The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-11-22, Page 10 • $2 00 • A Year -In. ;Advance; 500..Extra N TOWNSH IPS. 410141/114641' 411775;: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO,TIIURS,: NOVEMBER 22nd, 1945 -- THIEVES RAID CHICNEIQ- !OUSE AT' PARAIVIOU-NT-:-- • Thieves made � a,• haul`fat Mar=:': . Ort Friday and Saturday of this; tin's farm at•vPar.amount ear eek 'nomination meetings are Sa.tui da ly : y morning W'heti:. the': scheduled . for the Townships , of trade "off ' witty ,about Y .Kinloss; ` west Wawano`sh,.. and• • out e rea osiers: And Which: were` ready ,fpr.. Asht'ield, and: indications, are that,. ,market, The' l'oss is estimated' elections .may.be in,'the •:offing. consid-r'at e abl : more than;• n both. Ashfield : a, n•°d ` wei l West ght.:.It• is believed sh that' a truck- ' `'ancoo Area; : w the School W� o.plan. Would �be xe quired•.•fo r tile .•lobis'being`adopted,. at •theend of th .sas, the . brrdsr would ,t lear ter•rt,, 'wi'ricn• •requires the: electiontour crates.,.. .• in each m 1nicipality of•a Trustee.. Provincial ;ConstableRobb'i°e: �. Board of five thembers to'succeed• and C'ourity Constable . Robert the present school section 'beards. • Nuttal• are •investigating. While . these, boards- could' .be elected by acclamation it is :more AGED' LA ._.. :.. DY SUFFERED than likely that the.'original •quin- SECOND LEG' FRACTURE ..• tette will be chosen ..by ballot In Ashfield ,the prospectsare :.that there :will be a, mu r�icpalel-, ection.: It is :reported: that Re eve. Gilbert'FraYne maY=yetire after. two ,Years as ,reeve and ..mention ed spossible, c. 1 Tthis p b .. eandidates.:fo>a -this seat areFred Anderson and. Cecil . Johnston. In anyeven t, if Mr. Fra: • ne should seek ` Y re=election• lien will no. doubt have'. Opposition. The:, Ashfield Board includes Reeve ° Frayne .•and ;'•Council o l ors, Fred 'Anderson, Cecil 'Johnston, n o, Mrs. N ''L. Campbell, 89 years of age, :and. who h as been a•pat, ient ' in St. • Michael's Hespital, ,,Toronto,.• for over>three' ,months, now has a fractured left 1 `� which *as as ,revealed by. an X-ray. taken at. the end -'o f the •• , ;Cthe, • Mrs., 'arnpbe]1 was admitted to :the. hospital;" late :in Au ' ' gust with TH R ELINL .E I-E-LD� FC►R WARDENSH„I P' S`uhj ect . to I e election in their. respective, respective, municipalities;� there will' be at least three contestants for the Wardenshi of B` . �' race :Count ` in 1946. .Y The" ' •.in 1 Y•` c �,ule Richard Elliott of Kinloss Town ship, Robert.: 'Sloan of.' Elderslie' .__ .MOVED ,TO VILLAGE a EIGHT PAGES., 'Mr. and • Mrs,. Thomas Ander- son;. Sr . esteemed :residents . of Ashfield Townshi` I? have .ve retired' from farthing arid the first of the Week moved. to Lucknow' t ' o mare their •home 1V[ .. _r, ,and Mrs;: son "are*i resdir . iii the;; .. � g . , former Margaret Tayl'or'home Q on Q ualit • : ° y. Kenzie. ' . ,., 'Fo osier - of • ,�B rag�u,c e� tune o • - $ ould hrop vicle a keen race for the to' Hull, which they purchased some o.