The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-09-20, Page 1• •t 2Y00 earrn .Advance; 500 Extra AD OF 'C.� ; . O AU ILIARY ,PLANSERI1)GEj, HEAD AND EUCHRE MARATHON o U. S ()N• 0 SFt. MEMO ER.::_20til;'7:g 4 - * PEN LOC--A-L . � ]wood es,:.president • :Nf`r. rr- ian National; Exhir-: . -� Caxlad.�,., _ - __ ot:*-of- t . - officially Opei1 J,i _'1c . •$:0th. Solite:_,.. - esda car ,ern.. r�ll next, September .• 26th. at .149 �M► 114hest hes' servides have n ade available through the - eii-operatiof--IVd Jok�ti kl[an•na-. M.P.P. •• No•effort has•;' been~ spare4,' •tcr specially, mark °thisanniversary. occasion,.�and granted fine w'eath er, one -of the biggest crowds, ari. the•history- of the Society should be in attendance. This • wih be merited by the. "comeback" re- cur d of the Fair dtiring 'the past-• few years; and by a -full after- noon of ;attractions,that is'•'offer ' ed: A complete: `program of the afternoon: vr1l •e found• elsewhere .,in this, issue. ; ' •It •is aimed' to g et 'the show u ,W Y ndei' a •., at 1.3.O. • Harp and- the school. children's `parade is ache • Aided' to leave for the park at 120-11,eaded, by- the Seaforth-Hight'- landers •• Brassn Bandwhich vvil furnish music - on :the grounds .. •durin the afternoon. ' g A • Rural School 'choral' and public speaking- corri+petitio;ns-_.are.._a ain: :being featured; "as '• *ell. as 'a,, pro • gram 'of .races.' There will .bp =a• To. •Study Medicine ;.. , Scotch reel contest,• „tug o'war • - , contest ;-- a baby --sho_w .-.and-:._a 'Ronald Johnston, ..;son of • an r -Johnston -.Johnston -of -tows ' grandstand -performance -by -the . ?. "il 1 enter Toro t ' : Hollows Twins and the''' thmiY' w,, n a Universii;y Whig, YY. ',Quartette of Londont.'' Thissex- 'term, to study' rr�i.edicine. Ronald Q ._: was„a.:clever student and, attained tette features ;dancing,.. acrobatic,. .. . i consistentl II : high marks nd• Y h g m s through:. a acrordian' numbers and now.- • The Ladies • Auxiliary' fa. the Canadian. '•Legion is planning ,z i'a11: bridge and euchre marathon Way -:'it • is t# pc t ttd x C7ct s`. purr cncz �rsr. is Marathon ,for •th 1' lcili and do canvassing will: be 'done. 'rig ore. wishing .tb. enter: is eir ri9rno at-$1�1z . TNrrl;1L , '01-:nston's' or•• at. •1R✓ve]:yn's Beauty Saran, by not .Later 'than Se ts,n. 'ber• .29th. "s' Sept.401:-. LEGION CELEBRATION • HELD ON THURSDAY . There, was, a disappointingly. sma.l l er-owd-a t}ic� -e i • L g csrm � 'FFic- tory Celebration held in the arena last Thursday' evening, but .the ,Carnival games were well• ;.pat- :r, nized`-nonethele o -nonetheless' and the ie-' freshment booth sei.ving. chicken sandwiches, rririd you; did: 'a thriving business • Lucknow 'pipe :Band provided music prior oto ithe' program pre- sented_ b -y Bern .Conway -and his trout e • fro Lo • 'London, ndo p who: were introduced by . Rev: H, • F, Dann: Baritone soloist on the 'program who 'rendered :several: fine select ions, was,Bi.l-1_-Man.iaing,..,a_.nephew ,s; Elmr, ;A`1 o•n of Xlshfield. PRESENTATION. .Hackett ignited Church,was.the sepias' of....a �: -sc�cx,�l �,;�ening-:ort-Kr� u'ayr_ night when the_ ce*ra'e' 4it4 r - •.xlrlcl--'riS i IT1J�Jrl1Gl3J?� - ��-: t, _ 1?.�de ��el l two :. este, - e i�_ rr�. have mored to -W. in gh 'iri. t - - . g a o.' is e sid.cl,` They are Mr, and Mts;'Wni, Hackett,Sr. A , pleasant evening: ,vas spent • witli''Rev„'C B. Woolley ,presiding for a: progirarn of Commu'nit'y sing-: mnr,••cont'ests, so -los and readrrigs. Mr, Roy Alton read an appropri- ate add:r'ess, expressing regret losing•twosuch fine couples and, Hackett made •the pies untarily • at McKiixi's Drug Store' t Wilfred + BUYS DAIRY BUSINESS AT STOUFFV'ILLE SALVATION, ARMY �R�' . E iOW .ON.. Chas.. Webster, • who recently • • disposed of his restaurant and The local campaign in ;support =dawn •rate -rests h e ,. rez�lrxrchas-= .o f...the Shcv�t3on.