The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-25, Page 3jHURSP4Y, UCTOBIR 25, 1945 t7 Local. anc Mr. and .Mrs; Robert J, Bu11M' -have gone to Goderich where they will siicind the winter,'. Miss Lorna Reid Of London spent the v 'k••end with her par. and Mrs. Sant ;Reid: Mr..and. Mr's. Stanley, Burns were. Sunday visitors with Mr, Mrs. 'l'bonrasBurns, uirns, and • '• Mr, Po11r' F ur r ish has ;tenteda portion . of •'his village' residence to M•z•, anct5 Mr's w, Chester Nichol son. d _.Mrs W. J, `Lane of• Mt:. and. Wcir,e Surrc'lay...guests'„ o Ripley ,x ,.. • 111,".and. IVIr:s, Jaynes R: Hackel;t. .;.A'lt;, Lane• corclud'es this: business:. ''1e .the •end of .aetivi't:esr irr:.',y.... • the month;' and he ,anc( Mrs,. Lane ran to nive• to London side? • • • M. Alec 1VIc,Carroll of Seaforth ,and Mr. and Mr•s;`Charle Foster, :Aullrey• and Earl of . Epor iurn, :'`pennsylvanih; were • week,,.; enc, eallers.'on friends here. 'Earl ar rived. Moine. f ror overseas, just T•`enti: _ - - era he Lucknow $etinel, ' Luckn • • owe Ontario' Tp IM !MTV-1M!MTV-1MM SO >r 'IES - Misses Elva and Fern Twamley. of the . London teaching staff spent the week -end at their horn here Rev. . aril] Mrs. J. M..Mur chi;son Of FoXIVarren, Man , were rent. • visitors ''at•'Sau1t:Ste Mur�cx 'cewith his. brother, 'Mr: Sarrr,.Mure,hisofi, • ;Miss Islay Campbell, .of .Of righteousness, freedom and. •' Acltchoner is. sliendrttg ',a •crauple truth, M of weeks with, hpi, ,parents„ r ,You accepted the•chalZenge flung . and' Mrs. Jack Canipbell. iWe4k-en visors at 1 he hootYGidytoiorigtohuu.' p: yc�u'z .arnbrtlot�s and PLA QUES .WIhI of.Vra Mls, Alfred Sherwood • ',y'-�E--- _ A�W�RLIEU.:.._ wertx" 1Vlr axzd Mr Fr;ar " y' . s,.., k ylcr, you • lave_ con`quer'ed a foe w" ,• cruel';: Just give me a shake of your' hand, lad, And the honour indeed min& • ' shall be,' To clasp:, the ,hand that -helped' to • make `The world's greatest vie You have offered your ;ife 'on the' altar' PAGE 'THRE1rc~ and daughter „Jean of •George i uthless} Twot Huron . Cou ; . cj y sttrtGts Mr;.and "1VI Wendal- of 'day* visitors town .also Miss: Dorothy ; .. . n I. y Choice' 'And earth' with thtr� j,�larse's. should ' `Fill lac rewarded foz•, • .e�ach�ngthe,.." w , Luckrrb • . . ',•= ring; a.:• .w: ,. yin highci5t percentage• ori If their ob A s..' Will .Alton;' and,•` nglarri wre"�Sun t: `Wa11ac eTw,ar Wi' a c li t rut • brav'e' ave heroes e e ' ' � ct A . a - ue ere en r M> :Jaynes Marsila'il , recently , h•, 1p d • to n q .... 1?, s t,.• c entry • an ' Official .atHer.:name;r other?•. a . accepted aposition as a.rnechanic '` ; accomplish • ,. E err .the Nations, out ort s�-an at Masons Garage, and , which h e-,, d• ui� U i n.. g. burldirig, rncider tally, has l'eeli • much• improved. b" a co TirTIO r qac 'i - Y Complete �• �c., ton may prove Cdr"ear' rve' 1 I "•` Willie- Cait'you give me An tlie •'Ninth' Victory. L1 nsignia- and :'-mounte' Ire serited ono to.•'th Sid one to • the Tow at . exceeds' their q largest percentage' at ,paint .fob. And, visions . Your• menio.�y :tot -t°tie• Loan.:. MrS ,Essig' Purves ostia' .- rn,f. . . merit, 1 at' Mrs: .David Hlrst'iir 's. M: ' , : In the ' Eighth Loa Huston •' who us':.:'• ••1\1.-..- ,-g , et Yo,ui spirit rejoace•.for the " under the chairmans• . 78 years. of age,,. • t part: you have Played, er` ' pd;, h,'m. t Bowman worm th ....� ar ac>� recently Viand, gloomy; • t '-TorrantetAiae1• son . and. Mary Jo and` Mr; • and n; '•i i't i Mrs..J:•D.� And,erso. v -s• pd n T'e' ... Girelpb� on 1Vlon,day.. h Y were acco .p, :;m_ anied • byMrs. Cameron 1iIacDonatd'who visited with ,Mr. ':. andMrs• G.O, vcA1 ne';,: ; i11s'you have helped -to prey -lowed clesely13y. We but •'is• gradually p vent. ill -be Mother _ Why' �ocvnshi • Willie. M:y teacher is .always. ^Y, St• 77. t or' Village 'sayingsch She w 11 \keep" me atter ota. on the ool as -sure as my name is: the en.d l ofie.. Brussels; ip' 'of ..LPb 1 :_ ue 101_ :Wawano'sh 1'EUmpson, ; spent the °ed • him'. to' Canada a feet months eir .subscriptions:, to `:'` Victor ' S:o Zarhien d th Keen interest in' the.drat'ricts- an men'• ing'`the plaque pliave fea- Mr.: ;'and Mt s' Rat h, H d r s o e navy, oh win p o g n And' those' .whohave winning shave' r: ?.ted :Miss: Hai�rrah Nfa ' ; the'1 d an •,; fought on• tured ;. the :past •loans aa' they?: re= Donald's •horne on. Havelock St.., znarn a.fittin' trbute'to.t est town. Yc1u .:.will' o` me an ho ur'' ' i ..o,,; ,. Rale .. . ... son of,.lti'trs. 