The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-12-06, Page 2w R. 01E, TWO • Lucknow :Sentinel', Ac o1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL ,-Lucknow, LuX. cknow, On tario. - )Established 1$73—Published Each Thu r sdayMorning -Subscription-.Rato-_2,00' A' Year in. Advance—TiJS. $ 2.50 A „ .Vember of The 'CW.N•A' - . ,L^'CThorps'on;-publishe r' and-ProprietorT v. ' •THURS. ;. DECEMBE1t: 6th, 1945 •. _1 I • T A:WARNING TO VETERANS .It hag been noted that veterans, , in reasi umbers are inter -- e sted in . purchasing ; small b'tisi- . ,nesses'of various .natures znd are ,.'„eking ;applications. to Use, their. Re-establishment Credit., .to. assist them in -these ventures. • A Re,establishmnent• Credit Ad-• visor~:. Committee. `has been .estab lished: under, authority of;'the Dei 'rtinent of Veterans' 'Affairs, to • 'assist veterans in Western Ont- dvice ' ' giro -with information --and _a ..-._ _ Jin • connection with 'the various businesses w "ich they propose . to• buy. :. .: 'l ••however''-veter-•. fortunate , Un Y+ ►► ► is for IA ITWON'T. JUST'HAPPEN .. • peaced so-called The months.:of behostilities • 'ince the,,cessation,,,of, . , liav,e een ,so *.filled with blood-. nd • distrust that shed, disunity a .. one cannot, help but feel some misgivings about. the' future.' Letters To. The Editor Oil ow the. Tixoubfen 'Vlfaters Dear Editor• Iri regard 'to the, foolish pranks on Hallowe'en Night -of a' group of boys' and 'thezr-utter~-disregard. • for the property, or rights, of ct- izens as well as the contempt for an officer of the law, I must 'dis- agree. •. • • The laws of Our _ country Ilrriust be upheld 'acid honored ,a, well Ontario In a single. • generation the hearts and: minds of the 'nations of:.the . ` world have :been twice seared by war and :we havq., seen a brief .preview of the .horrors and: annihilation that'. another_ conflict, would mean It • is with a certain 'Sense' of futility that one may ponder. these 'thoughts : • and question. ,what can .be done to:;, p bring_ erinanent. _.peace par.- b ticular•ly what part the -individual R ' . t do •to'accom lish•it. Probably : busiiness • purchases::and pay.out,`fan , , _ P -substantial, there is. �. uch more .than : we. mai= in, many cases, suba4aaa�;al, stuns � of. money on account of such pur- think. .chases, before ,applying :to the: De- . Victory;'in'peace, Must''co/tie;as as our officials 40,. charge", or we will -.lose Our freedom: Our, cosi. stable` • a OK and •a''friend of tie �. boys' -for if :every `Child 'that, got : '�iHT;1l1Lf , DEf EMDER 6th, 1945 LOOK6NGp'itA KW IRDS THROUGH" THS: SE ITINEL. FILES Yearn Ago, : McIntyre's Store ,was offering '4soap-0s.nd 3 broomsfor„ 45c. • r The ' November.. 20th • issue '' of The 'Sentinel reported' the death by Banging of Louis • Riel 'which took place•`at:Regina, to- end the, career. er ofthe rebel half-breed, ; • The Lanes correspondent . re-; uetrted, ; a 'new' sa being pp ride .-..from.:him..'.; On ;:,rils mail e,eted on: -Mr. John' rarrish's, •tarn, rou"te;:; race him a pickle apiece .:,• � A squ}rrei. hunt "was �e1d �.,�n he 'would have a lot of money • . • the Lochalsh district with ' the by. naw.,payingthe suppers.' , : , � .. � . � ,losing side , Having been a. pretty .good fel- :Wesley. Summers'. team , had 1660 low at getting; into trouble .in my° points when the sign set and: John boyhood,. •days ',- hive learned: Matheson's team 1640 points. Ten. .sorne things:. One time I, got. ex ; points was given for each tail. • . pelled from school and of coi}rse; li Murchison was offering for. Others that ;went free' -were.. more • guilt than I:: was. My reaction .Y to ; this. ,Was wicked, but I had gone friend L told :my plans to and `oYou her corxnsel, .w .as ,,' .... ., •• . wll. . artine 't• of .Veterans' Affairs for Victory in ,war did, :by. the. corn-; P h the use. of their credit and or• -for mo -n -effort void- of -•petty< -selfish • . pooling •dvre��rprn�,,,�=the�usinesses ��� and jealousy. by p g irr ue,stion our hopes. and our plans._It s .. n` q r O `x / �- a -is- that--t:he'i'C:harter of turn''out.. ghat; either such=a b Tt may reason of the veteran's lack f . the United .Nations is established. e erience ;dor. b. reason._of t e The Charter pis not a perfect docu. exp Y nature . or condition •of.' , the b sr- menti „ neither will it work • auto, ,1 • Itis, simply . a, set of ,I .- rnatical y. p � the. • 'venture."�is • 'either ..,, of m '.the ideas; . and ideas• don t work • u:r, -unprofitable fid ....: r .. �.__,..:...._ Y • ; ... ,..,. , .: , <, the final'anal cis, iaoint-of-view of the, v, tera ,• or ..less men do. In y st>onable ahe•success',of Unitedthe.•Nations n ,has al- will depend' not so much -on the• self - and: `work: -of the: statesmen; as en the d omnrittee- assistance' ould ,if e: par tment ' > at :least of:: ver q - the" v 'te L, e value., Where ,. i. h ;.•ready commute r mope the' ;paid over cin give • very ' ttle• •which they other • ;had applied *to before obligating; •TIhe furictiof o is' not. only to co the ' business in. qil Of its suitability fo '' the ,. �. veteran, but,:als generally, in eve rt' on with lits niecti f; -,More . he•ma meats or pay..s�o it is therefore urge and "othe :Counsellors, a 4 advising "veteran as ;, :, -re establishment :giv e possible,•publicr to >of this Conimi tee: erans,:: by ' all can them;to:, r (.1) Consul through the r s • • :y • • 4.1 omnnttee` he y,alue stion'and' varticular ise: him con-: ST -Venture: comMit cash anrl ; .Athat.. all . S vvare :�tiher 'civ . )the widest' '�e .. e' e existence; ' urge .vet-: available' to Committee, 1 .Welfare :Of-' anent-secretarya �t-.b�pX•a3��n �. ,, vices The first a alga hated ser - i tb of: sale 'a list of gaelic books, includ- ing• "dictionary and grammar books. • The .two . Presbyterian ,: congre. i ns in .the village decided 'to retro icle'from the Meaford. Minot• re, aiding:a • pr-esentation-Er, maci:-t .--�• g o Mr., G. `H. Smith and his bride prior, to leaving- for LUeknow,. where he•' assumed the manager, ship of 'the Molsons Bank, • Tie Sentinel' and the 'Wceldy; Globe could be obtained at a . . .clubbing •Temarria a was sQlenni 7cd ••Culbertand ri i Of.Ethel A� gus .Nigh:" Olson • y. • Y As fi ld- 5 hTon h6 h_e, Inas a . S. :, d- for. 'a' ',;,,school teacher.... vextisirig o h •Robert Treleaven 'was the sec-. rsetary, J. T; Holmes; Whitechurch, .was' offering. for sale .the: 100 -acre ' farm `on Con. 1, Kinloss. John Button,was advertising for`logs delivered: •at L' ucknow• or (. at Dungannon, his sawmill~ J. St.: Clair Walker, ':V,S,, : re- turned from 'Manitoba 'Miss,. Pollock ;' and Miss E,' S,• h' ' attended. the: teachers' l�lalco _ , convention, at Guelph n1• . Cor�ductor.' John Quirk of the' •Londanl : ' • Orud . r __^o__, Duron • and' i i ce .e ;; signed after' forty'years railway service: His:: hohte was ` in wirig> 't he was well known to hank • lied' r i -the -many, ; w-hc�t z`-ay.e-ti-y-t -a -tom• _your enemies" If, it had not been ,unite t eir un • a .Yo m fore tiis.�' wise'' advice vice •was held i>ji Knox : Church `worse than'•I am. • ` in :Sunday and 'the • follow - g I am ;provoked With - the bogs � � •�`"thence itt ?ng in -St. Andrews and, - g ' i:r'•.lack, of'. "udgernent .b for the J rr'' each wi1L e . held alternately still I � l3ave � every �"eonlidence . i� . e our; best citizens,: church". ' :: �►' -therri to.. mak r. m' -have : Entrance examinations. to:.high for quite a :number of the r mei•-and there is��not schools were scheduled to. be held. workedfo p 2' t. ,.__. -,-, . ----i Lucknbw : on. Deters -berms 1s , us or sneak �-boy-rn. the m L av rcro u h rs our` niost' 22nd •:and 23r -d. Candidates ha `.' to ,group Our• ' yo t OOP and for ;our, o'wn make application' to w,:ri.te; these valuable c p. enefit as well,• a's•'.their's, we ,exam�inations accompanied. • by a benefit,. must aeave..no stone .untui•ned` to fee ,of.' U 'ceps make .: harmony . The';curling •club 'was. re-organ- defennceless .not ''at- •d' with ' Dr. - Tennant' as •presi- A child 'rs , ize ' ^a•I. d'" ecret �'ne s. bowed `to' argue and rs candem dent and Wrn Melli , .s .and un'ished without mercy;' ` Births re'coided were -.in Luck ;women in: all lands; to implemer+; 'Toronto ,and .whose.• head : ` 1 u h a dau : court in yym �Vtlson "m Kin o g: ., ,l -these ideas'and: ideals; men, ha't'e` spoken different times ghter ao.' 1Vi'x' and°'Mrs T: B- God• . Some • of these'. task a e at n.`L•uckno`w. That is a. credit to; s a o to Mr. and frey,'in.Kinlos „ P - e and -offort5of ;the ordinary men d . • - • .. art 5 :.•:-.-somotimes: -We-:haze a=; luuerulE,-•ioyv ' a daughter: to Mr.. and'Mrs Werity,,.' S Agp. f , friends„• -'Pre chid-,:• Paramount k Pickeringwith a chest Mrs. `.Tr S. :are • before lea\ in 'thio.. 'of � silverw. g munit :: • cam Y in a... young .felTow tom It c dine found liimsel n. t r after he had "hired" a horse '' Baal John aia�e.s ° aird buggy from J ,.stogie... The outfit was located' at is iia fairs .� adta.e Car ih ere he,h to -- ficer-or thea --peri. of their local Rehabilitation ;Com- si pin . an a gree _ _. r...-rnittee � before _ _g g._._..Y ;..g. . over an ' money, or Ment,' paying' , Y oblig atrng tY emselires. in any way .'� purchase of a business;' ans , (2)' That they apply 'to stick Welfare -Officer or the permanerit secretarY of their local Rehabil itatiori Committee to assist ;then in making+'out their. 'a " lications pp for.. use of their' Credit in a ';busi; ,ness • purchase. *A . tee sits, weekly, at The, Committee , Y: • • lite offices of the Departrrient of 'V`eterans;,;