The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-11-22, Page 641. 4 A'ASGE .SIX OBITUARY aoHN:• y SMITH The funeral of. the late John I. Smithwas held.from•'the Blue- wale United Church on'Thursday,, r • November 15th 'at 2 p.m, Rev.. Mr. Atkinson- of Brucefield SCJ ii i't e d' Church and : Rev. Alex Nimmo of • .St,: Andrew ' s Presbyterian h ebndueted the church, W't ng am', servfce. The deceased'w .born'in`West • ''ii .. ilk • ' ., f. .1 : 1M: r i i i ! •1 l Lu KOar!:now, t. I,.txcic�ov� �ez}t�ne � e � •.. WHAT'S WHAT' -•- WITH. THE GvIDES Waw'anosh: in 1658, the•. son, of Margaret tarries Smith and .Marga'Mal :lough: r In 1904 the family .moved s of 'Turn to •the :9th Coneson...e ,. a.. i_ where he:farr4 '. . .berry', Township 'a 'V. .i• 'terest. in .t� n ed and took'en c e the ,. former„ Eades• Murch ., b .ei ng * for Many years an. elder and'sup erintendent .df the Sunday School. In ,1927 .retired to Bluev'ale he Smith died in: 1932.: gxThc�,rP• Mrs,, . • Surviving, are one daughter, ivirc. H. F. Berry, •Brucefield an'd: four 'Joseph E. • of Turnberry • sons, p Township;' '` Alvin D..; _ Bluevale and • ��,awson, -Seattle;-Washington, , Elmer -of Portland, Oregon. Also . siirgivizi'g .,are. 13 grandchildren .and one 'sister, Mrs. Thos `Begley f,eamirigfon... Broth:er's-i ci 'sis ' of • tern who 'predeceased him.,.,were (By Jean Treleaven) This week a joint meeting; was held of the Brownies; and Guides.. While we were gathering games were -played. -' • Roll ca11„ was taken • and then the Guides formed the. horseshoe. Siding. Mary Loraine Johnston he Session W. largely devot- • 1 •d d t t matters and wind � • '° M K th b ss 1 for the year: ,s, oseph Sii'tth, 7Lucknow rs. Thomas Kennedy, Ripley; j Mr. ': Smith Nile, Mr: Hamilton Wm ,, Smith, Dungannon and Mrs.; John Sm h,. g �ivins' Dungannon:: ,•'F.N , FALL SESSION.OF BRUCE ;• COU NCI I: The November Session ' of Bruce County Council opened at Walkerton 'on Monday ' evening, Nbvemher 0th, the Warden, Gor,-' don. D. White of 'Lion's Head,, prre- Rs;, NOVEMBER. 22ntd,,, '1.945; MiflfeedS (ARCO Loraine brought'mho .. Was the Brownies• into 'a• circ a inside e o routine • • BR4N SHORTS MIDDLINGS Arrive At Once inlays the horseshoe;.: Mrs. c _ a ing up e•. usm.. _ brought , the ; ” . t e Two :matters of considerable t, e •�oadws ool• . intcs the .. • , : .. t d that. _ ;J• � s: The - surveying has been tee reported the..total .num,,; •centre of_°;"the ring and enrolled .,:portance were' i:ntrodueed at the 'acre • . i oth was;, d. the ' Province, ber . of , applications . received. and Brownies June •Ross, ;Joan.. Ham- aessYon; ,but action on b,.. ,. completed b y .. • • it • le • build= . dealt -With. during the •yeah. iid- r pare Gollan 'and Bett„y.*. deferred to the •January, session .:hich =.v,.11 -erect'; suita, ,..- 1 Ilton, Mag t , f the:; near, . mg• °Oct; ' 31st, 1945; was 1 l3, •,}fir • • ave the of the Vic-. `iii s'for a.caretaker ;:in ,, . x ':Harnalton,.Thef.B�olntnles gave - Mx':.Cordon D�iffin , •. • g .,.. ,� .. :.•' i' ' d ..1)44; and n .howl and ;then the Fair, 't ` uture.: ared•.with 106 for 1. gradparment of Education, addressed f g .for: 1943 Notwit standin(j ' • Y, t • r ms the`r ' the formcial''. `at o1s'•san � Gated :so.vin • •El � vo , . .. d P.. ., ...• Knome and f r g d e p arid, s f Council a n to ' mcrea V.1 S - Osea 4 ti mai ked `fine e the •nunihc r 1 on s` ' . • �- •:' � .:' l'ar ed' 1•Iigh • ScFio� ,' . - . • ., .: t • 'ded h'at t"he pato s_ .g,,; ,.; .. ,.• •.z •, at>.on: of:...en g .. ,. nt it was deer,. m..... gr._.s,.. o..'apphcations now b. eing i s c.iv ,Mrs: Boyle Was"presentedDistricts.within the County, He. ^ • .