The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-25, Page 94 TgUESPAY, • OCTOBER 25, 1945'. f sco 3,4%7A Mr,. and Mrs: Case 'BIack and - daughter • Freda; of Molesworth. Were .visitors .with Mr. and Mrs, Geo; • Hedges on Sunday. • IV1iss Ettabelle Webster,R.N. of Brantford, has been ' holidaying' hertS Mr, --and- Mrs. "'parer#... Thos: Webster.. Mr. and :Mrs. Abner Morris-. spent a few dayss last, week visit- .ing isit'•ing their, :daughter, -„Mrs. Ander- `son Mug;ford,oShephardtol: Dawson made a:, busi ness • trip last weep •'to London, •HamilrOn'' and Toronto ''Mi and Mrs;=' Alvin Sherwoor returned: last; week end,..;from. -their honeymoon •trip • spent 'at, r"e Buffalo and :other .: sort. colb4..r� .: m . P .. ,, - points. Mr: Melvin Reed,, -Toronto= and -- daughter Doris` spent the week- end -at -their. home--here-with: Mrs: Reed •and Girvin- Miss Marvel. Scott and .father, Mr. Will -Scott of Purple Grove; were recent: visitors -With' Mrs. Rich, McWhinney ' a iss Bernice ..Blake .13.A.: .of Oil. :Springs spent the week -end with Mr•: -and 'Mrs: Joh ;- ,Il • $lake_µ 14jis llgakehne • Caesar .Honored-,=- Mrs. Harvey,1VJ'ble .. entertained .at her :home•':or ,a Friday night in honor. of Miss Madeline : Caesar bride elect. 'Guests • numbering bout -forty were present'for--this. miscellaneous; shower :and each —,.also,_bridging a clo=thes -pin- Wi h: then 'name:Tr-lilted p: ,it s An ad -L dress of -good wishes 'was: read y." M. s. -: Wilfred .'Pentland, and alarm clocks led'to' the clue of hidden -gifts ih:`vai rows ,places 'af: :ter`Madeline`•was showered•• with`` 'confetti .by •.sbrne of the younger set of girls.: Madeline spoke . ?a ,few words of l:appreciation for. their kindly gestures.':Thehostess_ =served a''delrcious lunch, at the -erose-o:f..iil}e• evening: ,:, - �- Mr _ Thomas Stothers received- word 'recently that his ..elder bro- ther, -Robert' Stothers`. of Ottawa had passed' away. 'at; the age' • of-4--at-'tris•--borne--there: followed'-the.:teaching , profession and had completed 4Q `years tea- ching history rn.a college in .that city: Mr. Stothers here is'the. ;last surviving 'member of his family = a fleverF--brothem rd sis' ors. _- Mrs Ernest Merkley, .Belniore Is visiting, her sister;; _Mrs. ' Har `,ey Mole... - -Erskine-:M.S. Entertains The ladies of Erskine W.M.S. were at home •for _their ,'a'nnul:: missionary thankoffering mee.ting •and ad'exteriaed ari in matron ` to' the other local'auxilia les as .well as from their sister churches at Lucknow and'port Albert: Mrs. Rich. McWhinney;: president,.;was '1,n the .chair and after thea -open ing: hymn -and prayei Miss .Iva :Cam led 'in the worship • period and gave a .paper, 'on "The - Lord: is.Iy • Shepherd". • Mrs. Arthur ' Stewart ,gaVe words of welcome • -to the visitors after Which Miss: Catherine 'Agnew, Lucknow, ren-: dered two, lovely solos. Mrs,':Har= ... old Taylor- .gave two' readings of her,..'Qfl - anaposit'an; •-Wftt-te :While in the -N rth, .Revs.': MacDonald ave C g a :brief address on` Thanksgiving. Duets were • rendered, by .Mrs.' Allan Reed and _Mrs, Frank doires, also•. Joyce.Ste: wart and. Margaret-° Black With Mrs. Herb Stothers at' the Organ. • • Mrs: .McWhinney, `the 'president,' gave .a talk on "Peace's after: • • Which refi.eshnts 'were served. . St. Paul's Harvest .Hone -St, Paul's Anglican Church was tastefully decorated with flowers and the 'seasirn's fruits' for the Harvest Horne Thanksgiving ser- vice: at -2.30 m," with the • rector, .Rev., d'oselyn giving an impres- sive adds > on - Thapksgiving,, Mr, Rex: O Wander and members .of the Luckriow choir assisted' With music., Mrs'. Ralph Foster Loki iow Sentinel, • 'i , Lu cknow, .,Ont.