The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-02-22, Page 1$2,00 A, Year -4,.n Advance; 50e Extfa to U. S. A. STUDS LUCKNOW, ONTAIIIo,THIUhS., FEBRUARX;-22nd, 1945._ ate. EIGHT .PAGES'' - ISTER ,• :SOLD" HIS FARM, WEST • DIED SUDDENL1 OF THE ' ILLAGE w " 1Vir, Wellin tram• tri to .:eeent:4 'ou--stlden.t- frilnisto from _,.i drs o ed -Mo . 1. 'Tarn) 'Victoria College had • charge :.`of :a . half -mile west of the' \Ti:11ag: • . the evenin-� service in the United to r , It 'Church. . ,,., �M, Frank.l�`ai1 Of the 1'uaplc, !.'.h "r ch h Sunda• .They: were• ,., , _., C u c o. Y Y 1. Grove commun'i'ty • Mr: Fali grit:, o d: -Ackert .son: :of , Mr. ''and'., , -Y .,:..;,Y >� T! Ernest Ackert ..�f a :r'od; ..Mrs,.a �, o ; o Y f . farm has • been. In the, Webster ter Les Pickering, f, -"toy: Watson",and Family since •,they, came to this •eu • arin 'the. latter a native . Jim S n _. e+ ..., latter ,a communit ` as' ioneer.: •ettic�i• ..' inida - 'and • of, indu birth . ` 4 •< o , v ,. • Wellen on • is"...considering:,, gt�th.. During the Service. Lloyd Les 'Ail -chase of another farm. but a.. and Roy contributed a vocal trio.; ' . Jim read • the 23rd PSalrn• as - it would be interpreted. by the ..Reda Indian of • the' North . American continent. After the. quartette had been": introduced by .Rev. J: --Stewart, Lloyd responded briefly on behalf of the boys and ex.-. -essed his .personal- pleasure -:and, _honor _rn having' :this op or;tu.nit-y fir, �, �~e •rr 'Each of the boys spoke ,for- five minutes on ',foreign' and home rriissioris,,'JimSeunarine said that the .essential thing of ,Christianity is love' and -fellowship ' and that the s.en_ding::out. • of for..eig ;:rzris sionaries rand. the:supporl of''their. Work ',exemplifies . .the ri t' . , woChristian lin hilosoh' .. p PY "kno t r1. 1r'in]o To .'nshfit •r farrxi,er fciccuz 1 c s ` dr�c.'nl�,. yin u _y w a c c da'� _, dnc morning " .: ' ; i S 1n r K c Y g na dine' Hospital where' he h .d un; . 1 _:, � a_, dor one .an ewnur enc a; pends . � g y pp S�pc4.ti o n yet has not, . taken any-. definite action, • KEYS, MITTS, WI AT-NOTSSl. a - lost and, found deliart_ hent" at The Sentinel .Office has a large collection of mitts; glev6, keys and what -nota that ':remain unclaimed If • ou've. 1 ' it > s CHRISTEN LAST FLYING ever Ti: .lar es1�`�•airc 2'�'-'= �,. -� _ g r`d et. c land. oz Vancouver 'airport, re- ccived a tum.iltous Welcome from Moro than 20,00Q ..citizens when • the. concluding ; ceremony . of the "Boetn fm.1=d �' atliezar= •• • i o •-a ;.g 9 u erf rt' 'ess' ora. YOL?NG• PEOPLE: HAIR SLEJ<C,%1. Ccattle;:-"Wash RID ;PARS' ' TO: HOI.I'ROOD Ac.companyin'g•..the:.plane were r° f.:1 o e d'im : • : ' n• bombe.. a • `i7:S, ai;rri The } Young Poop�les • 'of, the an,d;, Boeing ",,company officials. I uck•now'United, Church' en'o u Tl`ic' celebration at_.the ,toeing � 7 Yt a very pleasing .trine ,on'Thursd ay' plant •in." •Vancouver• ma-rked ; the evening ; of last 'week ‘When• t e;' • completion of a ro .ram. of PBY jour ]eyed, by` -`team: and sleigh' to construetion' and the beginning the home•.'of 'Mr,. and Mrs::. Jack-i.of work: en. centre. _sections,. for: Ackert of of r oo D ring t, i the 'B- 9, . H y d u ng xh . Ma oi� ''attractio s amongex- J .n 'our Peo le hibits in.the•Boeing lana was the g p p $• f . S p o r, fro m• many, games: .er.e play€id '�an ...2 . d, c laoyetlby the, I after, which hot do - , tants col" BRUCE NATIYE •. V. A recent. e copy a n of the :L d cr (B,C) Optimist,•carni;ed• a lengthy • article;"about a banquetat which • high honor was.,paid Alegi Pater- 1' son+-�long=prominent-in=muni i al 4. and r," provincial 7 affairs; A; in .that province. Mr: Patersoli ' a..n tl"ve of the Second 'Concession iiuronr Town'' ship, .is a broiher!.;of Mrs. Wm: `MacKenzie and Mr. W: -: .I, .Pater- son Pater -son. of 'to wn : The'. banquet ,followed the `r..0-. tirernent of Mr, Paterson -1s reeve of Delta, ,ani. office `-he%had,. held • for;:,28 years, and was:arranged'. by the Delta Municipal Council; Representatives of . the federal. 1 last ;PR fl nT°oat.off the con- and p�ovsnc>aL ov rn nerts '' tom .•,. in and look overthe 'd?'s la`. p .Y Goneo-Wallaceburg . :'served: The, a to thank 'Mr. •'Culbe'i•t for his ' christened', the:',Davi'd 'Hornell, af- tel, :.--Flt ,•:--•Lieut:, •David • Hornell; structiori- ire at_. f o .n s� : :i? _. .... ,..�,�,,�.,_ Valley miinicipa1itz'es,joined With nearly .200:.Delta residents; ori tries occasion`:to 'do. honor to Mr: oung Peoples wish Carradian.l'iere,: ;it was o and • Mrs. Lloyd McNeil have gone' to•'Wall•aceburg-.;to' Ore= side, 'where Lloyd .has been . 'em - f 'p'Ioyed for _the .past month 'l y--th.: Wallac 'burg Brpss Co. Lloyd sPent: the week -end here an d on his • •ret rn was wa a com ante u c d is v A -- .•Les: Pickering-:-uaged financial and. moral 'suppoi_t for • the e: !theneed and v T of after tos a aue er 1. Mrs McNa11 sionary work, which he haid come , Reeeivrn-.Treatnien .'Ori Arm :J �C: Stewart' ;has been 'in h s7 ,., be o ,, CHURCH' ,OF 'THE _AIR DATES joyable sleigh r'i ie :; nd. to Betty V.C.�of .•Mimico, Ont., first Vic= Paterson •. and; hi•s.. good,i.•_ a-nd:Ja,ek for::.e r os italit , tox•la Cross. winner: of the:.R:- C', ill z p Y. Tom Fteed,.,M for;. New'West.. A F. in thisr wa "in terf.: , m s re resented• the ederal •::. BORN government. and Non. Herbert OSMYNA . A K t Toledo -C)hi o.�•. 0 COALSHORTAGE,� E I SERIOUS Sunday, February and Nirs• M: Kos yn ne T Phyl l.is::MacD.onald` -a-son..: i twQ summers spent on"�hone.mis-: ' LloydyAckert n r c ndem ed . racial. and re ilious intolera `ce : as the •g P two 'chief obstacles:. in their' at•. .. ,.. la, h We emphasize thea differences .h.,. - • said,' when we should emphasize the:•similarities '.Do :' we try to: understand French' Canada? he: asked Roy : Watson concluded the ser - • petal • in. London receiving.; treat- FOR' LOCAL C JE. RGYMEN mens;: -on- his -arr1 which-hephas l'ia"d in . a cast since last Au ust�, . g Cler nein -of • 'Llxcknow • and d When ;it.was badly shattered in -district disfrct ai•e in 'char e of'Ghurrsii' .; g an.'accident: at his father s"planin,g of the R ir.,bi oadcasts' eac Thui s h m111. . A: comb .. minist r• of '_. - u 1i. ns � e p b c works and Hon K. C: MacDo n n o lel, ricuitu• re; re;: With' man home' owners regi Y. -1 sr. sc�'apirrg-tie F tdli : of tide rep-- . h 1. r •ritecL. t e-provncYa govern meet , fuel` bin, and .'s.oiaie_definit, :o:ut. "' Y :.: 'the', coal shoe sage is 'belrig .acutely : Crinxa; �of: the evening came : - hen Reeve John Kirkland, who felt :locally : and -just .when fresh..' succeeded ,Mr '• Paterson last'De �u-1:--lies-rive11--air-xve.