The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-12-06, Page 1• • $2,00 A '"Year --1n Advance; 50c Extra to Tit's. A.LveNNOW, ONTARIO TI1(URS.,. DECEiVI,>REIt 6th,1945 •COURT CR•ITICA.FORMER RESIDENT A r•e�ception was. held. in,• the ' ' LA Tov'n Hall on. Moeda i' Q Y n hon r, •� ST HE , o • • Five contestants from . ' of n . and Mrs. Fared Marlin. .. m Upper ER F OLDER .FOt K • arty .. "- n, A and --- i TO REST E" Lower • S;ehool will take ar:t "1 .h Mrs, Albert` E. Fleming,. for- a evening of dancing. Was .rn_ a ubli - p opo. the people of Luckno ..� resident, p,. c sped in r w mcr . otest, of Luckno:, enjuy`t>ci dui n .whish 'th'ebridet g. ��ontest •aa and the Councrho v,,W, wus • , g. .7�e held: at an open meet' i' '� . . , • C. > ill see fit_ to laid to test , ri •. •: re . .and l;;r:oC m• were •presented: withing f rerned'Y ,things in 'Luekn ',,, ' �. ernol •.'Her g School Lit ow said eter �' 'n Saturday r o�!tW HaIX'b.efb e • o i,.e husband for' •On' Wednesda� evening: 'fhe the cl;casc. 'Court- in 'V�a7 merly; operated".: a. k r" :; ;NE'i'4 L 'W DS, ARE HONOREb SY •, IIOLD ' PUBLIC , SPEAKING , I INALS'. 'EIGHT PAGES, 4.he -Hi h erar .S of Y. ocicty Magistr.ate •McClev •• a'' arse of mgne , ernoon.•� I -Ie p y• ' rrr•the rs •• in , . 1 , Y, a smr of the . Chris.trrras • . d e fon on: Friday' but' h , .: • term.: •. , morning; ... c , er shop here, ° lir, ev,en.t was ;held iii e honor,. of : Elim.i'rra ' When 13. teen -a e boas: kith'', contestrs a: -_ hai7,e a l .from - ,.. • 3 Mrs; F., Ma g,• whose.: Irwin; Mr. • and. Mrs: 'Wm,. ,Hognn,..Jr:, read b i town, and. countr �w i e -.. een held, Mr .Phili' i .. , Y2 ..As • s: death Y p Ste given two , 3 , , e • . name was., Margaret 'Anne' Irwin . Con. , held, ;;wfio ,were..re-'� _ . ,•,years sus ,ended. sen_ , w:ar t is•offerinclash' -: • , . � . was • 83 • e rs�.••:of' . � : ' g $,5.00 'Prizes, tenee and, ,. er gently Married. :'• to the.'win ex w e assessed couit.o n . in each class.• .cost of 4, f s $4:75: each,as an ecurre'd at' Wind • sor lastrTliurs after- � d m we'en • math of Hallo ,'ay � �•' ATTRACTIVELY DECORATED Recoveriin Fr %tie Nightv- .• ;. g oma s Severe lioness : �acti Mrs.. Andrew Gaunt Arh This remark 1i. o 'the he Magi been in the .Wingham l ocluded a .. 1 ospital; � cn..et.kYtre in whi e _ for four weeks; ' ill with pneu= '.blunly. ''criticizedh h_ peo e, and pleursy,'.• has. .returned, the.Village, the 'Village .Council i l The local theatre has•certainiy taken on a Christmas air : under Rexford sar i ti tis c • to u ch, and - of fers a very colorful ,and, attractive appearance, The front, which was recently newly.decorated, is .at present made more attractive by. Christms.: window C sa �rdow lights Rexford is to'be corne .an his .initiative. •He l a,s�:a fine theatre:buildiri° now •a ' d;t to n s get- ting a "good run of shows: which are ''attracting good audiences, rate e RODERI'CK