The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-06-07, Page 1r,• - r� p A Year—In Advance; ,500 Extra to U. S. A.' hUCK. ON ,, rvOVI, TARIO �I'IIG'RSDAY JUNE '7th, 1945 THIRTY-EIGHT' JOIN. �$R .D- TEIt,IP1rCHURCI COipfntinii,n 'service was held ln, ei t,I=I .Chin eh on •Sue,(- 1 r •, 1t j.. persons-irxtc fisc} rnernbe rsiiiploft the church: Iz.H'ihis impressive cere>rinny ' 1 h ii 1 }',two .Wer `#-' re-. served by prcri ss.ion of'faitli ands. six.: b,y ct ri frcntta:.:I e`r, 1YiacDon 61d has had' other:large •cbmnitl ; scant class(,s,',rt vat lous,'tirnes; brit' Sunday's ;c,1 is ,.was 'tho: largest especially `an regard to the num, Der-' joining th.e- cburgb }�Y-pro-- ; •ion 0f faith f s �riaCl��."f�r i �x � t � �l„t C1 t��•#1i 1r',�' i -Condition IS .Grave': The condition of Mt s::Cochrane,. mother` of Mrs, J. W Stewart • of town is. quite grave, since suf, fering a fracturedhip ten `.days ago.. Members of her family have been 'With •;'her at The 'Parsonage.'' CL-I-N;1•CS•-,--.7_ - TOa'BE: CO1*t-. I 1UED - The attendance at the20th r Blood Clinic held These --o yVed•- '.nesday of last week dropped roto the disappointingly low figure •of 53. previously thatt11 auI d" is `-. e bethast"local: clinic, '.' held. , Suth ,however rs • noto be ,the case, .;as..;the,.Red Cross.- has decided tha t these 'mobile ,• clinics will continue ,to operate .'Joins Bank Staff until' the war h with .ia • ari'is" >lc.. .. ., , _ : :. p I1�irs hil z _ e. s �5 _ i=1. _.Gulher ...� . . . �--r t d Y a�h�-- r'y rrouslyy:.completed.: The next of.. -Mr.' a . s g ° t nd ;Mrs. James Culbert, inic„in Lucknow:'is .,exp ',cted to has, joined the - b eld in A . � J staff'Qf�the Luck- August: t now Branch . .the �. f,, Bank of'IVIorI. • FrontLi ' e Soldie n. rs a' G ve Bloa►d tical .'and= commenced: her 'duties It is pointed out that the ”d ee last week. Deed for oo. ,pasma is as great today- • as•:before ,Germany was conquer :TEACIIIERS . ALL ;,, � �. REHIRED ed.'' First , ',hand inforrriation' has ..- : e.. ' :`.'revealed•thatBuritheItalian...;'The'Luckno w.Hzgh Sc ho 1 ," 'a. ndcamP gp1asma. was So. bad1y Pi ,• 'School tea•ching staffs w111,-needed.attimes that 'Front Line -.iunchanged, - .Z. ' troops gaveblood to 'eip' sav•renanunchan ed fo . the. next the lives• of:'wounded comrades- tern, 'as-al1 eight.tcahers ave The str ess • isbeen I 1' beh re clog placed `.pn dw., The Boardmet' ors : the rie d for, newI:donors • at the.., Tuesday night when..final. detail •I.next-cl.nic-•to-.-be:',`h-e-ld`, here, in_ in 'this .'reg a rdµ `�r y - a w cit dealt'''. �' Cd t Wit11 -order that.those, who have.'; given. •Increases -•have been, made i : •sail. • so faithful's ' ly,eight, nine and te times alaties, mes may have: some little.`rest: • JOHN W. HANNA ... URGENT NEED FOR .KNITTING -�'he-local branch oaf ,the .'Red Ciro ss has'kieen .advised"" of �'a ' y ei Y urgent need for' badly: needed ',for ideg. .. lease parcels to be. dispatched to the F East. W • g erI F..