The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-27, Page 4;iir pot ''��+Lw�7����R.a'�i':,`�alylh�,:7R::'�!�"�'�.�""ir•"'��U�'?�'.'���ri'ilk!'�!��*]��;71�`�ii���+11�..�.r,.,� ,.,..,....�.. • rum FpUS GOING -TO- USE - .013 „WANT AN—EST' The- Langside .Peoples Society' met at the' Aorne of Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Richardsen on Monday evenlifUTVith the mis- sionary . eonVeners, Miss Grace the Call ;to' worship giVen by the president, Mr. George Moffat -The .11a' •soripture .reading 'Matt. 13:43-50 was read:,by,Miss Ruby .Conn. The meditation- was given by Charles 'Tiffin. Prayer was given bY Miss Grace Richardson. „. Contests, in charge of Charlie Tiffin, were en- .s:111g..' song; was; enjoyed. till , lunCh was served. Messrs; George and Jim Moffat invited the soCiety' to • ' LOT 14. qONCESSIO • MAILING ADDRESS wE WILL GIVE YOU ,AN ACCURATE ESTIMATE. YOU ARE DER •Ikle bIlLIGATION • It; To The on • October fith. ompan ONTARI Mr... and Mrs: Charles sPent Ziinday: with Mr., and Mrs. pm. Lapp of Wingham. Mr.' and Mrs. Albert- Magentyr Of Stratford spent 'Sunday recentl: ly with Mr. and ,Mrs. Victor .Ern- Mr.- and Mrs...-RUSSell .0itehie spent- Suliday,-,ivit1162,Mr.„..„;;and-iVIrL, no* :Wall Of Culross. Mr. and Mrs.. Victer, ErrierSen spent 8- unday ,with 1*. Atia mEs. 4ohri‘ Haggitt and Mrs.' Einer - 44r. and Mrs:.,INfri.;•BroWn spent; The. Albrecht brothers Ox., Car, threshing operations' 'hi this' ie.-, relatives in - .Mr. and, Mri; Charles Elliott • cheries Limited, Fergtis, Ont: CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd's dorl. and Calloui Salve -- ,the efefctive- corn remedy., 5dc at .TAYLCIR'S., DRUG STORE. WAR NERVES,•long- hours, hur- ried, Meals; bring' indigestiori;, acid With-. SoOthirig,_ tasteless ;Wilder'i'Sforhaeli'OoWden..50c "4, AUTHORIZED DE*1410 FOR.I. ALL neral Electric Appliances iring Promptly Done By Expert-.-Eleetricians 'FARM FOR SALE .200 „acres, :11:007:111s.lihuii3sil,GPo.loe.dntir•1340ilf.d.wil:lagtse'r:hMarrds: Rodger • Corrigan,,R.R; 1, Wing - AFtE): OF THANKS : •sincetelyf' thank, the., perSonnel-er,'•: 'the varieue orginiiatiOhs. fn, STRAygp to the premises, of the nndersigned, a steer,' Owner may -haVe same by', proving • property „mkt r. Kenneth .Orr is visiting at 'his hoine here. Mr. and Mrs: James Moffat of Toronto spent the Week -end With • "Alex 'MacKenzie, sPerit the. 'Gordon viiited recently' with . '.-and Mrs. Rhys -Pollock „et. Ming - is visiting ai.liillorne here - Mr. and Mrs. Diek Uoffat. 9f • Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. and- 1Vrff. '-Faffsh Moffat-- Dan Axworthy, Jack ;Grattan and Cdiristopher-Stout . each '• fin- ished a. heat in -1Sti:2nd and .3rd ., . place` in ,the -2.20 trot Or pace, at ealers Liniited Ingersoll, Ontario. • 4,1 • Now 'that • threshing-'js..alrnost cempleted 'in this. neighborhood and the fall, wheat sown, farmers will be able 'to,• devote their: at: - 'tuition to fall Plowing as•the re- cent reins haVe Made it, possible •to-ploW with _greater ease to both Man and beast, when that Method is still in -practise. • •$,ilo filling will be iihe next big .job on hand...,Corn has 'been maturing Very sloWly this fall, oWing no doubt to the. cool, waist weather of late.1-Ears of corn that Were in. the milk stage alMost month ago have not .yel, reached the__doUgh_ stagei, which is con-, sidered by .soini-ailtliarities ,to both grain and stalk. ' 'Hunter and. Sid Gardner, assisted Bert Alton of Lanes fill his silo fast • Saturday. Mr. Rob and Miss .Eunice 'iOn friends On: S,aturday: S., S. 