MacGREGOR DIES. WHILE VISITING hN WEST 'MOVE FIRE; '-TRiuc "Ther fire• truck . and all other equipment is now housed in the new fire hall:, ori main street, ad-, joining • the•: Rex ,R Theatre. • The truck was' m v o edfrom the :T'iow,z H:all ,On Monday evening when' the , Brigade „1�eid•'their.DeE . ember ,meeting; • The new fire hali'is d:' roes `t l� br ed area, ars `` r , arid anyone''trespassin g or "borrowing" equipment from the hall will•be'dealt with severe ly EN TERTAIN SERVI JEMEN . • , The 'd'ea'th' Of ..Roderick Mac= 'The i adies•Auxiliery•enterta'in: ... , o her__ , ... ed . h an nme ,rn West Wawanosh. and our system sof polies. Gregor of Kintail • occurred on um er of L,ucknow and dis- Her mother, Mrs: Sherwood .who fig'' ire Monday morning in Stettler .Hos- t se�^vicemern: , at 'another' :. in. . genera• l, . as being • largely respon.-,islet x h �t ash merrs series' eri ees o " Ise '•siblepital f r r -..at ' ece • ho . � . .Ste tion .:. me . with Mrs, .•fior' the; bourse' of 'events ttler, A1'berta, • where• 'Friday p. s held :on h au , n t fni orht • t henight...A, .o w nhad fast H o an 1ursd' '`` d aldeg i a ,half.: years owe en night.undergone.. a hat di c..Y neer was ha ,_'gone` .to spend, the.. winter '+ 'Charge. CFia operation.. complications' that de- served .inghe Legion Rooms fol-: s`, t g n• e d. g 4"' em fvlfi tug e_ , ' t ,eight boys opera ion Town.' H -Mrs:* Les Ritchie, ', from• tovi�rn and . contributed to his'death...... • n all Those attending the, . district. a t ear e pp , di-'' • nn er 'were; S IVr t er` p • or _ e • IVIa�.re g Ma .; .. ' c ' M a or � K n- '• i " and s ra Mr e_ .. g t. to IVIcCIe vis irl g gild, .,�- ... - - -- Lucknow On a charge of.'doing Mrs. Fred,MacGregor left. for Al': berta • early in'-.. October, ' when>. , •, r erty • •damage o,ri: Hallowe'en .. . property Qp J. I.r, Purvis; ::FO 'R. '' J. Nr lit 11 i they. planned o s e: McIntosh _ l?_ .-___.•_ ...e, 4t. ere,- - > .__A d but -six=- ' - d.rt.... '.: found- i r• >' . RT:? er, son' ..house, -S p i.• 'F:.D m n urnin L guilty .and remanded, o. the before i eturnrn ded for . g to their 4 . west of : the -Fl(.: sentence. ax 'Mill•er, L .T-�- : ' and is-' at -� . •. Friday' .. ,If, ail � , AC. ID. Nl:offatAandW Walkerton Irrrt arotne; LPiE, •present .preparing. rn theast:• ,morn: :.. .:.. �; : p g . home forRai h; Hod in , �:' p S. v :• i.ng;., . The remains••are being . brought- ,,,. {. u an g t { ti GV. The. F,rr,:hlcsrlhorn . ,t.. -I -- ,.•,., .. 1g back; for • rn�terment:_:riL:_:Bintar_1 -AU CILI ARY pt s;�.. -- he �.,...p .r, . Cexne eii 'ter b 'MARATHON N y,' K.� ., Qf. ;Gode r Y,. blit„ funeral •ari.an e .: ..• _ Q use .on . Stan ,,. ,• r ch,,..was enr ; g , CONCL . dP�l?e Hr]]-:.., .. 'represent -;., , , UDED .MONDAY._, a ed:. meets were ,not.. - - g g to th completed ,as,e -• ti• r� R 4•0Ri oil i tit ill c.a. 45i., if! 1 6...