The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-12-13, Page 11 X2.00' A Year -In• .Advance; 50c Extra to: S.A. 4. • LUCKNOI'V, ONTARIO, 'TFIURS., . DECEMBER 13th, 1945* BANQUET PANNr NEXT TED -Is 1Ir ANDT PI,A �+IJ�►K B PLANS p LA I"8R SERVICE/u� CTHURSDAYP. M'NS FOR f'�'nT A VACANT B>tISYNESS 'On I'iflday evening -the ; local ' Reception'. Committee, represent- ativc of :til thei civic.or anz is ateo ns :in u e • Village, met to dismiss' fora reception e tion ' :mc and women';from Lucknow and to presentthem, or .members '.* of • tlieir. farilllies, ,with,: lovely framed scrolls ;in -recognition and honor'of their services'. Reeve J: W. Joynt presided and during the 'meeting; thanked ' the Scroll Committee ' comprised of Mrs. . A. E. •:McKim, .Mrs: W. V. ,lcl iistutr' irr�u irr, .,vuiiSivs; he said had "done a grand',job".,• , It. was, _ originally.. -planned -to ,hold the banquet ;in. the Town, :Hall for service personnel and invited.aguests, ;to be followed . by a public: entertainment whenthe: presentation of the scrolls ".w : . ' be made. With the banquet ;tables. '"-in. the auditorium nf• the•. ra 1, it was • felt • this ':'would 'limit too _greatly. the 'seating. accomodation' for the:. public: program and ;pros io for riday, •December 28th • at 6.30. It con der cd ,that-tlne-lioliday'-week: wb u d provide ,an. opportunity for •the greatest hum g ber:.of service ne rSUnn • . el and lendance PLACE IN CHILDREN'S DAY THE VILLAGE their. 1ti'r:5 •4• . '` first public al pearanee of the fall tc'rrxr; t:h• Lucknow School Band, undert} direction of Mr. I . VV. Ho r ttg,, wi l l present ".a short program on a.in street ma.in. r ee to net • fi h �. , Thursday a'i'tc.i Dail De cernber 20 a' n :• The program will -be ' e` afterpl'ese.l�t.,d four o'clock,: weather' per ro tong„.'.and will - include Chr}"sf 'mas carol'nu'mbers. and marches '. IEIGHT•I'AGE;s' Through. N• ' the co=operation of •f r, business -1,ce, large or small on RE-ELECT, MRS :PHILIP, AUXILIARY PRESJDENT Rexford. Qstrander, 'proprietor of the. ,P4ex Theatre and 'the. 14.4 - new Business.' Men's:Associ ato t xt the kiddies of ;toWn' .and *district; ar e ,n o•r t; g o .. have av' ea•' bi : I ti' 'their annual � �g me' at' L party., on Monday,, December .:2 ''" re 4th -the "day before Christmas.• . . There will be a free : show at -the Rex The'atiie' : for* children Irnt.v o.;.7 two-hour cartoons, shorts and comedies ik .being secured : for their' special en ertanment.. "- l ne annual meeting of LLe ` Ladies .Auxiliary to the Canadian f� There will be a show at.' 9:306 Legion 'Branch,. :No..' a.m. form villa ' .309; Luck-. �., �e chr�dren :and, two now, ' Was '_lield� in the : Legion: shows in the afternoonat.1:30 and 3.30. .for country children. T • he: Business Men's' Association is ar= rooms, with the president, Mrs. in 'the Temple ` 'Clark presided for the election of officei s:'.':Officers, :are as follows President, Mrs. ;L. ;?hil,ip; vice-pr.esidents,•Mrs, • Leishman :and .;Mrs. John :Hall; secretary, Mils. • ' tr•asurer Mrs • ..:. standard 'bear€i, Mrs., Roan a 1 d Fors -ter auditors:, uditors, ,"lVlis:"''T'einplt; Clark ;and. n Mrs. A.' E. vI l 'Kinn, Convenei•.s of oorrrrnittees a'ie: cn. tcrtainmerit, 1VIrs ,Ch4r:rles Cook nd.. Mrs: Roy ;El icic;.sorial, William 