�A'"whlF This iia ae;oirie• h seat in the County. • WEST" WAWANOSH •TWP. Tn point: ' of priority Kinloss FINISHED IN 6th !LACE Township is entitled to 'the war-• d'ensbip, It • is' 'some thirty-three years since Mr. D; A. •MacDonald "Black :Dan") brought this; hon- or tv K ni6ss It is ' also many years since an Elderslie reeve has held the WardenshiB u, p r c e Township had the. honor 12 yeas; Iib ' 1Kin1oS,.,.;Reeve 'Elliott--h-a:;- given • long service' to ."thef muni- cr .ality"and is' concluding'is l lth year as reeve.;'Nor 'have. they 'been easy years, for the Ackert Drain a fractured right leg.' This had. has been a .contentious question knitted': • perfectly : in ' aboutten for' several terms'. and ten., on this as= weeks' .time. ,'Since then %, sue r: Ell iatt .success€tzll eoii Campbell had :the misfortune to tested; 'several''elections.'. If :Mr. Elliott is-''return�ed Hickson :'ana :ir'rank' 'Rami]- : 1 from-her'hospital: bed;: which in to • mayh - , - n,av Knl e o ` ca ss usedM th and win es the•.: in�u'ry,wardership; From •West ' Waw ' which was' •discov rade, „li ; ., wanosh .there .which , . •, .. ered a fev� days. , e;. will,::have � to .resign. 'his . comes little:-. r. ago. after she osi i o no had ton , sti p . 'ori; • • , • P.. g catin.g ras, to • suffered..a good ,• the:: Highways, .Com-' de .:.hatl wmay.a of '.•d is ' � mit... happent e" tee •r ss This there.She:. ' eyear h . Three .. underwente is,completing E 1 •years ago the. present Board an:Operation operation,' on Tuesda .. 'to his' :7th : year, on this was y ha�ie .committee: elected to,offie�':. West Waawanosit e ani since-. then. a pin inset ted: in the leg.' h:avi g: served. tviro 'Complete plete Besides the two fractures terms' of: three ear Durnin Phillips.... ' :110 8000 have twice been r turned by ac-. ures .Mrs: y s .each. ciamation • : Cam bell W Thos: Webster :. 11 withou as. much . a p has, diad; pneumonia. Whether. or not cbe is ,returne 9 98;000 from which•she made a sur ris= another:erson..bseirig',even nom= p•Elliott._ mated, :a .,'' : ' ' - ing: recovery: :could f'he so' wished, � Employees' , . ':;100. . complete the.. remflii<ihiig''two, years :of his' \third: term on the:Highwa• s Co m ,g . ..:Y.. ,,,m. mittee. MARRIED . AT EVANSTOhi •. Final Iluron County return's, :i the -.•Ninth Victory 'Loan --silo West Wawanosh Township. as fi ,ishing -in. sixth-� lace:with sub : :scriptiors of' $179,550 or 185.10. percent of • the.' objective' of $97,000, With the 'same 'objectiv�e East Wawanosh was in -7th'pla.e, with subscriptions of ;$175_,0.0A.:°,or. 181.03 .erten ' . �... nt.. ASIilield s objec- �tive was. $148,000 and Subscrip- tions totalled • $163,200 or '110.27. H' u r. ,.ri.. o Ccaunty s t o 'a l was $7;302,350: or 172.78.percent percen:t .of the objective, of $422fi,500. ' Individual sales in�►„sh• Plrl ax1t1' West Wawanosh were as follows; •: Ashf� - eld No -Sales Amounts J. N, C - a' esar � • 65$38,850 Alex F .McDonald.10a1 59,050 J. E. Phillips' 1.1 p 2 Banks 14 •• 10,550 •Employees 2 150 BARN FWD 'HOME RAZED • BY FIRE Fire• of mysterious origin. din w i . d :g. pe out the barn, and-.hor} e "of, Mr. and Mrs.• .]',outs' .Dalton „Con.ce son 12, " West Waw a anosh, .Qarly :Saturdatnernin' Y.° .