The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-11-22, Page 7• THUIt ., .NOVEMBER .2Znd,. 119. �.• Receives: Commission • Kenneth Cameron whop .recently received his ..discharge . after six .years. and :17.days on: active ser- vice has:'r eceived his •commission• , ,4'aes)nd: lieutenant "in :.the 99th (13) Battery, A -CA, 'at W' gham. • Posted Oversieas .i tion' lr,'iapt R. Douglas Mac- DQinaid, who is in the chaplaincy Se `vices of the Canadian Ai.mv, was' hoe e froxnr the East Coast t o spend• •a brief visit •with his wife ' and children. D,oug', we..und:er- • stand, has bgen .posted back over • seas again. M TtiU1vf0US pos.41v..4.110 _T9 A 1VIO:TYLIER .. .. The ., , During the, past week' however, w..'Ieek. Parliament Hill. observers .have +gra.teful goxer'ninent regrets• to•.A, • send n cdm lerrce.d to speculate on, how 0:rilanierat:i ' � much t Th s,.message_ from the i'i Titin; f'i1f1j e for fusethe uch i ent' carefron g bto refus..f ..... to •day, r 7 u_ esu � coir rnue T____ . tion There were '. signs...tha nth . Last Peat ha sounded ;for .t soldier setn,. ` a yoar (fay A. E.• Robinsons M,P') '" ):1;P•'s were coming closer all the? j ' ' ` . O ' 'AWA.- Dear, header if time tq,taking matters; frltg 'th it mi ed out" the noble ' meniber ' of I arliament ynur 1 e i His miscioxz car r r > ., own h'an ' Q y an and 'forcing' a disclose 'WAy l ii . knaves what he reads, in the news- •ure of wanted. facts,. Thus the •paper�s these: ,.days, ,don't be t{ It'Qticn. for' the tabling. of th •cci*- 41tid ma give toe e YUocI� p in • this llpi:t : yo"u `eom. ot't c1•u ck' to blarile him, He'd..like?tc etes onde he which:; •wpuld ' ave Andnin• tri 'a'. ,,. ' know more and know it • about :e • sad `the subsi 'of black ' m' t 1c�n61.y: days, an quite. a" '' :t Put lets a.nd' t a '.cern t 'Years, f i . 4 of things,: But .the en subsided uds wh;cli f,overnmeht for reasons- . 1i . have been practied. At: .dawn; �and`in `the ° s t at are upon ;or- queer sun- k overt 'best • .tU itself, woki't ,tell t olrzmoditles • Stabilization • Cox' Set Slow "` kc.), Own. A h a ro'n, e o'ver�ri , .�...��lr'lt. t.. irks re.r..,,' , .; . ,.: • :. � g _..mexxt..:xrearly: 1 you mortes .ucknov : Sentinel, Luc cnow, Ontario, .PAGE SEVEN ,leis'•!f% bin:1,. t th i r Y:aur;` ms rnbei . of . its h vo ' -- ound: and forced The y o.ur :tears;. Parliament was against• th' : tabli` t:. •tvould like to 'know; for: instance; 'it of i' ll "filaek' 'markets". in- tires 'GUrrospondenece; 91' foz "it 'Whc The Royal l�ii' Forec' prc.�ttlly �r ',and othe- ratipned;"cornetoditc. a ' govex'nrrrent's majority,. ge hoiro,red 'int=,paned down to 1.1• in•'a eharribE For He 'has heard reliably that, they �.. meritorious con<tuct. duty rf .245• 7i1-, 3: S(i'zi , -f done 174 v u,eexi :flourishing', in. se.a ,� �l.at .ccl�,uxtairl ., Vexa1 feeling that `goes wifi'h ..t "m The bugle calls me .n.ow..no places, He 'has even been''told :.to fly • , mor.., . a. that in `, some ca'se's Wartime gins• of • 'S0 le more • na veer Prices and 'Trade Board . em Io _t common.in 'the last Parliament; My missiens'ever, mycorrirnzssien 'ever; , ees ha. e be- invo#vec iii"Tt em.'