The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-28, Page 4,...R-,awana. PAGE . FOUR; 401111101411110011111 IIIRINIValraitho.71111,. L, .l••V E .P O U L.T. R Y c Eti. ,,,,. x. Fz: ,;,, 0 .. 14,1, .., ,-, is.,,, '4 n ,. ill to i. MMt, rel oolik RI oc, hone or rrite'V e Lucltnow Sentinel, Luc riCes ox X!• .S, Klncarda Zorra Highli.fl 'Phone •181;: I. lathering IOBIG PFE BANDS — T R EE Q TESTS reatest Pipers And Dancers . �. • Ameri -a ss G In ,Competition Full Days of Hight= :Refreshments Lit O itl PI C• 1 PAI 0 4:: ;1 .. •-i C Wil illii ' -ithi lita Dance at Night.. Served: on. rounds r aznes`Parkes , :uc ''• ” isitedi Sur day '� evrenin 1� at- iris { 'Ha I.1 1 s • Harri' an II .of es-: .Mrs. Jame g .. I peler spent a, few days fast eek. at `Richard Elliott's , - M. ,& Mrs.: `Ernest..Ackert "1 and ,Mrs: Harvey Ackert and am-- , lib', of, Lorne, . Mr:• and i Mrs., 1 ,, �Graham'and'family of Ripley and: r. and. Mrs:: Ray- hard •44 liOrt spent Sunday at Bruce iBea a : l• ``-,\ .,..; Mr. ' and Mrs. Jack Ackert' { pent, a da last week in 'Toronto 1 Sundayevening,' visitors I with', and :Mrs.. :Tom': Harris •l� ere - "Mri:-'MCT.ay of ipley .and.. 11x.. v A • 4y ,. r • • „r ,t and : Mrs:. Alex � •MacDo�n" , and Allan of .Sixth. Concesson. • T -b uc -J�b .IVr .and Mrs:: Wm q , , ow,` -visited last; undaL with Mr.; and Mrs:'' Richard lli tt Mr: and Mrs. Harold eti er* Joe -Anne sof Hanover:.: i tspent- Thursday: at; `Ernest Acker •is Mrs. Tom Harris, Mrs. `I- wardfl Harris and Lorraine visit last, 'Tuesday ert's :� ' rs. Rachel Cu ''at M Miss argaret Taylor of Wing- . am was a week -end -vis tor' at 'Jack Ackert's. ' " Mrs.. Eldon bEckenswiller,, is hos- 'tess to, the' Women's Institute on Thursday ' next. • Edna'•Boyle. is convener. of the topic,- MOsica.l Composers,_ the assistant is, -Mrs.'s Charlie 1 originTs_,_ Motto, A. merry heartgoes twice the way, let's; fig: boll call, My favorite song Eckenswilierf •Misr A. Mguri•ay .p it ken s as s as n cr�zncs n'<;: anti lfr�,,,X Acl sty '` Haward-Rs�l son LtcekneW Mr Hugh Lane who has been a patient, in Wingham\ Hospital LOST ---a. a. bar brooch, with three for the .past year waa:.brought tobirds, Pinder. lease'1eave at Sen., . his, home here• on Tues'dayOf last tinel' Office„ , 'Week. 'His many_ friends were glad. SPECIALS iii Cxixls' and:.Nlisses' • toy welcome hi home; .and' to' ' Drundles'.: Skirts, Cloth Skirts .lig: kgow ,he is improved .irk health.. ^" Dresses. THE' MARKET STORE Arniniber of the pupils of our 1 school are at -their homes; with F'O E--47'wheel=trailer, with. chicken `pox. rea , good tires: Johnston McLeod, Mrs. Harry .Campbell and' child -R., •Holyrood, `'Fhorie 27-r-8• Rip - i en of Armow, 'Mr. .and Mrs, Geo.. ley: Young of Kingarf , were , recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Mal- COW 6TRAYED to the premises of, the undersigned., Owner may t alrn rle . ` ° Mr. • and= Mrs Janes Hodge en — -hav'e same by. proving . property,,.. tertained the . Anglican .choir on and• paying•` expenses; Jack Hen- on- • ' derson, R. 3 •. Lucknow 'tth ec t A Monday •evening las.., . chis choir cion of '`.ract'ise -Art'Gra- P ham' read.Lanriaddress expressing 'kindest wishes', and congratula- tions to these newlyweds .: and 'Edna . -Boyle made. the ;g esenta-der..Akso in tablet- m,- for5Qd & :$L - tion to the • bride and groom of a� .at TAYLOR'S DRUG, STORE.' tr .: rzo. URSOAZf, . 