The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-02-08, Page 1• .',,,y,•8 y•.,-,,, • , • ••••••• ; ; , • In co, AVanCeLEXtratOUSA. LUCKNOW. 1945 • • ER T I T.W0'11•11'W ME51BEIts ' N • _ BPARD OF L'DIJCATIOSi t7rEms - Qne ol thehigh1ightscf•:-.the annual meeting of the Red Ciosf *SO'icty hekrlast week, was the ". report given by Ws. Wm. nor-. • tiell, chairmari--of--thb — • " r• =Gila „PAGE'S • . • , • • •• • • • • 1‘1.811.4•ING LIST, COIt-RFCTED 1.,0:r;•..1.I.•• COUPLE ARE • .FIVE 'THOUSAND • • •.i•IrrY 51ARIIIIED•!* • • -- • • • ',Seiltin-if.--'iltaiti-t,tr-liftt • , "RAISED, FORTRC --- • - •- - C„*„ - I. Y. - -.11.wr 144. kAlek-Wilg - the :Board of Education held Tuesdar•ifigbrt, t\vo rfe*erribe:rs," took their .place at ;the Bo d They Were. GOrdon Taylor,: who -succeecip•-4.1%---13-r-t-Allin and-- IV: wtir.Work ComMit-tee and which Mergan -Renders-6n who • is the is pnblished•hereWith:' . „ To the •Presidekt and 'members-. s'•.tAe. , LiticknOW. and Vic!nitv ' day Eel--)rua•ey- 5th.. Subsprib.",,, . • . • • • • -and Mrs. towni: arid' -forialeply of‘,5t. Helens, pbgerved 50th." wedding IliN'C'T`gi:ti'Y, Their ,rnany friends in ;ther1$1-41 Wufw4rrrd CTS:are re -quested - -- the. date on their --addires, 'label, to cletermilie if proper' . label reads "44?, sub,•...'- • . • _ . . . . Lucknow- and :4‘4.-eknity,--Bt-arieh-of the Red: Cross Society Was ,he),13 • ,• • fn the Town "gali on Friday ey-: . • ,..%)ngratulatIons: W,ishess. I The prest4ent,-.C..',1:1'.. •Sinith, W,ho, • ; County :Council ..apriointee•:. -a-ila .--soio°P. 4as•:'ePlr9•'...Plea°,:•-••• .•6 ti-il,, .egfeetna-• CO -d'•' -71,O ,..-... :.. I ' ..• • §ugb,e,e0S....Ors..-.. W.". 13. ',Andei.ViL 'renew 'PreinPtlY. - '''' *C7 ::. ' . ' ' • We. • und--6:gtand :.1„1--t a-1"..fa'Y;..i'lly.' . • )•rl.a.:.,4.1,gi,c,n,a....1.?0.4,0y.a.:,,i,,,,,,,:,.,,,1, ),/, of .ft,...., , ... , ch.,. :The;;:ri,e*:,•.:_:.giafrin:qp," of the ,•:134aVrri: ''''''''' • ' ;7. ..."''''••:."'-' '..;Y:- .•;--." ' •:• • fijiti'ii...:1• i-1.-ig‘ ill b 0. held . to • Ob.Sprv.. *OS d•rgank9•1a.,":...wa:..Y...!•••11? chair,....'° • •,' ' , , .,.... , . • • •,, A . •;',..• • ran:eh:of :the RedCross ' ... ‘.: '. is J.......1„e, •'MeMli'lart. ' • . ' " •-1,', ...• :• ' • GALit"*E Init'EAl'EN:11)' 0.14: . ' .....th.. :occasion -Who'll" -..iVeather, .cfen-, and, was re-elected....president........• . , •, „ .-,., !.....;„.*••••..• • r, : ..,......14.4. .• . ., • 4 • . r . . "...It gives me pleas4re • to. Present.... ,.. • . ." , . ... . - • • ' - • ••• ,' . • . • .: . - . ..., :. .ditlbns••are mere:14.-verable„:-..-,..,.1161.Orts :.'submitted .- b(:.11,ived : a.: '..'', , • , . URDAV., ,. this ,b,p ort„, ":and • gii'm credit,' to ll'AIR BUCKTON, RETUR.NS' • •:-.,..,:'. ' '' ., '. ...”:"'"--. ' • .'.: .',.'••••• :' . '• ..1. . ".. ,.. ',....; ...' . ,'• ,',. ' ''' :..,•• :1 y6er laCti.(7.' and ,SuegegifUl." year.• ; ... : ii,. *., • ...,' the. Jocal...and--YUral. 'Women,' who TO TORONTO TO 'LIVE : .,.. - ' • 'whel., . gasol4le.,,.f.1-qliqs: ••• :NA;/.9.N , . , . • •• 'l '' • •:-.. *,: .•-* ' ' • ;:: • ...• ' • • • • • . • I : total' .