�.,, g, It Was 'feral- ,. er.ly, the:' W. R: Farrier farm., •:4Besicl the es. `se �,.., ason s crap of• hay))'. pang maxi some We of cattle, .four horses .and so ._ � ' me 'hogs were destroyed • in . the 'con-. flagration. The cattle included a''~• ;bull and 13 milking cows One of the two, teams ,of ::horses be-•' ' 11 1 longed to Jack Bo e' w Yi ,. ni • been taking^.o ',wood ut wood . in they The Wawanosh';Board .::is Com- prised of: Reeve Brown : Smyth and Councillors Everett_Finniigan,z -David • McAllister, Gordon .Pherson' and Wa' Mller.: In. Kinloss:Towns i' ,. hip' it is .ex- eeted-that.. eeve' ti char ' dE 1 t will °reek .one' ... o, e : ,r _term twelfth , so that he• May contest the Bruce' Count ' •war' Y wardens hip: hi p. the' u 'B-x�P _ �3'=w-a�-derts�hi ' uncillor .1)an, T. Melt ' nnon is .rite' nti tined ;as ,a o s: p, s• iblei aspirant for' the''reeveship. as ii',Councillor uncillor Alex'MacKenzie a vent.•, erari rriem'- her of the Board. Under . the cir= cuni'stances°• it is very: uincertain • as to •what nomination-day-- d'e uelopmerirs may be.` "': Theapresent Kinloss:' Board, el, •ected three 'years -ago; ands•tit ice• returned by: acclamationY includbs Reeve Elliott and'' ...., .., Councihors: Alex 1VIcKenzie,, Dan T. MCKin ;non, J .W. Colwell and ray:: MRS. ALLiw DURNIN ' ]•NST A L .. L E D• o ,5 NOBLE GRAND •"1Jnder._�th"e • direction ..of : Paters. o Mrs. of ,Ripley, District De-. putt'"Prsid tint, office's:,.of_Jewel; Rebekah Lod .e g Luckrio'' ' installed. , . were instahin' : • ,The g staff included:' ,: � -- Ulrs •.K Warden;: MelC !y;'Ree See..Mrs. E. • McDonald; ..Fin. -Sec., Mrs,' ' S.' Stanley;' 'reas: i zie• i Mi s V; 1VIcKen Marshall, Mrs; Cook•. Cha Mrs; E. hricormicic • p , Sproul, ,, Y.G,, .Mrs. The offi : T sets , o. f th : fo, � Meal• rod E;. _b e _ . mg; -term •a ,. Mrs; .Al,rn_ .,, re..1�.Cr., Durnin; V.G. , Jardine ° • � • �, Mrs, G. 11Cc� Sec., Mrs. T. Clark; Fin, -Sec,, Mrs, G, C '' Mrs, oolte Trews,,,. M; Irwin • Warden, Con., Mrs.' It Joh'r den, .Mrs. Oi r; G. rFisher', Ston; , O.:G ,' S. E. •Rob- ertson4SrI,U., lairs, Th • :; I' S•N4G•;, Mrs, 13,Nixon;ornpson, Mrs., S. Q N xo,R,S,V,G•,, ton, Sproul; L,S.V,G,, Mrs. Chapl,. i , • s N s ' Cooke; McCall; Mrs, I v6n; orx..,Fr iday evening.Th MrsMI` D .M ' usr czar HUNTERS ON' THE : -DEER TRAILS 1 THIS WEEK --ThPd-^oolthtiesof I- term,•Bruce LUCKl OW STANDING• and Grey •ERRONEOUSLY. 'REPORTED reyare swan is_ OR:TED . . • t�r.i.�g th, week. „ --, .,._.. .,. With ' deer hunters, many, of them : m. _ .3']a_er.finaLb from faz-�afreld'_�The=se-a-sow=o eii-` ulletin i_rirconnectto-n � . .,, .with-theice • •• - ed on: Monday and closes on ce County Ninth Vic 4 Sat- ' t r o Lo a n ca " i ur Y a da. rxr n . was So f issued, e far: there g Y er e d, a ears to" pp .. last. -'Thursday, .Showi Luck_- -be-_erg—few-;n--tis-rmedraCe community -Who • 's total subscriptions; a s Y have., had much.: 173;500�or�1-22 percenlll of -the: ob M'r. aril Mrs '`Joseph 1Vlaurd 1' luck, although a Holyrood ;party ,$ is:reported lo Have bagged. jective of $142,000 . gged. four:,: -It..`''J. Moore reportsAecoraing to the•. bulletin is ' issuing so .' e:' sixty licenses : to }halters sued headquarters 'the first o f fro : the •week, Lucknow subscriti m as far as Windsor. -•t._, ' p ons •were,'listed at$190,1.50' for a per • H•ONOR•E: KA>tRSHEA CLUB cen'tage, of 134. _ T h e County tot a 1 !