„, pi A i rilp . ito.) I rig Buys Vil)Cage H zee , • Fred '.Emberii has urchas p ed FORMER ASHFIELD LADY': PASSES AT 'GODERICH • • The death or <curred-fn =God-ric�y'. on .Friday. of 'Mrs; : 'Murdoch J;. •McKay, . for man ' Many an esteemed• i•esident of 'the •Lochalsh: district Mrs. • McKay,:. who was• armor;ly. -•w�as-n her' 89th year. The funeral= ser';: viae-was`held at. the home`•of her 4 bel'i.'.ho e boys;. •• I damages'. •were • paid-• More sum-, ii mons issued -and" •on• Friday, 'ni-ne-; -ec•�3• :•:.bb .sti e - . ` j ap eaf• •in a7. ., . i; The charge ..agains' one ;;of the. t-origina1 eight .was dismissed, and son; Roy;_JJ: McKa : of L Ei:z'e ''of . ,,in s:tea•ious • :1 the :other; v Y ockialsh; ' _ .Y ,. ,origin, •.. s,e en, had -their char,- es en . 'Which -was g Mori�, Monday' with'•alisco've'red shortl of-; 'r•edticc'd to' that of• unl � - ' Y awf ails orning, rancy .,, • badly tl i .. the �;.do w: _.,.�-_ the-ALLbo building 4 .n-i-ov 7Ys=mho=wer-. buildinof . Si• v - . i,, mon:e g l erwb d .for ,., . .., od,'•TDair_ thea a bearing; Condition 'Vlach ' Ins r s . econd hearmg; n owed Limited. ' . ' :tire were a1 Little 'Nancy' :also ;charged: with 'vas cy' Webster' •.d'au h- , ,l '• a' g I, It was ;the b yrkin , .. r anev:: It;`a ;: : ter' of. a g of Tiny. ,.., ppea's'they wei.e on-: Mr..' and•,Nfrs:.Harve' �.. ..he' Y b—th hat`s]/(® 6 R.,9.M: W od kickers -that• ii. h ods- irr i • stei; s`r•i5'aki.n' ...� . g:. t"`�-Thi�otihe��t �ti�awnskirp:' g. a most. favorable: by Mr, aiid• fiv.'.v.,-'.}."14°. ,Mr RussJcirinSton'r e,.•before co ..." .'recover . -f �� , ' , , . �f ,. c, :urt;''opened. �t'ons a r ecen�. t condition" on°t a htaw aka - .c;1 � e,ned -this 1z,ouschold o: c armed..: they wet e• n.ot• 'even. On. but was • affecting the use of •her. discover .th bu''ldi J .• the• scen ' e i e ;When he" on legs..Nancy Was; at Vie'toria • Hos,,: th.e ad. n 'the' pranks_ 'and • with, a surpr•isingly large mal or- �oini'ng .' corner,; .on ' fire, • They "damage 4'vere being done,'•awere ity of:223 'votes. In't ak vital;: London ''for •••a.....00,u l... f over __ . p e -_n .phoned __t-1..e-_:ak� in_. to; --t a.e..:_p .n -at-- ha - :ed..This..4%,: . �` WPtut-hc 1I € mad ..:-> . .H .■ . .K�, 'shzeco '. taking over �. as -been at .ham yt . I--oCCLI d .� me• ., -6 ep • one'67E-ee. anal' a:few:• . I of 13 'boys who ' leaded.. • .here-foz� tees par3•t=rriont m.rn- Y p qur]L to ',the sarrre cha>r... .' - lr� wee c,. -- •es , 11 -Or . •massa ate'r a second; and pro]onq=. � t• .rc . t evied,' chi gge' an'd were seri='i, at •: the 'time of his. • u�d ge tr•eatnent; which was ed- -iarr'n-was is { s s c�en death C3 rimed in ' from tire •tc 6c cl,�i5-` vi ii. ssly; 'refer red to. in 93`'1 i by':'her mother;' -has worked •..• . gyen • switch' box on rnain,,s:treet ,' Mr.-�.l onnelly had_ asked' fm . . ,,w:ondeis : in ,'c.orr.ectir There are:.three new-"rng • •. .. :. •, g. the 'ail:-. >' 'Vuh ` '.