunday church, and Sunday .School: service was can - ,Some car drivers . had - trouble;' on : the road between the church and :school on Saturday evening. The • snowplow 'passed down the Ninth : orr..Monday: fore noor making -is -:possible -for cars- get et through . again. This is .the third day of storm and people are hoping for it to calm dwn. Blake's Sunday School concert will be' on Friday, evening in the hall. FN from last season's operations. The Club is interested in giving every boy. •in the• mural community chance to play; : •• Midget ockey •, a`ch nc. P Y 11 ,those who are; of Midget" age. and who desire' to play should` he ,Fxecutive or any •O theme of icia local teams.' SA kt se IO Christmas candles will burn brighter this year and Christms'turkeY have a new and special flavour sitting ° will be' si :for the thousands of Canadians who�� w�, _ , � :.• am11 _..: 7 :•� ado to their:.first:Christmas-,•'dinner with the:f y, ''childish face.will low: circle��camplete. And rnany. a ch g . ,in the candlefight because `,`dad" takes his place at the :head. of the table , again , with hls'strange tales ;. from '' ltaLy irom France,' Germn. ;or the Pacific: But evenas the candles are *lit and the heaped plates o,round, Canadians will pause'.and remember-- remember emember-- go,round, rou S_that mill never be , thou . Y € • .p rememl�er _'• . lete -those thousands-of--desolate°and :homeless ve�. 1nEuro e - that gra .a rr of c irfdren vvfro-ha P been frightened and hurt adstarved ;by''.a war noto of their making; f n•�'N • .r. 1 Let us: •therefore make. ,a• solemn:resolve-:never;, :a am= to".alio the: owers�: of - ;darkness -- greed; P. is`trust-- .tO ut>.out':the cand�es of "'selfishness nd ,m . p `s, 'b:rave l his thats. mbolize the,warm` .Christmas, the, e g Y , �„ love::and kindness: that.: came• into the world .,two : . thousand:years ago. :,• N AMOII ria/101MUCl/eiiilM,i I•IQLIDA$` tindek Auspices of "'mac (KNOW%,. IN:THE--TOWN HALIa Dancing 9 to .1.00, ?r� hrkstmas .DgcEIM'IIIER 25th ew :T ear. S eti JANIJARY :1st '- Carruthers• Orchestra ADMISSION..0c h ,ASON S . : T.i NGS EE. IT, H' L:E'N :.The.December Meeting of.the: W M,S ;.was °held .at .the home`.: of mfrs McKenzie Webb' with'the 1presid'ent, . Mis W. I. Miller .i r 'charge;. The meeting'; took 'the, • fornix.- of a' .Chr.istmas :carol ser • ilii o Phei so:ri'1 if This Year. 'Christmas'' Time- �v1C.IG<_MxS.,._._C'� d I��1C . the'.Christmas candles ;While. Mi s Means Much More....To Tlie.. McKenzie Webb read the poem, ,' Most., of ;Use Than It ilas:I or ="Candle Light Bur-img-TB-igkt'1; -Several" Years And It is.: In- 'Scripaure passages telling... the deed A Pleasure To• .i tetut, -hi istmas-s ui y- v�e� e w int sped -� o s Personal MZessY`rr -T-o•- sed With the singing of Christmas One: And A11.Eor A g pare were VERY MERRY';CHRISTIIAS carols. •' Those ' takin e Mrs., Newton, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. ANDA HAPPY/AND-. D Webb: Prayers :•of Thanksgiyin = ritosPEIii3O'CTS N>;ir.'YEA. Stuart, Mips Cameron and Mrs. II 1' f•. r•� THE ` HY RO LECTRIC P•-0.`W•E MM1SSION OF: ON'TARIO• •1 • df tl for t1ie;epi ti loo red;wai dedication to. the; cause of lasting peace:;were offered by Mrs Care_ ':eron and Mrs. _Thom: Mi. W. I, 1Vlille�.•read ,ane interesting'' paper on "What: should Christmasmean Newton- t'ook- ' the chair for the"' election •. of[. of fleet's: The report 'of the , nomin- atirig'comtnittee was ,presented by „Mrs'. Gordon. McPherson and ..ac-. cepted. The officers will be nn-,. stalled-onsSu nday=morning,.. d lr• uar y.6th.. The annual Sunday School con- cert' on cert will be held lin 'the.:churrch' �cn k'ri:day:'-evening _a_t.:.8.1:5.44ov:- :ing . pi-ctures of the:' 23rd Psalm:,/ The Good. Samarita'n'.and Santa •Claus,,w.ill 'be. shown - by Rev, M. G: 'Newton.,." There. will also 'he a musical program and;Christinas tree., Lunch' will tie served; AM splctrci rl hristrna$ eor cert- was staged .by the pupils ofd $t. E elm's .school, under the dit ctitm 6f the teachers; Mr. Jas.. Coultei• and•Miss Beatrice McQuillin in th'e Hall b'n Friday evening:'Rev. NI G.; Newlon was ..the capable. ,chairman' ..for `' the prograrn,.r choruses; dialogues,' drills, etc, At .the.. conclusion Santa, Claus::ap- peared and,distribu.ted: gifts' from the"" Chri'stn as. tree:7-- .A ,A special Christmas service of• 'mus'ic and • pictures will be pre:. sented in ihel.Jnited' Church next Sunday morning' at 11 o'clock., A special ,invitation is extended to the. comrnunity,, - w.. LJ H CUMING. BARBER . ,. REETiNGS.'AND WEST FIELD . DISTRICT Women halve made 200 quilts during the 'past five years ,whieh Wore don- ated to the AuburA lied Cross. • Il wish to express my mot• s''n-. serthanks tti '.all: meritbers'.of the • Kairshea •Club :for tlx billfold which I ',reccry gr catly�` appreciated l to extend a vciy•Nicrt=5 toyou' all' and a .Happy porous' NeW Year. . . t beautiful ed It was �� tsli als.r c7ii t.Shi1;13 :and Pro Donald . A. Stims6n., S>tncerely` W.e Say Thank Yoa . for. Your Business dui ing' 19.15,.'•. Best Wishes :l"ot A.;'Very. Merry: Cliristrnas and ;hitch Joy ; in the new Year. PHILIP .ESTE Insurance 84. X)eeorating AR.