28th, 19I . • ,FOR SALE: -Jersey' -cow; =tested01 milking. James Reid, Lucknow.,.' • Mr=ward- Mks,_ Gifford 0roze-r cGuire and. nd oanne,.=Kenrly__M ;_ ._ . a 1-J. ' d ri ends in • visite `'iter. Dodd Wa London .onJ Sunday:. •Mr. and Ms.Ben Comfort;, of visiting 'with St: Catharines. are v g • Blake: and Cecil � Bl and Mr. .and :Mrs; Harold. . • • • Serves :Seven Days;' A terra of seven '•d: h: Count jail •wa rer County Mr. and Mrs. \ Vernon i Hunter, Mrs, I erb Stothers:-and Mr.and Mrs: Bert -- relsaveihsP_g t=T-hurs day in London. Mrs.. Sarah Helm. is visiting' her sister,, ;1VIrs. S. `J Kilpatrick : and other friend's here . ' Mr.:. NormapoJM.cGuire of D'un ent-S.unda with his gannon P y . " ett Riv friend; ,.Noxman .� R v. H. J Vickerson".preached e .. hie'farew�ell-sermonliere>-on: Suhy day:and d ' will leave . on Thursday for. is new : c arge at .;Inwood. His many' friends `here -wish him• well in -his new. charge. ENJOY; .LIFE! Get= fast ° relief from indigestion,' heartburn, sour stomach, dyspepsia •with„peasant,. soothing Wilder's Stomach •i?'owa pair: of pictures and a : pie server Mr 'Ralph ,Blight , conducted, humorous,, game , and-. a dainty` lunch was enjoyed. hire .])'rt=sbyterraW i o Helpers'. <meeting-2Was- 'hell ° Wednesday 'afternoon at ;the home rs •on M Of Miss Niargaret'33,ob erts • ,John ,Emm,erson was in charge The scripture portions 'were; read •..Mrs. Perry 'Hodgins' .and Mrs. by Howard Harris with .Mrs Bob ' r ':MacDonald ; . leading fn ".' .praye•_ ' Dann, fay. ,Mrs Philip .• .and r Rev -bred with :a duet. The gues speaker : was Miss ; Marion liod gins" Who, spoke on .Deacones work. Mrs'. • John McLean! sang to All `'officers were re-e'lecte for the. year..; Rev. ` Dann close the meeting. with:.' prayer: Mr urt `is -'hostess > to- =th 'James...' ,. t Mrs, Bert Treleaven: spent Wed- nesday;' with .her -daughter, Mrs. Vernon. Hunter: near, Lucknow.' • Mrs,- Mary,, Glazier is spending; some time `with, her , Mrs., Harvey Maize. Joanne, ' Murray and' Bobby sins Hunter. visited_ with:ir cou , Dorothy. Mae and Mary Curran in the :on. Thursday:' given we of 1 in hath - Lo � .8 r e Ge daughter , when: -he pleaded gull y /in. Mag- istrate'A' Cook's our rain Strat- ford to a dru' nik drive 'g==charge... His right:Ito ' `drive, was, 'cancelled' for three months and his, car im "pounded for •a' like .-period. t a d d 5.. e rt r W.M,S.' :for the,, July meeting. Miss Winnie: Percy, R.N.: of;!.b 'Erie spent' the week=endt= 'he :_hei e} _ Mrs. jaMesJames Hodge_ is enter am- -ing =the :Girl ' 11 A. at. her'"horne on -S-atiirday 'next, :;June .30th. Miss; . Evelyn • • Little ; and • Miss Ethel' .Haldenby` ' of ..f -Walkerton NOTICE The `office .will be closed or the first two weeks in .July, DR- AI RS E--LITT =' spent. he week end at the latter"s home here Mr.,' George Grahamhas our, chased, ,the farm of the- late. John' Hayes ,AC2: Glen Pinnell,. Mrs Pini- 'hell, and .family .returned: to Wind tor ' after holidaying with Mr.: and Mrs. Wm: Pinnell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack=•Graham, re-' turned to their home. in Anti: A.r bor,: Mi higan, after a visit here. nd 'Mrs. H. 