'Rally Day 'Program will • be Observed., SundaY, at 11 a.m. 'Mrs. Geo. 'Hunter and Gardner . spent Friday afternoon spent Surklay evening with Mrs, W. A. Taylor and Charlie. Mr. Archie'. Taylor who has been spending a few weeks with Mrs. TaYlor and Charlie rettirned this ,Week -.to his home in North. barrister_ 'and a 'son. of Senator J.' Donnelly of PinkertorOias CLEARING AUCTION 'SALE o 'farm Stock aanci..impleMents. at CLEARING AUCTION SALE ol 6, on Tuesday, „ Octpber .2nd at ieniembered :him': with cigarettes and parcels' while over- • exPiess his Sincere thanks:to, local Cels and Other remembrance's,' 'while Overseas,. 011 Of terms. .Jos.. COnley • •& :Son, Prop.; att. Gaynor, Atte.: DISPERSAL. Auoriox sALE' of 'on' 'Wednesday; October; :10th at: HOME,,PT.,TRNISHINGS as 'Prizes kinsinen SatUrday, October 6th. 'AndreW Maicelin l'9,,piece Walnut. dining. phnus bedroom sinte,.. Made -by. $75. studio _couch; 10 other priZes. Not necessary' to °attend to. win. •Tickets by eturn mail,: 25' cents; 5 for $1.00. Send* to Phil Beden, dear. 'Mother.. and ',grandmother, Mrs, Annabelle Miller; who paSs- Th: 'out hopie she is fori•dly . re- -SWeet'-memori.es cling to her - Those who loved her in life sm- Still love her in' death juat the • ..-Ever. remembered. by daughter, son-iri-law and grandchildren. Keith and'Billy visited with Mr. e ave,, the pyoducts that will ma EXTRA PROFITS • Fttps elm tc. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST " POSTING VOTERS! LIST Voters' List, 1945, Municipality of 'the Village of Liieknow in the County, of Bruce. said7Village on the ' 22nd . day of Septernlier A.D. .1945, the list •of :all per,sons entitled te vote in the V',oters' tO take. immediate pro:: law, the: last day• for appeal be-, .'. this 22nd day Of September A,D, Our. tearns andtrticksate Weeks ahead as Possible1O make stire i SURAE FIRE' :CAStJALTY, Ind Tates fer..preferreu- A. 'McDONAGH • • SOVEREIGN LIFE -CAR,'FIRE4 CASUALTY •Free Advice On All Insurance 'Matters. /strict Representative PHILIP S. STEWART • tucKNow Orders placed ,first be de - The Lucknow T. ARMSTRONG IN LUcKricsW AT WM. geHIVIID''S STORE' Notice -To *Creditors IN THE, IVIATTER' 'of' the Estate of Isabella McLennan? late of -the: Village 'of LUckno.W' in the County. claims. against' the Estate Of • the late Isabella McLennan, are re- quired to send Particulars,ef their :EXeeutrix- of.' the Said Estate,. oh ..befbre the twenty-ninth dO of September,: A,D;, 1945, and:that after .such datethe Executrix' will prOceed to distribute. the said es - fate,. having' te-M.d only to the claims of Which 'she Shall fhen DATED at Wingliatn, Ont.; this Solititer for the Eviecutrix.4 • Stuart MacKenzie :Walkerton, Ontario. IN HOVV. Each, Wednesday THE LEGIONTBUILD,INO 44,0