— Theforrn r-ounti ay be g • x .ori, for information ma' 'and, have had .to, :kSe di Y �be fougl • missed. s over the sale . by the' War 'Arse from their posts He would like from •,have. theCorporation, of sever ..fa`c'ts.:• al � Pairmil • - ---- motor lawn � ch •Fui thezmore. it es rout on the• 'West. ,has been ad- coast These 'Craft. cost'. 1.5.0 000 • t mated •official] that ' '$ ,, .o Y the : Corel . • buil mndi.ti .� d, brat: tN' � Wali' Assets Cor= es; ,Stab'ilization ' .:Board� poration which lras:'been . , :•;dsposed of anumber ' hof'• handing out ,tens them to Paciic .• of millions of''dohars of 'subsidies',� ',oast buyer;, without tenders;A'" annually' to :milli' ° �• or `any efforts ng., companies, to . to :get corn: etiti p verb... oil'-'.comp�z?res :=;t .: ' .. •,. . - -., . .ids, for $3,000; p-ml3orters -of IndstrilTcoon• Garfield West= oranges and grip fruit juice,•and. on, got' g_„ one for. a pleasure yacht to : manufacturers 'of . shoes an; other apparel, has had to•. check.. ba k,=ori :soiree, of- the-' claims by which it` has been separated from a:rgeb.undles..:of• c : . I?.., ash.:: Your. Member ,of:•' Parliament . woui u d like; . to know:•: What 'these: to zc.. ri ts� 0 r:' ; 'Editor• -of the Walk' aid -Times, Whose dent T art Friday_.. mornin i i•tlerigthy illness:: 1~s• e� `Memory .Honored .At a Remembrance Day. service at Wesley' Willis United; Church • ..lin C ton -• a tablet " " ` wa u•`� ,. s r�verled. in•.rnernory o FO.' Alvin ,Corless.. FO, . Corless :{ravethe .. �•.. pilot: of •air- RC.A F. •;bomber that was shot down over the continent in June, 1944. Another Member., of • that crew• who lost his life was Sgt. • Air 'Gunner Ivan .Maffin, g,o son of Mr, ; rand Mrs, Tom Magoff ia'. oef- West• Wawanosh.: Let rrie be: proud, I had': you 'for, a mo _ thera au.„must„ lr,ve� worthy of my' r itorious .condtrc • t, carryingYes, I'll b•e v atchrr g.'frorri ,tlre,:i, 'bright .blue skies.; • -=Wm B•uekii barn- Visits Airman's Grave J AC::. ack:°..Cook Cooke. Sok, of,•Mr.- • and Mrs;, Charles Cook of •town; • Who . i s stationed rn 'Newfound=: :Newfound.—'land,' recently visited rte d the grave.. .Of 'Squadron' Leader •,(Dr.) ,Grant:' MacKenzie who ' lost- his . life • at ..that -station August 1943,.: Jack. took::;sorne,:pictures 'of • the cerll7 etery'' arid.:: grave which :he sent home; for.,Mr and. Mrs: MaeKen zie. • sacrifice,::', oii•mei Father Passes Th.e death of: 'Mr,: J.,, J, . Corlett .._ occurred. at • -Listowel. last •Wed- heyday at the hom e of his Baugh ter, Mrs L. A Finney,. Mr lett die.d '' n , rApril.., • ; � a investigations- ors• g , err '' , •reveaied, • ho w much the irregularities have cost the ' taxpayer, whether. • the money • , y• has.:been' f ecovered, and whether :the. grlty.,parties responsible for t e.-thremds'}reeve ben`unisfi` p ed ii A: 'WESLI1 Y. rtpz Her octired°: fifer• :a Friend .Whe%e have: been the, last,few Years?' •Student: At : college eta k -medicine. Old Friend: And how .do feel now? r Undergoing: )i'lastic Surgery Me-I;vrn-i'tone; w rck.,lEave;'. -has -:returned t•o ,Tor onto after spending two ' vti.eek§ lr with: his• parents, Mr. and .tr.a •..Mrs.. ,Tarnes, Johnstone, Melvin suffered , a severe '\voLin d'in the' lnwrr •3a you you Aga'rn, your niembei of. Par'.a- merit” woi.itdl like to know, no' that the ,war is owerwliat order •. Jack Thaler, --tire Walkerton' lad an-coo.ncil with,tlie .fula effect „Of' who •played ,i.uvnrle'hocke• 'vt1ith The: socialite Malibu . C1ub • on ..Princess Louise znlet got •=•`three: Defence :.Minister Dou �• ' Douglas Abbott admitted':.to • the : Com mons` Atha. that the sales looked. "bad, on tri e e face'. of ..things"' arid' Pr ogressive, , Cone sero atr ver MP s.h aveserved not rceY that they are going : to ask some ; questions about these, acht • • .Y bargains beifore . the;: Defer se•: arid; Dernobiliza,tion:. Expenses 'Com: mit=tee when it meets,',talmost.