The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-12-13, Page 6Itil It 10I ,. PI Lii 4 .w ilv AN gtil' or Iti Pli lir i:. 6 i p' til 11 �O Ar ITIMAPIlillinl.Wrilli611.1!AlibliUMMOCIP:Sellt67.4.tr ,AGE Sluff;e""404-41-000 wconatitrafernizionorocairoallovirotavai, p c: ire .ucknow Sentinel, Luc Qi1tari0 ;O B I T U AR' THOMAS BEGLEY The .death of. Mr. Thomas Beg- ley; 'age .87 yeaf's, occurred on Thursday morning at the home :;f his , daughter., Mrs., Margaret Sprouleo With who , 'be has re - + five yea s . Mr. Begley had been .serious y, ill- for 'about•" a viteek with'. a , eart'condition. He was born ' on"Concession 5, W, est Wawano§h 'a Son of pioneer; settlers, , the ;rite. James pegley -a-nd 'Martha 'Sparling. Of a family : Of seven, 'the lone survivor is, ';a_ half-brother, Mr , S,arm1U'el Boach O 1J . 1 -gar '+vac.. Tlie'funeral' was' 'held .at the home' of Mrs. Sproule on. Satur- day:.afternoorto :conducted by Rev::' ' C.:H.' iylacDonaid and 'Rev, `:J W": Ste wart' Interment was in .Green hill Cemetery with six nephews acting • AS" pallbearers,` Alvir Smith, Joe Smith, Will Smith, Burt Roach, Dick • Parks: • and Thomas McPhee Mr..,Begley is survived •by 'his aged -wife'=: and -•tea -•family,„ of eight_ sons,,and ,daughters: Mrs.. Begley was formerly . Sara h , 'Smith and: had':her .husbanl been paredun- ` tilFebruary ,:they ,Would have celebrated' : them 6.3rd wedding^. OPENING M:N0 LNCEMEN.T Hugh Cuming. has kthe pleasure;. :announcing" the,opeaii9 of: lzis -new. 1 q.. r bei Shun • In Lucknow ' •s;.adjoinirig �n .the Alin Bl.,ock Hedie a Shoe Repair . Short- PEN hote PEN ,w. NOW O Will be •.pleaised t. ai s `and' ne'' FOR :BUSINESS flr�end SERVICE' AT RB•ER SHOP PRMPT, COURTEOUS. Aid Hospital Fund • In'a campaign conducted .by the Coupons now: r valid 'are sugar 67 •' utter 'Y16 to 133 re ■ -. Teeswater . Chamber of ` Commerce .�6 'to , •b ,, .., > p • - P1 to P21, oto 5'7 and e .'re civ-: s rues 33 doiiatons of $25$.50: w re c .0 a . ,. ed in --aid: of—the. Wingham Hos, meat -1 to..15-•' pital building fund The Agricul- Ori December 20, coupons 134 p ou o. tural Societyhad previously o for butter ana to Poi `.inclUs- Hated• X25:00. lire and meat '.16 become e ood Rt Forum Discusses; Health Insurance , The St. Helen's Farm Fo met on Moriday, December ' lot r.'. at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Miller.: After° listening to 'the broadcast, two ddiscussion groups were formed when a good .discus- --was. -held iscus-was:-held on the topic,for.. the evening "What. About: health insurance?-" it-- was- •generally. agreed that health insurance was needed for everyone,: under gov- ernment 'supervision . and . that these should, be made compulsory. It was decided :not: to hold our •rrieetrng_ next' week • on• account of so .many.',"other'' activ iti'es' corning up •near Christmasa The next Meeting, will be' on Jan. • uary,7th:.. ' `' . Ration Coupon Due' Dates; FEDERATION MEMBERSHIP SHOWS BIG GAIN IN HURON At' the annual meeting of the Huron Courity Federation , of Ag- 'riculture it. was revealed• that the County, m'embership,.had increas ed approximately 35 percent dur- ing.: the • year, -and, ngw., stands,'at 208 a �, compared, , T , 1,639• . as p with ‘Yearao'.-� g. In �ltiest. • Wawanosh the 'Town= Ship Unit's memb ership las in- creased - creaaeu €'air88'1-to 126 --during 45. THURS., DECEMBER. 13th; 1944 , ... anniversary CONVENT ENT' .TERMS a: • ■ . • •. �LUCKNOW ONTARIO • embers, o; tl:e fang. t Surviving members roti iMP R A T ;Chan: e.s e, g ily •.ars: Mrs 'Margaret Sp 1 Lucitnow.;;Will Begley, Learning- tong Jim • Begley; Victoria,. B C.; Warner: Begley,V'ancou`ver;, Earl Begley, -Fort -µ'William. -; Mrs, Mar= tha Million; Goderich• Mrs: 'Ger- tr,ude Rosel, Grand Rapids,.Mich., and Mrs, ,Myrtf Smith; .Ripley., from London Ni1e, Auburn; Dun-, gal.non, . Wingham, Ipperwash'r Ripley and Goderich �_ • tl MRS: ISABELLA' MacKAY The death occurred 'at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs H; T ;Edwards. C'ameron'street Goderich; on •Fri- -dn 'y; :November- 30 --of Isabel -la - •MacRae; .wido*i of, tho,;late. Mur- doch J. MacKay, in her 89th year. w�. r„. II ti k. k1 ti tit • ,.period of, ;failing health -Mrs Mae ay=w-as,--tender-ly Black Out . In Train Service. There; will be certain changes in train';: service ' between .