The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-25, Page 7TH1I RsDAY, OCTOBER it , 1845 THE N NTI4. LOAN The' 9th Victory Loan opened • October 22, 1945. It will be Can- ada's Greatest Victory, Loan be- cause it aims to cover Canada's borrowlg'-needs -for -the next -12. Dp tom nmow, 'each • new tL of Loan aimed to •cover nee -a only six months. So the 9th Loan is really two Loans in one. . "One large loan ..now instead of two smaller. loans, one •now and' another in the Spring of 1946, Means a real saving of time, • of •fort : and expense. It is possible: to aim, for a•, full years needs in one loan:: because ,,Canada bot rowing . quiremer ts' . over. . .the l • ext 'twelve monhs v lnot be as large as theY hdv�A een . , 'recent years _-- ory e.. -hag -.—been.-.. won: , in will U . Viet y buy. double< the amount Of; Th uckUOw ,. • � ��c�Qws Ontario., WHAT•ATIME-TNATs TONNA .BE, MOM,;HAS a.ELPED TO BRINGN1M,_BiAC ":. SY BUYtNG, 1►OU SEE quirements. •As in clir��.duals;,Canadials know; the: 'value of Victory.`:Bonds,.the value of a re 'rve of . savings to meet f "" t, . u ure. , cads .and. wants; With ,twelve months to `pay tor' 9th Loan' Bonds man C d Bonds:, an i a Y. arts Europe and in the Pacific. The 1 the ..purchases 1n .earlier L'.oans, means .t .. � end'. of hostilitiesn1 buy more t than --b ~~ . The 9th' Victory Loan will be Canada's .Greatest' Victory Loan: he end: and' Most others wil of many war 'costs. But we now Mace new :'task's:•, » And these.,new tasks bring new needs. So...total•' outlays -and borrowing require menta •; will continue- at : high levels For instance; :men in hundreds of ;thousands must be _brought. ac " to" theiir '°home anti: ;from` overseas, This will ;take time, bei,. cause of hipping. shortages 'continuing operatioiiia in occupiecr areas Meanwhile:; they ;must be • paid; fed,: housed and ;eared.: for in: a hundred -and -orae different '.••Way. -This a l cosa move =1 e Y t Y -- amounts' of it. • Then,. : the wounded', an the sick xinus�t-1ie"°��ored -iso A a%th a -good_ start_;_in c�vilian.-life 'Many be trained trained for new fobs. War ser- --•Nice-trate es -and rrebstall:ish inentbcredits will'be, -paid. These and other:rehabbilitation outlays .involve •hundreds- of rriillions of dollars. • People in war-torn countries: heed, food, clothing; medical. and other supplies to ' relieve suffer int and distress. --The -United.: Na'- tions;;including Canada.are 'mak ing gifts of 'essential' supplies to these. peoples Canada .•'is •also lending moneY . .to • countries in: war areas:to help them buy sup= plies-in=C .riada--u-r-gentl:y--needled to ouercOineelle-losses -and-d;evas Cation of 'war: The•:money Canada will:: spend arid lend in these .way$' is -an investment in the future'. peace And, prosperity • . of the wof id Then; Itfhpre are -outla=ys of-=v-ar ious ; kinds_: to O:lean up-thewar• ,. . 'program, and to; start Us.gon -our way toward normal peacetime living; These tasks, and 'these needs,- are reasonswhy.; Canada's:•-bor-. rowing requirements for the next' ..year will, :remain.'at a high level even though direct.war ;costs ,have: declined• 'with victory:. in Europe' ., .and in the Pacif}c.: They are reds- • ons why Canadians . are being asked to- continue . their present, savings program for another year. Winning The -Peace • Plans to win the. peace, plans for high ' employment-.-and-,:pros- perity in ,the days Vectotne, ares - slow being_Iaid.' Continued , over;. he ued saving' t -,:.tiext ..year :' will help. these plans succeed., War pro- duction has :come to an end. Pro-' duction ,for civilian use' is 'on:.. the- ' •way.Up,.•:But, the .supply, .of new. things .to buy 'at current is still ver prices is still y much•: less than the of spendable money in the. hands of Canadia ills; A's . r the. Condition . long Will dition remains,: there be upward: pressure on prices, pressure which could l' to "inflation` cad to lnfl ti then to mass unem= misery andardsh 20E1f-ding increases • this ..: es-. sure;: Sa ving, reduces. it. So.