=carnd-ida-te-ra-n-a-poor�-ttlux d -and-it-rs -hoped there : will , .he aV ' 3,2 . T with 1356,_..A'."to r tel o� ready' response;'to: • thisap `tial '13Y•' . �' • , ._.: 1,3,203 -votes .l? was oiled...,. • - :; p on-lVlonda as. district knittersY com• - ar as oql is available (' ('•if PARTY AI,i,- �BLfT ANNIIIILA`FI'flr 1TO 7D"A TWELVE PAGE ' •: weeping,. I iicrl , 'ini:ditiprral I heial ' o..nigholcl, (i:iviis 1CIanna 1%Iaj,�mm ,, jrritn . U1.1(10,.. -Said''. To , B.e Only-. ....:Third Time Iia i.4oc.a1 •history; •ri'bit /A: (oinse,rvative Ma-jori'ity 3Va;s (iT;�ien '11>t' Ii�rn: Oc r)rgt Dt G \v,and b P dgr•a stirvc{ Corisc:rVathle Party V41 c-.syt•lit %into. ofIIce .tela Monday on a.f1Oo 'of '1 dl't'` . s hail hover-beiorrce been cast i'n Ontario, In the s 'ei...p :the Party Was' all "but' ann.ihilate•:L including the party .leader, Ja'lliffi ; •Liberal . Leader Mitchell Hi>pbui�n, once ;a power taiig politics,•meta similar'..'fate, It w�%is ',Mitch's" first deftxatl •rn'' .his,;political life of ::manna Made Big :Gains Elected 'in:- 1943- a--scantn-ha-r=-•— ; bYT. g•in, of • 156 'votes, fiuron-$ru' c� UEIES-B:)e;;`IiEG`REE.• 'WHISTLE SOUNDS AGAIN IC ores; AS NEW FIRM TAKE'S OVER, a ja o t)al)('1's sucn • .v.:.r....:..:.•r� . firs: • k'ffectizye ox `:.Friday the Eisai 1 r ::* .f - 4.►fMltitr i �I(1 `i1`i_,� Llt11'1L 11 :';t'Ot)t'R l' f?f'{, possSYCTo' . ;1 the defunct' Maple ,Leaf Aircraft Corporation • plant, and. the fact- ory Whistle, 'silent since' late „last' year, is:,a. Welcome.:sou:nd A -sew . employees have return.« , e.dto then- fob's;' but considerable• :work, remains to he donnas befor'e iri, ;the plant will. • swing into' pro- duction: HiC,T'J; G1t'O>GE DREW T vot-e'rs' to -tried- behzind John W Hanna . to..re-elect 'hilt m with:aMiss J ie' 'Hornch B,A:. dau; �. hter o f Ntr' .an d g 1vr - . majority of„ 2087 Over �Wan.;�J: M.c �`y,: ` Wm..Hor- ,• her • µKa of Huron ; Township, • who. ne11-'ofi- town—rrrl-�ecie Y B.L.S.degree," (B h 1 f 1;4.- r ; ' SEPQY THEATRE TO • OPEN NEXT WEEK. ,. • W t h decorating, completed,. some time ago,the obtaining of seats has been the holdup in the re -opening: of the Sepoy Theatre in its • new ,location. This `wrinkle' has now 'been pretty well ironed out,:.and; '•it is' expected that'. the opening will..take. place -on- Friday of next . week. • ONO R.�A D- , Ki ;polled.. 4880 'votes.W. C. King, a e oro io 1, T r ary.,Science)' at' raduation .exer- , g for' Brussels . district farmer, and est \4ednesda .' clirtie wa n chalrge: of : Mrs, • R. W. ,Jackson r f `Kitchener; assisted by 1VIrs:.•Sfat- tin of • Toronto-' Refreshments; were ::_servedb .thee Y KintaiT ,,..Branch .of: the Women's Insti tutu; ,Donors were'as follows:- • First 'Donnaton i J Mrs. -.Margaret : 'MacLennan. :Second.- Donation 'Miss 'Thelma' • Se hurter,.:.. Mrs. Beth Hodges, • 'Jack Treleaven, ' Robert:� Reid Mrs May,,Johnstorie,: Miss' Lucille:.Eeny;', Mrs:„^Burton' Roach, James- Beaton.'H ' Third Donation (Bronie �e• Pln) Stanley Todd, : • ,, Mrs:.' Frances 'Murray, MssMarion:NM' : acDougakl, 'Grant' Rutherford= tosh, Miss • Jean Bissett, Vtr lbur Brown; Thos. Hodgins; ;4 Wesley llitchie, Jack Cu,.r f mtctli ffco- nation Duncan 'Farris. h , McLean.,G•avinReed,,Joh Caswston, Mrs.