The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-11-22, Page 8• -BB PRACTICAL• . THIS• CHRISTMAS?• el• • CHENILLE BEIiSPREADS°-1Hassomeone on your gift list • been wanting a, really 1o)ely bedspread`s We have just the thing in:blue, green, dusty rose, peach, wine. Full double bed size. Make one. of these a family gift, for mother, • PURE WOOL BLANKET THROWS—Thick & warm;, wide satin bindin':. se, wine and air force blue. '. g Blue, ro• PLACE. MATS in lovely .•soft. colors <on•heavy; cork, `base. 'Choose a set' of four and' add charm • to your,, table Saves an linen and laundrii too. e 11 -melt -now Sentinel; Luckno REMAND LUNCHEON :CLOTHS You'll prize -theses cloths whether you, are giving°or° getting one.; Gay, fruit, ,floral and: Meir- can . designs printed on fine cotton. 52x52, 52x68. 0 ,LOST AND FOUND` 'In The Sentine'l's . `lost. •and found department".';; we :,curicently have 'some.. unclaimed.: articles Such as: an umbrella, man's over-, coat, .:lady's •b r •o o rc, h , billfold;` t rhg •�puui arra -,.an •eye gl'abeu- casei FOR.. 'SE.N Eight boys, ranging in age from 14 to 18—five . from, town and,: 'three -fr'.orn Ashfield Town-. ship• -were found, guilty of taus ing property damage in Lucknow on Hallowe'en. Night ,and were 're- manded . to appear in. Walkertori on Friday, November 30th' .at 10 .a.m. for sentence, The hearing was ' before' Magistrate 'a0: IVIc last 'Wednesday afternoon'. :and .the. local. Court room wase SENT .UP' FOR .'TRIAL: ON .WORTHLESS CHECK "D•EAL. •• A .= 'smooth . tongued.; ; operator•. With `:a ; Toronto 'address is in the bands o'f .the' `law as + the result of his effortsto pass; worthless cheeks p ,, :town .l Via„ s+ home; ' vaz to ' hire two 91". three youths.. as truck drivers 'on.:a job : awaiting then} t . Toronto to --gave -them a Check .• or a: week's '' advance • on the• Hallowe'en: damage count, Magistrate . McClevls in • remand-` em, untg Ncwem sa that their sentence would governed by what they did in 'the:meantime in making ,good the damage • done,' 1n m a. k apologies':'and in , straightening' everything- 'out•.`generally T h' e Magistrate 'stated .that in, the .meantime that charges would.:be laid against any Others_ . who: might be::implicated • Crown Attorney Freeborn ad- vised the' boys to, come.' cleans there were others involved '.and warned that the penalty, would not be light for what' he termed • • raceful a :1r. r. , ree- born, said that it V was one.' of •th most disgracefirl; things that had,, happened ; ;in Br ce ' :.County: some.time:.. The: char Vie, s`in alar in a%1�casesY =was that•-if-4arnage to- ocai-busi a rr • 110 ,r. • TOMATO SOUP 3 tins VEGETABLE 'SOUP• 29c 3 . tins . 29c GREEN PEA SOUP- - 3 tills ASPARAGIJSSOUP U , P 2 tins VEGETABLE' JUICES 20 '.oz. tin" 35c 'D IXE ._M .SEAS &__CARROTS Tin Ontario TH;URS; ,..NOVEMBER. 22nd, 1945, packed -•during -the • ,-two -hour ses son Two. ;other cases were -disposed of also; A West Wawanosh .Town- Ship youth paid .court costs of $2.25, and was giventwo years', suspended' sentence for breaking a. pane of glass to R. •,J., Moore's 'shop on Hallow.e'en night ..1 soldier was given two years su, spended ; sentence • 'and 4 .. d court.costs. of $7.25 ,,ori : a charge_ of deanding, ;merchari- dise andm not ',paying for it • ,at Lem's Restaurant and for threat ening 'to • kilt, the proprietor , Ins neither; case was: aceussed rep-: resented by counsel, and • each pleaded guilty,. although in the. latter case the soldier denied :us- ing': us-ing• 'threats ,' "Disgraceful Affair" g In'-fmding: all eight .1 oys guilty, 'paj►; :advised =then tp buy • 'some wearingappareL-S stable for 11 e job and ' 'later proceeded to : bor, rout :a 0.0 bill from the lads, of 'the'' money : they;: got' back frorit ,the purchase: By' contacting' .the Toronto • bank.:, on . whichthe. checks' were drawn, after the transaction: was made, it w.as `soon revealed .that . the guy , ` was a, phony and he .was shortly lodged. -in jail ,at -Walkerton Appearing. before, .Magistrate Mcclevis. on,. Friday, he was .sent up for • trial.:' Commence