• DEC: -22nd and. JAN.' 1 t` Consult Your Local �N R'` Agent for--Full==information, Canadian' National Rlys. in • ,attendance.. The.. service was conducted,by`;Rev William Math eson of `Chesley, assisted 'by Rev; W O Rhoad of Ashfield. Intee- ment—was in the--Loeha-ls--h -cem-;- -- :etery,'the pallbearers being .Ken,.` neth and :Jotin ,MacLeod :13irncan Finlayson,• )Ft, ' A. _Grant, • J'olri; Cowan': and Murdo Matheson, D_izring>Eong d 'b her. daughter Mr's' Ed og Friday �var. s, �' tentron. ': She .was. -born on the perience' a fog such'as_.•settle'd d late Friday ft noon mak Huron-� ing=--visibility-- alb ,bit nil,. and -ochalsh,; ''daiighte�--�f -the 1a�te " nurse y Not often .does this district e�:-= , d who gave her constant • at-• Bruce bouxsd`ary ' 'near own a e ri ay a, er , r and Mrs: Duncan R. .Mar_ .Rae, and• was • Married 65 ,years •ago, her husband tiding .one of the early teachers at Dungannon but later taking up farMin on 'the farm next: to the'Ashfield Pres- byterian church: Here they built up -a beautiful home where a fam- ily..of--ten•;.'v'ere- bornyand:,.raised. In 1930:they ,took up • residence in C oderich, leaving the; ' farrn: to their 'son Roy. Mr •4MacItay pass- ed away:: in ;1938. $.uruiving ware „s five daughters and four sons:: obert Bullen' (Rebecca) rs R and Mrs.. -Edwards (Florence) Of. Gotierich,: Mrs: 'Donald M Ken-: zie (Margaret), of Ripley; Mrs. James' Beaten ' (Annie); of. Luck- 'now;. ' Mrs ,Harry Lockwood. (Mary) of. Monroe;• Mich, ';pun- can. of Vancouver,.. `B C:', James. of Alberta;' Alexander of . Detrbit and ;iohn Roy, of':Ashfield.'Tw brothers , also' Stirvive, Duncan MacRae, Huron township; ` and Dr. John R. MacRae, Los Angeles,, '.C'alifo`rnia. A, sons George, • 'died in 1917', and ''a sister, -Mrs,, 'Mary - MacLeod, in"°Apr'il of 'this year. Mrs. McKay was possessed of''.a Wholesome , happy disposition; and a .pleasing personali'ty', and was an u•ts•tandl-ng ex-ample--of--•genuine Scotch hospitality; She was a ,close student of ,the ' Bible and her faith - was, fortified by .its eternal promises. Her, beloved' family is: given . to"' cherish ' the proud ,rriemory of; one who ser ,ed her day, arid generatiot with r;c e- votioni • 'The funeral took'•place on Mon- day from `the' horrne of her On. Roy. in AShtield, with`. a . large number of her former neighbors 1Nhen "Nazi U -boot:_ commanders Tl fisted black :lags of .sur` render, it was” •a "gt ahead" signal to the three Out.of every eight %Canadians -who normally depend for their, livelihood on :export >trade ITr °� i`or, five_ ef#.1'S_theL° ow :iorei n irade ' .. been lar ',eminent responsiility.r But now to.lirp create :peacetime jobs,; Canadian, enterprise --r p se must `do its full share � in finding • custoineirs, abroad. This means doing business all over the worldin strange • .and.distant cities in a hundred languages and currencies;. , k! • -141 ;Canadian banks have a. key role in` this Complicated but essen. tial peacetime tdsk: Every day their foreign.:branches and •�corres.:.. pondents arrange credits, handle documents and perform other intricate operati c ns.,to bring buyers and sellers..; together across the 'obstacles of distance,:language and, custom. This banking service is of primary importance to business an to every Canadian ;worker as Canada turns 'to the, task: of rye creating trade abroad to provide jobs at home, e•>r.tisnme your. Ban brought motor traffic, 'prac ica -to =a—standsti-1 -•Theme pea-- 441) -: • lifted dor-, ashoxt-tix�ae early my tine.,• evening • •but 'soon settled down'•again heavier than ..ever. • V.mall-makes-of..cars;: 'and. trucks • Drive in and benefit from:our expert know-. ledg skill and -modern repair. and maintenance,. facilities. '` a. tir?r, ee- �l:s '•-Eor and save time , 6 and money, CENTRAL°GARAGE 'Phone 148`,:.' L•ucttOW..