�tr>tQ . gi e'++,. solo of :Thanksgiving. The ser- vice was • largely • attended by members and. visitors;. . NIL, Nelson 'Culbert, • while Plowing with his tractor. at his. •farm, 4th Con. of West Wawahosh ori 'FridayOctober 19th'' ,found. wild' Was` b .r s p e xy .bushes =loaded Withie;-"luseous Berries1. a ong the: fence in his 'field. Heather ed ` a few of these brant hes :and. sent, th hi. to your correspondent,- �;ondent•- who. tailed on: a few elderly, folks who sawand sampled the berries'. They were judged -Ito .':edI to bete ' g h .equal 'ofthe regular P i crop. t a Ci r hl o el m • of BenmillVr delivered. an • Interesting .address • rat the United ` Church Sunday ening for ' the .W g M S.::Thankoffer `ing' service, He.spent• sone time in Northwestern • China :and gave - a vivid address on ,the' .,people'' their, --belief and - customs.--- Mrs; Rev.. Rogers sang. a solo,: Mr•. W. H. McClure is doin • b sone: renovating at his,horne, and” former store. The latter is, being fitted up for; living quarters - We are, glad to know Mrs. -Eliz- abeth .Robb is •. considerably iii- rnve udy �of . � , -- ..heart-spell,She=_ • •R Was ViSite(i Icor a st.—days by her. daughter; Mrs. Gordon Rit- chie of ;Lanes. Mr: Mr, and' Mr.`s. Bert Wiggins and. Valerie of Brantford were week- end visitors with his parents, -Mr and'. Mrs. Thos. Wiggins. ' . The "Garden • Brigade: Girls" of this. district who had each:.won prize money with - exhibits. at Stratford' Fair and who had con- templated o, buying • bulbs ,or ,something along that line de- clined and,rather ;voted' . e for their coach, :Miss Flora Durnin,y to buy an). outfit ,for :a • girl, --of 12 years to- be, sent :overseas •'to•:,hel • iu P z •thi ;. r'e1� .of s whiter.• OUNPAR 15 =Mr . „and Mr - Jack Flad , s:� rtagan, Mr" and Mrs :Malcolm and Mr. -Wa•1ter-Murdoch'of Toronto spent the week -end at the _home 'of NIr , Tc m; Inglis -Mr. , and ; Mrs. George Fisher farnily, Mr. -and Mrs. 1Ronald. For- sten. :and .•Nancys -spent . '`Sunday with, Mr: and Mrs: `Elliott Car- ruthers.- ruthers.• ' Recent visitors at Mr. ,George Fishers, have .been Mr.. and, .Mrs: -Wesley -Tiffin arid `Mtg. WM: Evans and, Mr an l IV[rs. Farish Moffat, . Mr, George- Kennedy attended a Sliorthorri sale in Stratford last •Tuesday•and a• sale near irpronto,, on Friday . 1- • Mr. and Mrs._ Charles .T•wamiey , and 'family.. of .London• -sp ent .PAGE NOM that they -go ahead with the fix' ing of the hall apd appointed two.. new .members: on' the committee in cha, Garne the C. -to the week -end. recently wit °'r: anf . i to b Mrs. Wm. MacDonald. s ,on Fr Mrs, Melvin _ Hackett of Wood- - tided' stocl sp, nt last week -end ' •with,•on the Mr, and Mrs. ;,Pharis, 1Vlathers, 'at.', the Mr.. and Mrs:' Harvey. A•kert to the and 'farnily of Lorne spent;' Stin7 was daywith r,' •a . • lVL • nd. ''Mrs..; Pharis 5cholt; Max hers. k'arrle• � The.,: -,Women's " Thstitute was r ��adin nj hold- at .the home of Mrs, .To 3 McIiin In li • on: :Tuesda. f = g,•. y afternoon,, 'af dr. Th tertl being ` postponed 'for : a' ,week, was• a Mrs.: Cecil.Falconer was in charge eel, - Of the -program. The • ineeting was Dr,.: , Par openecL by singing. the Institute stressed Ode..Plans were made •for: the ficieney F'ederati'on, Banquet which was cer: Bef' held in