-.- - tmu'�d saving; con. 9th' tdVictorysg' by -the -purchase of • cLoan Bonds, helps to keep the cost of living under con- trol, and to maintain the buying power, of our, liloney. By helping' to maintain stability;it4' us to ,Win the wish help peace. the, new minimurn objectives, for. thw Loan. are the largest in Victory Loan history., Theyre- fleet the tWo ,dohs- - . tire � of t . �,. in one feat•- he .9thf Victory . C ° continued Loan, the and the new levela of far saving, , YOU-A,N.. -' `YOU • R . TO. ..: JID .-:_._., -,Y_. _ .. _..: _. _ Z WEBSTEIi,:'IS: • ..:� ,. "If you' Want to MENTIONED live . in the• kind � 1!f IN.`--DISPAxC of town ` Like the. kind of :town:' yo'u like, w: ' . Sit' Jam.: g . es A 'Webste •son Y ou .needn't slip. 'your chat es..in- ri' of d a ri h Mrs: •Vrolet• Welster of g p , ,, Kiri ar.1 And start -on a 'tong; long ,hike. dine and formerly . of .Lucknow; You'll' only,. find : „What • o ♦ You. left is among 1 O.ntanio soldiers re- ..behind; ,� . � � - -.. ce 1 tit e d ' y Faz•�t�here athi ' ; '' �titio� , :in --dispatches. s ng that s tea 1y, This, Means that Jim wil ire itew.` � ce�ive' It's a knock to yourself when ou. the bronze;, -oak leaf , decoration, knock your town- but even his brother,' Mac,' -of. I .isn't your Town—it:s. You. . ___.• . Real towns'aren't >Camp�-who---who-called{ -in made Eby men town' the: end o'the week. can't' ' ,afraid . Lestdrag, 'it' ' out :Of' Jim, what `the, somebody• else gets .ahead. .. • - . r., ward,.: is,:fox. .M, ;�..... _ _.- �� and do ; '•Jim. saw' action with an air- When bon v shim works. y .. y ks borne-artifler�y company -•and was You::'`cans, '-�-" raise a town; fro -in; tb = attacked, to, the_sax i.e unatTas,-Capt,-. idead : Allan Finlayson of Lochalsh. On And if while you make your Per, -one of , his ' jumps : Jim .was ''in "' onal .stake enemy hands: for several hors Your`riei hnor: c •n ' before;:. being. released by•a vane - - - _g,_ a make one too; . in Your town's -y' g♦ ground forces, ; and it is; NO .be what you possible that hi award ma .ha►e want :to see; . a some co n a .. i�la INJURIES proved •, fatal to Ar- thur .Burrows, 68 -year-old Glamis resident; ` who was struck' b a' -motor- 'car 'driven by, Dr:.G. O'Toole,. 'While • riding_ his is -Ot-•the 'D Mani. Road near Gr..eeri..; o-ck.. , cle: • A CERTIFICATE :-OF "MERIT has been presented by the Ontarioa: -Police Commission to ,Magistrate Otto 'McCleviS ''who'• recently re Y. y�� r1 iSYY 6 y(1_1�2i-i (awn lt-5 ��tii;T- ion. • f. -' 1PA GE '.SEVEN�. RON PRESBYTEI MET AT BELGRAV The North • Sectioi Presbyterial ` Woman'. Society .9f the. L>jni met in .the annual ct Belgrave ';. ori Wedn+ mbrniiig ari L,af-tern lyirs. Hugh 'Wilson, B president, conducted .sions, Miss:,Caroline Wingham,, •was.< -the s The: guest speaker Edith 'furlough. froni ' 'Don Africa,''and,told of • t Vance of Christiana, work .: and; education.in .Angola during the • ast.'20`: Ars: .p � r The following' coin ittees were' appointed courtesy nd. resolu 'tions;•" Mrs: VanWyck '> of Y._ tib •harnn;'Mrs. 'G. Gillespie of .White-- church, Mrs. W-1".•, Johnatori of 'Bluevale; • finance; . for .the r r day, • Mrs.: , H Campbell- of • Belgrave, Miss M. Wiltse ,oft Clinton; F+re4 --•� byterial finance; `Mrs. McLaugh lin ,of Brussels; re-elected; Pres- byterial nominating, . - committee, Mrs.' J. Michie pf--Belgrave;: gate to�� Lannon Conference IALW.MS of Huron Missionary ed :Church • nvention in sday, • with , • • ,�-sessions-=: -���.