-seern�-t-o---13e., --- •. , ' •,: cember; presented him with the the:' :$64::question In arty ' event• ,., h; i ..li . ..: iii' c. a r.. e had.occu ed dun the he cies '1 p ,., g. t r a entiftil 's ��1 ' Of van- p pP Y ... t e. , t - eight •. n e years` he served, as ious iialities of'w` 'd. w Y g u oo. avarlable r ' da.';; �i ;'and no• one peed.:be 'without' � mora xr�-at_.1.0, 30��he-fol- 1 fire of •ssortie, sort lower schedule has :been 'm �'., fte:�i + ,. .• .• : .�' �_ • g HA E`A '���IDENT- FREIE ''RECORD ies of .sermonettes by appealing to :hi�s';,_coni<e a.',tion,:W'ao � g Christ with', you' and be a: os.itive Christian in'ours: everyday,life Y... • Spoke Po 41 large'a ''e dr nee remained fo irfeetillg- which followed the church =:,ser vice when Jinn .Seunarine, :spoke- on his : native Island ,of "Trinidad. This Island` .coverin ' 'an area. of • g .18,000 square miles.' and with ''a. xi_ixed - o ` Illation - -o 500,400:'and .600,.000 people is' the most southerly:; of''�a -necklace ':of' islands • linking South. America and Florida'.: The Island w,as disi covered by; Columbus on Jul •: 3`1: 1498 upon his .t .,ird.voyage of..ex-• , h n t ., lie•ae .• r s ntatio o f . •. mei lt, fb1 pee -. ; • proration across tile Atlantic: i Red Indians were, the first in, habitants• of the Island but „they were wi"ed 'out the brutality P by of the Spaniards,: It `was': about 300' ears: later, Y iter iri °1797 that - it. became a British possession. Al, 'tar •the Spaniards, the French ,carn � to e the Island � and ,brought' e�groeS f1;om Africa.'"as slave•lab-n • • ren. _. . . '.: �. p s, Cocoa, sugar -cane; and .its. b.y .product --ter orts[`nt -andG petroleurn• and .ashphalt :the •main rni�nerals�, Trinidad boasts of orae ;of two .itch r lakes in :: . • p , . the world �, of th.e, lar est ` (Jrilited Clturch oi? :o f important, ., commercial• value;, g the 'Island/ 'which has: 300 'corxZ� The, . f - po ulation' is about c1f p o t 50 per I municant_-_iiierrik�ea-s and 1s ,cent negro, arid. about 33 per' cent supporting.' •United :Church mis .form India. Jim's father came dir- , ' , .e., and Mrs. .._ _ sronat`ies,areR v Swan,. ctly fromradia in 1900' as a. 'i'n Ri 'le native and Mrs.' he be ga P y du:�-Priest,' but�;accepted Chris= -Swants`h �-havin• :becnt• at in tia . nit. in 1teaching__.:. . , Y 917 while. ,. , ai dine. .. _. c one'•of our,xriissionaries,the Hindu ,Less than half the Indian.' • o .Lp P language. ; . • ulatiin. is Christian J,ini said, and ,. The'. remainder :of •the o pula•- • • the: Moslem and ' y ;.•. • . that. P p. added t tion is a •mixture .of ,Portugese, rHindu faiths have been strength.- Spaniards, English' and Eur.�opean cnc-i by inermbers of .these sects: +nationalities. Jim said there were :coining -direct‘ from India. - Some Scots there •°too, -and St. An- Though; 'not% Christian : these drew.' night was annuallyobser= e' e. 'are r.catl • interested in people 1 Y interested bd• Christi�ani,ty which Jitn .addeel,. is ;It was in 187.0' that our first essentially how we live not what iriis ss y • •• sionaries',learned of t light sire say and the fact that marry. • the. laborers f .