Whitechurch on Thursday ior.'al an. evening, catered, to by members a Vote of the Institute: 'A committee was. and -t6: - named to' have charge of, ..tablesi the' use fowl, etc.; namely‘ Mrs G. Gil-. tion was i iespie, Mrs. A: Coultes and Mr's; E: -Scholtz: it ` was also de idea -scs6i hq ge, Messrs,' Ab Coultes and' Farrier. •The: tender for .8. station has been given. Istitute., A ;reception for ••;tl o rnuntty., i eld' n the Institute hall d y evening,' It was de - o ':hold eo':hold a 'bazaar :and tea ay the finer hold the bee tation :and to -serve' tea en.,After the. • business, i pensd with ang a. soho.' Mrs. - geve: a ppqiano 'sold -and; s were .given ,by lairs,, Jas. S otic Mrs George Fish - i' bli ht : of the 'program g .g.:. �w .. i teresting ,paper ori ca- he guest ..:speaker,_ .Mrs er of guest, ..:speaker,_ She' :the- point --=that • a de-J- in e_-in vitamins" caused can re .closing' with' the. Nat hem Mrs ,G. :Fisher ga.ve o ' thanks AO Mrs. ' Parker s: Inglis and Pauline for f. theirpori a APpeciax- ,p • shown by' a • hearty` ap- u>Rlch ;was .served -and-a c hour spent. • • • • • —'t tt SoxrLeda ,' •r OMEWHERE� in the back of'your NOW' is' the time we ' must,' support mind, there's that urge to go .rationing andprice controls! .places. t Right i now it.must . be filed • tjp to. the present; -we've kept our under---Future;--but-its- art; of us n p, dollar`sourid And"we can continue Canadians •• ; Canadians to want to . discover forto do so if we keepup 'a strong, LI L to d' _-,_µ.-aur�elve.s�w}hat�.tla.eY•r << ��' 1� :� steady-fight-�agatnstii�flatYoi!`.=�"='t- is like -toy plan- for that some':day, ' �.w. _ __ . when`we'll take a ..trip! That'swhy. wh . , If we fail: in tris. fight, prices'will • it must be part of oP Our p1annrngg now, rise: Wages will never quite, catch a t pins as up, . Soon.. you'll pay, . perhaps a - to i`take sure such pleasant things g ___.._ .. r'- , , r dollar•fora •quarter s worth. of; oods ' • tri s a ' e ossible• in' the .. o•st•wa -, � p e pp l •• .• And that means your dollar isworti world. And they 11. t.�e possible •on y, t, • if ` we � lit against .rrrflatton=figh-w ��onl�r a.qu�rt eic .That s.•inflation And after' g now to keep Canada's' dollar worth`s: • 4 inflation, comes ' de- ' full dollar! pression. • bepression aieans:neither ' Why -As NOW so important? Be- ' you nor .anyone else • in Canada will 'cause NOW Civilian goods. are scarce, have trips. You'll be lucky if you money is plentiful. ,NOW is tete time have a job! So, for our own sakes, we must guard against paying amore -for the sake of returned men, for our than -thins are worth..--again$t black <` • children let's teyer relax our struggle g . markets—against buying More than to keep 'Canada's, dollar' worth a full we need, or., goods '.'we••'don't need!. dollar! •• • i°Jrbl tbcd by VIE Bi .i3W11VCii. llotis`ray (ONTARIO) to revel the dangers of inflation '11/take this P1"edge `Todayr! 1; pledge myself to do my•part ;in. fightin_gjiif tions.. or observing rationing, and avoiding black markets.' 'in any Shape of form. -BY-resp- aping price controls 'and other , anti-inflation measures, and. re- - frainingfron careless and unneces sary buying. •I will not buy`tivo' . . where one will do, nor will. I .buy • a "new" where: An "old""will do. BY buying Victory Bonds and 4 Savings Slumps,:. sispporting, tax- . " ation and: abiding : by Il; such measures.. which will lower the. cost'' of living and a, help keep jrices at a not,mal level; V .• b w