1Vlacln.tyi�c, arid Orr;:. vrsi,tirig c)r'nnrittec, 1 2i�s. 1' ranging:.to• have an orange, and. ...an apple if -obtainable, for' each. kiddy: ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gardner; ' `'':•Ashfield, announce the Ptg ge- t atonic went of their.only'dau hter ,Mar- g ion' Heleri to 'Mr. Glen ' Arnold Ta sk er Tor ont o , son of •Mr. and. R. Tasker, Bluth The .J . marri,ige t.o take place the' lat' d ter part` of Decemhel HAVE YOU SEEN. THEM?' What? The.Scotch . i' •: Christmas. In vieau_.of this' 'it as --.decided* to. hold t he:banquet.' in the Un= ited Ch'ureh In.vftatimns':--4.5n53 reply cards are. beingsent ent out shortly; so• , it can be determined if •the church baseme t` n offers Sufficient, banquet,:'accornodation, The date has beenG•len Currently there isn't a vacant , tl%e Main 'St•reet tre.et •in�.T_.uckxlOW. In ! the Al.lin Bloch• on ` 1;,Of::'• • the.north sides*th .: ”. e o w ... T n _rt d e. g.. aro d Gr' ee • 1 , ,. has. re -opened his: 'radii shop ..and.' Hugh ° •;fuming h'.a• $ 'opened anew • barber ' shop: The Insurance *.office •Of f the''�at�e Geo. Smith 'is now occupied as :a..down town office by. Silverwood Pair- s ..Llm ted; until such time . ;it, least as new :building replaces the .one .recently swept by fire. MRS.. D: L. MCKINNOR_IS of the S'ociet Mr ' PRESIDENT KINLOSS W.M.S. :., R ES E N T ED W.M.S. -... LIFE MEMBERSHIP The annual, .i ee.ting of „the Presbyterian.. WM.'S, was held at the home of, Mrs. 'f is 1Vfuilin who;. r p eslded•' in. 'the` absence; of •; fhQ • pre§ident, . Mrs rMowbray; After' ' opening: exercises the :.Bible. study Wastaken byMiss. seaxl;lVfcLeod.'�' Mrs. Porteous s detaDiled the 'report , of ,the C { uncil Meeting held in Toronto d Mrs.'Cook „read : a paper. ' prepared by. Mrs. Mowbray Reports were received from .af], secretaries and,. committees ante 4:owed a. very successful. year. .A life membership was present d - to Mrs H. ,Mullin ''on behalf Y, s. R. V. Mac- --• Kenzie read the address and Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie : presented the certificate. --r-Due--r-Due to i'll- health;' Mrs: Mow- :The ow 'The 'annual meeting of . • South W Kinloss W M. ., was held at 'The Manse Wednesday, .Deeember•-Sth. The .president, Mrs: Douglas Gra- ham, presided.: Afterthe,.ope.inn r . g exercises, . Mrs. Alex Sutherland read, the scripture lesson: Mrs. W. F. MacDonald: wad theMedi- tation on the'scripture: rs. 1 McKinnon gave', a reading; -.The , topic from the study,book was, 1 g ven by .Mrs :TIerb Buckt A • r J Cannon,n,andMiS; nin Cards With ':Piper ' ,and .'Scotch .-Thisi.le.„- - designed e e • g sp cldlly for. ilz. Held High c fol}ts Of Lucknow also'Clirlbt-' ' School Dance ” •ma', Sv . s S•, mpathy • Car ds.'and: Gree.t- The:Lucknow Hi h School st T g u r n s fo dents held:'a dancing, g r ti°rends who are tax away: par ty'in I 'L' , On 'sale at '-= THE: CHRISTIAN Glanstneri. ail �i�? tR1a� TT .� ur 1.,,1 4<i "i =ce ite e.r.atin �: g no• dou.'rt the cn•• ' b ash ,.. i.. y ort.. ro� ;rya p .g . m in the `Tow,a of alis ; Ch` '_ • rast�rrras :. ezamina it n • Ilan,- �=,•he.n•� the• resentation of ['which ' s • SPECIALS''in'nen's fine Under.. e ['w c concluded last Friday: 'Wear comb n thescrUllsTvtri.