• ,usual. county grant:. of$5;00 toed' the number of pensioners onaca tain''s warintand•Mis'tlined',the procedure:to•bef0i_z ;`n hool. librarishould:.p tzu the.z ural scNoV•cmbei 1st le Mowbraywas :presented. suggested • the' forma -.:'the. pay list as. at ETe n lowed and' gg.be .aid' this year only to those xrat.r:. t d: niittee p cell was.71G '(including 19 blind: pen- txTi:tla z ireutenaxit �..�._ an , axi . ti�ri oy a cot,s,rlta•tr�zs* com • aciUi�a • '�J'ic • hRve iiureh.a pin and also an .Ontario pin. A . to. study ,the question aand report. books to the minimum amount or Tawny. O. 1 ant, an officers to. Court ` t; 1 ter session' S 00 rn 1945 • . ; ' • `• Peter McCall .. and `:'.Mrs. - 1 of Lucknow are ,.nieces Sprou of -11 -W. -late Mr:Srriith w wary ;crl a a a . an Ontario - in .was: i com ittee .was $2 ' above `figures indicate a ve y high • silk_ tie.'and. p this c m. . Formation of_ " llo in resolutions, a -mortality. rate'. en$ioners presented to Miss.,Mary L, John- deferred to the January' session. The., fo w g ,:hteh.-elpa'*-slitcayteiaori;s4re"distit.ridbu: received.4'-he r rmong others, :-were adopted hyY w ,eteye;r�ston, She also The Post , War•Committee re .•, th.• e Councl ' . ;. int , istration certificatefor. , . , . orted that.a xneef rmg •had.,been . :. ... ...... .: •...•. ',; • . nies had anot', p • . ' : . ationm m, ed among, the local xnunicip'alities, Brownies, The Brow held last'; ;month at w,itirah Mr.; Opposing meat r , g been' registered ed, formally The f the : s 't is: felt that the re- as follows, Miss : Mo.ore: o Canada, a _ 1_ g .._.._ _, Struthers.,and Miss sentatons'were made,by 1Vlrs. •• . , . � .: , ' •• ` •,.• ' regulations, cause Townships: Albemarle • 3;' Axna- , .: .. • .Pov • � , -pro- McKim, - } outlined to the Com- a direct' loss 'to the livestock :bel 6, Arran .4, Brant 3, Bruce 3, • •, m .. _.. ;: present :and.. _ .. .. ,., : , ...:. , :..,. .,.. ; , . • • _ �! a sal down; still -in-horseshoe, edrire• .necessary' d ` Ger the retailer; and .the', con • ' ittee • the •proc . u , Carrick � Culross I, Eastnor G, to `.disc'uss; Cookie' . ay a li merit of a G'oun-'.sumer. for the es'tab sh, D T h Elderslie ',5, Greenock 4, Huron Brownies .:wee allowed 'to help : :: . •�' e� o aizatian” f 5, •,.Kincardine �4� ;Kinloss �8, Lind - "Doll r t Heal . •.Unit, Th _ „ rg . Mrs. NlcKi told a . stor ;, Y .. � Opposing � the establishment o _. ell. M , m ,.,,.Y . nd d for .Bruce C unty h ld say 2 St.''Edrnun i 1 Saugeen 2 .e „ recomme e 8 t D.o1L in the Gr a 40 hour :week, 'as is Wou ass . Total:. 62, • • �•�rVould consist-Aof • a�-Chiefs Medical . :,;lt� lr� ossbYommfor--the fat-� -- • d nine . nurses' • Officer; an. , mer• to'•compete'with'industrk on; Villages: and. towns.' Hepworth cat 1 t t' prepare the •lunch p t Chief h C Afterthe Ystory the Canary make p ro. .wen . o: gaxises 1ocatPd; : strategic p o r t s a ed a� mus .y the-Ina-r-ket and would have . 2 Lions Mead .3; :I„4uckriow :3, •: they ,,. throe ho._ut s 'e_ _ our y,..,a,. of :makin farnhing :ur: �.. 'ldmaPa-Isley..:;5,.,.Fo:•-t,-Ei-g►:i - ,� :. ' .. the of feet • .g-,- -.M°r Y-�, Sari r : `: Inspector ' anst two �ti of-� • .t e` bo : s and' girls- 1 Ri le •0 Tara- 5 --Tees nate -- e y .1i.. attractive .to ,h •, y •p , , , - m to Yee ...:: ,These 'officials 1'' Cheslc'. ,8 {Kin-: fice e p Y s of this county. 12, . Tiverton y , ealth would •: 'handle all public. '" , cardine 7; Southam ton 3, 'Walk m that a. „survey. e:c p services m :.the County,, .paying:: Request g erten ;'9 Wiarton' 18, :House of '' to..he .he°aith'.' 'made" bythe.' Dominion::Govern ' Particular attentiont m w i e' a ares 'The -pallbearers pallbearers were • George w rch nac ' een prepared' by -the Heth g erin ton, " 1 c r. 1. Johnston, Oriole patrol. .,We' lined•, up and • , Peacock " t ' le, to =the table. loss . Smith, `,William • >. went cafe�erra�s y , . Charles; 1Vlathers and, •.: Wi(ison and:: were - served' cocoa and .bis of the Lo' al anares. 