The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-07, Page 5k. pi , . 1 .1, to lior w, 1 igt, PI it.•a ill si tiilio TEIJRSDAY, uIYE nth,. 1945 , yceum Theare W I NGHAIVI • • 'harsday, Friday,, i.,itspArt .L17,13.0.11 GHARL!E BiVJ€1[T!! aturday e .. in Be Prepared for . 'Henry • Aid: rich and `his .antics. as he joins the' 'scouts. Also ,"Short Subjects'. Matinee Sat. afternoon at 2.30 Monday, Tuesday. Wednesda � y, y, 1 HEDY fLAMARR R j • WILLIAM F DWELL • 'in • eavenly Bo 1Viilliatn Povelll is .'the profes r4f-Astronosf y .w1: --n his charming wife for the stars that sparkle above Also,''Short :Subjects'.' ,• WAND IMPt WED • • ,HARBOR:.AT KINCARDINE. . , . •• • A movement, which 'may ' cul'- urinate in the. constructio n :o1'.a .modern., harbor at ,, Kincardine,' ca able • of handling, large $hip= merits • and providing storage' 1 space',; ;for; :grain -grown , in ',:the district, has••been inaugurated b.Y, 'Kincardine town ;council It has: its ince tion• with p Licic-• • now;: and Win g am ` in�er`ests, which were cTesirous of having, .ort p and•elevator :facilt;.ties: After' they, discussed. it with the.' town conn -•,toca:l I}usrriess^m-err-�c asked' for• :'theirOpinion, :.on the plopos•ai • Currently; information is bin .•. 's. e g ought front •municipalities on C.N;11: from • Kincardine ' to 'Pali •merston 'as .'well .'as''anin,l ' d centres like: Hanc ver• and. Walkerton„ : as what bu'siness.''tlre ;•2mi ht d. ` thr ' ' y .. g o ough the:;. poi t :' f KKincardine 4.faci`lztte �. s �y ere:_made •;at�ailablel •Arestimate lis being procured as 'to•the 'Cost :of c' onstruction .of, 'elevators and,'.'.other. fa '''It i•h .geinment.and f 'hoa ll�whose cost is not borne• y ,the `4tictute fortrade tliroughtht� pont, .is, good, representation , will be :mad:to th e ' ,e department of public o ks to cdastruct `a suitable'hat•• bor arKinsi•dine, News: Krincardin The .Lucktnow Sentunel,LUcknOvirs, Ontario N S LOAM E "YEAS HEADS HURON VY: 1. Resolutlot Adopted: At' .District Annual Requesting. Abolition of Women's BeverageRootns• - The district annual meeting oft West Huron- Woarnen's Institutes - was nstituteswas, held in the Belgrave. United' Chur ,h onTuesday."-"of-.last-- e1 Rctprosentativ44vk ,'l,uxta °A1.1liva11, .`01, 't'il; tS(lt 3nr:. Clinton4- l?ungannonA,. o ie"rich.;: Kix;€a>X, St ; a d i hay n- A,resoi;ution: asking the :akioli-, tion. of 'women;'s beverage rooms in • Ontario. was, ,adopted. 'It read: "Whereas, the .hand that. -,rocks" the 'cradle rules•. the;,`world; ',and Whereas ; the product :.of :'41ewo- pier's beverage .,roor s could not' be 'iooked •upon as: coiaipejent' rulers, and whereas the' members of the 'Clinton branch of the Wo- ;men's Institute.idesire to place on record their strong objections. to the sight of -sc. many girls and worsen emerging from the many beverage :•.rooms of... -our beloved. province; and whereas Ontario, is the only .province'in the 'Domin- ion that has. such , rooms legal., therefore, be it• resolved that heir', erage rooms for ' women` in. Ont- a•rio- be "-abolished ,,;R _ ' Tire president, Mrs. W. J, lien- derson, •Wiiigham, conducted .the: meeting,'; and the guest speakers •, net% dedl_Mrss-E Cpl:l=ins o -f thF' :W -omen's . "Institute.b-ranch,• . De= . •naIt t?nent of Agr••iculttire, Toronto., Mrs F Thorritont •Thamesford-, provi;nci;al director,`'..and•,. ;Miss; Fl6ra DLrrnin:, •,county, home eacin, ;mics; poach•.. eleot�cn: o •conducted:; by MMirs Thornton and• .resulted ..as •follows:.: .hon r',a o ty. president, ;IVIis 'W J Henderson, Wingham;:, president; rs: Lorne. Iver s; s, :Dungannon;„ 1st Nice; Mrs: C., Lockhart, "Goderic_h; 2nd, vice, Mrs `L ' Scri•rngeour Blyth:; •sec treas.;;•Mrs.. N. lea'ting. Wingham„ auditors,:.1Vla s R:'Proctor :& ` Mrs'.'. E Anderson, • Belgrawe, " Federa.= tion-ar-epresentat1ve : i1!Irs W-,-J- Henderson•.in W !.ham;.: alternate, Mrs . H Tichborne, G.oderich;•.' dis= trict repre;;entative.