The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-20, Page 611W2 .2Pitlinez' ► +M POIL.b :'.11ris!! aii7..'.1211ii11 1 ` 3 ': INiP 7,411 M' e. Lucknaw ' Sentinel; Eucknow'Ontario A ood. oil stands •u g longer and,even: if .your car .does : burn up oil the . longer oil lasts rlon b otter g . _ acrd► . ccheaper-in-.- ;he- long run ais-wel as being e,. engine. �O th better for g BUY ,MOTO-MASTER J and; get. GOOD OIL A at the' RIGHT; .PRICE I. isadian _Tire Corp.: socia She • . Is Garage C;ampbel WINGHAM,: ONTARIO is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. E. J. Thom and 1Vrr, Thom • and her. brother Mr, 1W.! A. and Mrs. Mi11 r. _Rally_DayL will . e observed in, rnorriing at w: All._..thri ladies are invtjted .to the Red Cross .quilting on Friday .afternoon. Miss ' Zona Nrewton left last. week far Toronto ' where she is enrolled as a nurse -in -train ng• at. the- Sick Children's:, Hospital,_ Mr, and Mrs Newton James of Windsor,, vere`' peeent: `guests-xof-' -i r 7a utl -Mrs, :.-V; A:- MiYler and Mr. ' and Mrs - E: J: Thom. Miller has, o e.: to ,Eldon • N� gone„ �. the 'Neat' to t with the har' vest.. e• assts Time: Tablu.:CHANGES ,:EFFECTIVE SUN. SEPT. 30,,l945 l+ till infarmatin •from o. Agents Canadian'National R1' �•s: .COUNCIL MI.NU•T-ESS, ,1! IN, .OS ;COUNCIL rs. Wma:=Gollsiher'•of •Notosd'.• Council met on 4ugusc.27,; f$45 as: per adjournment. All members. present. ,The minutes, of. the last regular -meeting as -read -:w _moved and signed. Tli cle7 baa r wt e=ther We'F on, -the- Aeld • Drain regarding_ the giant "to the said drain.: a , A', deputation from the Village of Whitechurch `presented, a pet- ition.: to• council yt r secure street. lighting,, which was accepted, and Authorityiven. to, 'retlxest the g Hydr'c' .Cohtnnission, fora •the nec essay -. ower .:1 n ,:for the'•rJro osed-°e•'han e; P a s •� g to the °station:°: buildings -of at Whitechurch •were in •the'' clerk's. •hands': and approval • �. •�as •ive . �te w of . � 1. h 'plans TUit t .,.SEPT Elir1CBER 2Ot , 194 Mia 'Rom Gibson• ha gs gJb London to attend technical school, Misses Catherine and Dorothy 'Gibson and '•Frances and Betty' OBITUARY MRS GEORGE HENRY Fltliag . ath.pf Mrs et rge t ry• Free • Oeourred .obi Thursday at the home a D nal her daughter, Mrs: Neil. Hamilton are attending Lucknow. M c o ,....d' of Langside.":•� Mrs. The road Insurances -On- the Municipal roads was renewed TEESWATER •Agricultural Soc-' .. ith • The Econ o ' , _ Agricultural building Soc.- Free . wouid have . Phserved e oar gra: kis s:,�-'%ate-��`�.'l�n•�sr�rn -�'..: �_ A: m F r the m' ...r...+'iYYE52osptt�rl'�-int. {3 l�ast _:two .�tioiit�< s e ,unrw.eet - awn appendicitis but;. %... o- ration--- • • prior to that had en]oyed ;splen: Mr. R. J. ,Bu11en is, home : frdtkt: Mrs .. Free waS iarme dea Goderich:Hospital ve"ry'much ice; r1, Vie- •proved health tori°. Pollock., She was a lough - ev. • Mr. Wallace` of Leaside ter: of the late Mr. ,and Mrs.. John o e terian church Pollock .and was born at .Clinton,• ( ' spoke. in the Pr,,sb3s 'on Sunday :in• the interest, of: the On•.February. 10th, 1885, 'shu roar-' ante Federation. ":: tied .Mr., George Free,;•and fqr. •s Temper ,. r ... . Spr. Harold Collinson .returned' few ,years the.. young couple ei overseas last, week:: and .is ,sided at.Bervie' betore moyrng to•! a •orreession_"4;_`YAshnetil, in aai%ti'g aongxr-aela�ves-'. e . she' �esb terian' W.M.S. 