Cadet Training • Dade. rainlr3 1s belgtro= duced at ,Lucknow High -School and -the `'bo•ys „had heir -first. k: period' of instruction last Week: • This 'training . Will : be :under 'the sic ervision, of Mr. D. R. McLean. `� Vi A1'SMEN •HELD•'.THEIR • ANNUAL .CLUB ` DANC E Last ,Wednesday.evening an en joyable time '. was held in . The C1'a i i en T 'Hall 'at" ; 'tlie ariri th1 25c. ,1 -Club .dance. Members, .their . wives and' invited :guests. numbering about fifty couples, spent the ev- ening '.dancing to the.. music, .f4, Carruthes _:.orclf-estra:°. _ Novelty:. event prizes; were won by Chas.. Mason and Mrs.Harvey Webster W. S. Reid' and Mrs, 'W. L.' Mac-. Kenzie and Mr and Mrs:. Donald McKinnon.During• ;the;: evening. `Dr; W V. ' Johnston Made: the presentation ofr a gift' to 'Mr, :P.. W. H'oag:;in honor.. of his recent marriage. • :Cameron MacDonald- acted as' master' of ceremonies and: caller- ' ff for the "'squares!'. THE 'STORE ` OF FRIENDLY .SERVICE; ThQ$PSO$'S 'PHONE.=82.‘ WE DELIVER an OF :.LADIES' DRESS SHOES Qyt ed all end lines in racks. They d 'brown suede; .black and ,We have • con ` " ist'of black; a y�leathers, in cow, : neium . and hi,cuban brown , . • . Keels. riced . at. x`1::4 2:4! atLWell is ;OFFERS R.ISTMAS' GIFT •SUGGESTIONS 'ness 'places;_ehiiefly_ at:•.Lem's rtes=; taurant,: although rear windows I: D.CV -HRCH:.. KNOW Bev. J, W� Stewart, B.A., B.D. Pastor • • S UN DAY,< _ NO V..EMBER: »255 11 a in :•,; ".How to Meet Op -1 position" Story: "The Bo•y, Never Ga`e Up". 12.15 p.m,: Sunday School.` 7 Books p m.: Tha Opened". December 17, Sunda School Concert, ' FOR DRESSES & SKIRTS :HOUSEDRESSES SKI,' JACKETS •.&'P'ANTS - • PURSES. KNITTIN BAGS LADIES GLOVES: FOR TIES.. HATS SOX •DRESSING,>'GOWNS: SiCARVE. S GLOVES • WINIIBREAKERS • We Carry A Complete "`Line; :Of Ladies' `and ; 1VIen's Ready -to Wear TEA `TOWELS ;KIERCHIEFS " HANKIES : '- HOUSECOATS TABbEGh9IUIS--- ALL WOOL .•SOCKEES -" • 'MEN.' ...PARKAS BOYS' BREECHES • GOLF SQX MACKINAWS SWEATERS KI CAPS were-iar n at `'Rathwell's . nd the attitude the gangsters take; Hall's stores.., A back' door • and , said Magistrate McClevis in re - TOMATO - - frame at Lern's was broken . •;n• proaching this lad. :with a "ram -rod". and. a shuttered The boys, wird were unrepres 1 "dow "was also ^smashed in, A :e ted b counsel were' told by wn n Y. , the'front irrtlle sh-oIs':a1rd eggsthrown ' at., • pigeons were loosed :the' crown :Attorney that he and in the building.. Some of the boys didn't ,deny taking 'a ,:part ' in the '.affair, :a; couple of them clained•they did not take '.an, active ;mart . in the st ill ano ther rbceed 1n s arid professed complete innocence It was '. not a question ;of back .or, fronit.:It was a .gang out for' an ::unlawful purpose, and be cause- they, ,did not take; ani active part they ' were: equially guilty in ..the eyes of the law, was in effect the opinion stated, by: both the. Bench and . the Crown At- torney Provincial Officer Robbie, who investigated the 'affair;'. said, 'in.re- ply to the: • Magistr'ate!S 'query, that for the most part he•:ha'dn't received.I' ery ,good co-operation. One ;1.4, -year-old lad had . refused "tosqueal " on , his •,pajs: didril War -it -16 see a. or- , em take the rap: Corrie-MacLennan,'who - was a spectator ,in the . count, informed' Mr:. Freeborn,' "On 66 -side" that=. he was prepared to pay the dam, a es as h_ a .didn't warts to `see theg, los get "trirrlmed; like this" This' statement was conveyedto Magistrate 'McClevis,, who .sho back that he could have that man: up for. contempt of . court. Engage .:Lawyer 1 the trend of pro- ceedings :by•• , Court had no more than adjourned when a •r-novement'was started to engage ra'• lawyer to represent these boys; hater, . I t Franck Donnelly;was engaged ax cont ons have ; since ' "poured r into 'theibutia, pot to help _take care: oft the costs. The first. of the Week • donatic ns 'of over $5Q 00 had bQQ1 received. • THERE ARE GOO•D STOCKS."' OF` CHRISTMAS M.- CHANDISE DOL.LSTOYS GAMES' & .BOO] RING THEA KIDD.IESI1 TO. SEE'HE D'ISPI' •