�Ar��nx � T�fiatzs�zl.l; q._a a, dazi_y,t,usiAc:45„at.:,St tfif� elle .3101 .e:.-Fixii4_4 ea -rot • tl0 tl00 ''1 thy T ....canto -{1s1 ti i':7. -."--,..:_:-..j ._ . : _:. • gag-. � . � _ s �t�ncr�v .itrr`l�-rvcra �. �I�a can,.._ .__- He"�oblai.iis'. vsse"ssion "on Oetoher":.. ass . - -�_- R wassers include.:S. 'B-;:- Robertson, lst•:.Chai lie also. takes ''over,, an S•, C. • Rathwelf, •'Jose � "h Mallon li, associated�'ice. business,' that; sup.. it,, H. McQ r.illin,:A E; McKim• and e s rnrner :. Wm.._Mur9�' ,If the---ha-v —not selmari's Lake., ;called on • you as --•yet, `.yoi •rnay1 - ,x expect a visit within. the -next few ,; YOUNG 'WAW NOSH ` LAD • ` days.. Be''prpare, , for them and BACK FB - H .SPIT L'• give, •as :generously.:as. you ,can. Q M O A ' No canvass-' • . °. - ..:• � has: ;been- arranged' Arnold Andrews, 6 -`.ear -old I for. 'the' surrounding community, v •_'1 so the appeal is made to rural resi... I con of Mr;' and Mrs. � _6-year-Old � n - pp drew con.4 i dents. to:. make:•their ydonations.vol..' s,, . West, Wawanosh, _.s by Mus . entation of the gifts. Mrs;' Alton ome .again, from ;the- Victoria - .l-Iospital. Arnold. was ;rushed to and. Mrs..,Hackett received table London' on Tuesda' of last •week lamps; Mr.•Hackett a.,sinok`er; Mr: y ' Alton a:magazine. stand and Wen- 2fter a sudden illness :that showed dal Alton • illi` g'..'•sYa aittOxxis not.._unlike . infantll' a b old.. They fitting: , crag sis .13"expressed thtti',;thanks 'fol ,the' Y .; ... ,.......... , ... .__... .... London ,' doctors- :could•` not kindness :.and' though tfulness :"of: di•a nose '-.the illness' although'i the ,comm rnity• . g.. , .' ': polio was later .,definitely. ruled. =Mr. Alton has 'disposed 'of his'' fit. m• and is employed. •in'. the ► outY � The •;lad nad,e `' a speedy re-- I covers, andwas soon able . to re- Foundry at,-Wi.ngharn,•and N,lr:.,turn:�:home, -Hackett '..a a :.- , h s p rchased the Levi Theh of sc o he attends, .which • LottyProperty adjoining o n Hol dal rn p 1? Y . J b _..� was closed � as* ,:.a , ,pr. ecautionary: Creamery; -where he is establish=. measure;; re; op'ene..d on Nioriday.• ing' an.•implement business ha'v- i for.=sever.a- ars - A _ . n lyes had.the-.Al , , • ' •'agency':::INSTITUTE'• • TiD�'. IiOI:D lis-:Chalmer`sir hi di - .. trict: • _ ,. Both', families "have ,been. .life : e nnu -ta d - for the- - a a rasrrint,. of• A� d -and � Tim.' a al .... g .' aY ---- �..,. hfiel . ,. .� 1-i>n - - '' � : ir•� • i-th.6.it, . deppa`rti •re:: from: the cont 1 b d 'v 11*b. -he1.d locally -on Fa . pal- .-- Da .September .26th, under:'aus' said n mu,ni.ty ' s� �regretted `by a:� wide y�. p � _ ,the Sai.vation. Arrny, coul`d;. claim'efficiency, . aiid.' economy. It ' ', • •• lives close to.the. people and. goes down where ''they, are ,when..they� • are down.;.; The Salvation -_Army, ' 1 he sai . d "lin �ws. •.' o:, the• .human material' itis:: dea in T l , g with. .t knows -how to•,. squeeze 'the last- bit ast.• bit' of °v'alue: but 'of everything .: a i corn ors n easures e - 1: • he; ap'oroaEh_�s tha.•t.-of_,rPh good health-a►ad his-corrd tZ m .s:. _ _.._ _ .._ _ rk .ca.use .for. concern. Mr. 