The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-27, Page 1‹.4• smo.'.A year ilvanter50. ra LUCKNOW, ONTA100,•, T,wat%) SE.JeFEMBER'27th; 1945 • WEATHER'CLEARS' . OR -FAIR• e dor: tile; second• . conseeutive r the' Lucknow Fa11 .Fair has. been adv.ese Yr � l • affected :•by ' the ;�..... 1 weatherman; We. go to. press too early •-to . report . on Wednesciay's • activities but the.-Continued",of rains Hast few;"da had` -s- 41 . it rounds as.'to soaked the,"� .fa g • , leave• • them: in poor •condition for the outdoor. . show: h .we. "Wednesday, ' Morning , . o _, ver;. `oer " d •a -„ dawned bright •and.,� v • hea_ t, ': . i n :W . - the d� . tip, n� fine.. .least � - , In•spite of several hours of rain 'on Tuesday, indoor' exhibits Pour- :A.-into-the our ed�into •'the arena,, where an est-, ce tionally" fine '. display was to P be seen with keen competition in_ many classes. On Tuesday. eveningL'iato- wel'Dramatic Society staged their very : entertaining and well prem ed •'- 1' :"Princess O'Toole" 'septi. p �y, m cit rowd' to an•almost cap, y crowd.; • ,,...The play'was; repeated on.•Wednesday' ' night. A new 'feature this year was an old. time dance ' .foil -wing'! Tuesday, night's concert, and this attracted a fa-irly-` gooel-•---erowd when a good time was; 'enjoyed. to music by' MacDonald's'Orches arru h r • ra t . s Orchestra _• 1 -�-� ,..PaY�d= for the Wednesday night.dance Billed to :.o pe the .open t e f air was El :' wood Hughes,; 'president of the; who; was unable : to at'' _ tend, but sword to this' effect'` was not received until after the print- 4 .P . ed advertising was distributed.: START ORGANIZING SALVAGE COLLECTION- F.Q.A NINTH • LOA FRIDAY- Y •OF.,,,TH • Messrs. Jack •Easson. and --Bar- -ney Boughner Bruce"Co "County '. .', .: �. unty qi ., ganizers., for the Ninth Victory 1Loan, 'we're in .town .the "`firs t, of the, week making initial prepara-. tions for the'campaign, which'' opens on :October 22nd. The flat:. i o�:eetieis-_a..',b:•11io rr and: d a. ``half . '". 's;I , .dollars and is C�ar%ada s i largest:l'iian of all time, in :peace or 'war Loc; al:t l here'.' , !. c .y ; . is they problem •.o f appointing a local . canvasser. •or- `.'cahvaasors,to :succeed the late a George H. Smith, who conducted all previous eight^loans here and, in the southerly: part of Kinloss Township withmarked. success. Ration Coupon, -Due • Dates' Coupons now pvalid are butter. • ','116 to 123,' :sugar 46 • to 6 - g 4, pre- ' 33 .to 57 .',and - P1 to:: P:17 meat 1: •, , M. to M,. ':Each M cou 'on'e uals 8 tokens; p 9 either.•.or. both may•' 'be -used: in the. purchase of meat u. END :OF THE WEEI $RINGS TER,MINAoN--0F r ay i . t avin i g me' offic�iall• t ta. Y endsat 2 an: `Sunzay,'-Se tember "30th, but if you.::sit• up till' that- time.�to turn' -the clock back, one- won't ne won't get much' good of that, extra hour, . �D light 'savin��:'t e g .inn scams' ' nationwide in 'the; spring of 1942. as a' wartime measure -aimed -at - hydro :power':.conservationr The 'decision to revert to ``old. time" 'on'''Septenriber 30t h,• ,coin-. Odes with ; similar action . in ,the • United•`' States so that the re, ad; option of : standard `• time will ` oc- easion'• a minimum of " ` conf usion and inconvenience: Remember � un ,Sunday its standard t• • une; again: NELD.R • ALL ... Y•DAY ;SERV •. ICR IN THE'..' UNITED CHURCH , _ n 1or se . r vice '.of• the. �'. Sunday, .School and congregatio.n °ot the Church • was' held da ' bn. Sufi-. Y mornin in' g • abservin •..:. Da . g Rally: Y Rev. 4..W. ,Stewa t : :was .-sisted • in r . :aa - conducting the service '• <i* Superintendent' Wt L. Mac- .:Ke, n: zie and J; C. C...am pb'e ll :and Alex Smith 'sPokebriefy. Scrip - ture passages were read by.•JeanTreleaven, Mary -Johnston, Ruth - `Dahmer.