-AgnesT ornsonHarold P t• . ' Fifth Donation a cy, • �ss4�,ath�" .- , a c ennan, :Christer' Finlayson• '• , •Mrs: :Viola -'S y, Lorne Woods, ' • Geo rgeockhartWilliam Stanley, •Allan,Canston, Mrs. Alice Stewart:'Sint onation (Silver Pin)` _ .. Margaret S • alkeld', Miss Myrtle stair+• James. :•A. Airrtncnheeson '•Richard West,' John J. VacKen?ie, Gordon .Saunders, Mrs..Ther-es recles,R.W_ verit[,Donation; Y' .. Mrs, Olive Culbert, be'. zt All an React,. Ecltenswiller, Pre-, leareni J a mes .Ai chi• sonThopEighth .Donation Elizabeth Do Tartish, Mgcl.7onald , Lorne rise , Leo RCourtney, , c.Orland • Niatn° Do, r. nation • Mari oh C` •: nigan, inn, Btlnso`ri :pared with ` 12,063' votes . in'1943:: 'On Monday, Mr Hanna rereived, 2,319 -2,319. -than -i•`. - n th , e last- election. '. Luckna Gave Him 101 From the t t he,. Luck- now• :l.ote�Ny as Mr;'_ Hanrlas'l;cc ion bras conte sed by,: many •local'l •He:h�ad`'a` Majority Y �:',Over, Jo Y of an: v titin. 100voe votes ov • . el J McKa vInch m Y, az ked it is claimed or ly the third time rr .hocal`histoi•,y'a ma'orit had been - J Y accorded�- a• . Conservative and_ ' ncvcr'sucli: a a``o-iit J• y.. Over,' er 25 year's. ago Di Clapp, (C t"I ued: on page' 12) - • ori irr • PRE SE:T DOMINION ELECTION TO BE MONDAY- - - HND . Next. -.-Holiday electors ,acros.s. the Donninion drillhave the ' - 1ortun,it y to exercise e czse their ' fi.an 't - ' e s chs o • .elect: a Federa•1:•G;o� eT - .n Ment. The r vincial . dicaelection iii= P P t .t� - ed 'that electors � are nZor c conscience of this_ht 'duty . 5_ . and less inclined to: 'vote 'straight,. . parts 'than- ever before.: It+ is 'doubly - important.. that every 'voter` Shoud •be 'out 'next. Monday to - hel elect p� /hat is tobcha •ged wi tr the:•responsibility of tguidingg ,th'is •,. Dorninion i.n, th irihr edite!' 'post, war years... . ng -old today (-Thur daY i .�On--Ti esda Y evening; May29tls t rToronto-Jane'is',sp'endin -the arge crow .•:.of-mold--nei --bor_',s ,summer months" i•at 'her ; - home - and friends -athered'at the.:fi:orrie ',he're.... of :Mrs: Petel lificLeod on Wheel- er Street, where a very enjoy able ;: MAI htG• GOOD time was s tintMr. DO .PR GRE- . alter a '• O SS"W c PM , .• 1 Kenzie as•. 4'e r,airman and- Ake: . I : „r o ram : ' con5is ` ' - �� •W: G.•. Vyebste • who under en� p.• g. � • ted.:., of instrum .n..; . . al r .. l t mus c e a r adrn � b ss n t i l� urte g Y a seri • , ous'o r • o operation in �Tbr,- .:: . onto ,' ... ,; nie.McKay, a'solo by -Mrs. J.`C'r-., ten, 'da .s• a o • rs making ruthers , scorn anied a b• Mrs: L, p .. Y E. Philip and •:a contest that cre- ated some mirth. '' on. Tuesday: morin and w Tuesday:morning g as get ` On, 'behalf of.; friend's, `-on , the” ting•al• on g so w el1 that Mrs.We b-' Fourth and Sixth•, l C oncessio ons ster returnedhome tne:latter pari Alex",.5uthexland presented, ' of the, week.,Bill hadblood tians a ;Mrs. -;'MacLeod with a beautiful• ,fusionrs-before.' •; and„ after. the • o.-::Ealectric''floor lamp an: ties: seas r ` ' eration', and; for:,sev ral d'ays.