\ached $5,58.8;200.' or :145`_percent of the .objective of $3;850;000. Final figures for Kin•-oss,..were A peasant evening" was "spe' t at `$118300 or 124percent- ,•of the °ob, Holyrood'Hall on Friday when jecti' r.ve. oi•,$9S,OOO..Huron To,�vn-` :the ,Kairshea 'Club'' entertains' d ship` headed all rural municipal the returned servicemen of the viiii r'with • � bes Bce l . ��suljscripti.on:s cor'rimunity and ,their-fanilie• : of • 223,450.'or• 150 percent of:the.. Rev.' Dann acted • as; chairrrian for 'a, short' program20 Canada :was sung, followed' 'b'y instrumentals by: Dr. Little• accom a t p Hied �y Mrs. Philipa •sole •by Mrs. ,Car= ruthers and ''a';reading by ;•1VMisS. A ie ac r• ..?ln __ 1yi . day. - - �• .. µRev:'' ,a ., : ,. _ D r n thcri announced"tlr c following 'names': Tsabe1 ..l?h lip, ,Ted Murray, Charlie Robinson, Jon Simkins ' George p , gc:Riibirison, oar d lrfeid,:• Donald''Stimson, Wm: Stimson, Jr:, .Jo'hn • 'Carter, Ted Collye , IKerineth 'McKenzie, 'Gerald Wagner, Allan •McCharles; John Cari;others•, 1{enn:ie Graham, t u 'ter ' • 'P'a t n tcrscrn; Reg Lays, TLloydEllio£t,-"Do tape IcTnty-r e, Don ,-' alcl England,. Leertiaid,•Mr, a Lod. Billfolds were' 'pfesented; with. '.the next -of -.kin , recoi'vin the gift, fol': those who Wore:. ail,. able to , be Present, • Lunch w:as;•sotvedrind the is maindei' of ':the •evonin 51�e'iit n dan.cingr SPECIALS tri men'S Fi'tie Under- wear. e VItC-'aI', The St:flll. with tl�•(. Sic i'lk. THE ,MARKET STI ORF,' objective of •$148;000, Teeswater .Was-,' high the yr:- ban r ban ;centres with a figure oI '$224,050: .for 219,• percent 'of the objective of $102,000., G-ARNIER'S-• BOOK. knuinber` cif ,well -bound copies Or: -the' bciok "Prince Pedro" writ- 'f'ten _b ` the -'late Dr. G i-rnier•- cart' ,be had at the Express' gffice fol. 35 •cents,a 'copy;.' •, • COMING, EVENTS LYCEUM•.SPECIAL • "Nob HILI a technicolpt .spec-, 1 ' l4 C 011 171 yceuin scFeeri at Vi i han this•-1hursday;"1"r1- day and Saturday: Its, a 20th Ceti-. ,t ii•y-Fox picture ;starring:George `Raft and Joint .1cniiett, AUXILIARY° DANCE .. T hp' Ladies' . AUxilinry v'1/47i 1.1' sponsor. a dance in the Town rr ill, L'uckntr on Fi;iday, No T- erilbo °`'301h, Alun is by Carruthers Hogan b- ush that day and had left the team:in his barn that night. Fanned by a strong Southerly bree• Y ze the flames set fire to the • roof of the -nearby` brick home. ,Ladders, were lacking g to get: to' the:. roof and, ;a hole was cut thru from the ` inSide side but by..this time the flames were bey ond. cont .. :Y rol and" t ose on; the .scene devoted' the tie those ' f ; is to' savinga�• •good'•'d `� cal of the hous-e: of effects. ,W a un= derstand•' '` (here:: was "tri ' -the buil.din s •bu g ., t none on_ ,the v. • . •d ontents,: and' -'stock in 't the barsri which . rte reser a is ' P .bi g loss. .