The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-20, Page 2I .PAGE Two • r ;3 J The Lucli now Sentinel, loucknow, . Ontario' THURS., SEPTEMBER 2Oth, 1945 BOUNDARY EAST Messrs L;avergne•.'M.aeMill,arl:& ']Jy �Mnon: returned,., . to school ,at 1itchener 'this ween. Mr, and Mrs. A1epc 1,91Dertson, Mr. Ac araa Robertson` •and Mr. and: Mrs. Ronald Forster and Nancy visited at• Mr. James Forstees on Sun a_y. - Visdtors With Mr. & Mrs., Pharis; Matlre> i ere ,Mr. anci Mrs, 1Rerb Id :'1�lisy s, Vat :G- ei^ wZR-i. ,.. • o. •anr.;rn�n, virrkih e Mr; "�dnc-lt7Ti.s ' .GortiortiRinttoul, Leroy and Gary, and Mx' 'and.IVlrs, David, -Carfuther's and:. Amelia spent' Sunday r t , Gebrge Fisher's, Mr: Johne Craig . had the •, hydro: installed this -week ' Ration Coupon Du Dates Coupons now v lid : are ' butter 116. to, 122, sugar fi ao 64,: pre - ..serves 33t to;; 57 ad. ,: M1 to M3, Each M'coupop.. e rials 8 tokens; '1. '.N x • I:. • 4r, 6, I „ •Y either or both -may be used • a£hetirchase of rrreat PROPERTY ., tiiANGES h 'a forced.. the Dominion ,,,„Store Kincardine to. • cease •operati.ng. a reacting, and Mrs. Goorge Fisher •S ng a solo. "My Gra'ndmother's :WED O. ' BELL Old Arm: Chair" with Mrs. la. , GAJEWSKI--DiOKS0N Scholtz' as. aceompa ust. Mrs W Dungannon U.nitec• church, tir,r' 1 Farrier ve. x Interesting and chancel banked, with a r� r<wtil'ul: instructi7e palms nn dean t •t tion.'. on• arxang�nA flowers fo'r* ;atr�n�`!�i'tt f`-g-r•�ccn, •rtiti-tl'r k,c„--. table' bouquets;• and for' livin summer flowers, pink and ':hiicr room, dining room• and bedroo gladioli and s.eet pc kis 1)r, clurn- mating, „nada u plGasrnt; itn,hf aeoc,rati�ns Het flowers atrt'c -.for-- he doubler -ring &delta,;_, ;'� beautiful as shin h_as„„„dle-this itm off tle^,pr•in o-, inonY at 1.1 30 a m. on 5,ttt,l,iv ..her.hok�.i�y.Attiie.,ei�d� Sept.c�mbex'�..Et,h,m�kt-r�11 ttii':i� cl• ���:_. ' • ' tiRca`c _..spoons. _ • ;'Grandmother's Day ,was obser- ved at the •institute*^meeting : at Whitechurch last:Week with Otte a number of grandmothers in the. ' audience. Mrs. Cecil 'Falconer'. presided; • An interesting paper bn `.`Growing, Old''• was., read. by Mrs:: - Jack. Gillespie. The''grandmothers 1,11.1 then. 'sang 'a chorus 'Long, ':Long �;-A o'.�lY�rs;: Tom �.1Vroore game: ' a� humorous •'reading' and Miss._Jeat v`e' Leaver . a piano csoli). '' Mrs. Roane •in • read a poem' on old and' new say • ings, Mrs,: Geo. McClenaghan 'gave Mr-= aasi M_ 1 i dFiu. --- '"*'•E••-•'' li[ti e:�. dug er, to .- .. �; •• . John Gaiews.1 'i t tldon, ? .ul•trf Jaac Gilicapte > ver spcto�,- car "s Gaje'uo-ki,:-Npabl Bali --.1, I -.A— also presented to Mis: Rcaan, ,wh i Sask and the late Mz;:.'i was the p'ldest `grandmathei pre- • , t 3etivsl�le. The br•idc�, �1rc'n rtr tip �i • sent dpd rto Mrs. Alk er t Wa1tor ;x r rage by, her,fathcRt `li)okr :. t15e youngest giandtriothe> .;pit's°' ant.. After` "lunch- was served. the •in a, Haar -length �'r»rt 'r,l „ r),c„ shoe col�rnesc �4i1h tiFllrl'f,tirr}; rrieetng,'�as brougl}t. to.' -a - chase _ � � ri s, d Save• a ;Close line, n b dice ' vitit, :A>� stain tope o, pear .s �V.,tl., 1466: bry y singing ',God and bouffant The.�iext' meeting is to be held it. the Boma of'•Mrs. Torry. Inglis, on the bridenrcrwl 's gi!'t,° t11 r, the 2nd Tuesday o Octokicr•d f 1 ,special, speaker Will be 'present -and ; lur-tch will .'be'served.