*as. and a' couple of'framed ictures. • fed intravenousl_' .-It is' ex este; Mr.• William MacDon`al:d read'the Y p d( ae following address 1 e b rrr•�iv a •let• I. ac�n` , b, 'collie h o xrz e r n �, a. week -or -two. -Dears Mrs'•. MacLeod, We t3' We, y ,or neighbors;,of GanceS- sions 4 and `.6,' Kinloss;' have• Bath •ver t. nod e " Y �g r coves •.:•:� Bill was Y operated' on for--a'-duodenal -ulcer t� is i.0 MAY WASWET,. COLD :AND:: ALMOST .:SUNLESS •On. `.Tu slay eveping" of last week. friends' and neighbors - o 'M -r and iMrs: 'Mike•Hogan,-rivani.-y ber.ing.,over ;sv .nty,' gathered Lothian ;Schoolhouse, to honotlr` .them.:prior, to n7 lti ov to Lucknouz to reside;. M.r. and Mrs. -Hogan have" taken up residence in the W. J. Todd home, 'east Of .. Have lock St.; w}aich'they havepur chased 'and which was :preyiou; s] y 'tenanted by;Mand Mrs: Roy Black: For,' voting., purposes, the instil• ridings are diffe,re.nt from that' of the 1'rt vxnczal elf coon; For ,.Fc,d.• eral purposes; Lucknow, is"rrr+ dates ares Moffat Jamieson, C.C.F. • Andy Robinson,' Pro Cons. �g Carl ' H.: *Metier; • Liberal •In.�north ,Huron riding, of whxiCh Ashfield: 'aind. West ',:Wawarosh` form ,the' northern boundary, `the -I candidates 'ar'e, E:._.Cardiff r.Pro Cons- ,. - • MorleyMills, C":C.F, MajorNairn) ,Liberal D. R N irn 1 .ENGAG.EMENTS Mr. a n Henry f3 and 11�r{:5, J lir o � Amber�ley' w sh to,,announce thea . engagement..of their. . y'oung:c;lr' daughter, Agnes Gladys, to ,Vlr Gordon Melvin, Lyons,`:son of.Mr., and/ Mrs. James, • T. Lyons got` Lucknow, the': marriage -to. taker• 'place in June. A Very pleasant social. evening t as held. •feat.uredby card play I -g 1and a .15i•o rain' 11; n og vzt file pares •entriti:'n being made atthe_lun:cb' hour • ly `1VIi. o old � Ma I'� after Wrn B.l ck ngham "had read -a. co,n-iplianentary address--of-best s l 4 �'C i hes. Mr and r s Hoganw • s dM ele the 1eciDlt�nts'of a liberal purse of:, money... andIagan. had' expressed their. fhanks: and rip recihtion all joined in: sin_'n '',Tor, they are jolly, good:fellows', -An entertaining: progratii t 14idcd` : tlie` following •. numbers;' Violin •se.lections:.by' AlexM c - Dona ld:an d',Mrs.' Hogan numbers; by the pupils'of' S,S.,No. 7, piano solos by Miss Jean. • .Long :arid Sybil Barger;;a solo by Mervyn Ritchie and Scotch'sengs by Wrn. Buckingham. • iVlr 'an:d Mrs. HHo:gah have- been- lifelong and, estecined., residents •cf A 'hfrcld.' Mi, Hogan wa s born and raised in the12 hponces ion. ',Hogan .las formerly Mary Ford,. her home being on tlye Tenth ;Concession They •Nave," a family of :five 't ltildrten,` ..Basil arid Dennis Ashfield; �Vilfrt�d of : Toronto) Sits, Al.(Norris. (Lorena) ::'of• , Mrti.1 cliilt�r-and=•Miss, Ircne•H'ogan.. ltc�g.lri. of 'l D'citr'oit;.; ,red here at •your 'new- home this• z e� el�ira tE?-•• x r n: r ~ Y..