'Carner'on m stip-plyrng: them with 'books; . iri ions and'aoclal workers:=•Tlie work .... .. , m maintaining';tliem in :residence's'„ • 'vers a w��ide �rari e..:o `services. : is past '•the• fo°ur,-s:co► e mark: , .... g f. :but:is al o engaged;,in,a constant' from, the Atlantic :to. he Pacific . programa ',of' prevelnti :blindne s and •co es: wi h' the Problems: •p h of FORMER' RESIDENT'. and in ;endeavoring';;. o arrange. those of • all a •es: -•-In the, _ truest RETURNS N G LAND - g R TURNS .TO E. G. for medical arid' surii al' treat g. c. cerise, The ,S'alvation -Arany is. a x men°which might restore": or inn rehabilitation organization, • .. ,.. un- : Mrs A.:.Hooper, a , former rear prove , vision: derstandirig•• fully-:•that:there , is no rlher •has= dent of Lucicnow •w'h e ., The tag:' day ' to be" held here: permanent. '• rehabilitation ' t h a t bind was padre at.., Port :•Albert. / next. week should receive the; leaves 'the •char Iters' • .: ,.;Sailed; , , , , ,, .. �. :.untouched; a Ar:rport• on • Saturday ,on. suiport .of every one who_,enjoys I p .. The ;Army knows; the 'de ahs.. to • '• I P -her .retur°n -to En ,l..and- to. ;,make . the blessin .. o f ',Sight- - ,- • .• g.. ` g g ,which people. can sink and the•,. he�:: • ermanent 'home, Mr.' and J p. , ., heights' to .,vvhicYi the an •be''. rs i1.no nr • Mr. i ... - .. __ ... ' .'c --'111, : S d h M L , Murdie's 'Hardware Store or at Tl Sentinel Office. ' . While' maintaining ; everything it 'is' doing .for. a alts h' .,-Salva- .. tion. Army Canada is increasing. the n'iscope of its- : work :among • children and..young people, ac-.. p Cording "to Col. Arch:. Layman; . newly appointed ° chief secretary. ' "This .expansion, trend i.s' aim' ed. at combatting ,,the...,prevalent juvenile—delinquency' , .said• .Cola Layman: "More young people's • 'groups, guides,'scouts, clubs. for, yaungsters-•-and rec eat'iona . cenn= tre's for the young are. being est ablished . '. asking "public .'suppor for • nal-:3ome Front-, $-1;500,000, Col. Layman circle 'of fr iexids.'MrIiacltt was prces of .;the Lucknow Women's Institute a.6' former-`cour.�cil1or,:arid reeveg. the townsto The ' Canadian; National : Inti: 1? au e 't. f. r Bl' i nil in t o t e nd snot o terested 'in :':findin ..'e to rnent Not In' Good' Health. :. g ml? . Y for blindpeople;in teachin , the - Mr Ke neth';Cameron, esteem ., g the things .that make'it possible .ed West. Wawanos:h :farrner''and ,.for•:: thein• 'to, enjoy: some: of 'the, apple .grower. is,.: not enjoYinb . .- f : d '. pl , of.life, i •. . Out _his hi. 1i. hoo1-- se city ' sdngs. A publ.rc:address • sys �• �� I tem' will be used '..Alan°' Me lir;•anYotlier. • clevc-i•' for the•=entire' performance.:' During: 'the:.•.after- local: ;student; mad•: application. •` to. enter .university. 'to take 'an': noon a prize draW will be'made Y a for 22- Prizes' .! engineering. course;.:' but. as yet• p .• ,• donated by Luck- no usi tress Men.tn '-rk this has: not been advised.if : accoroq.. a dation, is-avail'able,''Man . re.turn- :.80th anniversary. Tickets are on • x' Y . ,ed' meal are takin; this.curse' sale 'at 25c. or `five for $1.00' from •.-• • • � o l and university facilities, are` over. all mem}iers of :the Society. .•..• The' light .hors ishow taxed promises , to. be. outstanding This class_ was revised this•year .and.prize increased io $200.00 :for 10 ev nt . • The v' , .� district's. c is fi`; nest P hack n..y and. • carriage horses will -be at Luck now next Wednesda.�. y Evening Entertainmenits There. --will ..b ' d e a concert and ,dancing both .ni • htss' of •'the` s g h how --9'ta an�V�dnea Z -e Listowel '--Drarriaitic'--*ti.-•Twi l l` pre nt their hilarious 1 cess 0 Toole This concert comes higlhly rated, , and ' thos_e who can are requested to attend] Tuesday - night's performance to relieve the. - customary Wetinesclay fright uer fl . • ow crowd TEMPERANCE: S! FAKER HERE ON. SUNDAY'- Rev. W. W. WalIacc ofd Toronto.