• .,-' .''' ::•. . •dcspite.••••:a .".. Most.. unusually - busy. ' ' '. : ' •---'-4----- ... • ''. - ignited by 'a lantern; ' the fiar..a.te., :H,Ap. -.DRE4D.F.i...*,..,.. TRWthelraised for all purposes ... : ;,...'... : -...... . . • . .• . . .• ,•,..• ... ..,.: . , .... ;: :..... during 1944 was $5 070 1,9 ... •' • • • . ,,..?.. .y.0.4.j..,•on -tbe.• farms , finel l'il the . Mr.. bild. MI.'S'. lierh:','Euekt'on• at :the, home of ,Harold ,TreteaVen .QN. .R.,47.Y1•TN: VI:WA-0E7.- • . - :. .• •• - .'" .... : accord- homes.have bpipe.4 .A9. e0Thialete 'arl(-1 . 'children • Marion .and '13illY:..--W.A.1..t17ireatened 'with. destruction ,, . :, ,:. trloved... ,.. ta., •Tortmt6 .1t ,, \veck..... on .,utorday<.oveni,ng, ,,,A ,fir.c..4...1 ." Ivi, ii,.s.. • -K„• j•loo-per ..w.".11,0..r-en_ti....y..""-1.J..M...r,... ...,.T, '.2.k.. ,;ThO.,..m.:,,,Pso.„n__;;._..ho...$3,17e_:•-; • :' ., . - :''''' - - ' " ''''' ' . .) this : tasic, ' -' ' • ' ",* : '•,.••• . • ,. . As.•, in. -...the,... last year there. is w.11Pr nOrb ..ha,... secured 'ti .,po,..'.Was . tU.rned .i.n.; bUt2. 'be. for;c7"th'n. :returned.. to ,•England,, 'Writes: to I P..e.e.cle.F1...hP...14:t•P' Mr,''V.*Nd 'PPest" 1.'.::' '.....".:.• •• .: , ' , this '.,total.,.. $46524 was . sub-:. .. • ',.....- -,,„" • ...• •. • . .difficulty_.'i in •seetiring,"•:Maferial:,. tiOn? , as serk!or ••di,tift.ima_n: in • the: ..f.)yigad. . re,.sj,ionded,", • Silo*. :" .wS .1\4i5,...1.4..d.ia • P.hijiii -.th4: 014.'....1:14:•• scribed 'during .-.t.be•'. ',Red Crop,s:_•.:.`'',.:, ' -...,.• •.....• . . eSPeciallyjOr gullts ,but ',none .the engineering'. •office of ".: C'ener,a1 14sq.ct,...i.O., good effeet\,in, c.'ctirigit..1311-. .Lt „"d4'.eadfarff.:•,triii,;-•,:,4,q....1.1'oppe.r.. -:..' ,•300-41iiiliti.4.h-aie:-;--,.VeeiP.'--iiiisp•;'•-SIO'a4-Walf6s:T.;i-itillt4z0061-fathi,,.'„,....-:. :OA- ••••• ti1i0. :bjaze..,.4„:":• --,,,.., -, ,- ...• .„,...J."7..: •,..-.-• tsa:liedk,:fratoz.,_:.ybroc_• on - Nov- campaign if cir ..- funa'at percentBf:' 0 'I ' ' . • ' '...• ' ' ...,.... .,._ • _,.. .., .,•,....-. ••••,...'''..:'.:erat.ed, c9untrieS," .45cr Army and gcl,(Ac4idd,' in•':'...rorentO, • cdniing• to • : " ' : -,-.'• ' ped,..70.87articreTof elOthinelmade. ', .-F.'•'-i; -Hei'b' It -Ig. -I.' case of e•- . - • ' -•,••• • •---- - . ., •:' for. Bombied.',Victims,:and for lii:).• furrling hotly... He :wa.s.'born',and. SECOND': ROUND' ' . • • . ." ' • ..• •• • •'i Friday before Christm:p.s.. she :was .:11.,elocal ob3ective was, $2,890.. . ,... •," , ; ...,,,...,,i i , ' 1710 110111 ?:: ei; : 3. i:?: ci. 1.• ,Il 7161: „'. (i 7, i-, destinationti.h?, t. _i_ti` er 1." a' -t `.i i. r, , Ig.,:,..‘ti).:!!sh:.:1:,'.74"5.---fts,e,fa,,,AL:ritext: jogua:i*e'r-au:::;:i'ia-lii:i'cl:eniri'ott:t'llaiiii:eCleyTt...-::::.s., • ......;!.•'''''..': ... ,...., ,. ,.-. ' ''• :••,• ' , /1,!..• ',11,....•,:. ; " ',....Air'••Foree. -comfort i; ;104 SettlariS -KifflosS.•-ele.v.04.•• years • %vhe1e UsARATHON-DRAWH ...."visitin. .., With one ,,orTher, ;clau.g . . . , : ' : ' .• ' ' -.' .ters at the. tirne. of •• writi:t•Pg:,•,':47.7 I .D..°•••••Tilli91-17'.'41erway 1 13ja:ni.g.mil,*6hjoilAilli...aFilt,..