• • and d Bobby Wesal trio __ McNay. � A trio was sting by Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Stewart _ , lin Taylor: and .and Doris T to ,. nd.. Mrs.D..R MceLan ndered a . , • side-' solo, Mrs. J'oynt ,pre- sided at the • a ". these .. organ, Ushers and. receiving the 'offering' '' W Joie, . g vhrere Crispin Keit • 'J; C' h Kilpatrick, Dean •:.., Wilfred George Slackf a. • •Harris and Charles ... ,- i 1 s blur Y 44 ...• INOCULATION CLINIC HELD ON 'TUESDAY • '.The: first of. three clinis4+for. the : 'nnoculation of 'infants -and children against :'whooping cough ..and-rd-iphtherla-•.w•a-s -hett%-r -thee- .n. To .., �u Hall„ on Tuesday •mornmS:' The clinic • was arranged by. Dr; W, V.::Johnston; M.O.H.,with' Miss Lena'' Robinson in charge." "• There ` was. an -attendance; ,of.:. about 'thirty five, but this :num ber ma . be • increased: Y as' some Ina .. "received ;:the--inno Y ,„ oulat�or3 at 'the•Doctor's office • '. •• Three clinics at intervals'.'of three weeks are necessary to, pro- tect :•the, children: against . these• diseases_ The •second_ wilLbe:_:held on Tuesday ,. October'"l6th • ENGiA'lE•MrtEN Y S 1VIe. and ;Mrs:: Bank, Dauphin, uphin, Manitoba,;; announce the engage- ment., nga e- g., ment,of-their daughter, .Vera, to' Elwood A •:'Solomon,,•son� of Mr. and' 'Mrs . Austin Solomon, Luck now,. *the Marriage . to take lace ••g place in .Windsor :on October 6th. Returned `From West Mr, and Mrs . -Neil MacCallum of • town returned ,recently • from . a w.a_months.'! tra-p-throug-n Western Canada, •"nidi• took •:th ; r s -V • ncouver an • ' is coria: • Mr. MacC `�ll - a u i wh s of -i. - xrr- p,. s .:fir ng Trona: 'a•'• severe rheumatic' condition somewhat improved in, health ,Attending : NormaIR •ss: Jose ° 1 J0 'SttaWart daughter of :Rev; 'and Mrs 7: Nv, Stewart is "attendi-n 'Stiatfor•d Normal. School:: LOCAL GIRL .WI'.NS; :. SCH ..:'•R• P.`. .. OSA, SHS , • Miss Mary p. Marshall, d,augh- der of _Mr. -and= Mrs. -Jim. . M-rs.-,I, m- M4slal-1,- •and• a s ckn - �i g tudent of � Y.uc ovv' H gh School has been awarded a'Gradel XIII 'scholarship having a 'cash value' .of •4100:00. Official . announcement of.the 1,, deme award; known 'as' the• ship, amhDom inion - Prov*ncia1 studenc Aid Scho1ar been ' made by D. Cowles,•. deputy, . minister of the tQonn'tario Department Mary ardtheHigh S, ocfh`s: oEldstaff af f are to ' again • be; corigratUilated on bringing another Scholarship to Lucknow.: •l C0111'!PINUED RAIN RUINS OROPS IN•sTHE. STOOK . Withlittle or .no let up in the *et' weather for . the past• 'couple of weeks, many . fields of grGain still in the stook in thiisvicinity,. are literally ruined. Harvesting' of the flax crop is also at a: standstill and the wet has. caused serious :damage to -the' fibre as well as the loss of much . of the seed. ... • :On i'riday everai!n .of' hisw , . . t.eek The Clansmen' will make their fall collection,'g Paper salvage;. Pa pe - and rags,, only, will •be,ath g, Bred, `and'`should be securely bundled. -boxed `or bagged , and._ aced at ,. the curb. by --sr ozcln everun g•a • . • .In• • ease , of ra: • m the, :collection "will he made on°, Monday even- ,in{y •.., b • '"i e CLOTH AT *TEN POINT'S` \d • IS1TIN'-HEH1G' ` k>fE`N- •. 1 OTf IE DIEID:S'UODENITY. •EIGHT'.PAGES. • .E147-777-777. — ;, SKFIEL . LEVY Meyer of :: • Formosa was +' _ s engin wetk_end here with 1. Ashfield ...,. .• taxpayers..,.will con- Mel' on Mel' Stanley -when • he received 'the: sad 'word of the death of 'pis'; mother,• Mrs. Frank - Meyer, which occurred 'in' Walkerton . R Hospital• n'' -••Sun 'd Din ay"m-e n tribute over $5,000 less•; in taxes. this. ' year .than, a year ago, dune to increased provincial.grarits for school;. crP pur oses.. Ashfield''s •••684 . inis:' eta. • ex's ='�vl `iiia � I • ".• Mrs.. Meyer is::: the: mother ' of, 'year',pay �a total'•'of,: $47;299;88 iii' ' of age, had=been in ;Bruce ° "' . taxes as: co red with • hospital . �, i • ;County a -, mPa.. $5�,530:p�T �, • Hospital for severaldays for ob.: in 1944. ' ; . se -vati• r on,. but• hero condition.:; Was: ,;• ' The.;'Towrish�p; s •.1945. tax ,leo ..; • net alarming • ' :: �, ; and her death came l is figured on` totalassessed.'