• , Parce1 Of C1othos Found nd foun d"- ,cohectien at The Sentinel Office: Is a parcel of children's clothing, _.. which was • loft ina local store. dining,' the summer::, ' JMI.HISTRA�10!!1�---WAR - ,,=�RAtLON-e11�17iN�'fNITA:.771,:.7.--.., ATEMERT Of~MEAT:.MEL�';1=COMAIERCIA4=C000t1RA6f=T0-6E�FIL-EQ�WITII�N .�, CtJNSYMER S, iT SOF THE - 'START _F,• MEAT RATIONING' ; '' Number• ' of persons lit .household including ' myselr, Ration Book 'S —Prefix anal .Serial' No. I hired help and•boarders'' " • • .144.4.44 •1 1"consumers Who .stare rationed 'meat in' lockelks A c Raticin'Brai th must declare in Writing -to -the : nearest Office the'quantity of rationed meat they had in storage on September 1\o, 1945 Rationed meats' include all' cooked, canned, Indy and led . meats.' For :a full list of-r-ationed'• meets, see the ' Consumer Meat •Coupon Value ,Chart Copies are available1;at all Ration :Brranch Offices. COUPONS ' MUST- BE ,SURIREND•ERED '.FOR STORED` MEA' Co nm• suer5• must surrender."'coupons for' a•ll - meat held: in lockers •over and '"above 4 lbs. for each-person•in the -household -at cf. rate. -of 2 lbs: per:,:cpupon: 1 Iowciever, rid marthan 'one half of the, t`M"' coupons in` the ration books of .the.'consumer., and his household :need be• "surrendered: USE THIS • DECI4RATION- FORM DTRAD BOARDw: TIME PRIDESSAN E, and peal cluster crit i irri„sts) • match:-Her-ftr-te-whi~t ' rkr�t--frrr r i- J tip, :veil hung. 'f:ron'i a,' halo head- 1 dress. She carried ri 146uquot of 'red . roses rid took 'her la]iit c lir;=', :faro -4110 -,altar: =to tlr atw•t•iin cif'. the' bridal' cho'r,us from•Loh'n;rin', .played by .Mrs: Lauretta. : Trelea- ven, who also 'played',the• acconi- anim,'ent for the:' heist'solni,t Ralph ,•'Hendei•sori of ^' Gixlcricli, who san'�; FA -1- �Tnyr `Thine. during: ilia signing of':thc� rc?grater, The,. tide's cousin' ' 'iss',INore•r1 Taylor; London, twas cle�m wearing • a floor length. •dicss (*If_pc oudre-blue'sheer,•uri1h nhcirtld "ren th Von:TA-Hang frim :Mi' et (115 n Of'flowers -She Carried 1)i'ii}•' i t er , :`. Mr: Allan Dickson, biothci of thr -bi roe • :was grooinsm°arr� I'h cca�,,-�,- mony was y�er orm. , l ha 't o\ E 1 C • Tay,lor, Thamcsfor d a ncic r;C , the bride,, assisted by R6v, W J • Roe'ers,:.pastor of D'iing,tritii)n L'rr rtedi. church.. •:Two- :u'nc les,: 'nf 'thy '• bride: ;Mt ].Melvin D)cJsc:inc � r> 1• r12r. ames 1 c] htyre,', \a"r•i u. ugh l's. ' Following the ceremony; tl'n br i lal: party anal �iitinhered about 30 rer..fi�r c;cl to the Park House, -Godo icl,r;',a0lci•n a;xeceptton .was helc:l. r , is son, the brides mother, i'ecc'ia•efl; in 'a dark bro'vn c) etas dr sitwith Vold trim, and vver;)n ct••mrcage .: of rust -colored Inixed •flomv'crs. Mrs. E. C Taylor ':atin't.;.uf r the bride, 're:ceived'• with• h -c -t Hwt;h-rii g • an orchiu.'two-piece' wool rost.uin -- with•:corsage:of pink flnwc)i s. Tlie di,r ingr'bom, carried' out-' a -color; Scheme: of pink' and 'W ite. a'nd the bride's table was` centred•u ith a three-tier `.:w'edding, 'cake 1VI.r: ;and:Mrs. •.GaJew•skie - left ;the .same eft=er�oori `fora lc�»c•�=t�aooal +t,• G>wtelpl ;•Toronto and otherpoints, 'the' bride travelling, in a.brgta•ii tailored suit, j with`bi opt ri accee ' sor.ies.., Upon'• their• return •they• will reside in ; resent Lof r o;mndon. London :• '•Tbamesford, ' Winnipeg, '::'Grand ° ,B�nti,...'