'Walter lI - ,...... , or.... wn :.• p .. ud _ .. tip shi of th s lEr1�i deed 1 d, d .parsis gins ;of.,I{infioss„ 1 etturned r ecerltl' ' : played,' byPeople in'. providingh: Y Il you ,glue me .a ,shake of your •• t • e from overseas, His •bride preoed barrel sinews of both war and peace' by • •nc1=rTox'anto -aztd was a .o th en.. • •accompanied .h o r,re* b;y• Miss -;;• o °airs. Thompsari• who has spent some 1VIr and NJ•r5 Sarni Reid ba:d'-is time' with her, mother, .Mrs. N. `I, their guests Sunday; Mi : and Mrs: Campbell• 1VIrs. : Carrrpbell has 'W, Rt._ Farrier and Ca.rnian -af" been ' .in St .Michael's Hospital •Whitechurch, Mr and Mrs James for two months with a fractured •McIntosh • and Dorothy. of Lang leg side and Mr and;Mrs ; MiIveit Reid 'of Zion. Mr:. Geo..A,: , Webb of. -St Hel ens, Cfn . and.: Mrs ";P A:.,.Durriin Mr: J. 'C...McNab.was in London just Home. from• Alberta;Mr.,•,and last :week ';attending a' vicfoiy 'Mrs, Sam Durnin and Betty 'mot conference'- of managers' of SiT- •ored to: Clintoi: and .spent:.Sunday. verwood Da r re"s `.L,imited 0n with :Mr ani. IVlrs. Henry; carter.: Wednesday afternoon one; of four .of Clinton Mr.," and Mrs, ;Joe Les=. 'addresses was on' `iCreamery arid, :. rte ,�_nd Gnra. f .r�antan- a -1•s dares'; , �u t1 lUi ? -b wcafne and spent the da -at the tier W L Wilke? 1'eadazig in tri Carter :home. • d scu-ssaon' of • the address:. 0 ONTAFtio curs 01 lticaliott wit The Industry and Labour Board which ".; a�dministe s Tlie'-Hones _of Work -.and Vacations' 'nvith. Pay•Act, tonsikders, ,in view offtthe ••tegmina=: non .of hostilities arid the :•.cancellation of.,'war • production,jhe-acusto_inangowe;` hgriage whic• h existed• during the War • years, will:be minimized, therefore the postponement to working hours previously' 'provided- shall be - cancelled and • effective November St, 1:945, the workin hours of an 'err '`.lo ee- in': art industrial undertaken R Y X .g. ti-�sliall;n t xeot d fort =e"" eek fight (4$):1n the 'w • ATTENTION rse- eater We Are 1n Thev`Market To ,Buy :Old Live Horses A "vVlili:li,S(A1Y1LS LOL j ►7 S, :Limited' • :HOG :MARK 1NG, .5(HE:ME. •UNDtVONSIDf'RATIOW ,•.•, �.E sod 110 t t4?- 'r ti%1 !, propose .Hog Ji MarktingScheme or Ontario', under w\ I _the -Farm Produets . - 1• :'Regulation 4 of. Ontario Regulations'.:' ' 1044 is amended • by thereto. :the following subregulation:-.'' °" ` 4 S g %la:fit Notwtthstand nog -the - provisions of subregulation 1, an employer may adopt one 'or more overtime ),%rork'' . . his inyustrzal'� undertakin between the 1'sf da of _November 1945.nd. _th ,.ae +3lst cday`of December 1945'without aconsent in writing of the B'oat<d, btit'the:•overtime shall not exceed thirty hours in the =' aggTegate INDUSTRY AND LAIMTIR HOAR Deprtment:,(4,,ialaour, :otttatio, • • • Control. Act, .h;as been submitted to the Farm Products Control Board bi the Ontario Hog Producers ' Association Before the Board.will cOnsuder recom- mending the scheme, it must. be satisfied:. that a` Fair`,representatipn .of the Hog II'roducers :are in• Favour; of its' adopt n In 'order' to:-obt�ain .: the recorded -views-- 6f` - the Producers1,a vote by ballet is being .110n. •Charles patey; ,• ,Mi'iister AtLabaur:. t2Y :'taken on the `question°...... ARE YOU IN' FAVOUR''.Y OF `TH PRO`P'OSED :ONTARIO HOG PROD CER:S::; MARKETING+ �.,. H 5`C EM� BEING BROUGHT -I • ;FOR.CE `lN• ONT'ARIO?" - 61t111Allattl RIPROMIlt Walkerton, 11111001: 'G;eair Walke °Gcoll;e 'R• bN ...... >Ke R �t�. Clr<nton.. Dain SE f�L HCS.G P:R•O'DUCERS q ARS tJRGE'NTLY REQ:UESTE•.D • TO'.RE.GISTE2., O '.ATTEND., THE tv1EET•ING.. IN, TF-IEiR ARLA ,AND.,TO,.VOTE!'' • Only Hog. Producers who are registered for tke par os their ovtcnc4Ors �►`,'�l/} Agricultuf•al`Representaitive'' • ' Will be :ent,tled"'to vote on: �' T the scheme f11i. Hog Pro- ducers Sre•: theefore urged to register at:once, by ?rail. or ,?:person. at their.' County;