� ussels;.vice •both ses-, Wellwood, cretary..:. • , • was • Misti sionary on I, Angola, e great ad 'r' 'medical Branch meeting, Mrs. A. Mc •Crack en of Bhievale`: ' ing, bid .no -passing on•a„ - a re uest�' Dominion, board, . Mrs. Kirby of, Walton asked that all, auxiliaries abstain -from any, -form -of Jotter` s, 'Walton, reported o.n temperance,, pointing ' out that • the country • leems�to ' need'__ the revenue from. liquor ; t6, keep 'go- sought seems -to, ;b'e id1t of�t'lie use of redwood :urged I all o ieties lie„, press to , make'; n • Wk... tie;, j�vork_: 7eing_acco. lip- d`• so inspire' other, socie- is ed.a ie he -a O• •'wBS u iliar Y erial u St Sp calle tions Mrs,. ng•'.reso roved is iegislati ' intoxica iii d'u y of R lepara an will au.iliar u port° - • I. FOR this, BI'ue • Persian - as, fprevery 'mem- • ber of the feline .family Tthe traditional ninth life is 'just as much a matter for purring as any 'gone before,. Investment -wise _Canadians feel just the. 'same about the ,9th :Victory .Loan ;.'. r they are justaskeen'about the investment value .of. Victory Bonds as ,they ever Were With, • each nevi'' loan, they realize -these thought- ful Canadians -that. they , have made about the finest investment in the, World. Dollars -you. put -into 'Victory -Bonds ace •. • ' : double -duty dollars . ' .they work for you,' • the invesr and -for your count - 1u -•her- .. ' tecontoversioa'from war to . ate-br'agin g home ourighting men, taking, care of the 'wounded, aiding, 4ri their rehabilitation' plans. These dollars .are' an investment in'• Victory itself: . Make the most of this ninth opportunity .. snake .your dollars work for. 'you tiiid • f r your Canada.. JYiaw on your' savings aC count -on your future earnings.:.... SIGN YOUR NAME,FOR VICTORY; BONDS -7'013.1Y: abyBa re —m roups; the Wo ledge o r ! Chri ternoon �devotional'per taken by . the St. Helens . Mrs C: Tavener, Pres- Fesident,._ ntrgduced,:the Aker and" also conducted hile discussion of _sug '_' nd problems.. Wyck read the • follow-,' utions,'which were, ap " Fhaat we support ;such as will ' lead to r . a ctionin.the u -I, t' and recognize the iibatirig' the evil of in • • • Ig .4 y personal example fig.:.b g -sacrifice, :that we, as members, give•, , more tjunior groups. ankh •issi:ori--Bd.�id�,, �tnd . _ .,_, s;'; so a's: to insure.` nbersliip.• fol senior { '.i AO ' • we, as. members • of :1 an's-Missionary Society, r support to the Crusade t ;movement ]taation� 'was' :ep acct :An i ed �: ram :W itechurch tauxiliary to. -eet tli .it 194E ii Tag Da The. • /Hospi $281 .1. Netted •'$281100 := ag; Day,.•held at Teeswater aid of ' the Winghar . building. fund nettled A number: of girls_fro Luck ow High Sch fol acted as taggers O B:I TU AIR y . MRS. - WM. HA1Vf M • After .•a ` lengthy illness there • passed-aWay` atler' Home • ' ` chess ' on 'Sunday • inorning;.; Oct- • ober th,;1VIrs`-Wr ITamfn, in herrI '43rd ..year. ' She was. ' the • daughter of- Mr. and Mrs-. George "McNall ands spent earl" 1 p y life in: Lucknow where the .family resided before mnvirj to -Bl 'Yth g-- Twenty, -four years 'ago. she g ,mar .. .. r. ied Wm. Hamm of. Blyth. ` he was a-faithful--m-epjber of ..tthc. United Church. Left 'to, mourn . her passing :is her husband, 'one daughter; 'Mrs. Robert Gatenby of • Mitchell; .her, mother :and father • and four' bro-� ,A" Tthers,. dam. of Colborne township; George ;and of,, of Blyth aneTom of 'Auburn and one `sis- ' ter, Mrs:. $ert.Craig of Auburn. -One brother John' was killed .. in . action in France. After a.short service in Mitchell the ';remans were brought' th Blyth for" ... the funeral service • at 2♦30 •p.m. son' Tuesday. 'Burial took place in $lyth Cemetery, ►N�. Off` . O�T'�rRE�Ii 44, • DOYOU NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO $UY' BANDS?' ' .. , Witii a ema11 doirn-paytnentk you Can easily arrange to purcha a"your Minds through our !'etnc•Loan and pay the balance iu taRy tnontt) titstalenents. over the next year. KR& YOUR AONDS SAFE1 Vour Victory Bonds are as,vatuable•ascash. Bot 10c. • ,per 1100;per•year :(minimuai charge 25c.). we will place your 'binds in our vaults for safekeeping;" clip the coupoins"nd credit you with the; proceeds. til A 111111144 (AAAI$AN5, •