• • : � •• ;:.• ;- I''•s ' . ', • .• mbei S m*til fire• brrg.ade'arrrve�l, uspend.cd sentence fox them He ent;: on the C 1 Board Elmer FIRE GUTTED. ST. . ..MEET B'�. I l� .LDL go, to press::: men-' ter n Lochalsh Ceineter:, am, las�'lhursda rrr corntrrrttrn va •' -` " Y �' g g , ASHF I'ELD:RTEVE Ashfield electors went :�to the polls on ` p Moeda for h Y,. �-. the .first trm:wince-X1938; and, el-cted a reeve, four councillors and five •school area, trustees who will ' - • as- sume -,the -administration of ,public ',Foil or the v es hi •Ce cid J p, dei stop won out over Fred Anders • The euchre and : bridge `amara- thon. , sponsored . b t • es . Auxiliary, .and 'whie 'has' been zr progress. weekly--for,`two months- was terrninated,,on •Monday:'even' ing :with' the • eighth.*1, t night, of . the el d in 1re -Legion 'i ori g Rooms'°- --�-• , , , The 'bridge.prize ".f � the or high g �:. score for ,the sev•en nights g s went. t to Mrs... Clair Agnew. The , h win- ner, of Mondayy night'sht'.s prize. g was •; Mrs: •Cameron MacDonald the euchre marathon prize wa s won:, b .' Mrs -. Y john. -1a11; .' with: h Mrs. Hedley winning the euchre �piize:on Monday night's play Allyn thanked �hc�--•brad-ta#•en-p��t'"•`and'�11�rs:� _- —eun greSerttetir� ' prizes., is Newlyweds Honored �' A' e ounce wide. circl.e:of friends tither- the, builds . .. •..' .ioi .ted..o '. i. g- n.g cvas•a raging' rnfern°i:',l. r ut:that they had..no pre- ed 'i . p Graham of Port Alber .. he"parish Ball: Du n t h Dungannon , , . t d non.. he -flames wee e. qujitikl,y _st.ib.:1 N tOLIV r•zscoi d: ,V e' e •'not trouble the poll followed :b:� lI on Tuesday even n af' owallen ' : last '*eel 1�ut t INCLE'OF,' LOCAL. �,dued, "althou h it w'a ° s �nahc.1 �. but '.rr,nfoi tuna Y MAN gs c)me,:.bi to , .. , • �', telt'' had ..(�R.`•A.). Grant M to hon.or'-Mr i nd i ,KILLEDel Dickson and G' .i.don . ,,,,•!: seise a•, littlest o •• far, Mr s ,' AT �befor _ E e t .` he `fr y•, x is � i T was ar a E c m'.1. d • f r .., R otc n ar th o •:Ander mai ..on ,. • .• •. �� • .. _. : • : .. ,- �; .,i .• . , - y Dalton:.' Mi:: DicksonDrkvats 3n..: • - � , •,newlyweds. � Ca ` th :. - a extinguished..as it: had, got . int,.r., 9):"in : was origrnalfy intender:. -1 ' '. . 'ers` o.. i �Z • a the Board .previously, estra. provided rrius c• ,for • partiions :'be�eri. I• Orchestra. � , •, .e the, flerr,�i .,, r (Continued on: page ;8.). dancing;• 'IDurin the The five '- man .•SclioQ.. Area. } and into • the. ran and c�av s:: . . _ • • hour a c, . In • I Miss;: Mrldreg7► g Lunch h` funeral .of h Board 'is --a newly; •elected body I Anderson: read a • ,is uncle:.. Mi-, l illi v : fact' watrrc: wkr ,' per� �r•<ycl r rritc, tric ..E ..TS . -.Horton •r� . ct . •. COMING E : " ,-coria i�ised"_af: h 114 _ -_ •_: tom d% 'the and s:', O. orton, ,b. ' - almost i building •.intermittentl for '.,i. k-, • CI'�1.1. l oY` pity; Walter. G plmmen-tar y., a �: • nstantly y ;`A:1 on : Wiggins presented the guests:', sts of : : Wm.::; G. ; I.lunter, YVla'rvn' � .:,. : • g . killed, on' Thursday•eveninwhen 4 hours and ' again: about; c•i'grr1: CIIRTSTITAS ,CONCERT• .