'Cookies ` Thornton,. rriembers: Y cults by the. C • .., - ` ration with- which . - - '-e,. `assed-around-later Orange Assoc w.er p , .. the •deeeased had been affiliated 'The: meeting' closed, by all ,of rs, He also. ` -h the fairytun- for nearly.`seyenty, yea us .going throng hE. h Canadian t e Bantams `: stayed .was ' 'a member of •t e. Weir SoiXie. of h Y . ,.. ::.'order, 'of F,orresters."• ardhelped t cleanup.. Friends ,were.present from , Cookie Day ,was verysi ecessfJr i 1d Leemingto r, Goder- but ; the:.: only trouble -was that Brucef e , nnon, Lucknow, Strat- :there' was 'not cookies .enough; ,to rch, ,Du,ziga ,d d t .Aird 'and Erin.-' 4 Refuge 1., of infant. pTotal 81: chit ren in rse="school; merit to• study;' and' endeavour ,o . .:.,.. of:' a lica.` rimary., and • ••secondary School -:overcome, total' number the. fluctuation. of :;The• . - Pkv, •: ; „ :groups,• 'and •would'=•re. , nde un-; prices on' the livestock market, so .tions .for Mothe'rs': Allowance : ' r Year,: ..was 13,, as. • local :,medical'. health that _ 'the ' producers may : have during :the past, 1 necessary all_.. • secui=it as. to:. coni ared,:to '22'• for ; the preee linty;: _offirFrs;; bo:arcls. of -kzealtli,;and sari- . some.•. rneasnire •� of .. Y. , p. i, the ro-. fair . rofit for their produce: year, an:il:the nuiob r cf'.ri uttrers r;tary•inspect`or.s., Cost o p a p • :... 'the' •. noes • • g undei• .'th'e 'ect is •estimated at approximately . Requesting the Provincial Gov- receiv:in allowa $42,009.00. �o f which :the Pirovince ernment: to. 'provide for the re act as at Navember'1st1945, was :II' 'o n the i.fh.. 3 m ar d -w 1? u. go around We:.had Order• ed wice The .com. • would pay; 50.:p'ercent. mittee.expressed .its.elf .as favor- ble-to-theascheme; -but-•eeaix _ e -:-d mend{d` that: the znatter b e wo un r; u discussed'. in open .ferred'and fu11Vp •Pcause • lnstyarut -could.• �ster-- not get,,MO_r_e than.. two :hundred leman--W-eb � � e ,,. eft acka es. Last -year -we: had " ast• week . we received'. a. ?' p • g •t'This. p d ed' fort ackages' and eu ing ' � frerh : '• the . Cochrane t h Y p sugar pp b f the shortage of seg r ' ..Northl.�a d Post,- ' concerning the lased. =aw=ay=i=that • .death o 'William' Coleman Web= 4i ui l kt, "ff p'4 • E ;fir • i r,, ° 4 4.4• district', n r id -July. . council at, ,the ,January, session, �e - _ escd'-oo-g • an-3�- before definite' rte" action IsTa. 1-? e ore any e ni . Wore than last year. We . are sorr" Abet -t zere -was enou o around and we' hope •that next on the ebster vas, boxn� 12th co cession:. of Ashfield in the vicinity .:of Lucl=;now. ;Ontario,. on January 1st; 1876, •and married Elizabeth Ann .Webster. in: ,1.904 He'farmed the old homestead. till` 1911;When Cochrane•cameto the fore ;he; came North, locating • 'a farm • south of town', in ':Lamarche towriShip and the family •moved north i cis.. 1914. • "Coming in'' :they edured all ,'the hardships 'incide'nta•1•:to; the life of .a• pioneer,' :sinoothhig the'trail for -other feet 2to. l follow. In '1920c. their hornewas: urnedj:.... with all its", contents. • There •vas "a ''welcome for all at the': Webster home, where true 'Trish •h9spi'tality was dispensed:. Hi passing ,leaves' a' blank 'that. never qbe filled: istration of tall births; in •the mu 74,: as, co hich :the arerits same:.date last. yeah;: i�ipahty ` in .,w , p i a tier e - AEcoi�ints- �f'o~whnspita�- r.