'Dungannon districa Mr', T.., „Pr. - y ed awa ;in .• t the'home of dnesd-a a . this ' a y e - eightrYears, Mrs, Free has elided Miss: Sadie Johnston, R•�i. - . • • j !'at Langside--with her daughter A ma, . •where,., she:': had i eeeiveel-- every care• and devotion .-. Mrs. )i''ree was of a quiet, and..' home - loving disposition, who made and retained; a wide circle, pf intimate friends by her'L,kind, loving, and hospitable .manner, The• funeral., service. was held at the. MacDonald, hoirrc at Lang- side on .Saturday afternoon con ducted .by Itev .A•. H ; Wilson who: ' paid,: a • fitting' tribute to' the de- parted:. Rev,` Wilson 'sa:ng ,°'Tire- City' Four-Sctuare". He w'�as •assist ed•• in „the' :service by`,M1,,,-1-146,6i' Parker of St. P•.eter's Anglican church " Inter rnent. was gannpn 'Cemetery with her four ,• .. -Cn ns. Sy'.dney, Wesley Rtrs 11 anr1; Ville and Mess—s:"N t1 a'i d ilitr. Mat•Donald'of;Langside ctcng.':as. • pallbeai=e_xs.. 'Many' . iOr ely flora! t.Libul*es re �rpr* .•h' ,',Jr re of the faintly. Mourning the -loss of .:a dear -n ther-=-is a f?miiy:of -e.igiit six sons, Sydney. of Brantford, ley:of Seaforth, Russell of Eramp, ' a. ton; .Orville of• Du''rigannon b'e.rt of:' Saskatchew in . and C1ai .ence 'of .Alberta,: a ;; two lough-,` •'. ters, Mrs: Fay' Thompson.'(Oiive,'' • of'.Timmins and Nits ,Neil Mac- 'Donald :(.Alma) of 'Langside Mr. and Mrs - Cl:,ar enc( Frfie of Alberta. spent••two'rnoriths with chis mother thi surrin�er Two. brothers also ,.hut i ri h Svd ney Pollock of Kinloss nd :.Pol�laCk of Va,ricouver , with nomical Insuran^e: iety has been refused a building. permit , to , make •an. addition to the grandstand. ': again • on Monday, Septernb'er 24' at the usual time and place. Cheques issued: --Mrs, Geo -Col- wp11, stamps, $4.Od y, A. Lane, postage, 400; Economical Ins Co. road insurance;. 97.50. LANE; Clerk. • Co. of Kitchener, 'Ont. • By -Law, No. 4-1:945 was pre. ,.pared..and finally: .Passed fixing the rates of, taxation for .the year .1945 .as follows: County Tate .9.3, mifls, . Township rate 5 mills' Township grant,te schools 4 malls; and trustees•, levies lin accordance with, each school' requisition., 'Council' thenadjounred ,to, meet • 4:/ pit li i' tE• y"4p'�": It r,4, 11 • • ..t U AND COMPANY-yourand _ that family'; you 'work and ,plan for! ' A small boy you'd• like to. send . • to eolle ` e- :little girl who's going to: 'have. she very best her: old. Dad , cangive her!" I't's the . most m rld isn't it=- . or"taiit :tbinc :"tri the cvo ,. '`l nnixig:for. their f ittire!1And NOW. time -to maksure. those:p is he ,. e tans' � come- •true' by ,putting .Up, a strong, steady fight against inflation! You and all 'of us must fight for 'that Future . by-fighting,to •keep: Can -. • ada's' dollar sound.' - Untes'S we .can • .kee • that dollar worth as full dollar,' Nott & ' c6.-4104 ~ with.; the , rest of Canada`—will' face inflation!