` occupied. the pulpit in the, United Church on. ' Sunday morning for: the;; Ontario'T.empetapce• Federa- tion, edera tion..Rev. Wallace gave a forceful sSstI=the--e v r ante-and,-rreferred to -the gigant'ie liquor bill of the Dominion .and: the Province of Ontario, "the'. banner •' province” which is the Wettest, Iii the afternoon`•Rev ' Wallace preachedatt'•Ashfield. Presbyter- lan ' C ur h. - h c O.n Tuesday, night the...c: , � o'ircert will be • followed . by,_ an old' -time dance to : music . by MacDonald's ':orchestra •' ' • night:zno and on `., Wednesday der ri dancing will be en toyed '.tis music by Carruther's archesxa,-,; Caneer-ts: and-cdances will be. held ,in. the Town .Hall. All in'.all• its a super array, 'of; .attractions to , appropriately mark , the 80th: annual, Fall Fair • of the • Lueknow Agricultural', Society. Remember;, its next Tuesday and Wednesday Frost Sunday .Cold,wet weather has- prevail,2 ed fdr Y _u the past several, days and S -� nday morning the• 'tem- perature dropped below the freez. ingpoint, for, the firsthard of "the hard frost_ and 'Season. Stook 'threshing flax harvesting is. beingeri- ": OUsly affecte s - e d by the weather: i • • .SALVAGE COLLECTY0111 $E HELD'"NEXT F . • ry,,, RIDAY ; ,The fact that has the. war is over:., hot eliminated • the urgent. need. for .•waste pape anthe al p A r and rags, S c urged' the c ntiinuaan e of, this job.has Tthe Clan,Club has set smen . nexrid . I' 28th .ay evening-,.. September as, the date ' for their •• faltollection.:Paper and~agd• orilYWill.be collectedand these Should� bundled , `boxed or 'lagged se- e ure1, and set at the, cu b 'lock that evening,r pt', six • SPECIALS • in Men'snt' a d ' B s' . , -Q. Work Shirts and, Work • Clothing., The Store with the Stock: THE MARKET ' STORE', - - Left:1'or Vest Among ';those from this cozy- munity who have `:gone 'to , the West to assist in• harvests ig--rrper ations are Charlie. Anderson, E1 'don Miller, L.,,'1VI:agoff.in:;and Lane Garrdrier,' INOCULATION CLINIG:'NEXT WEEK -A ,clinic' Will ,°be -held • Luck.:- . 'in now, Town Hall on Tuesday. tember 25th from 9,30:A.M. ' 'to 11 a,m. for' inoctilatirig infants and. children against either whooping cough or diphtheria, or both, it particuar y desired is 1 . to have ' children as,young as four months: Chi1drer can be liven protection 'at this age.against both these dis- eases by the use" of a . corribine' diphtheria .toxoid and whogpinl, cough, vaccine This clinic' is open to any child•, in the village .and surrounding townships, •' clad• is a service supplied •free by., the. Neal Board of Health Neal ,. '.. 'will This clinic will be• followekl. by. a' second three weeks later; oh, October 10th, and six weeks later on November 0th. Three inocula- tions are: necessary to protect children against these diseases„; '' • VI• : Johnston lkl'F?:H. • s. • wa in the ate'• ..an.. When • r : -« <.. N. ,these tasks is `. onl - ossibl'e= Hiooper,s; oil i r--c-arnp-ic�i, ir:ta*r_T,._ ys•.p.. ilii (nig tli financial.:su ort for, ..' u Lueknow High School' re -open- pp he%!"'ivill' r•etur n'•to, the'. Old' -Con whi' d it ch :the ":Army is: making: its isa rof ss r ;of . ed ,on• 1V 9.an ay w h about;85 stn-• try.' Mx : `Hoopes p . � , o . .. • , ,, * • . annus . a mathematics. Mrs. Hooper's tern-' .dents in •attendance,. which ,is. an, ppeal. average 'enrollment. ;There 'is •,no • • 'rar addressAS care her `' pQ Y.. . Ha r' chane in the teachin staff . s. Supervisor's Certificate ,sister. ; Mr Fawcett;; 14 Church g• i g which 'includes Miss France M - an%1 s c Hiss 1VlarronacDsinalcl ;�f fmc.ld;.