• ' , d The fire broke out 'before M'r. and, Mts.' s.. Dalton had risenn; the mo r nin" g • and ndt. he barn r n w. a s i� a r - i g.infern before aware. -of the'confla tion �hich "was" first- observed: " sh rtl' `: b fore Six. .oclock Those ;fist •.: o tt ,the scene said it was evident i .the blaze had the ._-k- originated i s able of the barn : It' was: believe . •at1•that had they been.. able to. get ^o the roof of ;.the., hou_se rom l � the: home might fiave b e{ saved. At • -the height -of the. � laze i.t, a� 4ji� feared,' -that •bui�ldin on g theH'en Jardine• announce the • marriage: of-` tr i N-aylo-r�`fa-m :.acro s ..the. r. daughter Gwendolyn .., road,. mr . ht• alio so: t ak ',� ' g ef. i r Ab"'. e i A a drivels t' o h ect g • Mr: '' : Ge'. or Albert e 1r to .Fficke ^ t e -we .ani close b r, . Jr,, 'on..Saturday�q :Novern._ y the barn , ort the' .alt ' e Dalton on •farm: b r 10th 1945' at . escaped es • , ,. Evanstdn' :Il'1"in< P t r ' .i •: u cti on i. 0 s: � i -t--. O -•- = , , ._-Sunr�aw a=stead. -s -"-Tlre br:ire =ism niece of MVliSS J e' tre-arn o cera , Mary •MacKenzie'- nd-- p.. tors .yisi ed; the- ruins. ,The a Mrs• Roas MclViillari : of K' .., par'tia.4y;atariding .brick'wall .Kinloss TownsEi sand P �a ire: of :ash _and is ,well•�known° to.man.:' P es were, all 'that re= y here:; ' ma.ined of the•hoirne pnd from the` Still •'smoulderin . ruins - g of the.::. „bar`n. came the acrid stench :of ;' -the ca-rcasses, of the ariirrra�ls that were: burned to. death. • MARATHON. SEVENTH ,ROUND BRIDGE Mrs: Solomon—Miss ,M. Trelea- ver, `.Mrs..Jasel ` Mrs. W. Johnston. Mrs. H.:,1vlcQuillm •. Mrs. W. Henderson, Mrs; Philip, Mrs. • K. -Murdie; .; Mrs: J. Agnew—Mrs. C. Then -IP::: son, Mrs. J. MacMillan,' Miss L. Robinson Mrs. R.•• J., Button Mrs• -A Havens, Miss . ' Osborne' Douglas :Leishmna -� Mrs. A. C,• Agnew.:1VLrs E.,.Collyer, 1VIrs. Hal • 1ynnan,, - Mrs; • Hewat--Mrs, •{ G Taylor; Mrs 1Vh,,Hendexson, Mrs: C. Cook: Mrs. W. Huston' 1VIrs, .McI '1m,' Mis `J; MacInnis, Mrs,' muffin. Mrs: E -Harris --Mrs. H. Web- ster, 1\rrs . G,, Joynt, Mrs. %i.. A.l-« lin, • Mrs. O. Rat well. _ Mrs.. T. -:Clark, MIS, BreW$I`' .., M`rs: H --Tie=_ leaver'i. _ r - ..::. , Mrs; R: Finlayson 'MI's. C.. MacDonald, ;' Mrs, • T. '•R obinson, •Mrs. W. B. Anderson: Mrs J, R. Johnstone: - • Mrs, • Roach, Mrs': , 'J ;Cameron,'Mrs;• E� �� T. MkeDonal • CHRE. Mrs, MCCal - -MIS.' J. Hall, Mr', Go Fisher, Miss D:.:•Cook ewers stra, Novel . dances, A 1VIrs. S ZOUI 411,o.„.. i H. � Nixotr, Ma song lei s, li, Joltnst on. • ST: ANDREW'S .:BALL, FRIDAY OF,. THIS • WEEK St, .Andrew's Ball `a � o: _ul annual ` i? 1? ai• event under ' auspices ;of the Kairshea Club', will be: held: in the Town Hall, Lueknow, ori::'. Friday night of :this''•w ,eek, Nov ember er 3rd•;:,,• Its '.the :Old. time dance'; ,of the year, but. • of course there'll be plenty'of modern tunes a . lso, vided by ` Carruther•,s,' orchestra; and as well one can expect . some `� • :piping •arid°':$co;tch'"'dancing -- Wouldn't. be . St. Andrew's ' night without it; Th • e admission' is '54c, `: •. and there,' will, be? lunch counter "Service.' 't7 BOR$ ° HODGINS _Iii Wingham hospital tar on Monday,' p November.''. 19th, to ' li/rrs--;Osea'r-•-Hcrdgirrs'�if`�'., ---- Lucknow; a.,son • • BIBLES;• .BIBLES!• BIBLES!... A nice" Bible • ori Hyinn Book makes a lovely ' gift- for' both till and ;young. See the fine 'selection. of Christian'' books for all ages. We take orders for Chrisrtian niagazines ' and 'books but plea. e. get order ,m'early and insure' de 1i ,'ei y for • Christ] -las, T/il CHF!ISTIAN°:LOOK to • itut