_` at...a real shod.: to her husband, valuo of $2,781,475 with a' break - family : and. friends • down of the tax : bill as follows: Mrs Meyre • is the .mother . of County '& Township ,;,,,'$29,205.71 tw_elve'..childreh;-;H, r: -son -Arthur I1 General. School..8,688.1.4. 'was killed in Italy. during the i The'; National Clothing Collet- :war, and Alfred who was' visit tion,• in which Lucknow and dis- �•ing• at0the., Stanley . home, was. a' trict is to'. pia its-pai,t,. opens or -prisoner several- Monday next. and' continues' for months He recently received. his three. weeks, discharge F' or .the, convenience of donors in this• district; ten : collection le ct ion d re =1 FAILING EYESIGHT, E N DS E • Pots have beeairangedwhe 'O.NAGENARIA;N S your Contributions ,may be :left. S :• ,:. �• 'T h ese i� ' clu d -e:• -McDonald's a1ds tor � .. S, e • r From ti eto timemeThe n - ; Frank MacLennan's Store, Loch lsh., ' Janne" •' •. . a,:. ,, ...., s Shiells. Stor. e,' Amberley';':`.• Geor P ;Col g tinel: '.has' ',published' 'articles • of much:' interest from' the , pen , f. Mri-Jo-hn .Klliott"-ot-Landp-riV: `her recently observed his - 80th birth= Trustees' Le.vy a..,• seperate School Debenture. -tights . ... , • .Dogs' 1,831.44_ • 957:44'' 5;905.77 7138 • 540.00 $.47,209.88- ' 7 299.58- ` .. • •:. The general school -rate• is about : $2,000 .over last year's' fi g :ure of 6 62S .63 b. ut-the trustees!: • levee's, by : reason of ', provincial grants, h a v, e .dropped ': f r o en ` $9,575.92 in '1944' to . $1,83L44 this, year',, The -Separate„ P ,. Y . • well's Store, i'ioll. rood; Bert 'Mc Y , is .away down thisY ear from last Lean's Store, Kinlough; Clayton's Store,: K' enl s os M'L -., , c eans,e2.Store ec urc.;_rsrnvtn. s tore•- +;i -taught --school,: Yat,. Belfast- and. liolrc o -. . d and d 'for :almost three score: years retained 'his 'm ember - Y e.. Ship, in the I O.O F.' Lodge . at Lucknow, until it ceased to • oper ate. His ••acquaintance .with, The Sentinel • dates: back• to ,1876 and these things, among' others were the' subjects'of � 'numerou's remm- iscent'articles • b _Y• Mr. Alas Elliott.• they..-4;liiave-`come-- to an 'end for Mr Elliott writes;that on `accoun of failing eyesight he will have ;. to discontinue •hes::occasional •cor BR OTS E • R F� ;"• O S •RAT >� C. HWELL•� r • esporidence. � The-' publisher, • and DIED-ON"SUNDAY 'Sentinel readers sincerely regret this, ':•but -extend<'m-to Y Nin. E11iot In . the early -days, --,111r r lJlliott Lanaid g • • e, Mtller•s Store,; St; Het- ens and Charles 'Mason's Garage, Lucknow. Give •what you can spare, that they': can wear; Search -:our, y.. clothes closets 'and attics for„ ser=, viceable ` used .clothing_' :— men's women's, children's 'and: infants',,, e r, •'old 1 w a , blankets and ;.footwear: Leave ; lir contributions. Yat.�any one of the above• collection cen- tres: year's` figure of $1,90L60. Qn,<thksyen s=ta2c-lttl>,rthe--ccrurr.=----,--- ;: 4Y--and-township-levies-are ,; • �co rri= :, �' • ,-4 biped ,for' a:' total. 'of $29,205:71 of which 9 740.19: is for $ , township purposes BACK FROM MISSION POST •Mr.; and: Mrs. Ernest Ackert of " Holyrood'' returned on` Saturday , from . a motor -trip - throu • the West They .Were accompanied by t their'Tson ` Lloyd, ' who :' had s-°` e o . the summer. at the ' Indian : 'Resi i*• ., dential ' Mission; . of . the United '' • 'Church at .'Morley, Alberta. Lloyd left ane first of theweek t`` for' .Toronto, • to enter his; third:" " n year in the study of the: ministry C;' Rathwell• received word`on Sunday of ,the death; of his brother' John' 'of ••Varna 'The. • , _ aced, ho-iwas ?-6 -y-ears f agl been iii frail-lti . r -a-time:. as t .he :r esul•t-of-m• -- a ' he -art d-rtion' but -was -able t...' '= Mr. and Mrs -Rathwes ll'olden g wedding •anniversary'.:,this :sum mer, nsa fu- r - --�he l-.