The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-10-04, Page 9a r. lVR5D..Qt ', QCTOBER 4tb,1945 The ,uclutow $enth?iel Liu cknow PAGE N41111$ WITH THETROOP$ Hon. Capt; it Douglas Macon.. old, Canadian. Array padre, .who ecentlY returned from overseas, las b'ae,z . posted to ,Halifax. • Ted Collyer has returned to. �iyihan life again, having recent- y received•.• his discharge from he• 1l,C:A F After''five, years in the Navy, Bob .Thompson has ,received .his; A liseharge°but finds it is not' the thrill he had anticipated' during, ds period in the service, and' in fact, :arils -:ls back ori the sea' • with some regret..- .. ' Borne .From Overseas • Gnr:'Harold.'Srnith, 'who recent- ly arrived. back ' from overseas, visited last week with Kinlougn friends, Gnr Smith worked . theme-Kinlough ciistriet.0aefere en listing , six , year's ago, in Septem- ber 19.39. Bud-Orr:.-gf_..Londoxr• spent__the Week., endat h%s--t4bme—herei-4i expect.to..shortly 'receive • his army:discharge. His, father, •M. C: Orr, who: is with `the R.C•.A:F; is now back In England after being on . tile': continent: • .Evening Auxiliary _ The September meeting of the Evening. Auxiliary was held F,t the_liome 'pi Mrs; .George- doynt.! During the business period. Miss Viola•KKerry was elected secretary in t.he.place of -Mrs., -A. Cann, who' ,has left town., A' Qtion of apT preeiation for'.th' se ' ices of,Mis, ;Cann, .Mrs. Harold,.' Treleaven and Miss .Elva =Twarnley while they, Were rnembers of the Auxiliary was- unanimously carried, Regret at their .departure .from. Liielciiow • and. best wishe„for their_:•ftature success vrias :included ;in the iiia tion, A. sale of:miscellarteoU's,'art idles to -be: held at -the'; Nov- .4, er meeting wasalso .arrang. ed: for. Mrs: Black" opened the worship service.. with-.;, 'call to `vtroxSl?ip. lvxs: Harglil :A1lir1; read; . a' .gr6up of scripture' passages in eonnec- tion,;tvith Harvest Time, the Mem- bers' being given an opportunity . to", cite the occasion in connection with which the passages' were written. - This was :followed by a -Harvest Time -prayer. The • pro rain, 'period Consisted ..Of 'a paper given by Mrs: Roach and a read, the form of ,.aa discussion in .n, nection with Africa ;in •general, .as well as our mission, in Angola. On October 16th: the meting a the home of Mrs.:J.. C. MclrTab Will. be i; n. charge of Mrs W, Johnston. and Miss. Lena; •`Robitx .` -- __ so: -ing by Mrs: Harvey Webster and Le a ,your Clothing Donation fire 'Study period whreh was in'.at-:1�. ,on's: C<air'age; , p • Chas: Sutherland:'.of..the Royal Canadian Regiment, Toronto,'who recently ;returned .- from • overseas,' visited the^latter-part ofthe week . Wi M'urdte: Turing: most•' of the 31 .years which; he:spent "overseas, he, was attached to:'the' Dental .Cot'ps.p • Howard Reed, 'Son of Mr. -and' Mrs. W. G: Reed, who' returned recently ° fiom over-seas;-•-has--re-' ceived- his-�-aimy . disch, arge:. , A friend;.Geo.rge Griffiths;,•; has been visiting^ with him Noward p en hsted,i=n—May of -1941 and :went overseas in ';'Nove'mber of that Year. 4 Winrham Soldiers Back'• Wingham' veterans who recent ly'returned' hornerfrom 'gverseas,• and -11.e wPl:1.known'.h'ere; -inr:l'ude Sgt, Joe Ellacott,`"Sgt. Alvin Ham- mond, ;.and -LAC. - Jack :';Herd '7o Was marriedngfand - in . De cember 1943 to Brenda Humphrey of Rudgwick,•Sussex: •RETURN.' ON ILE SDE FRANCE' .