}• `�_ = � - •, � i afro. ns' and:'separate 1 be made. Citiz-e:is•i Music was sunnlif�rl -XGar� tt o ; . i=c=�h�e �terr : . fe v1I1�e-wi"tl7 tire' • a e ' • .. ` .... .. Stock. g , in general, aro • orcche;stra.; Students _r .. •' -T .., �-:r'GmbeT'•s c,. THl✓-THE_.�: •.,welcome. to attend. ET STORE. r1 i'he, evening the, caching staff, the . Board �f ' _ .. •. "though: soine difficulty •was en- fo •m. and; ' 1,. . invited • guests `.;wc.;... countered -in obtaining an orches-� among'those present tra 4 . Corrrrrri--ttees }rave been edas Invitation Commit tee -W'• B. Andrrson, Rev. ` J. W. Stewai t> Rev C ` H. 'MacDonald'. Rev. R. A. Josel n; Ban q Y ,, quet Corn= • Mittee-=-.Mrs. 'Wm.P , • W Hornell, 1VIrs• resident W C: Finlayson, in, t � Wm. MacKenzie; ?n. e, Mrs. ,.`,�cha•ii mem.. Ki A. • E. M,. , . bens { of't11°. Bus�.r�e Mrs.:, e > M • ,; • N:�`'.. ,: Men. ,_ -• ..., . Johnstonhnston Mrs s ,-Assocratzon aian ed ;. f lir ,. --. p Stew1art- Mrs. ` E. H"" _ the chuldren s Clir r ,r„ •man • oily stmas pai J.11- McNab, J..•L. <MacMil-' and.; also,. ,`decided • on Ian °and' Clyde Reid; holida `Program ,hours.; • Comrnittee -J'. .W:.Joynf,' w;' B , -�' It•was decided ''to remain 'aper •Aiiders'on, Dr. W:'•V. Johnston,an'i each night of'the week,'preced•rn • Robert Rae::. . Christmas Monday, Deceiribe H: _,Ni xon , was' appointed in. ;,17th' to.' Satu'rday,::Decernlierl;;22n charge. of the scrolls;'C,._Thomu, and;of course on'-Chi:.is,tma's-exw: son,to• ai range •for printing of 'Also;.'stores will.:i'ema'in opera`' on' 'menu 'and ... ' : ". , . prog.rarn;, C. Reid• in =:Thursday :afternoon, . December charge of. ushering g and .Cameron ' 20th. MacDonald in charge of decorat-' Boxing .,Day, 11Vednesday;• :Dc g e hall , celirbe • 26th Will, be ob : as ': ,The Com �.. :�-.,��.. - nnitte.e-is to meet again- 'a holiday, but 'stores �-Will remain on.Friday, December, 21st to hear open all day Thursday,. Decerlber 1eports.: and,: consider;., an' 27t . .: air Y final h �',:�- ; ; ang.ement ,. ts' • In. Ne , w"�'cars,'�eek,t�hc half - .4. A . donation'/Vie' � . .� • toReception holiday will again be observ'e'd' Fund was received._ \ ' Io _._. r : -,._ ived._ from Mrs. , and ,weekly thereaftei.> r :: llymarr. and Mrs:' Johnston. The rrieetin '. al ,.;. . g a So briefly dis cussed ,the. matter of ' affiliation With'. the Dominion Chamber; of •Comriierce, :and tthis' Matter ,«rill • be thoroughly gone .into., 'at, 1 he Belie __� annual'•meeting. . ve , it or :not,, • next T, • ., flay issue ' o huts- .. ., f The 'Sentin ; be the„< el Will Collection End's' •' : last before Christri as ands Effective the end of 'last Week', in , . .... fact.._ • ..,__ ..�,.:. __ --- , . .: the Fast....•_. .... .. one --- �.....,.. • we do ii of 194.5, as ,the intinrcipa' ,gar'b'age ,collectica1, of plan'to Publish during service in .Luclt'now.;'htis been tc•t-- Christm�as . weak, in able us a obse.. the *Winter;'months! rve bot • i • .,, , �.. . h Chrfo' en- minated fc r � :• 'nd ,hoiG. . , , 1V,13 , .Day asa 'holiday:. No Pa.•rking.�At`Vire Hall ., , Week,,s 1s�tte ” • :Christ wrl featur'o A No Parki sign. h4i; lir t :i .Merits g advertise- placed in,• front of .the i 'w T,Fi�ro • eicn '` and we request 'any` busi- •Hall• :just , 'West r. I e• '• Place Wishing., J s w st of tilt,. , t,, Ma' ad, .t to 'run such The`atrr :`• Motorists ,W.il1;. be Wc�]l once' . o place their order `at, advised to ': or by M pay. sttiet hcd to tlic Monday at , Y the: la .e fes:': t sign: Wr•L OBSERVE R• E E S V BOX I NGDAY-.