The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-12-06, Page 4fritaffMkTAILIFftwitrAral 074 'H!JRS.,; DECEMBER 6th); L9sE5:' f if ., uautiu( . ,. Bring: • your .. oar, to us, and you'll know - it ' is. lubricated right.: Ore*. as" CENTRAL GARAG• E: "ucknow ELECTION..cARDS ASHFIELD, TOWNSHIP M1 To The Electors of The Township of- Ashfield, - Ladies and Gentlemen: Accept �„Ty sincere ..thanks folr'. -t"he' support 'you:`"gave .rne- in the': election• on Monday I trust, I may be worthy of Your confidence.. Yours ;sincerely, Cecil Johnston. Ladies, and Gentlemen, • To all who'supported me at the polls last 1Vflonday, I. take this •means of- thanking you all. r'e Sincerely, . . • Eliner''Graham,. " Port Albert:' ;f< A meeting fort ,purpose •of •organ g SOCIATIO • CROP �.IMPROVEIVIENT• , AS _ . the County of Huron will be held in: the .t yricu i.U>r-ar Foca d Rom , A' riculture Clinton, FRIDAY, DEC. 7th at 1:30 P. . 'SP EAKER• S 111 cLeod- Toronto secreta reasurer._ ' �i.: �,• a ..., .. .ice �:.-.-...,..ciati `Ontario Crop' Improvement.• Assoon.:; •�` ex -M Stewart Ailsa Craig, past p>r'esident, .. 'ntarro.: Cr nrpravement-A soetation Ladies and Gentlemen I ..wish to4. express :my hearty thanks for 'your unsolicitedsup port.' ' whi'ch elected me . to the Council Bgard. I assure you it 'is appreciated and I will endeavour tb, be worthy of your confidence; Sincerely;:'"R. A.• Grant Ladies and •Gentleinen With sincere ' thanks I wish to acknowie'dge'•my appreciation of your suppor on onday.. I will ,endeavour ;to: be worthy' of it in° serving -ori the Township Council:' Very truly. yours, . 'Ray Dalton. FOR SALE--> air'S' of otkzs"•'and ith poles, Apply to ,Mrs. Phil. $m , Lucknow, FOR ,SALE -'quantity of ' straw;: will ;-deliver • locally, ^ McMillan Bros,,v , I,ucknow . FOR SALE An ;iron well pump with :4. feet of pipe °•and cylinder•, kn ,go:od;woiking condition Apply M3"ifl ":' � ��'�T; Lfic.lciiu�w Hp F(QR SALE-r-=7-roaix c .,rnent • veneer 'house, water and'. •lights, ,'central Location. Apply to Joseph Agnew, .`Luckno'w: - •'CQRNS'' instahtly relieved: with ,Lloyd's Corn and' Callous, Salve-- the effective corn remedy. 50c :at. TAYLOR'.S DRUG • STORE... ' : Ladies and Ge t Thank you •sincerely. for the vote: given me•'at -they polls on ul ' endeavour' to. - Nlondavv' � serve -the educational: -interests of the township, to the' best of. my ability anyone readingthis:notice'consider it an anyo„ g np. It 1 invltatio to be present. r 1 Mrs Chamney •of Marnock vis= ited `her dau hter,; Mrs.' • R. Fin - g. rin the past week. '•n an'.•du u g p week'. .rew. is -visiting: Mrs:. Susan -And Mrs. S •ry--J—A ii -�••�--�fer sister, P atrick :Dr. and. Mrs: H. 4Hall-of ' Godes- • ichsP ent : Sunday with ter s, brother, :Marvin '.`and Mrs. r �; • A number ` from' ere attended .the. reception for ,Mr. arid Mrs. Cord'on Anderson at Duhgan on • on `Tuesday evening. • ti r Mr..,, anct Mrs: • Sam Kilpatrick end .Mrs.14',Susan Andrew visited with. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Blake, Goderich, on ' 'Friday. 