The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-07, Page 9'NUjRSAA 'L SINE 7th; 1945 41O:L YR O O D Mr: and Mrs. ack .Scutt, Billy and Bobby of Huron, Mr, and Win. Cox visited Sunday' - ' ith Mr, and Mrs. W. Boyle. Miss �ean• Thompson. returned to Kincardine rafter ;spending, the' past few weeks at her home here. can ° Wednesday evening. friends ,n exghbm s in_..the Q m LTiity: and. �r:'tnge• Halt to e Lucknow Sentinel,. Lncknow, Ontario •'' Jim ';HunterTo Open:. uron F. of A. Picnic 1 ga�ft _ ':St�,,F{lll�if�y 4It�Clk,k! rT �. -newl,Y weds; • ,- -- a�rYxlvarar�`•` h� r- ram; which; : was..,as' follows: a grog • . . • con niunitY singing; • chirrna`n's remarksr ;so1os,•,Mrs, Jo411'• Em- dred` Pinnell, iYusic;' mMil ersbn, . Walter Collins and 'Dan °Robert - '..son; readings,;1Vlr's. W :J; McLean,, ' • � Kis:Perry. Hodgins, Mrs;; M 1to. ,n Walsh and'Miss May 'Boyle; also some brief speeches by the men.' Mr,:and, Mrs I4odge were then -r. - Ale Pere'.: called to: the p1a•tfo n;►, .. �. e Y • read. an 'address . • expressing.''. best wishes to ,,the bridal ' couple and ,Spence McFarlan made the fires '. entation-of a sum of money, Jinn all for•, their kindness. thanked a and •all:' joined jolt in singing: '"`For: they 'are good ` fellows Y Lunch was 'serrved . and .the re minder,. of the evening spent in dancing Wren•Iona''Teray, of ;:H,M.0 S. Stadacona, Tesla ifax;,is spending .a furlough with•'friend's here, and 'at Winghani:.. and_:' with her par'-. ents, '1Vlx arid, W: K. • Terry neuro Belleville 'Congratulations; to L!Bdr;:Wray i'innell-•a' d''M 1 s pian .l l., (-the,-f-P = trier •Itene• Hboker) Who were Married. at. Thorton' Heath, Sul' Anglican churches for the ,surn-. .mer months. Mrs. Ilbward McGuire Of• yet isperif-Thursday. with, ber.par-, . Bushell. returried• to :Toronto' .ter 'their homes' Mr. arid 'IyIrS, Jaines:Buirt, and, tor) is sPending di'while at the: home' of MiSs•Marvilla Scott. Wednesday, June 13th .is'the date •of -the Huron .Pedec;.tion of Agriculture, .third ai,rrjra`Field Day and Picnic. to,' be held' `at Lion's Prirk, Seaforth"• • All' ar- raOgernents have been fully corn- p.leted 'for the ,big day;, which will be one �f•,,then o til,; gat h, o rn.., t nntol_.t �,, h. (_L__414"`'.cti and the attendance 'will x urt:•.int. � adj,oiri'ing counties. Sports are being feattir ed„'•la r .tbrt>- Iy 'in"'.'the program7 thi's:. year and will• get uridei'way at ..10.30 °a.n A• .softball touz`r arnent 'e` betw t teams frorn the:counties of Perth. iic� Wel.•: r. e, a lin ton and.: uran " g B. wllj:. ,rri e to f •co t or'a prize f p � 0 50A0. AT. lacrosse match,:'between: Bramp- top, and Norval tearrrs•: shoulei p'i�.ove:' u` suall ' 'antere ' . ,' .. y e. strnb, Square d ce' contest old: time fiddler contest, and calling -off contest and horseshoe ;pitching, contest open .to: the .Counties cif Perth,:‘, Bruce, Wellington. .and 'Huron is •also a -feature of thepic- nic: Children's races, incliadri'g''all children tip' to 1:6 years of. age,. E A R AMOUNT: 'A trustee •eet'ing” was ,held i S,S. .No, 14. Miss Elliott was: sT r4 engaged for another term. Mr, and .Mr;,. .Orland Richards •motored to. ,Toronto for their, son e;•oi ge whoa has been in hospital, Georg hadthe misfortune. while c playing' to. fall ^from :•a:tree. an.d. lrre:►lF hi4 : «ft �tr r at t► •LILA) • 1rs .jak,.+�t.r..�'fcarld•c�r's� :ri.ursc• zn .tI aining:.at Stratford' " • • ' _ _......_ . _ .. _ __.:, .J�•,spend;>. fng=a t� ... -: c p -1e Wil" ws�e :s - :r. � k. .Y,tth. hey... parents-, Mr, .ands• Mrs:: 'Jack dersori, • Nll`< and'Mrs. KeiSci'MacNay. left Sunday fbrToro o t `' . nt akin the ii.little:' daughter Joyce to :t ,e •Childre'n's"Hosp it ri Hospital. ,.,ayce..s< one, cif . the ,t, wi Ins ands has:,been under, the••doctor's. care for•. sonic time. Mr. and ^Mrs; Oliver McCharl'es;. .Allan., arid Donald ;spent, a ,week p end: at MacTier with.Mr.. and Mrs.' a 'Hartley 'M;acTavish. • The May .me' i y etrhg of -the: Para. mount 1/Vernon's.Iristit tb : • a s. held; at the home of M rs. P. Mc;.... Charles • ,with `M`I s i~Z' •Rei :d re sidinp • . g• The';rol'l call Was. answered by "laying of "fees". The knitting. report for the year was given by Mrs. B. I amilton. Mrs. Robert Reid was appointed district rep reseritative and Mrs, O. Richards. and •Mrs.. Q. '1V,[cCliarles as dele- gates ' to the district annual...at. Belmore •onJune 4th; ' '. It was agreed to Jake charge of ,Blood. Clinic refeesiiments in the „near tUture. 