The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-04-19, Page 3•
'The I uckno'w Sentinel,; Lucknow,:Ontario.
, 4"•••",;:. •roe,
;11:41 1+ ifsan ;.i,t,ii(br,tt. ,w',.•'
i• t1•61 \ j,ile , is'1i1t11' .�1.} .ik'•;C1
...5 Y. am
o Wild Ca
st.i. ressraisinh ata Itsp. Rt ag • Ii.tkirtg'.."•
1'•i. tiitr,rtrait*F, .: \
s t
srfN4(111/1- p urpoim
'1[50,11 .: :
It►+xstt. 1•0.le40s dial !*t 4xy ntl • s' 1 tti l trritil flttli•,a1ut �.
s ihsiarss tti.urk.aiiortenitiA'wi 1• I .Vit, y,
ir�ottxtY, imidtiafty add' .1101)(4y.,,, while conii111,0,; 14)
syt'jr:.yyrth .f spoon. Add beaten eggs, anti i)1(.00;.
frrtalu;tlV stir iiv'tfiftc(t :drYinitrt,Jient4; Ittdt•'WUJ "
spoon" ftrtrl.Kinouth.; Add'.cx,tractlh„ raisints,stint
bread.. take 1n greased;. It htiy fltyttrr d N' x 5' z. t".•,
pita :rt '30,0"P.,for 2' hours a
11tK1)E IN (. ANA,i)A •
is tsp. salt
na t!tlt. °tsusill,i extrtttzt•.
?x tsp. letl,►t►ii extract
3 rkt ro urE sr trrxt'
t3cttrrr 1+tit iiti$el-end,
"l, R,rtct i 4, 'Phos.. Ilall`trn:
.,lt I Ir rr: V i',Jt;(Ct tho1 .'Ofl C ,,`nett,
�ttir, Sunri;i4 They• were aecompan
red i14 ; Ilr�,. 1'.. N;f ee, apc4.rtit,tr)it yf.
,i►:, of Aciburn,. OnC-of the, h : s
t•xt• r'i'''l(+r',(1 herrn(' ,of the air rains
in Ehgkind, Tie does' not .want' tri.
,'sslJout it L t 41.1, •
.apo; 'c ramley spent. a'
i•oailal(' t1 days this week with
til r�, '•li:t v4y ,Kilpatrit •k •who"is. ell
in hrispitg, Winghatn and under
went ari anpend �t operation. on
Sti.tut day, ni)7ht. , We, ,,hope for—. a
,t)i - dy'`r('covery '
'Mr, and Mars. S: 'B Stothers &
Sthphcn, Arthur, ,'Mr. and,,: Mrs.
'henry,.: Horton had dinner. .witli
Mr;.`a'nd: Mrs..: 'Orland' Pere on-
't �� � '� .�.Y' x>a•.>i�:•.'�ir'."•�•'..':$...,..f , t•a,.at.'r,'r.<.:. ..�.n, .�.::>li.,�. �,....r
•Fire t3rigade Resigns
Wiarto is votunteet fire
Bade has .resigned in: a body, witi
int:.>litt le t-�.nt ce?
PX -I. the.;• Tow, i
Council :.took immediate steps lc.)
appoint a • nevi' company. • .The
.Brigade resigned as a body when
• their ,•demands for, an increase..i,
salaries• was not. met..Thc Chief'
and Deputy Chief receive $112;,5'1
each per annum- :and • th:e other.
ineinbers $05 :per .year 'I.nct eases
to. .$150.and $70`.respectively wee;
asked -
”.:Luckno>v'•s :entii"c;' Ba i'gade
id;ts the Munificent:SLIM' of $l2?
•per year, on
ince- at meet 'ergs; and fire calls:.)
The Ripley •: Planing;Mil lupe.
atcd by Cookie and. C.tnbell i5 pi-
pa'ing• to -start on 'a large. g.era(`-
m in.t' contract in` the making, of
!.egg cases for.'shiprxient :overseas•
'A'la.rge. frame building, has •,been
co:nst'ructecl : at the:, rear• ,of •` ,the
11 to s.rr tY a0::a ca•:
loads have i cetl.l,-•:
ly: been tor.eivtd-'by -the• Manager..
Ment ti ;cl ;lar :il this ,lS. sE ftri �ei�,tl'
Mz' - and. •Mrs• Mac Inglis,' Mr,
and Mrs, Jack- Inglis• and family
;of Rodney, . Mr,.. and Mrs "R'ingler
,and ,,Miss' Lila .Emmerson -were
guests..of Mr. and Met s'Tom: Ingli.
recently. k„.
Mr.. and MA. Hank• Kruger and
Master Conn Kruger:. Miss Helen
i ' lei . Detroit 1st week
with Mis,.Oillies ,and ' Jack. Mrs.
Gillies' returned, to Detroit with
them for a , "visit:
Mrs. ''11 Kennedy of '•White-
church. •spent Tuesday afternoon
wifh:Mrs; 'G 'lkies m
Mr. "and Mrs; George Kennedy
A number froere attended
the ' - funemh
rals at' Miss . 1';eti£a
Dreaney and, Mrs. George Altrotr..