-S-a-lisbur-y., wilts , l�ng., ••, '. , , ,. ,--:tea Lean : Principal; Miss' Jean Os town who took a. • ' i p . • music •'course ., • r -borrie,'NI:r Il• -R.; McLean and Ndr: this:' scan finer, :�h-•as-,: bteirred---1i-- P. W.;, Hoag. music. sup'ervisor's P -..;,certificate. MI• G • EVENTS .: a icte �i0 . � ,.. � � • ... ._. • . , :: 1V!iss'MacDariald has resumed,�her: ' ' duties ,as '•music supervisory in :'a 'a- TONIGHT- {T U lI RSDAY .. Buys Kintail Business W'e.'�understand that Dave Mac- number : of: district schools.' Coming :to•the: Wangham Arena;•: Kenzie , . , . ,.. , . . � ofAshfield ,.and recently e tPinber • 20't `•.'The . Thursday,- S Py , ..FAIR -PRE' Winchester. Da'n:cing Party, • with• of: ;Toronto,.' has:purchased • the ..Y. SI1�ENT PAYS_: - MacDonald Store at. Kintail and TRIBUTE TO LATE`MEMBER • Ambassadors. Dancing will obtain ossession later in th the., � basso . •,• C i) oAm ission 50c. i 9'.30" to 1. o dock: Adm p e fall. •.FRIDAY. .>bA1VCING�EAC•H Dancing even Frida night' nil 1' Y. y. PLAN EXTENSION• the Town Hall,: Lucicnoli.: under • , - ausices. of ,The Clansmen; Car -,TO HIGH . SCHOOL:' 01 ruttier s: ch'ehestra. Admission 50e: Dear prizes •of 82.00;. • ' r,• LADIES' MARATHON A ex -Weeks' 1ad`es', bridge and euchre marathon .will corr1rrience on Monday evening, October '15th under -the auspices of the Legion Auxiliary'.. No' .canvass; will be made. Those .wishing • to. enter, Please leave their names at John- s'tun's Restaurant or Evelyn'• Beauty'Salon.not later than Sep- tember '29th." The Lucke w Board of-Educa- tion has•under .consideration the matter Of: ;,building: -'an addition`: to the present ;school, to provide; 'facilities,' and accomodation• for teaching •,home' economics and. shop, work and as, Well to. provide for ;a smallauditorium - An architect has been: contact- ed and `it. is expected he will shortly make a 'survey of 'the>) premises to , determine what can be'' done ;in_ this. respect 'and at what cost. It is considered that "THE FUNNY BRATS" • the_ necessary. expansion could be � Will` be presented„ in the Parish accomplished. by a wing on the•' , est sideof the -blinding. • u annon, ..two . -nights,. w Hall; D ng Set 27th and: Sept; 28th by the• Such an expansion . progrm , Rip'lcy Dramatic' Club .under the was discussed 'in .1939,, but was' auspices ices of the Dungannon Agri abandoned ternnorarily when war cusp ,� • . cultural., Society. MacDowell's'or-broke out., With'. the ion. of . •., cessation. the tra'.will,furnish music for the hostilities and, liberal government. 28th. Corrie and enjoy • grants at present, availabl , it dance Sept. re -' a . ears. timelyto reconside .the a.. gond' Program. Wilfred D n , pp . • e :matter. r nails Pres.; •T, M. Durnin,..Sec, • At..a •meeting `bf the directors_ of the Lu,cknow.Agricultural°'So iety '' on Saturday' evening, President, John Farrish paid a fitting .and worthy 'tribute to the late George H. Smith wino for' :many , years Was an active and ;:enthusiastic ,director. .of=the Society At this meeting final details Wei -e arranged 'IIlI;for'' richt- week's - fair.. John McQbillin. Jake Hun- ter- and J. R. -'.Hackett were-a'p• -' pointed 'a committee to., arrange for' gate -keepers, • ticket sellers and field men': John D. Ross; Alps- Smith and L. C. Thompson were appointed in..eharge:v of .-„school children's ' competitions. The . Women's•• Institute - . was.• granted booth • privileges : in the arena and Robert,Moffat' was granted the park cocession'. Mr ' Duncan Kennedy we's appointed poultry :judge, replacing Elmer Fattish • of, Gorrie who has :gone to the West for, a few weeks. A. Work -bee •is to be held on • Saturday: to prepare the hall and grounds for the show, and all directors and. members are et - quested 'to 'to turn,. out . and lend `a:' hand., d L' COI It