•Tran rt Of id�Ca .. and r st in Christian v show no,lnte ,4 , s1nr'e then, a great• deal has-been'• is thy: i�r�irirlinr�: �f nn*'t:rhe', +;�q,`ti accomplished, Jirn was a memher h r . "' r•^� ,• "' oft � hit, ..,,. ,.. I, a:lA l.al drivers V,L•...Jaa ,"L.a v Jvu Dairies, Lucknow; have establish- ed an enviable anad, probably, a, , , uni '. ue record' ;in th'e matter' .uf i' nt-fr: • rivi '.'Th �uart. :ace' de lee d � ng e• 4 ette, Wm. Llo d Harve : T - f v a _.� .for..the remainde of they • II. J Vickerson=-Feb . 2 Aoi: 26 June 28.,. Aug. 30, Nov•. 1, )ioad-.March' 1. May Julv'`5, Sept 6 G G . Howse March' 8, :May 10, July Y 1'2 'Se';t.' 1`3 :.Nov'. 15. Y p f J A. Ward= -March 15, May.• 1 : July~ 19,' `Sept. 20, Nov.•22. re ea- �.-'W._:_--Stewart- -ar . .. __ ___- 1VI ch -22 Ma 24, July• 26, Sept. 27, Nov. 29.• Robt : McConn 1 t. c `Ma": 31 :Aug.•2-':Oct. 4; Dec' ` I1. `"F.. Dann-Ap r....5, June' •:7 • p + f Aug.'. 9, Oct.11;' Dec:..13 .' 1.1' MacDona d `' - A•.1.2, _ l pr, - :June 14 Au 16`, Oct= -'=1:8 ec,. 2�d J. W Donaldson --Apr, 19; -June 21, ,Aug 23,, Oct. 25, • Dec.: 27 ven Cliaiies•.Stewai d' an er iasalt have had various periods of service .:with 'this. firm=withbut .misha , which ` has brought them worthv,co ition from :the On tarsoSafesY •. �•• League.:, ';Lea g :`•- Ire '-soca -creamier'. su-bscri-bes= 4 Y to membership in' the Ontario Safety League for all itits,drivers and•.fromi this Organization 'C. McNab, plant manager,• has,re ccived' medals- 'arid certificates ,o.f men. Since joining the League., • Bill Lloyd find Harvey, Treleaven have :driven; Silverwood .' trucks foe. 12 yet;$ without an accident, a t ward oaf any kind. •Cha rlie S e 9y cans,. of 'accident -free- driving and George 1'iassa11.4,'.years,. • SPECIALS .in t. Men's and Boys' Work: Shirts; APants, Overalls and Stock, ..T1 -IE MARKET STORE, ' 1, ROU N Brill reeve, of thee, >municipalit : e P Y. ;Tb chair ;had been :installed rn'he Municipal Hall When: the build ing was : completed.' in ,.19,13 and was: still as•:'sturdy' .as 3, the day •'when it., was placed there. - "1 In responding to the jresenta . tionf MMrs Paterson acknowledged Mrs T.' Clark, . Mrs: R: Button, Mrs_, G': '.Taylor; N1.i~s.': Crispin. Mr Th s. C:. ampson, -1VIis.- M. Heiid s M W V 4' h st • Mrs W ust•on 1 '' •'career in thee rovrieial° :house'as .p. 1 the • sound ' advice aeipal�rld support whichBdhades his beenmuriiiven him b _hise_e}- wife , vi ir • es �; .._� �•��. 1 o. n of Mr'Paterson--had --di -'uitht-4 �.._ a stns n Mrs,'C. Cook;- Mrs.- R.' .Thorn -p- T.iberal me be .n . _for the:'Jetta riding. He served `Partywhip, f for^six' rears ,was casharrman'of the' years, Municipal Coriirnitt'ee and was; a a-icmber f-ho--th .- o the ,A ri:cultiir-a-1 son, Mrs. ,R; Roberrtson MG.- rs: Joynt Mrs : E. Robinson h resort Mrs. Russ • Joh`nstone, Mrs:. Yo:ven, :•Miss M. °E AGEMENTS Mr: and M •s: D A, : Mac,Itenxie • of 'Ashfield wish to 'announce•the engagen-ient Ufa:therrJ.'.c e: Pearl' lsobel,.to•'.7ohn .S't . a t Jam- ieson, ;son' of Mr., and •M'r's:' Gordon Jaini.eson of Godeiich, the,: ma riage to take place" -tree earlyspat.t of .' 