The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-31, Page 9, • Luckndw Sentinels Lucltnow;, Oni • Elia► ter- _ inner • rolut • "t��S� OLd Iel A: sentiinerltal- story of a family dog • ed - but enriched .by . of fection•• ana by poverty • light-heartedness:- Also ight-hear, tedness:r Also "Short Subjects" MatineeSaturday-afternoon. afternoon a.. Ss g-• .t n. ues•. ECIA; ufne: $10:41 1pt. PIl• , '�� ANDREWS'SISrERS-7 c)ACK SENNY JOE' E.:BROWN-:, WDIECANTOR-0Y CARLISLE r;a kt"At?.i!'! '',•,DANtel:Aft JOAN CRAWFORa4EEMVT.D.ANnNE BETTS DAVIS, FAYf EMERSON.. VCToR f RA+.CEN JGNN GARFIE D 9.• , ;1,x..I L# Y�,•Apf ,i DEari'S 10'?cA'J EcWahoa AAR<EREN ET ALAN•NAI ...,1;',-'..(,/,. 40Y�C0R�EPYtQ�oGLEcSRsAluLNEN ETD si i0 IR G/tdE014, u7CrtJsZcc. rs SKAZL •. • ioANaitE ZAck4y ''c07r . PETER tORRE . ALf Yts,.N 1DA'lOPiNCY.. • ea an n oA�,R(`RCKftl oSEP>a �Zr E F0: W/ �c �rtk ��1M1�I•Nu�.� �' es • 'MYDORS'1:Y6 NrB,BAMD !%'G�ilru�iv C�WAUARO60iAC'N�pzA ' ir �.l,h� �f ry G':Ggipi 6AtiOiimill *IRbS11RsD4ANfiAMOA,OgaiNSM.PIONEERS'• : a: or rls..swttr�upr s Ongrnel Screen Ploy by Deemer Doves,-• Musrcot Numbers, Creoted•t ;ane/ inor+e & Directed by IEROY PRINZ. Directed by DELMER'OAVES OL YRO.O rs;Wm.` Robb and Whiner visited , Saturday'' at Richard El- liott's< Mr. ,and: Mrs. Cliff Young.ard .farr`ril of-i.an side were_ Sun' . �-----• ..�.. day visitors with: Reggie' Broome's: iVlr.°and; Mrs:• L'o't Culbert spent A t Sunda :with- Y • Mi' s. Rachel, Cu•1- bert, Mr; Y Muria Harris "of :Toronto" ;.is sending sornv.of his holidays at Win, Eadies', LA C._ Leonar � Reid: of ido Sy ey; N;S.:visited; at, Raynerd' Ackert's last •w:eek.. • PA • 1 PAGE NINE • _WHITECHURCH Anniversary services:.were held in' Chalmers Presbyterian church, on Sunday With' a very large -al- . tendance at both services. the guest • speaker • for the .day was Rev, William Henderson-of�Hillg= dale, _^for7Yrerl as e11 knu un7 --:herd. who, rL c•�ttw}'�r; %_N' 1 y`. iS y Fr°i �..s :i ;ttnuns: Specral :music "way rendered by She ohorr1ve?rtrip rebstve ser-: 'vicei-Was ' held in the evening whon.- A,ei�.- ;e -has•:: M. acDon:ald :moderator of the-=Fresbytery,. •de 'dicated the ` Ol iurch anew t'o' the service of •God; ;.after ; extensive decorating and repairing had•. been. done.and. a new lighting • system had been installed. andu Mrs. 'Milton Plunkett of Toronto` spent the week -end with. his sister, Mrs. Ln orne Joh ston..: BARN=In Wingham Hospital on ' Sund,ay;. May 27th., to Mr. and Mrs; Garnet Farrier, .a. son, ;Barry Wayne. Mr. and Mrs; T: Jantzi and lit- tle son Donald of. Milverton visit-, ed on Sunday, at the'. home 'of her brother,, Mr. 'George '1~ isher and. attended the anniversary services. Mrs; i -L Tichborne • of Goderich spent a week' with • her'Mother, Mr.s.• DavidKennedy;: ,who has. hee r ;,quite < 111 M's John : ieid of Goderich is also spending; few days. this week with Mrs Kennedy Othei anniversary vrsi tors were Mr. John Reid. and' Mr i1. Tichborne•of,_ Gode.l icli,' Mr:' find :Mrs Lot ne. Durnin and, sons: J D -and Ross and Mr, and, Mrs I?t4 lcennedy; o1 -W ngham. e. �crce'�rr e e `-rn Uf Rev. Andrew McNabb, a.;°for ;niter n :,n st_�`ei. 