•e,�. Y' _Yrs - •loam : fro�our ne ghbor . . .1 Thitter- ctermp.eanrda, t Mealyy ' pro- duced 'little but wet; • cold.:ah.d sunless. days: To date, .. her decessor, hasn't •done any better, rn agricultural .viewpoint, the is, grave. Wheat- looks but.spring• crops :havesuffered, and n manylcoalities .agood deal' Of Seeding•yet remains to be don,'Pastures are poor rd the.hay crop ' rom '° ses . to.. '- be�fl' p 1? ecidedhy light. During the • month of.. May the, sun_ shone :for .the:._entire day.. orT only , two ,.daYs of the'' thirty-One The high . temperatuz e was 78 de ,grecs'. on, the,..,'21St and' the low. 24' degrees.:on„the '2nd of 'May. The 'e a>as frost -on, -,-13 , ... ni jets :with ,of snow ontvv :a,:trace:t ;n o different. Y -• But, t:•warn t just cold, Rai•nfeli .t toad d .6 ixic e.5, and Ifakl—on 24 day's' of the- month. May was. a .decidedly, unusual.and disa ee= able month; • but ' June, so far:, ;hasn't been an; im rovemeri Y p t.. 'The, first four days were .sunless less; ::and, cold , with„rainfall •ever da Early Sunday morning ;the, tem- perature dropped to '28, degrees,: for a second "night of June frost. • Forecast The 'Result Pt is ip of third •• ronin of the Luc:know' Public' School had their Own c rs t� personal 1 n p. � � 1.1allot op ' Monday, which pretty well , forecast the' rest is of the ,provincial ' eledtioi that because • known that night. The, school 'ballot gave .elle:'1`'ro , gresSivelConservative Party ' 21 :votes:'°the G'.C,F. `5w and th L' eral, .1, 11M,W= t :,:-a"...:�.'�•'-r:�.Yes�..- hr".. aiiw110.• y,.Ake wv.,E err.:. hood: Your girlhood and R:young:•= womanhood were , sPBrit on Con.:,. f and':for almost sixty years' oti.'- have, been a ,residert'of Con. 4.• In all, those' years• it can ctrt4h71. fully be said of you= "Sh,e'never rSaid an unkind 'wend of anyone". `That >in itself is a tribe'-te few us have 'earned: Your' kin .ries :arid neighborliness : have beerx.: universal and, your .cheerfulness under ` .t e h a n i'•� h d a • c � of 'being a, le , to ,hear and: join ' in. ctznve general' c e atzon• fora so .many. years, has. been hiave,all eri.jo :ed'._:.our..:hose-: _. Y.,. pital-ity, ;at' numerous` times' and• • ,are happy' to k'n�ow,'1-hat•y,ou y have :•:. •` .not left. th'is.'communit'•. To. y, onrght ;. We wish ' :you top accept ''these re= ;.n ernbrances, li�"ping. • that..the: •...., corrin' e •.,. ar s wi. v Ti bring• g-Yoiz`h:ap.. piness . and" comfort in, :your_ Si• ne ,ori g d ori behalf, of your neigh-. ors' Honour Miss Dean IacLeo Oh behalf of' the Kairshea'Clu-b,:' Mrs. Alert Sutherland' .addressed :t 'Miss Dean MacLeod asking' her , acre: tance'' of a lovely acceptance ovely ;,electric table Iam'p, that -its cheer • lo* each evening mi _ht'r'emind.. her of . her warns: friends in :the corn/Pun-• ity, The' lamp was presented ,by MY s:.. Lloyd_.MacDougall,:end. the_._.:Y-. crowd sang -"For;:they ,are jolly good °'fellows"; During the program Mr . ;:Dan Ma c1VI err ori �vit e. i. ban' . To..,and•. Mr. • W,i Houston with 'the violin provided enjoyable'. musical Awn - ber and- -later in the �• � ,.. evening; .. were ,assisted. Mr.' Dick Matti), Y n. `vit}i . t olirr and Miss Martha • utherlAfter Sutherland at the � piano, � lunch and' the `•cin in,i�, of Auld • 'Yang Syne ,, the crowd departed with hearty good .wishes'. •