1VMr4Y Raymond.. Finnigan attend -ter, Lucknow. FOR SALE Gilson ;"SnoWbird" gas ;engine washer, almost new. Hydro' installed:' Thos. ' J. Ander= son; • •Lucknw' o ., op- 'Dungannon' 77e-12. AIyTON—In loving memc)r .t; D,. K,, .Alton, who died two year . ago,,,, December, 4th,'. 1943. The io.ling streams of 1if, r„l. .r or,; But still, the vacant -chair' Recalls the voice, the lov-ethe •. Of him whg once was hei� —k:yerr"ei�recxrc��u ;irk v�b'1:_e.n''; :Farrrily. catrls an' -1 4k.a*.trimICT,,p_Ir.430_N'er§.tAyL.wgi.u.ofbeh he}•a,'}h • • farmof Mrs.' Wm, Shields,: Con, • 4, Ashfield,..3 miles west cif 1)ii - '@ wannon on• Tuesday,. Decem ef.. 11, hen ,,Mrs Shield's farm • and' chattels will be offend' :fc,i sale. Also, .the -;same, day at }the sam Place; the farm, chattels •ani'•• household. 'effects ...et the late, . Hugh' Shields Will be offered fth sale: Terms," :of chattets,':.casti DRESSED: GEESE FOR SALE-. Choice quality, I order now for •delivery:,.:when, desired. before;. 'Christmas. ox New`":Years. •NIc Millan Brias,r u. • - CALF. 'STR.AYED to the'.•:prem= •• ices of ,`;the „undersigried.. Owner` nmy:_ have,;s-ame by:pi.ovrng-prop erty and `paying expenses,. Ben son'Shackletoh;. R.R, 1,:.Dungan-. on. a:rvin. atlintns n Ladies and GJJe.ntleiYier Many thanks for _your support on election: day ' 1 appreciate t• honor, but recognize the::respon iib lits a:n will endeavour to utmost• `to •.serve .you "'.faithfully. Terms .on: proper•ty'made•'known.' day of sale to suit the purchaser, • These properties must be sO1d t?: wind.. up. the: 'ehstate. D''n i ld B. ' Blue, Atc. ACCOUNTANCY 1M ONTIILYEic=Vi1 . AUDIT. S • ENOY.. LIFE! ' Get fast _.relief froth indigestion, > heartburn, sour'' h stomach, dyspepsia with ple-asant,- 'sobthing Wil,de.r's. Stgmach PoWd er: Also: in tablet form : 50c .& $l at :TAYLOR',S DRUG STORE Iffm- x 40, 'Ripley, ,Ont. • and- we .. i a • Very truly yours, Walter Alton' ed. the Fe'deratibri of Agriculture banquet „at Clinton: on Thursda ,evening. A number •'from ;here attended., the •anniversary services•.rat Dun- gannon on Sunday. • s-Viand=Gentlemen eaae�arre y_ sincere__'ap reciation of . your support at thy. polls .,Asa member of the. newly elected ;` School Area' Trustee. :Board, It will;- be my'airn to -serve ithiull?r�tle hest int'e yo,;��a _ ests of thea municipality. • • You��"rs7s riperely; Wm. a. Hunter. • The;: teacher and` pupils_ enter tamed the mothers of this seiion, on Monday : afternoon and great .interest wag, shown .in the' course of study' in the different, grades. A short program. was, given after which a. dainty lunch was served byh•.t a °u its. _ Mrs. _oFin .• P P'Raymond - a: : heart ' vote of thanks for such a delightful after- noozZ--- CARD OF 1,HANi S Little 'Nancy• Webster wishes to; :say "Thank': You :'Very: Much'', ta-�-rer-=rrra-n3�-friends who—w�e� . o :000 Flu int hex-7tllness, and remembered her with• cards, ,f ruits' end 'various, other gifts. 42-•-FIAIVOST'n iv'.uolaur- Chester. field Suites •• walnut ;bed room: is SURA'N( N FI>E; CAStJAL'Y. and • AUTOMOBIL _Special rates fo'r re rred risks. Ask' us about -thein,,; J. A • MtOONAG•H Lucknow; Ont . „ • Phone;. 61-5 Dun�g'annoti suites: Or • er your .ra• 10, ,was er. Now at the Mildmay • :Furniture S• tore Free 'delivery: CARD ..