'o.Lthee Presbyte-Han church .here: Mi'-.' :ane1VIrs. Jae^k 'Norman 'of` Toronto visited' over :.the. week=; 'Icnd �at• .the. hOme of Mrs Jarpes' �V4r r lson �Nlfus Russell Moore :and ;`]little: tial.x'ehter. of Preston are . visit Ing' with Mrs.'.Walter.'Jme's. • Mrs:' A1-anr-Eri-rrrerson• Mr, ;and. Mrs Vidor. Emmerson Qfarg; • side visited on'' Sunday at ` the •home .of Mr',and Mrs. B.., , an:d 'Mrs. Neil Maceallum and :Betty: • Conley of : L iick•now Spent :.SundayLw,itl_:_„her„sistei=,- ;.Mrs,:A. McQuiTlin: ' Langside, May 28, 1945. Dear Charlie and Gere We, your friends in the Young, People's Society wish to congrat- ulate you on your recent mar riage. Both of you have always: • been willing to, do your • Share. to make our. Society a sueess,' -To-$11«w' our anpreciat ii 'yAur t fforta zue : ask you to aceep1 this gift; and , with i,: best wishes' for 4 I aiipy f uture.fpr you -hath t Your fri'ends; T h'e young P opies ocret ;: Miss 'Grace Richardson made the presentation..af a ,' roating Pan; Charlie thanked :the'.Society °on behalf 16f Gertie and himself;:: ;The ';meeting 'then closed With: the : Lord's • Prayer r in unison,' Mr': Dau .las• ;Simpson 'had ..charge Of,, the .contests. Lunch' was served. The._:next , trieeting ;ism to be !:held at the . home, • of Mr; Walter. Ferguson: ` WIN A ToU:taIs1 s:- I,r. O D G E. R. w $13,000... TQURISTS' LODGE, a 119.42:.. C'HEVRGLET - ir- .N :, other prz>eS;T'75 przeo a s>r�g• 20,400. b . the a 'nicalei<et. TQM Wictdry .$onels,- Mair this 4.'aa."` with- OXj1 DOLLAR- subsea ` tion to' '!The Kamloops Mem orial ftecreationa� Society':;:,. 359' Vidtoria- Streetlr" a $Ioo , •w, ! .;.• Proceeds to be usedto erect a Recreational Centre for:: our. returning Veterans and the citizens, of this district. 'Date of drawing te, be announced 'f ►” the prem: Don't delay:". Act now;, ..:._'' • ' 63A5. 404 ;1Vfr., and Mrs Georte Colwell Aingh traTngre`vvh-acciendentMr 'occurreFted dLotat't W' and family spent,6unda.y at Walt er Fo titer's•:'t as accidentally: shot..•while • out shooting gi•oirnd• hogs,: At the.: time; : •Mr.•. & M•rs: 'Er''nest Ackert sljcn:t of writing.:his ' condition w:as r,e-: Sunda ._.._. _.._._Y-.aftcixrioorl, �=rt�t-M-1 a-ti-r�-- ,.._ ted._:. Se'rrs�us.-• 1 ,• -d:.. :r irf,t ®l ifiliT' n -id: Ser4`ices' , ric- -tfi re b- tertan-. Mr'• and;,Mrsa liarvey':Houstr�ri church,will;•be w0,th.drawn for•;th' ne!:t' hr ee :Sunda"�s Orr t ,. �, • o ccount of :arid 'fami.l'„. visited a`;'Cesu ..le � o•f .. , . •:, ., .. .. y' the.'annrversar• -services-onr-Jure- d.a s'. with., her:., ar.ents; • Mr.. .and y . •3rd;' in Calvin' Church; ..on Juni+,: Mrs, "Ta.ylor:'of `Pinkerton where, 1 Oth' iii Whitechurch- United' acid a `presentation was held for ,•Mr. • _' .. 1 ' rior to .their, Juno:17 in :Langsid'e Paiesbyterian. and• Mrs.; Tay of p ;Ieavin ` t'he•` farm to.'.. r elide .rn •- Miss• : Jessie Gillespie;. o•f. _:the_• . g .West..is •vesting her reIatives here. Walkerton. ' ` r ` Rory Ross 'of L - ”: M uckxiow ;vis '-,Ori. ;on• Sunda 4t' the home _.ofa rl Mr{s. Johne Murray - . �r. nuc IlOW•. els( an Ata repre'sentfitive • gathering=of (fie Lucknow.'