� irree o J=llil - indigent. p session totalled '$2,327.30. esidc ' The County, Old Age Pensions II aiid'Mothers'' Allowance.' Commit - 1' .County Treasurer "•: Alan''Nelson: -year-there-will :be•-enou- rh e eported that .the Court-ty llad everybody. purchased Victory : Bond's to the LANGS I D E Mrs. Clark Johnson accompan= led:• by her: parents; :Mr. and Mrs Win; Brown • returned ' to ; ::her home in, East Wawanosh Mrs: Wm. Conn, spent'last Week with Mr. and :Mrs.', Hardy Simp on' the bush' -:trail r "He leayes`;to mourn 'their loss, hza.widow, 2 'sons and a daughter, • and 19' .grandchildren' -" `Mr: Stanley .Smith conducted the service;in the,'ehurch and -the; of which he was a inem- :: ber for Many' years,• took over ,7),t the graveside observing the burial rites , of 'the . Order:. ':His 44. -body- was- laid to -rest in -tile ,local :eemetere s:o f i of Culross Mr. :and Mrs.: Charlie Elliott -and Henry ;spent: _Sunday.; evening with Mr. rid Mrs. V. Emerson.__ • Mr.' and :1VIrs.. Robert McInnes,. .William, Dan•''and •Mary.;of Cul- ross spent .Sunday with Mr' end Mrs: Orville Tiffin: Mrs.. Andy:, Thomas (formerly I3, atrice • Caskin°ette)' of Preston isvisiting' with herr parents; Mr. aria -Mrs. Ralph Caskinette. T h i s' cdmmunity was well aware the 'deer'.hunt had really opened .Monday morning by;' -the number of: cars,to' be seen tray= eking the ,road .and, .the 'number of reports, of shots from the fire_• arms carried. Making Novel; Chair 'Lipley Woodkorkers,:.Lim;ited,.' : ; pperated . by George Cook and "Scotty" • Cannell, is -now p'ro- d.u.cing' a 'novel. occasional clhair •, of.a . folding chair type. It is,. a neat and, attractive piece of 'turn: tture with an upholstered' seat, oi'. •:and x$.a foldi>g type desighied for sriall• apar'tmentsu. • extent' of '.$1057;000'.00 during;.: the war -' $35,000 00 of''this has ,been earmarked for:grants to :hospitals;' in.: the: County, -and 7thetli4lence .for.. ,post-war highway'. purposes. Council authorized the purchase .of an additional :30,000: of bonds: in • the•• .current ' Victory Loan. :'.A, grant of .$10;000 was• made toward the establishment of , the- new, Saugeen Memorial. •IIdspitar at 5o.uthampton; granted to,. the . Walkerton Agri-, cultural Society for support, and, contini.iance'� of" the`' commeria'l show at;the Walkerton Christmas. Fair.. The' Highways Committee 'hope to provide better '.snow plowing, service: this wihterthan inthe past but that will_ depend_largely_up,oii. the 'equipment.available . Of- the anew equipment order• ed iii ;the , spring, only about 15 percent in value' has been..•received so ::far.. Many .of our: county. `roads' are, not' properly, ' graded 'for snow plowing and' tntil.'that: is ',done the .cost •will be excessive• It 'is' hoped that next•spring ..there' will &ampTe-equrpmeri O-.da'-•a,.large:. rrii'leage each -year`; Making a.. thorough' job of hill grading and widening" so that the grass. .can be cut with, a rriower almost to 'the fences: .` The Ref restatiori ',Committee .reported that 'work{ on" the: new, County Forest purchased, in Lind- say• Township• is progressing sat, .isfactorily',. 100 acres, were added re.cently,'to 'make'a -total cf, 3106 :Victory Ciub-. Stili .Busy. _.;_ W.+ o••`4The'',regular•Tin nth y meeting 'of ^the Four •Corners Victory Club. was ' h•eld -on Tuesday,: November 5.th at.,fthe::..hbmd;:„Of • Mrs' Ross_, Gammie., Thirteen , ladies . attend- ea the meeting. Two quilts• were made. It ryas decided to make`a. fartey quilt and to• sell ':tickets oh it. YVIrs. Wim. Rutherford. vited the ladies''her..horne for th :•.D e : ext'meetin` •'on' Tuesda .. ,e. cemher 4th 1.... ADVANTAGES: ore' Palatable 3. Increased Egg Production ;. ~. ,Less--�Deterior-ation.:. in Feed Quality . ''Greater Feed' C"onsrlr]'on: 5. Lower Mortality 202 .n PIONEER83 L LAYSON. BROTHERS. L• �• now u. roceries — ce , `s • ntario•