•T aaekxis>!w,:..:SS:' ' ori Guests}sort; Albert and Dungannon .14 'I.'`-. r':.. Name of Declarant 'C : 4.. 1 • .4 , Address • Prorine. R N•ar oi orN.R.No, , _SERIALe NUMBER OF EKCU P SONtS RATION. ®'Of • Neuse: --4._Nide Name r '.' ~•(If •space-is;found insufficient, use; _ designatedspace at back of sheet)•: ' 2..ta�• Vl1' ' J'ot ` " of all rational meat .held as ,at :start: of rationing 1945 Ili (l.•Is: Deduction of '4 Lbs. for each •person .,x' 4 �• 4 • • '(dumber'ef Perron.) '. "' e ' 3 for which meat coupons to he -surrendered , 4.- DiRerena+e•between-iteu�s-(2.)_`and.�( .). ._ ..: o.required for net; total (item 4) on basis: of 1. coupon, for` each 2ll►s. (gross weight) • ..._ : S .�. 'total number:.of meat coupons. regwr , ,, .. _ - .. . , . . t fired nu -„,_ver) but not More than 50% of totrl 111 coupons is the ,� •'Total •meat coupons str,rrendered ' lierewttb' • (beiii J requ n ... . ,: • g •-.-. r ation--<books:. of:-'the•.houeehold: Value and tildreas Of eo • al' cold, storage building ere;nicat sit red , „. " , mmerc where H M - II I • Name Name.. Tilepbone NO.' , • • • 4. •lbs. L...e.4 ...,lbs." coupons`: ,, .. coupons ;::` r'4 • tatements, to be' true and Correct and io contain a full disclosure of all meat owned, 1,.the ,a d b melinann hereby Certify the above s. m rcial building..or , inspace ih a,told''storage : plant as'At' start .of •merit �'.' csntrolled or held by � me in any cola storage locker in any cpm e .R. rition.fl '41945. ,.. • • , 1945. M Dated , , t • , • 6-, si.Rr■lure of Deeluenl storage ,buildings ire required to repKt to the' : the Boards Order, :operator8 :of cold storage lockers or :of c,oii'imer ae oI lord: ` • 'i : ` BOTH. names and. addresses of persons to'w)fiom� they rent,space for the stork'.g 300 M.B. 7dS r Board, the' � ti -. •;�. _ . , ,....a neares# dation Br. nth. � f y'olur cou.pons.to.th_. ,: i R Cl/P this,S OrIf1� fll It ln,.and-send. �t::w.lth LOCKER OPERATORS :ARE .REQ.UIRED .TO REPORT TO 'THE BOARD THE 'NAMES, '`: AND ADDRESSESAOF• ERSONS TO WHOM THEY RENT, LOCKERS RATION' ADMINISTRATION 1 r.; THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD ? RA-',; nr.wre, SOHN' ARMSTRONG'of ' Culross celebrated , .his 93rd birthday, tri. Thursday, September 1.3th He :is .` i_n-good' health,-gt itc orf is e. ottel, takes a' lively inter est incont- munity"events He Yilakcs ;his bowie: with -'•Mr. `-slid 1rs� R Armstrong, .Con .,8; CulrOss; A ,TEST. WELL tb. supOly Thais- 1ev's waterworks -cyst c�ri - u il,l' b.e dxi11ed by F "et ' DavisorL at Win;. ban } 'SERIES:7a ACC1IDE "T.S-- 1'N DUI$TGANN,ON ARRA .Davi McDiarm , f at i v.c•r"south of• Dungannon, had' 1)rrrit s in 'a. ,r•'hr n•xs• , kngee biakea't•wh,eri• a Using :'.to block: a wago'n; iToaded with grain, was felted' ol cc d 1�'u'l. slid strtick',him. He was. 'rc i71r,t:crd Goderiih hospital Harold '. 'Elliott .' rtr%rl. Harvey.. is Johnston, both :Of Ash fic,tcC To«•r3. d w•1rc;ti' the crit'' :i'ri ' which they wet �, z r lilt ri -(rein Blyth 'left the •r'oacl. rMt•. Ei• l'iott •required' stitches- 'i,r Clear , citta he recejveci, ,wh i,lr' ;tits ` John s ton, a 'returned so1dic rn, Ea,hc)'Itrst a .�eg,' ,overseas`, : est l,,e:d, with scratches . , Mrs Sae,ob M: Reed i:,„itt Codi, erich Hos `ta with. a k,t rt n Bili'. stiffened tri a' fall'. 'at her' ltome. ;