•any day now; x ; .Pot1r .bo-i;lin-g-water` over •j,Lc�-/a4s— l'Ie•—r�-r-m' tt;.r , pass; : whCn Ilan ever a couple of.:y�'ears''back ho was on a nd;.:_].et..._th-arra sta-n-d ti •l= -e l artcl • V g --.n.ty-s-9- et -s �:vn erre.-46461'h-e-k1i�:rg•:crowd ti ' lug, on, tine. rinier .on.•the simi1 end to 6:,-.- .1'r i' Council Chamber?.... i' _ ''sec. d l . ,. Since an line of the OsRiaV,a •� Geri=: et•. the „, l ernel. inshore.'^ ,,;these w der fin -council; no Ionge.r : cr al's. Jt,nior• :"A" teain. again this .dc al • in.- military' sti-aj:egyoo•x iri"�:.' ear:- • 'war sect c'tS' 'but are : coiZcci'ncd h"e PCI -0 F aro 1 ryii`th( r_blic-louse-rices , ended dor pr oinotiQ?t:. t}ii nation; it' ,"erns i ear 1 onable to ; : Littl „ 1't1110 D -o you 1;.-no'Nv dad ..;'-'•The'.cTta.tiOn in •.connection.'wit i. V uul'. mcmbel th ,'' ' • 11 : • at d.he. that in sorrie':paz'ts of.Tndiaa-.ritt3n.I they.-shoul the posthumous award' of the;sil-. public property. ' -. . it •�' , sloe sn't hrav� 'leis wife ,unt�I he l veir'''Stat read as`,fo1Iovt's 's-•., tee � ` On•'�all ah',,c rnac�ers,. howev,ht ntar•raes h•,er? :.' "•For ;%gallantry, rn •• action; •'n"e.ar:: the gover "merit. take ...Dail: 9 iI ' •... • .. ,cs :the. 'star..d s . rd.. Why Single out In.dia? .: Hamnl, Germany,. on• March 14, that. your memher'sjr curiosity 4• 1945. . n __ __ . ; _. _ .. _ ._ >, •.° __ ., y ...• � `' ' O t.lj mo.r nrng-of ..M ell sn't: ii1 . t7ie.c. ' ubi'c irit 14;,,1945,`Com an L, I? er est.I It ;...� p y ,104th Infan •`does-n't •explain just how this hab He sent. his •.precious oem' to try,'attacke•d. enemy high ground ;pens: to' be the case. It just • the�,editor."Letrnep • 3 uses know atonce. positions. southwept. of �Hann:, As' its ma,jo •ity in. the.' Co. m wh er you .can .use . i'' h mr ons t � t , . he the: lead 'scout apps oaelicd the:: 'vete down wrot, "as Y. have any ' motion •for the other sir ons in: - hrle, over �1s anter —i now.receiv- e v- ins treatment at . Christie _Street 11:-0 al 'Where. he has undergone • one plastic:surgery, operation:'and •will ,••have ,another in:the .,*near, future.' , BACIiHOME AGAIN • Wherin the Queen Elizabeth r"docked at Halifax •on. Monday bringing home. the 2nd 'Canadian' ' Diva ion, several "local' boys were on • board..They •included. Lieu Douglas Clark,- son of Mr; . and Mrs;. Ternple Clark;_'Gnr. ` Reid McKim, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'A. F. McKim and Pte: Fred Milne; son of Mr.' ,and Mrs. Dave Milne; a1'1 of th'e vill '' age, s'pr, W:. F Dui::: nine of St. Helei�s ,:arid Pte, .1r,:. w•;,. :,faedy•of Llungannon:` The 114.1):.'1 boys were'.expectel. `to reach ,Leihdon•',late --yesterday.. ('Wednesday) • afternodn� '1.-) o ti g Ckat:k who 'is listed in M.D.'• 2, was: expected'• tto reach .'poronto Wednesday evening, where `his' Parents' went .to meet him. • GREAT' NE;E�I11�,tV. WON` PosTnumot'S AWARD The „Silver:,'StYa i - la`s been PoSt; hum iWy..wawarac-ie'ca._to...Sgt,' Ed"w'iri t• Ilackcit of thitr . United States 41 my Rud ,gr .ejit-nc'l. h•e.ty" of�._M.K -JamcS� R I/a.eket,t of ••Lticknoty Tho Young„ srildierr. w=as: 'fan only • sonrof• Mrs, cla rid 1r tclrett aiid the late basil itac:kcitt�•oi' Detroit. ire •,vas" a ‘1(,i.andson `of. the .1ate Dr.:' Wiiharn Kaekett a nk :�f`ield. a ,,. r1. ll tyve * . 7 : p revko .-1stci ,a the c actio . ' ;'. ; � - :firm. , � , , n that�Co4t hisIife, Sic hid been ,' , , ,. been award'. . • it • • eatl es s: 14'1 Da R e , stir zi � • ct a Relaxed for.- Xinas and New: carr s Mea'tle'ss .day', restric i ' oil will:' b 'set .aside•'for Chrittn and -. New Year's'days, whic f 1 this ear on " the h e ?l. regular tri: at.less uesdays. W 'Har'id� CP "Mips, rices_Wari.d s pply •r=eprese dive f. r the Wes erre Dura ii( egion of .. the Prces•$oard," sa><d. rn r g' .the ', arin�i'unceine . , . . nt . th` t the . -•. a 'ount .of: m ilt cgnsu ed other t axe' fowl.; on''t "esea t kn ,f��qo da vvas r latively' so jsmall't tree 't;'. an o ance'. y caus :el;byi�the•reg.,., ation: b iiig maintai' ed '` e would b � r e the n t he . Mall' r l s a v� r>r 1 '' r oud �'. ' ar anti • • • • • • hostile positions: he' was su}bject_T, tab,l,tng,• of. infor atron-- --•- i.virig the fire" ed to intense rifle: lire and irn�•; 'doe tm " g. b Ina few days'theariswet co e, t ents that your ;Member : r, . m . n ed atel threw•: himself oh a c' F. back from; 'the editor`: Remove. Y h .may make. ground... r s,• rrserti: -yron -i Fire • Wounds• Sergeant "Sgt. Hackett, then rn char'ge•o} ompany. Vs leading,sgivad, ,coua - 'ageotisly' went', forward through. •.. the. hostile fire tp.'the 'scout's. poli •tion • to ' :sC uvey the • 'situation; While- making rims' catty, back to -4, his, squad, Sgt, Hackett .Was " aims -fire and fell ti..hc=. ground. , : Although .in :great •pain; he raiser] -ii solk...to-.hiss- skirt.*e i fid tip t' ; e cilli iti inst•ructicrns,• to advance using. ritarching=•tfire, "Inspired by •tltr"i►' lrilrir:; s courngeOus •'''Faris}710., ;Ow sd.0 d•'; •'p't sh d 'forward •and sit,=cc=c+dc=d ire ' oVer.rUnning the hcistilt' leo itittTtr After' t1,1e` tri v»y.' Zi'++11' 'f7d1�TiTriiT`"�'' 1166 bec'.11 o•Ii.dirt"r ;i; bei'.g of 1be 1•ettii;ncil 1Y --t6 `S ' Htieki:•t'1'i4' Brie itt:rri,.lreit found ' that • hef 1tad:: •'rl • .u?' woundsr • 'ltc, �1'rais' Lc.tcl rr�lrili:, i 'His leadership,: unusual' cot - • age under fyt'r, trrtck loyal c'lev l tion to'.,duty reflect tlte,-`hi.*hest CI?ed.it 'upon Sgt.11tiekC't't tmcl Armed' , I"cir ors, rr•f' Unitcd Slates". • Luocrib SIFT Telep one TINEL • NEW STREAMLINED STATION; contrasttiast >oee fnmiliaifrinne iitiikdin s of the' •tmsnev r+trrti'�1t •at PPeiadletoti, Ont;, stri sure modern fines •and.a l,ri}xirt irrtr'rirnr, "i;4 :r foreru ter of. w bdt smaller stations r,t�•.tl:.r+ r' �;,Ft:{1:tr.1 fi'r criic' r.,.. ail.taymay look likc when. building. restrictions are eased.` 'Thr•` •atlrer stations in Ontario -est Leas ide,.ltiaratbon;and ��'l'r ffi slr Palls .ttrc ineltided ern the ., ,, .. 1irogram. of CapCrinlent ter.,... d''ktvlop. .Itiodel as part of lin over -:ill iznprovertacnt plazr+, ` • i `N •, d • •,