1Virs.`"" ' En5igri took cl��ki t :f: ...�r+- er. ii'revg4 aitI::S1e,cYtrtfl+':.z': were: given .. __. bY Mrs E. MacLen- `nan kMr`.FT-NIcGh.arles arid -Ni s Alicrreid, _T ie'Jne meeting will be. held at the home of Miss. Reid. ^I:t' ',will ,be Gz'andmother's .,Day.. The'. program committee fs. Mrs:: R;, .: eic McC harles;: • . Marr' iLed�Peopte:Do Liv Lorier . And happier too, as' the'ectra 1 ordinary; 74" -year bliss' of .a •Wis- consin • �coupi.e . proi'es, anew. Dr: Laird, eminent „psychologist,' 'ex- plains, in;The. American` Weekly .with this Sunday's ' (June' 10) is=- sue of The• Detroit Sunday Tirnes, ..why such a Companionship..is the best recipe :for a long 'happy life. 1. Get' '-the Detroit Sunday > Ties', every -Week ` n. Will 1),e run off for good prizes in • each. event. The 2icn:c willoffiGially� opened .at .1,,15 p,m, by Jim „Hun 'ter,' CFRB radio news. co n,rn n tato i--;--- d :former Huron' r'iiuntY' old;`hoy.' Other promineri.t: speak ers:will' be present. The . educati‘ `. d o}rhlbits:: be.contarned-in 1a�w��`71.rei 't -orri triC; grounds, and will featu.ie the,139 minion. De.partniont of= Agricul turc exhibit, Q.'A,C. pasture enc: hrbrt; ; rlat'ional .' filrn ' 'board •:'`col- 1 inuous'� h i�Ing. ; of 'pictur.es of.1 interest , tol.'iarculturalrsts, relics;w` far g'i rri achinery ;vee canary clic i • The';:"Huirq:�i 'Holstein Breeder• s ( ': I A-ssnci-tion-Tai of putting on' an ex,-: f hrbit "Of, Holstein. cattle ' by . thea. .� various 'mernbers." •An added, feature of the:: ex- hibits::;wrll he the�'•pr esence of oz ficrals:• frotn y the Dcpartrnen-t of Agricuitt{re,. 'who will be • in i posrffon to �answcr queetrons;rela twe to- the�,d ffereitt •d—el—artment ,: This :is•a real ribpd1 fun.r�ty tci:':fai - • incr•s•• to discuss. the rr pr ok�i1 ni, ' ;PAPE N M �► F: ,E ISA Y N G Mr,' and Mrs. Eddie Thomps n y, and . Gail,, Holrood; Lloyd" Saud; ders, . Wingharri, were ' week end visitors with their ° parents, Mr„ , and .Mrs. George Saunders. j • Cornish, 'Sarnia, vis- ted is ted 'her daughter,"Mrs, Harvey; . i it atrte last vueek he . Freddy Sclroerxals who remained"' .for aiong er... yl��_.t , 3.: —, , • Rev. and, Mrs. R C Copeland,•. Gorrie, called. at.. Ernest' Blake':s:' ori'Sunday p.m« lVrr .aha Mrs, Harold Webster' _. arid Man; Auburn, Pte: Howard Blake; Woodstock,• Misses'.1444 and ;; Phy11r , ;: Blake Lucknewrr Spent V Sunday With their .parents:. Mr:, and Mrs. Ernest 'Blake. • • Several families; from Blake's appointment .attended Hackett's.' anniversary Y services 'last Sunda...'` 'and ••�enjayeel hearing. Rev. R.. C. Copeland of Gorrief :' again. b Harvey Anderson has disposed of.: his farm. Mr. Roy Alton ,and song,: Con. 10, have purchased it.. • • • • • • •._.-_,Iiir.iieil'ihoine:zafter 'visiting at Mt. Teacher' Resigns . MiSs GwendOiSin .Robb, who hay, taught for the past term a -has reSigried her. _1)0SO...inn and the. ,.Boarel- is advertising 'for. „stie- • • • • • 'Federal tiberarCantlidate..forBiuce ',VOTERS OF. BR • ON MONDAY, JUNE 11th, it will he yonr priVilege and'duty.to 'mark your ballot jn the. most eriticgir Federat:Election sineesconfederation. An 'Election which will, have a most important hearing on,Canada's: future." THINK Iii.FLL.„ AND, COMPARE: the record of your Liberal Government 'With that of the parties .whOse prOmises have been. far .surpassed' by ' ACTUAL LEGISLA'1101Sr enacted by the Kimpovernment. Acts which are' already in.foite, and of direct benefit to every tanadiiri.,:TiRly; it is' -ACTIONS,. NOT !PROMISES, that ,Canadi w11' need to .win the Peaie.:. BE PROUD OF YOUR CANADA; BE PROUD TOO, of the GoVeynment • 11 -TOM. trVole or a soun forward -loo fog administrAtion' with an :ableleader and, a proven re6ord second'. 1)0110, ' • 't • •ANp PPIY • • And you' biek a man who will be .proud to serve you.'A man who can. , represent ,you. with ability ,and integrity', and with :fairness to all,. re- , gardless of party creed. Carl Whicher is a sonare shooter, with a fine, record of service to We, County of Bruce; .a man of deeds, not words :"I wilt Fight a Clean 'Campaign for a Clean Victori", • e e it.a. clean -.victor .VOTE WHICHER WITH 'CONFIDENCE:ON RINE 1 •