The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-14, Page 1$2 OQ % Year—in Adikance.k .50c Extra ANDY ROBINSON The . Winner -In Bruce N. EYELESS.CALF o. V; S. A J UCKNOW, ONTAI IO, • TIIIIRSDAYz, JUNE loth, 194 '"eturn Kin,ut B � • ; .. ,.: ,' Conservatives 'Win t~. l ;9 It tlzl�lr l � 4 4 ;1 1. ter, .�rz = { `, . ` � r,ar liiy(rni r t rr1 °.7"= i ire, s9V-M Vit1.4'4: * :', „..,;,wT- --4-. '''Ait oNFRIDAY. ai 1' (. O:el. Mi:'Cuyund(RI W(nt: vti as- %retui,ned trr power •011 :lYlt, . , EIGHT PAGES • majoz operation .fur, stoinaeeh.. day';with a .t,or side r ably, reduced. ulccA,S; az�t, Toronto Crirclial ,HMajority. rlac.,rity At• dissolution' the, Gov- pital the rhiddle of last week, and `f„,rnrnont'i had "1'Sa ,,,eats;the•.Pvc)7 by the end -of the Week \Vas slog r t Ctrns(r Vatives• 40 and. the ing mar ked, , impi'ovenient in his condition :`CCF, . lQ .Mpn(tay s !results , sub - Joe previously uni(, ,,j(t t(tiiri�t 'changes 'gave tfrt.• went 'a sonaewhat srnrilar ul)? r �, l�riier til 4dnl.jn4tratio'n 118•: seats, tion at Lor=rdon and it : is . hold, '11rogiiessrve•, Corrse rva`ttves 6'6- and that he will now be fully restored to, .health. POPULAR, BANKER GO:S TO GUELPH;, Cecil ..:',McAlpine, popular "ac countant• at the local .:branchof. i the Bank. of Montreal.'• fol.-. Over eight.Years, has been transferred to to the Guelph Branch where' he comnenced• his duties .a few.'•d'ays: „. It is:.. �-ith _gen:ui.ne...ite ret -that. ':1 Alex N1cNa is the .owner ofa -, • A ex yC.D,s:. fr�fends;� and,' the pa'nk s. 'Weekald .heifer, : calf that was e clientele receive.'his 'de a:r p tur.e,- 'M•rs,`A.'Mc i .e and •fwo cliil` Donald,:"and Marilyn will 'leave for the cityy.ver'shortl" : This 'has y. been home to the McAlpine fam ily and: they'. will all be missed lr,y a*- wide circle.,,o - friends. IVi`McAlp-roe`s: successor. is' Mr F, G. .;Brewer•.•of Elmdon and previously of Windsor; He has taken 'up•his duties here. He .. is. :a married man- with three 'young:- children and- will be joined. here • At a special meeting of "the Vi11 shortly., .by ,his farnily; age e Council on .Saturday even • Y lnr Before C;ectl s. •departui e;'°the itwas decided to'•;buy an Arany.- Ba.nk••'staff Presented. lze:;and 1VIrs. truelt fo be: used>'as a: fire truck. -NTcA'lpine with -7a. . ;lovely) anti' ue It is a Ford Y -Eight Y 800::,'•cwt:, truck, purchased' from Garfield • `'Ostrander; :local'Ford• dealer, .for $375:00. It has gone .only 7000 = miles: Returns Herne. M•rs..M'urdoch MacPherson—:,re. looked the -truck over.op `:Sat'.ur turned to: her'horne at-.Tial.Y rood: day everiing,:'considered`,it, would , tan Tuesday -from::-Win ham-'Hos_ fill -the, hill': to: perfection`;an'd:sent :Pita) where she had been .a.• pa•t: a deputation to the 'Council re -ient for ten,, weeks: sincesuffering t n �.ues i g that' the truck be pur• a•� stroke • _chasedL T • _ . ;.'darn without eyes, 'but pis normal, healthy •and :strong, rn every other:' • respect,; The calf'has-eye lids ,arid. blinks: them inaturally but there ire .ho eye balls ::'in, .the empty • c4L,.NC:1 L' BUY FIRE: TRUC!C Mr; Fred Clar k:suffered a tract. ura• e elbow .,while gat -work at i,ucknow : lndtistries.Limited ort •Friday ,--Mr.. Clark 'had r esum.c,d: his d`utres•e 'ther-•only,' thrat day; He r was doing electr�i:cal work. when ' he received • a slio'ek that.. knocked him off. a seven: -foot stc- 5 G C.F. 26. These;figures rnayp be ' changed cons] dc>i ably: b:y• the -sold-; i('r .Vote. Quebec and -the Maritimes •were, �'trozigly liheral. Ontario swung •_sharply to John .,Bracken's party and the C;.0;F. -gains' were •n ade in the WcSt with; 16 -'"•of the” 2b scats' in' •thea ' Province of . Sask Bruce Goes Conservative In the' 140 -mile long Bruce rid ing, Li ut 'Andy ;Robinson .Pro *.gressive Conser ative "olled' 422: ,more • votes 'than; his Liberal op-" ponent.Carl '.•H. Whither,: who won' the Liberal' "nomination •over .ehairc•.,A,number, 'ofihis antiinat ` :friends presented„ . Cec,...with' ..a . sterling .silver Cigarette 'Case.