•• Returning—. soldiers -who .'were listed on board the Ile .de .France, scheduled`"to'.dock,at Halifax-- on Monday were, :Gnr: Ted Burt, Kinlough; Gni ''Angus McDonald, -8t•-lel°e,rr�; SIS—'W:'TF�`IIui:riin; Vit. ;. Helens; Grir: A . E Taylor, Lang-` • Side afid Pte R. P, '.Henderson; Tpngannon . • .N• rayi•� Yih• Lvvy It's #he•.' man who leaks ahead who gets 'a ear • Arrives', Home William , ..Strrnson; son of • Mr. and Mrs. Wrn Stimson of. town, arrived tr .Canada Fthe ;end of the. week on beard.. the N'.ieu» steirdm w is ;docked at Halifax. Bill was through the It.1.aiY..ram paib'n and was twice, wounded axed had a touch -Of malars:..' • Bill ' was recently transferred from the Princess Pats . Light .111-. fantry to the 48th Highlanders, 'and arrived..- in Toronto, on; Mon.-; day, in ti_nie ake..,conneet o if It reach here u:nexpeefedly --•on- Monday •night Mark Chuf Gh ,Centennial . • The congregation ofMelvillo United. Church,. Fergus, .is . `'this 1, month: observing the- 100th anni Versary of-.;theLestablishi "g•or"the "church T W, --Craw .rt be ie Rev, li, terian chMelville. Presby- urch from 1908 to . 1926: and ..during his '.'pastorate . the church entered union :and united-.. oath Wesley methodist church.'as ongi`egation. Mr'. Craw. later :•,carne'to Lucknow• as the tr iited ,church minister,,: • kind RING fire protection 'of any in the village, the Paisley Advocate .lashed „out last r week at the Council for- their .dilly; Bellying; as to what type e of pump-•, er will be purchased.. . ° • sett. A management-.. .: essential: to successful farming, -aster any business- is 'largelya 'matter of timely markettn� ': and°careful spend- ing end- enterprise,.,. ., • , . Y �a-, p ing .. waiting for the time when it is most favourable to buy. ' Ue.a11 want:things'now things'w r have notbeen.able.to get for the' past several :.ears. Some of these things are, necessities .:'1. some',are things .• that will contribute. to'ciur ,comforts: and pleasures. t' Eventually these'things will be more plentiful. ' By waiting a little longer we will help to keep -prices of things we need atV:lower levels .and,we will buy at,; P. better advantage when• we do buyy Meantime' we can invest our' savings, in .the safest securities obtainable .. .: �Tictry�r• Bonds. • More Victory` Bonds will be offered this . Fall. They.' pay ♦ � D.J. .,�•, •. , -- 3-�%=Axnttrest- intere. st.=._._a_n&ear "liquid_uid ca ai". _ • If we need. cash in 'an energencanY bank will buyVictory Bonds atan anybank will e: ,monon Vic ry Bonds.: time. And, Y:#: t° The Ninth • Victory Loan ' will ',be•. our last: opportunity to buy Victory Bonds ...:,. �.for.. a.._._vyhole 'year, so•buy ,double- this ,time -=the•: same rate of savings' as in. previous ,loans will. pay forrtwice as many l finds over the E2 month' period: N FARMERS CAN BUY VI_CTORY BO.NlDS ON cONVENIENT DEFERRED PAYMENTS THROUGH-- ANY BANK .. just sign , short form • letter which Victory Loan Salesmen : carry bank's•laaie copies) order ang .thee bank to buy .,Victory BondS for you. • ' Pay S o when ordering and the' ,balan e at any tithe during the next 12 months. The interest'the bonds earn':pays the. igtterest on the bank loan.. 1 A -- a'• ^�r��y.r raj , ';��.� C 0 • 9.53 E..