The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-05-31, Page 4,tee Os K,y''a• ►6e�r� 7 !Elam- ry :..��,.:��.a� 1&1971"•x# : 11WW4 a l! !F• WW 1 «i..'111• .w1Wi,•Re-t. " salt 11Ic��. aaY�ow e1nL tiU1e ori DispIa RQMPTit -. Ias� _and Starter at --Reduced Prices ` I .:tl a ev er� •lt 111: � - y uu =en .r raise, ar;�"n an extra 'brood ••of ducks. More Food. Over 20% less chicks hatched to • date than last year..•••: 1945 Export' Egg Prices increased.by 6c per dozen _a Meat. will •:be. ':scarce .. =The' world' is •Hungry PoultryM: at. � � , • `,and' high in price,. Ru sse. x New Ha_•m .P ... Pure Sussex, Barre . Rocks, cks, '": sex x.Le hprn New Ramps:, In Mixed Chicks, Pullets and; Cockerels LAREV-` EW 13ay old'. and 5tatteChicks for sale � C _. _. _.. ... .. • (On display at) PLACE YOUR ORk» R TO -DAY EVYEW POULTRY .. FARM Exeter, 5000. Breeders on One Plant tr.: atom SY • TOURS AY, MAT : at,: • • i ITGAGEMENTS Mr. and r11 rs, pE•c ward. Fitch, of Warren, P.er}nSYlvannia, U, S. anno ince the engagement of, their ;eldest da'ttghter, Erma Lorene to Wrlliarn- Thomas Carter of Camp Borden, second son'of'Mrs. ln?ari Dptzaldson .of • Culross. ,The ;-marriage -to: take-.place:Lat Barrie €�n .. Jurtie . _11th "`Nalkert'on nape1. please cfliJlj'. FOR° SALE–buckwheat of quaT i suitable it seed Andrew 874-12.. 4a. ani TEA;CHER� WANTED for •.S,S. No. '10 'Ashfield,.- salary �$1,20Q, plus' tor' experience... Apply'. to Ewart; 'Jamieson, R. 7:`Lucknow. I) fors S.S No, TEACHER, WANTE 7 :Kinloss; 1 i/a miles:, north ' • of Lucknow. , Dtities to commence in l " stating• . ual- Septerrrber. App Y c! �ifications'' and salary :expected to Alex. MacLeod, Secretary-treasur- er, ecretary treasurer, 'IR,' 5' ,.ucknoW,2. TEACHER WANTED Protestatii for , .� ,.. teacher for S S.. No.. 3. , West Wowanosh, with. 1St plass certif- irate, duties . to carr n; ence `Sept- eiiber • 4th;• 1945. Apply, to J. R. Murray..; ''Secretary, -Treasurer, R. R. 2. Lucknow.• w IyE.�35x58-feet,. in FOR SALE—Collie pups. Mother. S R , QR- , ... NF ood attl_'• - - h � . :.bot c . o ael�b,W i� -i .�A �i ie g a� s � ' �1 • � tin ,fld A�rrraly at Son £OR.- -SALE �F_oU 'heifers with ] Yoft SALFr�-Young Durham cow r el ei s -y, i caif , t side Ari E.reckle,- :� els.. � Lucknow. HeTatexcl aTi�e _2` ,foot Alio . . few :yearling •Herefords, . Richard. . ' 'd o 1 roo a r H , Bk... Y.. Raker,, 'FOUR;" SALE ---Used Cream Separ- ators• bva�l a bali'.bearng,, 500.. DeL .. , lbsDeLaval, 650 lbs:'Lister, ball bearing ; machine, 650:°,lbs; -Eaton:' machine,, 650 lbs, Massey -Harris,. ball bearing, stainless steel, 7.50 lbs; , also new Renfrew separators^; in stock , at all times, TiOIVIAS BOYES, Lucknow.. ' . FOR SALE 'hand• :washers With • power attachnent, almost. new, Art Breckle,s, L- ucknow. e . LE --Pekin :bab duck FOR SA y lings. Apply tb•Mrs; ioici,"TR .2,LuCkpO*. Q COURT OF . REV;ISIONN • A ' Court of'.;Revision-, on .the Assessment Roll of West Wawa nosh "Township, will be 'held .: at the Township Hall on •Ttiesday,' June 5th ,at ,1,0 •a m' ~ : DURNIN PHILLIPS, :Clerk. •`o TF YOUR SUPPORTi' 1' ask 'as ,a veteran of two wars who will see turned Men of Bruce 'recelv►e a fair deal. at the 'DUR 'IN•FLiJ:EN,C ask'as.._a_farmeYWho will see that the farmer , --our: basic roducer; has a market ;for his goods.:y YOUR FRIEN-DSHI I` ask as a citizen of '`Bruce who .believes in equal rights to raise our' 'sytandrd o# FOR SALE — a 3 -piece chestet•- fP field suite; :A .ply at Sentinel of- fire,'. We ,are htrifinl a • position , to • book order' for,.Hardwood Slabs, With each cord of Hardwood •a, cord ,of Mixed Slabs to :be.take ' Our ,advice is to pi`ace, your order; early '• The Lucknow Sawmill Co. Office Phone. 80 •: 1, SUR VOTE 1 ask to enable the Progressive -Conservative party to carr .out Its promises to the :people of Canada. w YOUR .ADVICE I ask when future problems arise which will require the .attenfion.,0 our.r.ice°Riding Candidate..: AR HIM OVER N. X TUESDAY, JUNE 5,, Published "oy the; • Progress ve - Cr)nserxatrve• Part,. Ottawa, INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY aild AU 1.01V10131 _.. Special rates for preferred'; -risks: Ask. =ups abaut-ilia ' t 3• A. 1IIcDQNAGH Lucknow, Ont..: Phone, 61-5 :Dungannon ,SOVEREIGN LIFE • CAR, FIRE & CASUALTY Free ;Advice On .AlY4 Irsurarice Matters, District . Representative -PHILIP S. Sn'EWAWf 'PHONE 8 " LUCKNOW.• onfederation Life;.. WIND, CAR, FIRE—Preferred inate"s. .for •preferred risks ACCIDENT &'SICKNESS • Consults JOHN ;FARISH LUCKNOW Pll'rine 82-13 .Dalgannon' • • ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST IN U.CKNOW vwu:uw.� i.1� • THE FIRST WEJ NE' OA1'' „ j5H''11'IONTII Fit°n'i = . 10 am to6n:rn l.. AT WM..SCHMID'S STOR • PC MacKeflzNe BARRISTERry & SOLI(Ifi1R, , Walkerton, Ontara0. t ' . IN LUCKHOW,.:. Each 'Wednesday OFFICE IN , 1' THE, LEGION BOLDING