- held~at. was~ 'Varna - on . Tuesday.. best wishes ;that: he May othee y �1 wise •; `enjoy • continued good health, i•n the evening . of life..• Judged ..Ho 4 • TO HOLD DRAW; :O TOBER 'DA�1 • t"� CE T-he•-prize.••draw, in', aid of the Hollyman-Johnston' Servicemen's ;Fund -.will. be' held at a', -da e ►rine• in t"To e.', wn' a on uesday, 'Oct- ober 16th :There are approxi-- matel fort• sizes to :be .a acrd= ed ' Tickets are still available, if you haven't got yours as yet. • COMING ,.EVENTS DANCING EACH FRIDAY '''• ` • , Dancing everyFrid# night in the Town Hall, •Lucknow; under auspices of :;The' Clansmen Car- ruthers Orchestra. •A• dmission 50c Door. prizes of .$210U.• ' 'SCHOOLr BA.N D IS :.. RE- R.• O OA 1ZED. the-'L-gck H7gh School' brass.:band, • which• after a'' few DANCING months' "training last' ,term : Made .At 'the'.Winghani Arena. this • several public appearances pilo: Friday': evening, September , 28th •td the summer•• vacation' was. re- to ' music:of.. the CKNX - Ambas- organized last week and rehear.; ,. sadors:• Dancing;9.30 to 100:Asals are now underway ,under the • mission '50c - direction 6f Mr. P N. I oag-of- the High School leaching staff. , • LADIES' MARATHON The. 'following student ,officers • A six -weeks' ladies. bridge and euchre, arathon weir commence' were • elected: President, • Tvari -, Lloyd; 'Secretary -treasurer', Geo. r evening, on'Mo day October• 15th ,, • ,, under the auspices. .of:`the Leions' Chin;; executive, committee, Eyer� Auxiliary. No canvass' will: be ett 'Lane, John Crispin, Jack Ste made, ,Those 'Wishing tri enter, 'wart, : Alex "Maclntyre and .Bill. please leave their names at John-' stop's` ':'Restaurant or. ' . Evelyri's Beautn later than'Se` 'Salo P temb r` th`r^•not a "THE FUNNY BRATS". :Will be presented,m the Parish Hall, Dungannon, two nights, Sept-:• 27th and Sept. 28th by the Ripley Dramatic Club ilnder the auspices of the Dungannon Agri- cultural , Society. •.MacDowell's or- chestra:•will furnish nrusic•for the dance Sept, 28th Come' and enjoy a' good program. Wilfred Dren- nan, fres,; '1-a M, Durnin, 'Sec, Chin. A number • _of beginners : area- be- ing added. to the e band; including about• seven girls, as well as sore ,e pupils of Fourth Room • in 'Public School.. 'Rehearsals for the new members will be held• eaeh, Tues.: - day after school, ,while members of ;last term S': band will practise each : Thursday: • The band now •has a new, bari tone horn, .whieh;was badly need- ed, .and •was provided by The Clansmen '• • Goldie and. Fred r M' artin judged; the_1xght4-and•heavy-Thorses• speffive' •, M"ma ' and• Sea-; forth fairs. WIFE._OF •FORMOLBAKE R , PASSES IN THE;'WEST • The -death -of M.rs - Welham --H' MacKay, x4a <; for Her- resident .r of_: Lucknow, occurred at : her home at, Mortlach, in Western Canada orSeptember lath Mrs:McKay -' had been in •ailing• health for about a year andhad been ,Con- fined:to her bed ;for siX weeks. S1 waw 'rite. erlyIsabella Hen- derson and was born ;in • Inver- rurie,, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. " '' Mr. and Mrs.` MacKay' were mar- dried • in 'Scotland and • upon coin- ing to Canada first settled at Kit- • chener. About 1906 they came to .Lucknow —where—Mr. MacKay -was employed by the late Angus .Mac Kenzie and also by the late R. V.. MAcKenzie, while Mrs.-- MacKay • assisted in the store. During • their• residence . here 'they became .well known.' to many, and were a pop= ular couple . ' Mr. and Mrs. MacKay went; to Mortlach iii _ 1912,where.. he fol- lowed his ' s t•d rade as baker, and.• • later conducted a 4_c nfectionery `ator+e., Mr. MacKay. • survives' his wife. • Their 'only daughter, Mrs. Man - :ire d :Kerr '(.Harriet) died in 1931: • Other ;survivors are h r'so -in- laW, a granddaughter," 'Helen; three sisters . and two brothers in Ontario and two sisters and two brothers in Aberdeenshire, Scot- land. {