-..k1-E-1�•E-. M.eeting on Tuesday night, .with CHRISTMAS CONGER '; :The .annual. ' m : . • �� '. Christmas concert o presented by pirpi�ls of:St, Helens, NCS EVEN VEN VESPER. SERVICE Tire .1,nei => ens- of the �C.€ -I,, 1 of the 'Presbyterian esbyter ran' Church,w •hold a• • Vesper : Service in ' the: bray was forced; to' resign as Pres ident ' Mrs: Porteous ' took 'the chair for the election of :officers for 1946: The slate is as' 'fel ` s• lotiv,, �. Hon. 'resident ►i •en `. M.ac; .;: • 4 Kenzie, 'president,; Mrs:. l` i.. Mut-. hn ls • t ,vice; .Mrs W; 'J'. •Douglas;. 2nd vi ce rs ,M Wm Porteous; r. •' . , 3 d on vice, Mrs: Wm . -MacKeie,' reg: duet`: by ; ;Miss' ,A." 'MacKay,.. and Mrs. Alex cording sec., Miss C. Carrick, MacLeod v(�as much enjoyed::' Miss .A�..MacKay . took. the.chair' for. election of officers" ,which 'resiilte f `in the .foil win ancnal sec. Mrs':.: J'W,'•Henderson,,:,, treasurer, •iMrs.:H.; Anew^ g , con.,::. 1 esponding and student sec.; Miss. o b' Mary • MacLeod;•. • liter'atur '. officers bei :<. e sec: ng, elected:. p'resident, -' Mrs J' Little Mad M � T'idi:r D' rs. :• L,McKinnon sect' etar" M�•. C H M ' rs acDoriald, vd Mrs: Harry ,Laois', treasurer,•, -Mr s.' . a ' •Archie'. nci Welfare sec., Mrs. Coo Maclntyr,e,, pianists,:.Mis$ 1E. A ,,MacKa Johnston;., supply sec and Mr's• .D .on D on M ae Tvor.::;Rev: Darin closed the. meet-' E Agnew; 1VIis. Nei1,lVlacC; -in • with sick committee, Mrs. J. 'S-. g , i*,4ker. , A social half.:. UUt: was spent,. �p' elcorne .lun ,• l Ma-c- p, i `'be'rSh 1�1r s yr .} • Doug•la.,,•• COME•and 'Brie the Child to_ o... Ma-cDougall`� s. see .the toys, dolls and games Tri' , .. 2 axi'' Score. !new. :curr,ent events,: Miss Pearl` I;l ,nderson press ' • reporter; •Miss:';. Mara • MacLeod•. _ The--.ineeting' Home Help:ei,s Mrs :.R;• Kenzie;-Mission$and .Miss- r Ma. ;!o Store r i Fisher v nth the Mock. The Marl.et : , pianist, Mrs:. A C.. Ag-� Chuff ch•--an-rues -asy, December 18 at 8, 'o'clock. Every bod welc Y Y . omc tv •School .•will. be 'hold in the Com-. y munity. Hall, St.'Helens on Fri, l'd;ay, `December. 14th at -8.1.5. A r1 mission 25C.,.and - -' d ,., 5 d' , V HR1STMAS 'GREETING ISSUE.;: NEXT: WEEK GIFT SALE, Chr•istmas' • ift sale and � •after= noon•: tea in: .the Legion' Roonrs .;.��' -.` ,.�. rte..: ....... :. ...:_. �... 1., ucknow,-.."Saturday,Satu•day, • ,December 1,5th.:••at 2,30,E .under auspices St, Peter's Guild. 'Draw wilh,',b made .for two 4 o.un• , 1? d Chr,istm cakes. S DANCE .IN LUCKNOW '• There' will be a dance in 'the Town :Hall, ,Ltick:r'iW,''on 1Vfonday, DoceMber 17th, f 'ounder auspices of the IIoek'cy, Club.: Carruthers' :.o,chest:a: Adriniss.bn� '' i, 50c. Attend fire -lance `and, help to get ' the Ysp'ort offs to -a good'Start. ` CHfISTMAS CONCERT' The pupils of S',S, ..No: 10 Ash- field,.. will ' present. their'' Christ: nerds Concert in.,the schoolhouse• on.' Friday,December 21st. at 815 p.n. Them( will be' a variety l7t.ixg"i• m nf-'entertainmg number's. A•drnission 25e and 15c. 