• .p!Durnin. honor • . with' th a gur se of° ' struck' b , o:clock anotl e'' minor; outbreak ' 'lacy an .:Walter Trgeit.. The, hey. Y .a cai, d.riven''b Kerr- o., ut ri c a . nual� Christmas • concert • ted i, setli,.': ,. ?'. ,;• , i fust three narned'.wrll 'serve for �V�her, _, orcrr.1 r.ed-tkaa�r-cgtrrr rel .>t�c ,�. }tier r�tc d af.S.tlit-lefts- ' tip- I, a`t,wo- ear: term, b' ;•vi 1ENG.4GyErrIEl T •iVir. Hort ., ,,.• ' . .; .. •.: • , :. . • �, ,Y m, r•tue of .the. Hogton was in r t a hose• line:. .�chr r,l �� i11 be held in the ,: Y :Mr.. h s 70�h Com olled . -and •the'la and Mrs Wm. Si McGuire, VOt� p , Y ar and tiler, ttivo ',.. . was a : •we'l.l :The •fire: apparently'nr•i'gin�lteri • nrut,rt\• Ilai1�1;. 'Sat, Helens. :en Fri Huron To .: blacks known mite iv e year•, When i Township, 'wish_ ..to an ill.: se.r ve .for, •on• . n 'the • :_.•• : near the big'loo•r at the cast .cliY. D(•oember` i4th at :-_.'A -.Ail to8 1 r5 d>z , Ad Ailey noun ctce the . th t en e will' a e " 1 m be •els e " ile �' role b' nt of for g their � le h Mr •. null Roach of• town was: t t Exeter on Monday attending' the was ridiin of the' bui'l'ding:', which• i; fisc cl, mi:,:.oia:'25c •ancl 15,c, . •' I'' '. re -e c �' , it g a bicycle' and Was.....� tion for a:•two year• term • ,• Younger • daizghter Many Eliza • to home upon corripieting ,hisd,hy's work when struck �o. He .died .While d yin : near}jy d being taken to.•a octor s, o ice. Th ace - e i dent happcni5'Zl _ 'on thein 46th ,wed- tifng an'nivc�i:sa icy - : • • -,' only ft>i store.i•�>om ,pui'puic s ciir: Was filled 'with•• about 1000 tin�cli'i dry egg, cases and filter . ir7 tense were ,,the flami .' that this bigd r , Wu. , coi,.vkas litzr..nc,ci out lzv -th• tune the , grater• ivtls tui'n6(1 (pl• . 1 •i . .: ':. :•,:. • , : • � bet ,.•: , Polling sttb - divisions air hr .,to Walter, • dames Black' -' • GIFT SA E e as sr • S • . ' .1.follows:. No. 1, Dungannon • No $'uron • Township . of' Mi , egg 'cases r � Cr liristn,acs �'rift s� ] •- and. �� ' I � 2, g a,e aftee4 _ .g , . �9th Con. No, eph ackS ati :i �, 3 -Zio o � _ the • s :»,,on ;.tc•a in the. 1.,e,gi in Rooms, Albert..;*No, '5 '' .' Black, the,rnarr'a e to Krn e• sbri I take 1 d e• g.a •,:1✓:rrclLifit�}'. Saturday, • ...g ,_g ,.. _ .. . _, ,,.. r . -p _. ,.Deecrnbor` 1 0;.'Hc lock. City; No. 7,,T: urie•.