• : ,convention ; Mrs:'.` ,L; Ivers -Dun::= gannon„ alternate; Mrs. C :Lock=• : hart; Goderich; .• •conveners of standing comhiittoes a•gr iculture and Canadian •rndustr1es 1VI:is. R. ,,>,airservice; citizens.hip,.•• current -even ts, jleace--an-d: ,le •"liisllatrori•; -IVI.r•s:-1 ' i✓ Airdei�snn B'' elgi a� c , histor, teat 1..eserrch,, Mrs, A.' ft, Duval: Wrn4*: ham . home ecori•omics:,• Mrs.: C ell nd �: c..ri c 1VIis. I,. Scrim eoui ,.$'T th.• 'Iy'- g a p 1icity, Mrs. F. Ross; AubUi.n;' �4 Ashfield W. NI,, T.he Mal):..meeting of the Oat - field. W.M.S. met at . 'the home: of Mr`s, Rueben Wilson with 30 in attendance, Mrs. D. A. MacLean occupied the chair. The .meeting. opened rywithrthe daily prayer re,- ,p€ateci in --unison: The-treasuj'er' report was given by Mrs. Donald. 1VIacKen2i:.e, Prayer followed by Mrs. Murdoch MacKenzie. :The. rail:: call, was answered' with. PAGE IFnr verse commemorating the Day of °Victory in Europe, Mrs. , Donald, MacKenzie;, gave, a .reading. Mrs. Jack Collinson, sang• a solo and Mrs, klector ;MacLean read a chapter_ 'from the study .book, dealing ...witi ..with -Dr. Laub'ach's work� -a-nd . success, -With theMoro nat- ive; on -the Philippines. Mrs.. Tom McDonald•• gave•a reading pre- pared by 'Miss Mary MacLean.' Mrs. Isabel MacKenzie offered prayer, firs.. Earl Howse gave ar;. reading. The meeting, cIosed.witi' prayer, The' hostess. served a dainty lunch. Elgcted:-0.0nfereimce !resident —Rev': Duncan: McTavish of Cai vary United Church,, London, lima • • elected president of the 21st Aaa :'nual Landon' Conference which., eon :erred : in that cify la t et'k mare flea, for Veterarns'Assure� Progressive Conservatives The .very first ;clause , of the Pro -ressive :Con `.. . g Servaxlwe plans: for • the re=establishment` of Veterans, adopted' at the National. Convention of . December,.• 1942, is .as :follows -- ' 1. .---t„,---r----T--r---T--.BltIZATIO • ' �� " , In°carryingout the.demobilization ofGana ' s•. r. • ed Forces the primary consideration shouldbe interest Of ;those who'have, • served:. ,Demobilization`should be based,on•the principle inciple that membe»of the Armed Foices should not be,discharged until: their .economics' security is .ass : r: • y s u ed by:.placement `in ai nfulerrs 1 ent�ob ss - `ai-rip -an ie d uca ion ... on 'to :t at Fend: :. • . ''1. N.' A:' TOURISTS' Here, , in .this simple statement of progressive; reaiiatic= policy-Is— only t' only true solution; of : the fundamental problem . by :which. every ex -service man aflad woman` is faced •1t71the only assurance .of a • square. -deal .for: all veterans;: ; it: is the very a b sis of • the Rehabilitation Polrcie • ,of the Progressi onservatt*eLFarty. No - veteran - vetexan willbe discharged against' his. will until he i s a•. ssured of a decent livelihood Platitudes will w not fill eMpity stomachs,” declares . John Bracken, • •; "nor generalities .rovtde: jobs. for hose ivho , have d foght, no. r 'Wordy declamationsabout sacrificeease 'the 0 f•-the Widows and- A=ch2ldren:' • and the fears of veterans They say, with John Bracken "The cost of •'winning the .:war and the cost of reesablish2ng • those who • .. . fought mit, is one•.` and. indivisible: In the plccanest •words at my command, :. .1 say to you that.:nothin . shor • �. • 9 t of full •.,:', tune -=gainful- employment for every man':.and woman , Who • has, ;corn the.' Ca z.padi an uniform, f be acceptable :...- Every •- Every.' man and,woman'must be given' an opportunity . `t' p7� J to earn a good living. if existing enterprisecannot do -this , the. State 'must • and will.' , , , YQ. d � , • • • he T se s eryice and ex service . ;can- didates, with John Bracken,', pledge themselves -that. ; under no . �, i ihose-htsba�ts- and fathers- gave -life • stances;•Will 'ei sttrg.crcum- benefits° to• ' - itself that we,nti',live i ht ie nPeace anct v1 terans. l be essen • , • „ • . �' , � .. • , .:.;, . ed• On ;the � Con-,' 'ecu? 2tl�., trary: