The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-02-08, Page 64 • 1.1111). tatimullt.n‘ re • Wc 1 The. Lucknow Sent>tnei, Lucknow, 'Ontario MIDGETS BEAT KINCARINIE 811 T.ES .Y-•••NAtGl l`P';' Ltf laipmf":1kii et'rs- ':0 istlV4-P• Second Period Er l C: f1 .sA, 0,00 rrlan) 8 to •1 victory Dere on . 111.1eSslOY.T artiley -Mi xitP night with Kincardine the .visit Third: Period ing team•. There was action 'Lucknow--G, Chin throughout, and in less than Two, Lucknow--A, Chin,: minutes. of 'the, first period; -each: •Lu'c ;now-rt-Roliock. ores ands' as: well the Lucknow-B," Chih . -lid e was Luck ow ::,,B x,ehYn ,• Kincardine :goali'e, YCart g , , un '. Burrows , •t 'or' `re� ars, 'Yo g .15.x, 'the-,nets,�which was. subsituted ;in , the first time 'he ,ever had. the meads on, -an .mdid- a good job:. 'The wore by periods „'vuas 5-1' arid 8-1. • George- Chin ac counted for :' 6 .• of the. Lucknow :goals, and •Jack Stewart got 1 the, :ether 2. Bird .scored Kincardine's •' only goal 35 seconds after the, game opened. ' Kincardine -. Goal; Cartlidge. Burrotws; Def,, Ross, McGaw centre wang; Hollrl'ees;^;Con;-` "Hell; Alt ; Bannister�Small, ,. Ball; Bt-ariley-,41.ar-riso-t Courtney CREWE 4 Mr. ails Vernon• Hunter ori Sunday • with cher parents, Mt:".and •Mrs. Thos. A'°' Lspe:nt,.,Friay with. Mrs. and• Mi.•s.. Sat e i rlPatiffk-'•: •r. Beat 'Haney -Pr 5-1 night. Hanoyc r `On Monday. :nig...,.: , ,., ... .' .,,• :. Y . 4 es onsrve:..rea mg' was follo+vecl thr augh to: ;,Dungai�nbr : ° bwever: There .in the last game f ..R p d'and', played by prayer; .by. ; Mrs. Cecil Blalcc�: he well ].vows otir•. winters- • ' Curran. The ,stud quickly .:adapted--- himself --_-:this: and Mrs: Jack. Cul i Y q ':ok 'West- of 'the Date Line", ''bo , '.was 'givenby Mrs: •Bert , Trelea- ven. 'Nirs; Rivett: sang .a sole fol; lowed by a reading by Mrs, Fin- nigan,;'During'the business :period. Plans were'. made to have a bazaar in:..the s.pririg and: Mrs;" Treleaven • letters of thanks for:i•'fruit interest,. - sent to :.the; �rck„- and •.from ..bo. rate �.< �.�� _. . -- - tier•' rniY” ro_ i�ri• � y-e�5p ..,. •.. ; : 9 ..-. : ; . nernt ; Ha:nove>,a• seas: ` The:• Meeting then •etosK. - team, a ,hard=hitting defeinse and' spent .'These 'ay everlii�tg via (;and_ Mrs. Cecil Blake: • The, I/1ontlily "ineeting of•, the at• the ,hoi1ic. was• held � � Mr's. Cecil .1' 1ake.on,T.l urselay af� r o:n, wi:th •a good ' attendance:'. ae no -� /The', minutes and icil•l.:rtca1.1 • was "given by Mrs, Clifford Crozier. i`. D U N` G AN N 0 N' TIIURS.;,•FEBRV'ARX :8th, 1$4 Pilot Officer jack Caesar, who; 1.14 Will- Caesar is home on furlough i ---P- 't i i - , ! e Wleft tlae first of last .week'fig.,. the' West.:. Coast, leaving 'behind:warm. the • �,...,•,11 ,vx.,, yr ring.out nicely.. a:; • r• .xt�c h _'on �', E�n.hr. :r:a'-:.rr•.GFadcri Friday night, he found our'th Ings- for. him had changed,. .a little, hearing that high',banks of snow-.. ,and blocked ' roads; were having, him .'storm .stayed, so near home. �`io��,t ver; r a k:Triade, ,his 'way ho� c ,e:the `neap afternoon, -,after:: The: caterP illar :Sr,Q rplew:.came'. ' • ncjer Clapsmen auspices n- The, T�own;� .I-lall • the schedule-- and p- avided _..the biggest threat •of the': season for. the Leafs:•who; finished' strong rn c .. the last,. period 'to ,chalk• up. a'' 5 to 1 ver dict.' The visitors ,didn't help their' cause by running into,, a ,strixrg of pen'alties iri;,this fi arrie: The game was spotty, produc ing: some ' good` as,'well as .: sorno .very mediocre_ . hockey ' but wit. :Week to our,winter sports and 'is enjoying his visit very.:mtich' His last, leave, home ;was. in •August;' when he' .received, his.cominission, aS .Pilot -Officer: ,.. Mrs. H. J. L, Eedy has this week attended-th'e•funeral of het uncle,`=..Mi✓ -John Mundt Of'. Mil:- v rt n al .o:-remain�n -..a-fe' ' days- e o s g e11t boXe5 ... � ..... _. _ f ' tl ectators--vtew v-,lro 'rad..,,. on• - �vrth i e l atrves th'ero •• Lucknow-Goal, McIntyre, .def. wzth hymn 453 an. e press. e.n . nod iiui'cIr W - Salkeld .`C: 'McMillan, :