'CONCERT AND DANCE A •Chi•istrna:s •concert will be held in Holvrood• Hall, on Wed- nc,5da'y, December 1,9th' at 8.80, harI� , itosentod by pupils of S.S. No, 4 ' Kinloss. Admissi 'n childre,rn • under school' age :fr'ee, Dance afte. Carruthers orches- . v era,• Aclittis'sroii 25c, • • LAST YEA 16sed with ;pray e s and prayer • ,F O,u.IN `CHIRPING• M '- ►4i' , O'SQUITOS. �..... ' BUZZING, LILACS -LEAFING: -- Last week's ,very Mild weather - brought: several "signs' of „spring",, ••. even4hough: its yet a :fewmonths.: 1So.m. away: Mrs: -E. :J. " T_St, Helens saw a; robin tugging at a bio. fat worm in the la'w'n at -their'. home.„ • :Bert Ward .swears:, that: Nomination 'Dao in Luckn will this year fall on'the'last.d of the rrionth•=-Mo,n.� da:'. Dec �' Y, ce ber' 31st Nominations :will be. ceived as usual from 7.30 to 8. in t'he evening, followed by t ratepayers' meeting, when' me bers'of the.Council_.,„B;oard arid the. Board Of Education will :a dress, the meeting ..• • ' • -At -the ,moment--there..a..ppe*S to' be -'nothing': definite in' regard to nomination' night -:,_develop menfs.; bur guess s'i%. that Reeve Joynt wi1L_qualify foranother term; but whether all members of. the Council are: prepared to do. so remains to be seen:::The Coun'- cillors•ai•e..Thomas ,Bo�es Tenn le' Y , .p Clark, •Harry Nixon and Austin n Solomon ay. rn re 3.0 he. m-. of d_' mosquitos werel buzzing in :the back yard at his'''home and on .: tl-ie-farm . of John McWhinney,' Con. 1,'Ashfield . a ,, lilac tree was: leafing out. - - -,But this week thewea therman brought .'snow, and • cold' to upset The' -three retirin m g ernbel s`: of the Board 'Of Education are' J. L. 1VlacMillan,'"T. NV: Smith 'and 'Ha2 - Old, Tr.eleaven: The'' , are Y eligible for re-election,, but as Mr; .'Trc leaven alas ' moved to Toronto there , will' be at least'.one :vacancy to be. filled. • Other "members. ;of the • Board Who hold office for••another'.term -' are Dr. W.' V. Johnston; A. E. Mc- Kim, Philip 'Stewar,t and' V ,Gordon Th g aylor.` • The--ei th:--ininerrrber` -of - the Board, M s. Morgan Henden - son, • is `appointed by. County Council. '' ' -',Addresses' by l3oa-d' of ,,Edticail tion members �'on . • Nomination night sh:otilci,:be: of special intet'- est;: in 'view of the fact -that' an addition tei the' school is. undoi:' consideration. ''• - In event e t of aneeCtl 1� , On, it Will b,c. held 'on Monday; January. 7f i. • any Premature hopes that. "spring . • was just around the c r r". OL LIGHT OFFICERS' INSTALLED THURSDAY On Thursday evening Mr. Geo„' Stuart of St. Helens and, Rev: J. '' W. Stewwart of Luckno - ,: w conduct.. ed the 'installation .of officers' qf•, Old „Light Lodge, .A,F:' & A.M;'for, i 046.. • George , Joynt, the new Worn shipful 'Master of the Lodge, is believed to he • the; 'youngest 'Mas- ter ever to. Wield, the. gavel in Olcl "Light. The slate of officers 4s - ,,as as fol- lows-G'eorge' Joynt, Kennedy,. I.P.M.; Clair.A,gn w, et,, S.W.; Grant McDiar'rnid J:W,;•-C H,' MacDonald, Chap,, W W Treas : T: J: Salkeld, See,; Ever-: ett Hai•iris,,,S,D.; .Retford Osti•an die, 3,D,:,Jaines Little S, •. Ga r- fr e I d ti' i� aeD nidi , . d J,.. :S. a , Sn I.G; • � W McLean, , Alto,,.., ; Ewan McLean, Tyler; W. A. Porteous; D, of C:4 ,Trustees W. J. ' D a,'vlson, ,J. W; Jo0a1, J: R. Mc'W Nab , ; • '1 111 • v.