„'.' Members of�the- 'Fire- Corripany. The Fire Company -offered'-to make the necessairy• changes:;:;or improvements to. fit it . out as , a fmre truck A 'ladder rack -Will :.be: ' put•' overh �.e" ' ad',,and'.running.boards; extended ..alon '-'the side: � : e of the vehicle for carrying: ,members .'of the Company. The hose reel: will fit in the • back of. the truck, un der cover,,,alongside:achest which will carry all the •Brigade's tools. Fire: extinguishers -will likely' be added to ,.the,' equipment. ` • 'the'.'truck 'will •be ;.an exe uI.si ve ,fire truck; but will be used'. b . � ... ., y Alex' Havens•- for:' Borne Village Work cher __a _ tra ler .is BYrequired, qufred, being used some ,in this .re ,gard;at is expected that the truck will be kept.,i,n the best running condition. It' will • not• leave the mer OHN McKINNON -RETIRES • AS:CA.LGARY FIRE •CII'HEF' Mr, John ,McK•' innon of. arrived here•on • .' ,Calgary Saturday • to .visit, his. brother- Mr. . •- . Dan T. McK.in- 11bn and renew,. old' friendsihps• :Ila his'natfve ico mmunity..:For .forty '•years and S x it OrIth$ to.: a exact, ]Vii' 'MeKi...... -�.. Cal ° nnon has served Oh the • . gar Fire • Y Department and, for Some time .h . • l'fre� Chief. held 'thea, post of hief. Hey to ,.resignation ''., senoticed. his ct ntly, • e and al-tthough: r=sed• to carry on, de- . hned to ddgthat. he h,s time. The West is home td'him, ho h>g. •visit in Wever, ,'aind after Kinnon plans .East, Mr.'. Me - p' Bary, an, t' return ' to Cal - issinl ..•Reported.' missing' 'aim $t a year ago,' Sgt, Air Gunner Ivan M;agoffinhas beep,:1i. ed as presumed dead in th(' R.0 A.F.'s 1,220 casualty list •which• Was-releasecl on. Mon Ivan, whose 23rdirthday • :was in'July: of last} year rs • the. =eldest .'son. of Mr. and `IVirs Torn` Magoffin, ewhc r(� .side ' ori the Clifton fai'jn -south of • Licknoyv:. It was-an-June;=24th hist,.,, year, that his . par'ent's; r c - ceiv,ed word.that iIvan was• :. missing after an" operationa:l.. f . ss ..J L ill then h.opes'.• Were, entertain lthah•enaaght� • concealed .' in ,some part of occupied Europe,;• but 'since •V -E- 10ay: brought: no truce of . the , :young man, ,he has been ' • officially presuin d to •have.died It,.was .knbwri•'som'e .'Months ago that the pilot of the plane, FO:. A, V. Corless: o Cin• tori was killed when' the pl'he (Continued; on Page Eight) The elbow was badlyl, broken '• and :'Mr. Clark, who Was. first talc en to Wingham hospital,. was, later' taken. to' London for ,treatm,ent. WON, 1v1ERIT M.EDAI FOR GUIDE WORK..,L, E. (ELSTON)CARD�FF Re -Elected liti North II ion • Mrs. ' A. E. ,McKim, who far ' 22` years :'has given outstanding ,ser- tothe-Gir•FG--a-iclgTmovement, as'fittingly honored' Ai a;gath-. •tiring -pan Hanover ..'recently when she-wasr p• esented.wvith the Medal of.eri merit.; Lt ' is the • third highest -award-in the ion... • •For,: several years Mrs .McKim has field'the post of district cora „•r i.ss-iener:-;-She h -as ---••age license and has Lfrequently .been invited 40 organize Guide 'Camps ;throughout. the •province She is, an executive, member of the Dom-- inion .Camp': Committee. ''•The medal of merit is given for exceptional `.; service,. ikn Guide work.' It' is granted by -:the Dom= inion Executive,: with the approv- the ::Provincial Executive, up' n _special recommendatv'fion; The.. continued �ac•.t va d` � � Y suc= cess of the : Lucknow ;: troop ,; has 'been. due to a large: extent -t6 Mrs,. : McKim's interest; in :. andt1 enthusiasm .for Guiding. -'But -her interests have .extended, far.: be yond :the local; :`troop °. and, :,she• richly.; (reserves ' the .honor; con-, ferred upon her:. "Sandy"' Nicholson .in. "askatchevvan.A. M•. .(Sandy) Nicholson was 're-elected; ,by. a Iarge'•ma. In ,93 out, of -139 • J Y polls : ;,he had 6,440 • votes while the ciosest . of three 'other -.:card-., `dates polled 4 109:; • HIS. majority• inthe last .election. was 996.- €- EAS OPE NS-- FRIDAY On'Friday of this week, Luck, now s theatre ,re -opens in -a, news . location analwith a . new . name.\ The ,proprietor•, `Rexford . Ostran.:--:, der,:: •who,-; .accidentally .; deserves.I Much *lid, for: h'fs efforts to pro -\\ F vide this :village with.. a. Modern .'•\ theatre, ha's named the' new show • ! " ' "The;Rex .Theati e" . \ " The theatre is located in the I building recently. purchased 'from:; Mrs. D.