. Business Men's Association, thee following sebedule fol' :Closing w is '. tinanimously-adopted bh a Tuesda y •&.15 p.T17 Wednesday0` .m: 11 .0 p (June, July and August') N, Thursday 12;15 noon Friday.' y. . 6.15 :p.m: Saturday. • 11:0p.in ask the:,;Co_oper,ation of the merchants and • 'the' public.••in observing these • hours 6finnittee:•Gordon'Trrylor`; Wcstey 'Huston:; Geraid 'lxatli ''well, Robert Rae W. C; rinlay'•soii: Lticl now Business Men's Association • AN G S I•I?• Mr. end Mrs., H:ar •_v Peppier. of .Tavrstrrckspe'nt-tie holiday.. (Mai;.' 14th) :with her . sister,' Mrs: • A. Emerson at :the home of Mr: an'd ;Mrs V: Emerson Mrtttxit1--Mrs. C eoi=ge Tif f rn :and . • ollech. spent ,'Sunday .with and Mrs, J. Tiffin' and Mr: and: iF'ui dan; Whiteehiar ch Mr,,,and. Ni.r s Fred Tiffin :spent und�xy witl , Mr and Mrs G:eor gc. IV�'I�"l�tra�o°f--�t1; tc:cli°ari~l�' This t^otirniunityextends,;1 theirsymppthy.tca tht' brotbe'r:'s aid sis- ters of OA, ',late Mt.'Vam'es Stuart, x'hose funeral eras.:he1d:•at Tiffiris. ci'met•r'i t an Morldafrom tt� eft t('r•. : r „ 'I`trt� Lang;iidt.' Y.P.S, held :their •iicetiyng tit., the h'nme of .R1r,• and Mils; iJr'U'i1.('S,M-ac'Pherr8 ,n, •8th Con. +`in TO>tiday- i elinin tt 1111 NIr;-Goo: 1G t,i fiat`.; pi i� ir:111ig `and rarg_:"tl � en]) to tt•trr'Shlp. PSai,n1s. itrre.;.1\lr': „Indies l icllai•dsem gavo th1' ,sor'i turc rvritdfng, I1Z�att.' ): h.! s Iii,"rothy ;Pherson. "I iil,rr stant,lrirds t;if tilt'? 1trl�agri(i111 \t"rlti giY4,11,. i Yr, Wxall I;t. ,1)111 MI'S C;"•har1t,. 1jffin ate rv: c'callct t0'• the fr'ont r;t7t1 11'1.e I(,II�,Gru1 aciclress .rt'ad 11�• � 1t.: (•yortlr,ut ' 111, .r a;: ederal L iberal.�'Candrda •to .f�: '. or :.Bru00:. Ridin ' n' ' e depe-ridt PpCblic Onion ;.Polls _show _ tkie ;Liberal }?artSi.� e . efinitel 1 y . n.'the .'lead -.:•and growing stronger.. each'.'"d'ay__ It s 1 the. Only; Party: with -any. chance. 9f �a- working after `June 11th;' the -Only,. Party: g men with,: havin • the i eq it ed;. - experience1 to guide:. Canada • through: critical'.: ' post-war : years; : and rept sent her at 'the ecce tables.. i ., `'.P p, ._. �, ... a .This. s t e a t `' h r which • has . s fo�j Y Stered such legislatiOn.ii 'War, Ser-: vice Gratuities for _ .retu-med 5ervice„- Men -and: ,Wome and Family Allowances,, Ito mention but, tw.o; of many out-'' standing Acts 'which• prove : it to' -;be •' wortthy ' Of Canada's •confidence. • ``Citizens 'of Bruce: In all humility I can sa' " .x that I confidently etpect to ' have•• the•; privilege : of �bein -ou ' xt—r s -stat ve' at Ottawa ITS ,•, l` honest '.belief ; is: that, I., can n do that ' a, , . fob. with credit to you -==and -f s fine= old ounty-of-$ru -M: ledgeis •to serve' , you -'faithfully, to serve . you h r t1y.wi' ho f ear ror anon. As . a if `�1o' •.,..•. � fig resident.. of. Bruce and a •lifelong Liberal, I shall dee • l appreciate' our support �''• PPrec' Y. on .lune 11th"•' • am aigli rl • ,,, , ,i • • • • • 1 r •