1VIai'ch. '• Mr. and ;Mi•s• Peter T;' Carer of Kinca•din . f •m' rl I ,e�, OI c y of -Luck - now, announce: the engagement g g , o F ; t4h e'i i' c `ug'ht'e3 ; ' ta-m "' to John.•Sabo of Kincardine:Ant wedding to take -place.the :latter: `part of Feb1 wiry ,f" • ;• Comnii'ttee •anal • the Public: Ac- 1VJ s." Pearlman, Ws': J:; C Mc- .counts 'Committee... Because of his knowledge .of municipal adminis- 'tration'`he was chosen as ,a mem- ber of the- commission which .i n •vestig ated 'inuniciPa1 .finances and taxation' 1 933 n In 1923 -he re resented the B. C,' Government at the opening' of the last link of the Pacific ITighway from Canada 'to `Mexico'. inti„Exhibition ' He ,held umerable o' f is ;' . f es' on �Ex-hibitio n,. Boards ,;and' Stock' Breeders'.. As- sociations: He was; the first presi- .1 dent, of the Fi user Valley Reel ;es',, M 7 Nab,; Mrs.. W. Anderson,.. Mrs. C. Finlayson. :'Mr.s.,:Schrnid;.'Mrs.-P•' Stewart, Miss L.:'''M'cLean, M'rs. Harold Treleaven;. Mrs., H•ar. Ni ve T. 1'. i e e en. v Mrs: s: Y ,f I Murdi-e. i rs. A: Solo L. ``Robinson. ' , • Mrs J:. MacMillan; Mrs H Al - lin Mrs. McKim, Mips.. Donaldson, M's, ."•Hol'lyfnan •' 1VIrs• Y b' • MiicKer zie, ,Mrs, W. 'Douglas,'Mrs.. .Hassall:• THE ,DANCE OF THE •SEASON You'll find. • particular's -of, it' elgewhei•:e in this rsstie,: If: will 'be a ,red lett] r` -e n "fc r -dancers;' and besides; entire pi oceecis: will -be used to send ,cigarettes to Lueknowboys overseas: Bet ' yciu're ' curious enough by' now to ,find out what,'whe're and. wh:n, COMING EVENTS ALIXilelj%RY DANCE. -The Ladies Auxiliary to -thea, t"anadian. egion is fittonsoring a 'lance ::.in the ;Town' Hall, Thurs a rT_ 1<ohriftiry ,22nd,;- 'Carruthers T•�1: rc'c`oti.ntcr, EvCt'r_ ..,, A+ni:ifision 50c,• ' Mrs W. Henderson, -ls - r" Y Association•: w . Mac'lnnes,' Miss Osborne; Miss' .F.. McLean;. .. Iii. December 1942,. Mr. Paterson , via ' ei-1 ' . a ,� �P wed g•r�i4trrra-1 Mia: I3°ickeii1 , Mr . C.: Agne�c , . '; " i eseiltative of .the National' Re sti', Hs WG;,I_. i•s, 1VIacDonald, Mrs.f sources -'Mein ization• Board for B." Mrs, Leishman, Mrs. A, Mac- this P .osteon rias 'demanded C., which: sets' at :Vancouver; and Lerman, Mrs, Hornell, Mrs G`mucof.•`hisr time that it rieeessi-, 1Zatliwel1. tated.hii •1 giving up the reeveshi p, Euchre" ` of Delta, Mr s , .1V[, MacLennan,`•'•M r•s 1VIr,' .. andi'Mrs.Paterson have ;aBr$oks, ;Mrs A. Durnin,:Mrs.,.MsQu..ardotri-caughrers-xrBrrtist r :• .. I`i rn 'i's' • Columbia; 14-i.,a- 't`",=L•Ioyrrl -Mi s:- P. McCa11. s ste°s `livitig "ati D."e'7ta.� �1V.1. , , , .•. M'rs. 'lt7tieravish, Mrs. M. `Orr. r - a ,. Mrs. ., .Pater son. has resided. there .for 47.: 1 . Mrs. Kempton •' Mrs, Gillies, ,years and •h •n • y as see many changes • . Mrs, P.. Johnstori,�,Mrs. L: Purvis. 1 and im rovem;en in that i • 1 p .Its . t nae, - Mrs.' Black Mrs N Ma Ca1ki i% o : .Mrs.• 11.edvers ,Johnston, Mrs tl1 was responsible for. Sproul Mrs. C .Steward Mrs D Rus-' ton,, Mrs. Shirley, Mr:s, J. Hall,- 'Return I?roni i♦Ialtoi Subs it • e to cites : � Mr, -orad IVlis, Sanl•Cupsl:cy, an Bridge substitutes, not reif'atrial havec returned to,. Belfast • • ously hissed .arcs liver ' White„ Wh, ite,Mfrom Malton, where SAM ll. Itrs. 'Durranppyed at the big bomber plant; MacDonald,'fon, rfioie than two years.''