'A.'"Graharri; ac= Mr.. companied their: son arid his •'wife to the.Graham' home at 'Ann.Ar- bor and, spent a; '•few days. and also visited inn. London with 'Mr. andLevi- Eckenswiller on, their . way home lrev ,IVtr' McCleary ssen a- Live' of the'Eible.:.Society. Will be- • here' on 'Sunday next at 3 ,p.m. to service in. the Anglican • Church. :give the' address -at :a...comm:unit Everyone•. is cordially invited to attend ' Mrs. :Allan Wall .who is at the; :home' of Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Wall here w regeived ;• word "`on 'Sundays that Allan had been seyerely:hurti.� '•in a' car' accident :in Hamilton .Where he is, .employed. His jaw. was.broken, in tvvo, places; r. Mr Milton Walsh ., and Mr. Wm: yinriell had" the )'Holey tele- phone ifistallecf,in theirrespective homes during the week. Ry AUTOMOBILE`S Special rates for. preferred risks. Ask us' abQUt. them, McDONACN . . RJR. 3 .Lucknow,,• Phone, 61-5 Dungannon INSURANCE SOVEREIGN LIFE • CAR, 'FIRE & 9CASUAI TY Free Advice : On Alt'. Insurance • Matters.. 'District Representative • PHIL STEART ' W • ;. IP S 'PHONE I$ LUCKNOW • Confederation Life .; WIND, :CAR, . DENS. C . 'GARDENS__ E-: PALACE. Formosa. .:One ;of ,the' prettiest ;spots yourfamily ing Well,;. boating: Reductions,' fo • larger .picnic • parties PHILIP Ontario. OBERMEYER, Formosa, STALLION FeR, SERVICE.. Victor.` Bo3*, chestnut Percheron .stallion, owned" and travelled by. Earl Whitehead of Eden Grove,' will . stand for service atthe; barn- .,.. df Oscar. Hodgins;; east of C:N.R. .Depot, L:uckn.ow on,: Tuesday noon eachi`` week. o: IUU_ Y: HARRIS,: son • of Mr-, and, Mrs. hornas: Harris of Ripley has graduated ' f rom; Toronto Univers sity.as..an. electrical, engineer, and. has , secured' a positron with the Canadian •National Railways': at • Toronto and R. Cattle Pigs. And Chickens RiApY.49-LAY1 PULLETS FOR SALE: kNOTICE :' We 'are now -in. a , position , :1:o, book -orders. for Hardwood Slabs. ? With each (cord. of Hardwood.. -a' cord Of Mixed_S.libs to_be taken. Our advice ,is to place your orders' , The Lucknow:Sa°wmill Co Office Phone. 80, • ATTENTION FARMERS: Start; now'to prepare „your cat.• tle, hogs, lambs and poultry' for. the Walkerton: (Commercial) Winter Fair,to be held on Nov. ;21st, Very -generous• prizes; will be .'awarded- and:. arrangements made to. 'sellat above ceiling' prices at the sale :to be held at :time, of shown See prize list' to- be , published shortly.` Address your: request to George. Gear,' Sec, Treas„ Walkerton e�d EaJ' a for preferred.. -risks ACCIDENT SICKNESS&' Consult . JOHN' FAR R1SH' , LUCKNOW • .13 Dun ainnon' Phone: 8� g • T. ARMVMSTRON� OPTOMETRIST NOW. ._..� .. �.. THE. FIRST,•WEDNESDA3 OF EACH MONTH •. • FROiVI -4120--=6 MA Ft KIN (Top Late for. Last Week). Wednesday last.. ' On . Thursday afternoon last the Blake's, .W.M.S. held their' meet-, lng , (the church with' a.good at - readings Were given by Mrs: get?: If. Curran and "Mr.S. Blake. ed by Mrs. Tom J. Andel.son; MrS, dersim read an address to Mrs'. Rev, ;HOWse and' Mrs. Horton•Prer tented a tablecloth and teapot from the ladiei*of the community,. Mrs. Howse rePlied briefly. Sand- Wiebes Arid Cake were served by five and a half' years 'of, wa4, !approximately. 15,600,, aircraft ,have been,VrodUced • Mrs. ThoS..Ariderscin -visiting pickle 2Cifirari". St enr-vir •, Mrs'. 131rd of- l3rirsieli-is'-y-iSjt!t- ,iiriirigs,tetiris'nieeceek.M.rs H,rm a 1:i. Phil' and children visite.d friends ait Helen's :on 8uncla3;. -afternooty., spent, last .vhditesdaY.' with' friends in Toronto. "Cathleen Phillips is spendirig.. ,.a,, 'few 'weeks' with frien.ci..4 hl St. Send '..tAS 2e names (if your