= C. Taylor, and Which has undergone ''.7. al= ;ter'ationsand decorating 'to make it •ascreat and '"attractive 'a. little- -theatre-as „anyone .catild hoppe to find The decoirating;'cvas done by Mr.' hili .St ewart• and.• p. ast �• n A to es e.�. -f-'-green---ruse--and yel'iow ave -:.::- 1 een' combined: most effectively .in decorating the auditorium. An inclined floor has been installed and a 'stage built in :front , of the screen. :Conifortable seating: is: b ing installed' thiss week "in readi ness ` for , F'riday's ' opening. The capacity will be about 200 people., The theatre lobby is also neat and , ,attract.i"ve ; :with' an. iside ticket office, with an- entrance... and exit 'on-either':iside. To. the right 'of the'.lobby as one enters, the Show 'rest room aceomodation• is • being ,'•' ihstalled... Overhead , is. Rexford's,projection•.rooiri; where he has sacrificed his • own corn- ortato add, to the -general attract, iveness of••' he theatre.- • Words: belie, the r transformat oh that has taken place in'this build. -.nd must , be, -see ,to be •.. ap _n preciated..IKeen .interest own -by \etch ifi--in ing 'of, this:: 'xiodern' theatre, ':and no doubt sell out crowds will be in'attendance•this week -end. For his opening feature Rex- fordhas as'secured; the picture "Fol- low Thie t Boys",,`featuring a .long''' list: of well known stars. As 'an, . added attraction there:is 'a west -ern • picture, �. -` I?ar..ners„ of ..:1he7 Trail"f- There •'will.. be two com— • 0 ti HIS GOVERNt IENT RETURNED --• W _-_C-OUN Y:E-N•GIN=EER :. 1NSP-EGTED' VILhAGE ROADS ea Courtly Engineer George Ste.. Y g g phen"son and Reev@ Joynt made. an, inspectioii of Village' roads on+; Saturday; particularly those -parts.. -which have been hard surfaced•, `aid are not standing.. Up.. The' opinion; is that such conditions- are a result:of..improper or ; •in- 'a;dequate drainage It- has been • decided. that, wort: an Village roads this season 'will Consist:Chiefly, ,of patching and drainage work, and Where • satis .factZr'y: road, beds: are: �:obtained. resurfacing will be resumed next' year,' 'resur iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Was shot down,, .but lupe was entertained )that S lie of"t'he crew' might have been saved., Sgt�'Magoffiri Went overseas rn,: October 1943 and after' taking an advanced training •. course corn" menced •operational `Balli= rn springrof last year. Hq"i'eceived Most 'of his training in Western Canada and received"• his .wings as an :air gunner at ,Macdonald. Manitoba. . SGT.. IVAN MAGOF1JN r ttern ted. td make', the a p, grade pilot, but lacked a ,. ' f school education and' fell 1..g..h short ofhis goal byy.five marks. Rather than r -ever -t :to ground re w,, he.qualified as an.'air c.4 -gunner; . , ' • He,is',the eldest of a' family of sirX,' and alt'hpugh"born at Toronto came• to -this• community with hi,s Parents as a youth, Yvan has three -sisters, Mrs, Calvin, Irwin .(Lor - one) ' of 0rillia. Fern and• Yvonne and ...two brothers,;- Lannsley and 'Ernest,' 'RECEIVE INFORMATION RE CEMENTING ARENA, The 'Clansriien Club has under . C sisd.ear .tip cem;entingLc% the floor Of 'the', arena, "and at a meeting held last week,. H. R. Atlrn.: •presented considerable in formation in this 'regard. One''es timate of, cost• was submitted but no action was "taken, pendingfur- ther information which ihe.Com- mitt'eewas. asked: do obtain, grant of f rty ..dollars :was,. •:b the Clubt mae Y.._ ..., award' .the baritone horn the High School.. Band,'' and which is one instrument -thatthey ;'lac\:• badly, Te, dance 'co committee m ttee a.rrnottn- ccd that a dance' would • be held on June •22nd, If Paramount does not operate this .surnrr`ter it r• planned 40, . holda °'week) . 1t cion y Y: night dance. in. Lucknbw to music, 'by Carruthers orchestra,. . 5 , 1 ' ,1 • - . • plete show's" l at `7.30 and 9:36. •Opening week will be, celebra ' ted with''•another ;outstanding pic� ; hire;: "The Prisoner . of. Zenda" ,; Which, will :be 1ruh••.ne,:kt ,Tuesday, acid •Wednesda' : This >sli-ow ywill Start .at 8 o'clock • ^ Hats, off to Be,.••and the `best: of luick:in his endea4ou's to 'give h t L s comm " n' ur t � r. �j� IS�lto11 ' . S, needed..• ,theatre„, 44 ). tat