• That's‘ 'why,4it's important NOW --,more than •ever how—to fight for a dollar that's .worth's dollar. ' , -.Why •NOW ' especiaTry • Because. • ., P • naw civilian, goods are., scarce, "and .. Money, is plentiful,,''' -Now' is, the time to JI,GHT to 'maintain' pricer •con- ' trols' and price, ceilings We must support -4., and urge: ' the support of .a 'rationing.' We must.:buy' only d ' . and . onl , at fair what : we neeId, , y • market's* - a If we 'do this, we can make plans o p. p.. he . � tore as -art of -a -Matron � r t that is:economicallY sound. If we don't, We're goingto find some day that our: dollar will buy, o,aly� 'a- quarter s worth of goods. •. And ,that• means that This is only quarter , his worth a::. , . is inflation! " �" p , to ,'Canada's controls.have ,really worked. We've been able to prevent inflation. But we must.ight `now to i eep those .controls working, until the suPP lY of civilian goods can . •..+ the demand! ;.'What come, up to g happened after', the last war most not .PP , • happen again! • For the sake of our. children,. 'for ourreturned soldiers, for ourselves' let's keep up, the .fight against inflation. Pith!uheil by'X11E BREWING INDUS'r1&1' (ONTARIO) to reveal the•dangers'olinflation. • Make .,this'Pledge Today'l;':: .. • 1, led `e m self to do' my .art p_..:s:..r yP. • tmfi sfhtn to anon ..04'24Z.,,,..!.....;;;‘,;1!...•;,, .. A -av- ° • $y;bsaiving' iatlonini and' aoiding, black maikets in:: any shape •or r . "corm.' • By respsding'prics cagttols and.other' • , anti-inflation ,,Measures, and re ;.. frainingfroaa carelessand unneces-: sary buying. I will not' .buy two +, • where one will do,' nor will"I' buy M a 'anew", where to '!old". w ill do• 'By. buying • ;Savings Victory < Bonds and ,War • Stamps,supporting tax. ation and , abiding. by all such measures' whth will lower the cost of living, and : • help'keep'prices•af a .. : normal level? DUES S riTit-Nt,,Y:- -� Hon. Norman A `I cLarty. who': 'before' retiring,,frarn,politics prior -to-tire last=eleetroriheld -t-hre``6--- _cabinet posts ; in •: the 1 !acKpnzi King .Government bFdied sudddenly at hisfhoxne,in..Ottawa early'. Sun d•ny-m-orn-irrg: from a--he-ar,t t* -1c, - He was ' 56.. While ,' serving. as Postmaster,,• general, Mr: McLarty -y-isited :. Lucknow 'to' `•offlcial.ly' .01501 the new postoffice Mr McLarty• had- appaai-cd- ls usual goo c`h •health. on Satter; ;. clay attfie wetTdin s .datrgii;. ter'and at the- recepfion ,that fol- lowed. HIs •death 'occulie'd 'after he had`„retired.. that night: ' 'WHITECH:URCH Mr. ,and .Mrs.'Harry v , Moss of :Glencae:-a(hd -Mi and ,Parker• :of London. 'attended the :ladies' sister's wedding,,.. Corporal Doris ,:McClenaghan. Rev`- ,an , d' Mrs. J. tire. Sfewart. of Bright,... Ont.; .:and ci- former visited some of'•his. minister here, vis , • ; old friends- here ••Saturday. after• •no .tri -Win.: -Wink, -ham United-Churcht tiniiridsY-.�: • Mrs. Stewart of Winnipeg, ts. visiting het sister, Mr 5, •E1r a Wel` wood and last;week-end .Mr, arid • Mrs.;'Ezra, Wellwood, a.r}d ,Mrs' Stewart ,motored to Windsor and • • visited with relati'es there, Mrs, A. Tebbutt of Crnderich is visiting this week with her, lis• ter,. Mrs. A. Fox. ,-Mr. Thos. '}ender so�1 ,if List4• Wel was visiting relath-r, her'ai?n Sunday. , , Mrs. Henry Ticl?borer :1f: God, erich. spent a. 'few days' this week With- her • 'rriother,' Mr 'D, KeciM • Hedy; •also Mrs. Louie p u nin. end Mrs:''Duncan McDonald 9t` .St Helens visited there l on Tuesday,' :_' Rev, Mr, Elder a missionary, home ,on furlough f rorrl British' Guianawill speak in: the. Presbyy”, terian Church, Wedn ":•AilY,Sqt` 20th: Everyone is w elr:iine: