The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-07, Page 4P.;A.OE, FOUR. 11"W':R1..+rI1101 . Wh.741.11rIPPIWTNIF 111•11116r73014 The. Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, intario; THUR'SDA7ix,, JUNE, 7th, 1.945 �l REVIEW (1....ICKS on. •Display ►eyr-Olds, and.; Started_ at Reduced Pirlces Thisyear more . than ever 'it will, paY„ you to. raise n extra,..bv lucks Ce- IVt0 FIT Ovee. 20% less chicks hatched to date than last, year. 1945 Export Egg Prices increased by 6c per dozen. The world is hungry—Poultry Meat will be scarce and high. in price GIRL WANTED Three adults. Have 'another wo- man come in day and a half, a week to do laundry and..,.help with cleaning. Every second week -end -aff Two -weeks holdday with_pay, during year. 'Wages 'fifty dollars month . with bonus twenty five. dollars at end'of year:. ' F Apply to:. Miss• Eleanor Mitchell at 'home. ofir Ii-tchell, o d.. S NG-�:. TEACHER WAI�`�D for-......., NcommefCe- "Kiri-lOSs,` dUtres-•-••t-o - September 4th, Please State - ex perience,, qualifications;and:•salary expected P A. MVIVRRAY;., Sec., R.';1', Holyrood . u sex .x. New Ham , Pure Sussex, Barred Roc s P Sussex . x Leghorn, New Hampsr, In - Mixed Chicks Pullets and Cocker s LAKEVIEW .Day-old and Started -Chicks for: sate; (On display at). orneMa�Leflfla*I.?s ' PLACE YOUR ,ORDER .TO' -DAY:: ;. • LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM Wein` Bros;.. Exeter., 5000`. Breeders .:on One •Plant.: ' AUCTION SALE •of farm.stcYck. Lot,3 -Con. 10, me is at. and -i le L n mn {Ashfieldw . Tonship,,,” at Lon,anes; . T1ruraday, June 14,' at 2 00 o'clock; Terms caslr. No reserve: See• bills" for list.;W.illiarn'Baldwin, Prop., .Donald B. Blue,'4,uc.'- UR SALE -Pekin baby duck ngs. Apply ,to, Mrs. 'Wm. Ruther- 1o0: R; 2 ucknoW :• ... •FOIL SALE—a few bags of Irish., Cobbler potatoes grown from cer- tified seed. George Kennedy', R:11; Lucknow CARD OF THANKS I` wish • to: sincerely 'thank ^rny friends . and ' 'neighbors , for their kindnessta me. and ,for, flowers,: fruit and other remembrances sent 'inedurin..Iny illness, all -of which • has been greatly ' apprecia Sincerely, Mrs Albert. .Helm tor` G _ OO & . LUCK'FEATHER: SE. 'Phon` or: Write eUs, .. .. T 0 t e EkACltPlit- TEf'- Aslifielti, :salary ;. r fence . A t:� o EW 1i -foI 4'Xpe -s- ,1�1�- .-.- amieson, R 7;•:Lucknow..': EACf-1 R WANTED Protestant eacher.: for ' S S. ,-No 3'. West. Wanrariosh;• with 'lst.;class certify Cate, duties .to' commence S pt,. q � .. mb'er - 4th, ' 1945. Apply to Jr .":R, urray, Secretarygreasui,er, R R. 2 -Lucknbw. ' •' 0. G„ AUCTION' SALE of farm, stock, mplements,..etc. at. S.H. of. Lot -6, on, 9, E.D Ashfield. Township on Tuesday,• *une, 12th at 1.30 See ills for list and • terrns..Absolute-: y no reserve ., as ' the farm hag - been 'sold." Har'Vey D. Anderson; Prop.; Matt. Gaynor, Auc. C b YOUNG, SOWS FOR. .SALE -A. few. ' young Yorkshire sows, bred frorn.4 to 10 weeks,,: Sahib ,,breed- ing as :the.- pigs • that won , first prize.'in the Bacon Contest in 1943; arid. 1.944 at Walkerton `Winter 1. 1$_ pens • JOHN DAHMER, Kincardine,,'phone 'Ripley: 75=I7: :High -Class Holstein ,Bunn• Heads House of :Refuge. Herd ona Commander Rag Apple is the name •of the 'royal-ly brei fords frorn the her' 9 months -old bull: .calf 'dust •pur- . Kennedy,Lucknow and,: James• y cha sed tothead-the=,pur,ebred Hal A; I,ittle, Teeswates -_at Teeswatei stein herd : maintained at , t1zi�. View Farm, on, Highway..•No, . 4, Bruce County; House of Refuge, Northern.'outskirts ,of Teeswater, ' Walkerton Secured. ,from the on Tuesday, 'June 19th at: _ 2 p;m notedshow: herd of, :Bent Thorn -7;- '33- 4-iead ..:-&.- :110- bulls;;. 23 -females.... ton . and : Son',.. Tliamesford, he Mature. cows .'with'.calves. at foot, ,comes of :prize. winning ,ancestry bred heifers,,, openheifers; farm- andis • a. °richly .bred; Rag:.Apple, . er's bulls, . herd - bull • .prospects. •the Most':' popttlar .strain, of Hol 'serviceable age 'and... younger, All teins on: the continent today;.• •a:n i n► ,:1 guaranteed, -breeders • Write:` for catalogue: :Auctioneer • L. E. Franklin assisted .by, Donald. • Blue ,and John Strauss { 1 Box 215, ' Kincardine. • hone 181 r- 'first Annual, Combination= - AUCTION SALE re istei ed, accredited Her e s o eor:.e FOB - AT..,E _ :d a- ,ieoe-clivstev -,,,-- field'•suite: Apply at Sentinel -Of. Tice, , F 'a SA,L.F. 6r.year-0,1(1' Dt is f.. est -en at.. G9-12 Dungannon RD. OF THANKS. Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Irwin anti., lViae wish to -acknowledge w;it h ; , eartfelt thanks:the manY kind and thoughtful . expressions of sympathy .ettended thenen; Y sine; receiving word of .the. death over- seas lof their grandson and, bro. her . d LTi-tF. NOTICE '+ We are. now in a - position• ta'. book orders .for. Hardwood: Slabs. With each .cord of. Hardwood a 'cord of Mixed, Slabs' to be taken Our advice: is:to place your orders irl.y . :The Lucknow :Sawmill Co. • •.Offie.e ':Phone 80 11.14 y,. • In The Best Interests Of Bruce County .I Ask Your Support On M on d.a y • Assure Yourself Of A Gov ernment Supporter'~' When John Bracken , Is Elected Prime , Minister. Tenders for Caa1 and ¶oke Federal Buildings ' Province of. -ISA n TPnder��-=a' cd to Ontario clth E; CASUALT' and OMOBIW Special. rates for. preferred risks: sk its about_theni J. A. McDONACH. R.R. 3 Liicknow ='Ont . Ehone 61=5 Dungannon INSURANCE • SOVEREIGN. LIFE CAR,°FIRE & CASUALTY Free Advice On All Insurance -'Matters, District .- Representatives "PHIUP. S--S-TE_W '':if'1.1ONE LUCKNOW the undersigned, and endorsed onfederaton Life WIND, CAR, 1, FIRE= Preferred Rates for preferred: risks, A.CCIDENT &;:SICKNhSS .Consult.; JOHN' FARRISH LUCKIVOW,, "Tender' for Coai', will, be re -'31 ceived:.un.tl ' 3 - p.m:• (E,D,S.T.); s e a ea - n f i k -•-i e h m n d i c E b �Wedx esday.;, June 27; 1945; for :thr,:,1 �ssupply. of .coal: and coke for the Dominion Building throughout'. the Province "of` Ontario.;: Fortis" of fendei.- with •specifica • tions and ,conditions •attached can be obtaned`'from•:t •.Purchasing Agent,'• Departmen, .. of , Public' •OttaWa, andthe. Super- wising" Architect,, 36 'Adelaide. St.. East, .Toronto; Ont;l., •'Tenders should b ''made on the, .forms:. supplied by the Depart meat and in accord nce with: de -part renta-_F specrfi tions -•-arid: .conditions, attached: thereto: Coal • dealers' licence numbers;.must be given.: where tenderig. The . Department reserves the right ,to demand from' any ,sue •cessful tenderer, before awarding. ". -the $order, a- securi y 'deposit --in;- "the .fo,rm of a certified cheque on: 'a -cha ^tered -•bar `n A;•e-•ana* `reader;payble'to .the . order of the Honoura the Minister of Public Wor a1 to 1 aper Cent of. the amount " of the tender, or, Bearer. Bonds oft thebominion' of Canada or of the• Canadian Nat- ional' Railway `;Co pay and,'`.its constituent cornea, ies•.Iluncondi tionaily guarantee'" as to" prihci. pal and interest ,by;•the Dorpinion 'of Canada, or the a orementio.Med', bonds' and. -"a .certit ed... cheque; if required to, plaice.''ftp ani .odd' amount.. • Such" security will serve as a guarantee for the proper fulfil- : men:t of the Contra t; ? day tinder, • JL'M. •,SOIVI RVILLE, Secretary. •'1,6part'rnen't of•PU lie Work's f Ottawa,. May: 25, 1945. Phone .82.-13 Du,igann+on :., AR1VtSTRONGf OPTOMETRIST IN LUCKNOVV g 'FIRST-WEDNESDAY-- OE IRST-WEDNESDA 'DF EACH MONTH . . 'FROM . 0a.m to6pm ,AT WM SCHMID.;S STORE • P,�Stuart,MacKenzie BARRISTER & SQLIC1TO � Ontario; 1 ...Its, LUCKNOW EaOh Wedpesday• .Oiltict 14,1' ,THE LEGION BUIIA'