•' in Decer'ril 1.;rth �,t 2„30, under afusptces f � or• ton, , , , it ,., - '•For. R at 'one time bl At the west end of ter lniild� .St„ I?e t(t:s; .Curlcl 5rar"will. be , , snrrth •.. ; ick, � .: • II : 8 "7.: Total Anderson Fred " ed at Dutalo.inn the' main', f.l ol• .0ffiQc,' uscid rnai o .for .two .4-•Pounr 'Chi,is<trn;ts :.52 19 57. . ,.:3,9 33 ..5 hY. ••Nis wife,' � 1? He issui'vived � . • �� : 62 • fe, forme • ,for o� 'n- i•adin ,avid crc,tir t last- 1 c�ar.kw,F, ,. *Johnston;J'Cosi] 85 r 1 1 94 315 formerly Frantic, g g g 533•,, : 65-,55 45 530 saunby wh se. , , ":o father at onetirrre p •; f g (Majority ter;.Johnston 223) "'operated a ' ' I! or Councillors ,. n '” lion. Wrist mail] at• Dungan , Su..viving also 'bre" twv r. est Mls, Il''ar hert Vey Messor'. (Al- a) of . ", • Edw -- Toronto ,and. Mrs. Ed. orthy, • (.Hildr burg . ed)' of Tillson- ing, es,ca• ed the: flames •and .r ; .I: .y '` •.d ceived' chiefly water:dainu gc. 'Of- 1<)ANCE' I14 LLCKNOW, fico r•ecor•dswere recovered affe.; j • There \vi11 be a dance in the the fire: unharmed except.by v the r Town Hall: Luckt�ow, on. Monday, soakin I cccrrahrr 17th ..i,inder.- ... soaking:they .received.. . ,:, .: w..�. �uspites-- It is 'understood;; that .this oCfriri { iaf the Hockey Club:. -Carruthers.'• has plans, .pr'eviously. tincici tc7;a •'aides"- ian, " df theTeree "cxn new building on ''this site to i c. place t}jig frame stracturc, ii'r f view of this t i� ur`ldirrg \v4',11 nor Jeb . be repaired but shop'tR°ill :511ort- iY be opened in*th€r office of tl'rr, late, G. Fi .Snilth, , • • only :,light wind,w•a ans ,brovwing, cr•oth ; . • • i n• s er , nearby bti ldr wpb • ,Emlrloyed Ile ::e..lgow• . w. S. ilei• d who 'has been em p]oye d as a bilker K. for ' at. 2nca.rctrne. some • time, has returned to, the, .vills �°gr and. 'accepted a posi.- tion at Mot the plant of k1Iobrou . lh` al Produ • . g 5 ryes ` '•a T h r C' uis"n coon p VA Orchestra; Admission 500. Atte'n tJre"ttlar e :ars l help to` gess the sport' off to •0.ggod start, For School Area Trustees. eONCERT AND DANCE *�"McKay; Roy ;:...... d. 26 51 70 28.. 27'•'' • lti,r tCr attend the, Christmas it 4t 160": 3 3:1 Alton, Waiter' :...... , 5$ . 86 83 C.c,ner�r•t rn• 'try hitcchureh :hall on45 3 Hunter,.29' ., �. . _ .... VVrri, G. 42 ...: "100 125 •, ,iiia .. , ."�1�• 83 . . l'3ecetnbc. 12th at 8.30 ,produced., Durnin, Marvin ,.,, 86; 94 . 61 .:° 45: : 35:'• ,3'8 . • •3 21 •34' 3 by pupils of S.S l cis 10, Kin,loss� "igen, Welter, • 82•.: i4 34 90' .21. 28 ,3 7 �nft r •musrZ: • �ittcc.•� c.: by.'Piffirr s or ' ll:obb T�1". ..,. oycl. ... .: •8• 0`. 59 55w 2i• , �• •is 1 fi• r5• � (First •ive Et'ec.ted)` Graham, Elmer .103 '' 110:. 'Grant, R. A 32 g7` Ii rckson ,Mel ,.:.. 97 Dalton, Rzy 19 Hamilton Frank 38 McDonald, Earl 89 59, • 97 Y 88 : 48 p, ' 33 49. ..528 95. , ' 19 6$ 98, 91 500 ' . 91 _. • 4 60 :7 44 53 . 479 80 25 87;; 67 . 63' : ,430 '68 • x•'t 2:. 41. 61_ ..' 297 ' 47 .' 19-• 3'1' • 35 . . 17 24:1 ' I (First Four�.Electedj,•• t � SO ,. rh st o `: .v a :. a ire s em 1 Block, not endangered,,, once the wa.twr chestr,a,. Adu11. ..5c,_ehildren 15ct Campbell,; Glen ..r 37 77 pa iii ... and is y g several .hands„ ,I was "turned 0,11,r ,proceeds for junior ted Crossy. • • r. • �1 pptt V I V� is �f