The sympathy' of'tl is :cornm.uni ' ,and Sons ,.were dinner. 'gifests of:
is exteri, ded to the bereaved hares. Mr. and Mrs. J. 'D, Little Of Tees
Wale. a number from'' here at- Water, on Tuesdav• evening.
.t,.'ndell the' play ."Deacon DUbbs•' Mr. and: Mrs. Ed McOuillin,.;and;
w,h it h was ..given , by. Goderich Grant 'visited at -Mr, Walter ' For.,'
talent On Tuesday. 'evening at ster's. near Ripley .ofi 'Sunday,.
' each one taking their( Mr: and MrS. George Fisher 8i
Wit,h labour arid 'metals drairfed war, an u,navoidable
limit 'is placed On' the number of new -rural Aydro services
labour 'and materials 'available.
hospital. on: SatUrday...
All' Sizes Sui'e
at the right price. '
A number from here, attended.
'. s • n.tation. -at'Lan •Si e. ori
Tritrav eveiiit ' o.. ho,ziu> uf.;'M
and Mrs Charlie' Tiffin:: :
Mr...arid and Nies. 'Jaes :.S'herwood
spent'; • i'tla'y Mr.
mfternoon With: Mr:::
a,nd ,Mrs Wen•. MacDonald
11i`irs. Harry Bennett: and -Little..
'daughtr 'Barbara lAnn, :;.Missnc'
:Mary'Ben net and D81ores:Aske't,
n€ Listowel; and Mr.,' and. MrS:.11 y
Hudson,and ;,famiiy,of Wingharn
spent • Sunday. I with `Mrs ' Hudson
and, •Gretta; i
Th'e ', Women's ;'Institute ' met .in'
the :hall :at Whitechurch on Tires
day, •afternopn with Mrs. Cecil:
.Falconer residing; The roll, call:
;-tush .a tet .(red `'-b ."IV ins of .
:Boostrrig our Iin:stitt,tt=":.. It",:vvas`
d.eci06.d. `to donate•$5 •to -the Pre-,
17yteriari ,building fund for•• the
,f'se- of: t -heir. shed during the
ter' months. The :paper was• given
'by Mrs, Geo. 'Fisher, On `•`Ioney" r.
An instrumental •,was played by
•Mrs Farrier and;;Mrs •Mowbray
{gave, ;.two :humorous readings.- N,tee of. four. Mrs.. L. Grain,
ivrr._ tott:.1Y:. r& e.Qui111n and'
-.14r -J.:I Linn -s w a s,"apOp.ii tet
rri'Tl `-n i" .§ ro = 1:1-eers"=`be .
f'ore.'the annual meeting in :May.;
A •short . coin s,e ill DressMalsiti::
d'rr inrr tt7. s},termer is,;:.bei'ng. ap
: oiled ;for to'the :head denartnient.'
i Boxes: are: being , packed:' for ti '
boy.*,•• rsas'bvmtbe...Institute At:
1 the . close ' of . the • meeting Mrs,.
Grain .took•..ithe .ehau -for: a short
Red Cross meeting airing. whieh
'a • note was :made.: of the .month's
work of•.each group for Red.Cross
wnrh;; The 'meeting ..Was dosed
:Wit ':"A ft:thrri .
anachan Tire_ Corp.
Asiociate Store.
qmpbeI-1 s ara
'Phone 184. Wingham...
About 8090,....:applickieris ni'ade and' approved .during
.4,- still await .serviCe,-and many have since:been addia,
hese Will be connected as sdon a's possible," it wil..talse all
.!.16,maii-power,., materials and effort :that; ydrb can cow-
mand. to 'bring service', to. these 'applicants, in:1945. Those
reqUetting service.along Hy some
caseS, 'be connected' before—prior apP4Cants who,. req.iire
lengtti'iy extensions. We. regret that. niany. approved :ap-•
plications may not.' -he coMpleted 'before 1946.
Elgin's: 16th..jillOod Donor
new rural- and added' _9776
C !I, E VV:E .
for. 'Windr4or to joiri.,his. boat for.
Mis.: Geo.: Cowan cif lienSatl.
vices••or ,-on loan -to the *government' for technical.„'wor
:riteds, yo)ir ki-yelro has, done anct 'dolpg 'everything poss.,
ible- to extend electricity:to. eisential services. your turn
s seems sloW. in cominf,r, • please consider the „wartime cow ,'
upder which your, toMmisSion laboUrS,." and be
as-spred that it .is doing eyerythipg ,possible to -.serve. jou
with tile 4tinost ,speed.
14yp. • 'FI-Ovv..F,, • ygp..mml5s.I.:()N•
al)shite, of Rev.' Vrckerion,
ser'vfee' Miss Shirley Sherd
. Mr. Toni Culbert. Sr.,. rout -110.T ,
from Toronto on Saturday. ‘vhei
)10 had 'boon. qettina treatnlents!
burrs. which he Stir fc"r7:7•1
Asir yoar :dealer to- -explain- NVhy
it does make iv/difference 'What
oil yonusel Ask hinrabout British
tess motor Oil. "It's Alloyed" ti?
prevent oxidation; cut repair
-.CQS1S:::Drive in for a_ Spring
change -over today!
Tho'BritistrAmerican 01 Company Limited ,