+OF ' T,HANKS No. ICE.. ��-LECTION 1 wish to ••:.thank � my many' ' RE � GARBAGE COL friends-v.horemembered me ;-with `- .Citizens of.theVallage ;are h ere -. Tetters,; earls—and visits' `°whilea b' -notified that'` f -ter- Fr-id.y--of- . patient. inGoderich Hospital: It was• gratefully appreciated. Mrs. V. G...Reed. • Dorothy Mae and Mary Curran spent .Saturday afternoon. with •theit',.cousifi, ::Joanne Hun - 4,443 14+t il;ipt i PUP t+r + +430fs'+ +40,0 60011 k • . • Avoid " Disappointment' Next. Sprint And Be ' Sure'I'o - Get .What You Wart When You Want Them. Full Line �Jf .._ 'W'e Carr A .Fu MILL 'FEEDS'' LIVESTOCK TON I,CS and SANITATION PRODUCTS [Ei,nie:Cawfor4 SUCCESSOR •'>•O LORNL MacLENNAN w ten: VIli. I'. ECHURCrt. r : orite -` Johns Ion spent `:the • -en • this week, ::December ;17th, there will be nqrt nfurther • ' col- lection er g arba e. g , lectio 'in Luckno*'for the time being JOSEPH AGN • -.JOSEPH Clerk., AUCTION SALE . of livestock at w�C ploy4'tock-Barns,.-,Eriday-,e_: Mr. 'and'Mrs. E. Groskorth -and . ceniber 7th at 1:30, including:.2 •nt a fewdays last Avec. calf. cow withpedigree,. bull calf *af, 'toot; 3 good cows.:'with calves at: foot;' 5 'good cows 'in calf, 10 choice 'heifers, •.tri 'calf,• springing; 20 steers° and: heif-- s,.: year�alds;. 20_spring„.calv'es; number of breeding ewes, hum ler of churiks 'of , pigs:, 2. drivin horses '. Thomas,Harris, Prop, z jlEl: drib Harris,, Auc.. family spe ri k young cows, with pedigrees in with relatives at -Toronto. 'Mr. Norman Well'wood• made 'a business trip, last week to - Mon treat: . - Albertutd Messrs. • Coles an Robert,'Mowbray °started the °first • of •this week to •build the'founda- tion for the' new part of the 'In- stitute Iia11. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and., family. spent Sunday. ,with. Mr. and Mrs: Jack Coultes of.near: Belgrave ,•• Mrs, W. R. Farrier visited a few days last week in Wingham at `^the dome. of her 'Son, -;Mr. and =Mrs Russell -:Farrier. • • Mrs.-Roy'Patton of St. Gearge visited With_her mother here and 'her' •n other, Mrs. ' A. Fox is "re- turning. with her to spend the winter:.months there,. We Will miss Mrs. Fox from the village, ' Mr. and •,Mrs. Stanley Thome= son'of Forest spent a few • days with: Mr, and Mrs.. Tom Morrison' "last .week, WOULD YOU LIKEltfc : a : dozen more for your eggs.plus a prem- ium. We pay a guaranteed price of 1Ocl a dozen, over the: price as quoted in the Globe ,& Mail for ,Grade 4A • Large ungraded eggs plus --a'hatchability premium on. all eggs weighing 23 orifices. and over :per .dozen.:' We cull• ands bloodtest • your flock free , ' of charge... If , interested you are in °making more money from .your 'eggs, and supplying hatching:.eggs fdr the 1946 seaorr write Mimed- lately for full details. 'MEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES, • Limited. Fergus; Ontario.. iifederation WIND,.CAR, FIRE --Preferred; Rates, for •. `referred -risks.~ ACCIDENT •& ,SICKNESS- , Consult ` JOHN`FARRISH ,. LUCKNOW Phone 82+13 'Dungannea•' ARIVISTROfit OPTOMETRIST' .iN .LUCK NOW ' AFTERNOON- pF .EACH WEEK. 1 AT....• WMA SCHMID'S STORE: . 4uaititaCKentie -BARRISTER Walkerton; Ontario LUCK NOW Each Wednesciai OFFICE IN VIE' LEGION BU11,»1NG'