-°.' . ., • ....'.6.6triiOrts, g56 'hospital... supplies', • .1176 :t,,Pught.' tb-e..farin l'Of.,:the-ip.te, '':.......'''190. 'articles for •surrivo.rs bundles.' •Kenneth;. MaeDonald . a.nd . where- 'The' •1_",cties..-.AU).'<iliary'' to ,' rthe ..otber 'ld.aUghter '..."Wa.'.ii-i .'Pran:ce . t... ct.. ,,......,.,. ;_ ... ,.. , • .. . . • ls,0:0-90.1.1-,0•40i0sts.'6.n,,,1_,19acca,...1:••••:,,...,,:,;,...',.........,,i':•,...••••,,,.....-:_:...•..‘,.•:',,...:•,:",,......, t:77'777.-fiTIMMig0tral- of ••-21:08;$itideS.,..' he Pb.";tirted......'his-Iii*St•tarrnineejc•"..,- Canadjan • ":Legior. ,:,-:':':"./ S.. '..-.."Cti..r.,-re.rif.b7,- --t1,1:,P.O.:14h.‘Kit--2'-.'•th_e::: :N421-• ''oecup.a.t-lo...'nif "L'.9".1.-•?r,ge-y.i.,II.:71,11-it,,'...:ftt.:.e4'v . ..._ ....„.„.•_. •.,•._ ....„,..• • . ....-....Junior, Aeci. 'Cress' made 100 perienee....For ,the:pa.st?three years hOlding.'a:.bridke '.nd. etiehre''mar-- *ben contact One With tl-ie Other' . ,i't•J:ole...',.of•-:, infants Wear:. 'Under• .1-21,..r.'i.v§:*-'er,r1i)loyed'!at. the Maple 1 Oh': ..WaSii.rnPOSSIi!le:,:•.' Siriee'tdhen N.1.1,, /.,•,..'• tYoti'ild'." and . Stewart, ,Wr'e: a' -- ' '' ...' • .' '''`.•:.: 'it': '.' , •• . • „ • ed . ,.. -obtliing .were,doilate-d;tWitheri::::: ,.• : • . ,• ' ... : • • , l-te.-ri-!be:i-t-7-''''a4s.).'eetQ7-.7rslile'SP..'17srl'uer;lati.'3'w.e4.)tt191: Poini :icl...''''.*Ig' ..1...4..f;;:l:'H'''' ''.1.1:1.ioPn' 4 t.1,0i1.., •.. Vf.41';i ..,' got ,•tide.i.i.waY..• '''-'•'-.iti4lie.f -48- ' • '-• 'f LeatAir&aft_lplant: ' '''. •', • - • • • .• :••••'• -MOhday.•night "an4 'Wilr.coritinue.,••••1469 ''‘ :h. '•'• • ' „ .,• ....-. • .- • ..7 .. •.`T.P"'•,:c!'''''4'-'' ..''' ''. - •.' ..!' '"7-r' ' .' '• ' • ' each .Mb. fiday-'-' ..\ren4ni-71,01-04-k-4' . ' . . ' c-..briuriCh service .on• : nn. ay, •even- . ,•.. . • ..; ,.,,,_, , •••_;!,,,,,....,'--t .860gbt .WaYtiaffiosh" Farin...• • • :.7., • 'week.s...' .•••• • :.:,, .. ..• '. ••••.'• '... • • ." .., ': •retqin• • . • ••... • - - • • - ' ' '' ' March - • 4th,•••• preceding i'' the -; ' .. , ,'.. , ',-,..,,,, ". '''''• f•',.i:citIsi,-.: belt); ,..frOtp ' rural units, ' Ike', : , . ., : . . , , : ,......., •dona.ted -. to. Aossi00.......,1,elel.:,1 .46.. ,, .Ar.:ric.,,44.:1 Woodk.4p,s .bOi;igh,t ,:t,lic • .:,: Any.One,. unable t� play .mtiSt..: ....,, Mr,''..,.....HoOper,;,. a ''.• .nriatheniaticS1-°Pen:111g.'.°!f:'tlle','.Fan:IP.A,ign'•'...•: .', '.,'',•'' . ',7.,' ...... . ' s .. , .1: .: ,' ...: , ''.1.i ' ..•': '.':': . ., .. • - „•5 • • , _..i, • i ' .' The ':WorkrooinCornnalttee - re • `.:',••• • .... ... - , ,...s ,.., .,.. :,....,..., • •-,..--.••••,..-:0;inityra--i-i.-kis• tif--„6--thii-ii-e-a-ica--•f.arin,,,,.east'•fof... -.. • e ens • belong-", 'arrange :•-•fer"--,--h-er-oArp--s-ttbstitu-te."- -Proless-oi•----and---forme.r • -paare at • ' ,--. ,,.• . • • • - ' - • 7.,- - ....MOGI* estate b.f. the .late. Jacob -In • brid,g"e ', 24 hands will be pla.,,,,,,Port'.A1Vert Air,' Navigaition sehi-.)61 P9r.i !,1.. ,.3.1:,...- -. -,--:,S g • . FP . Y.' lYir..,. .-•:••••',.'.. ,- ., ••• ••.,••••• ‘, , ',. ,; ,.... . 41' pir.,-9f.,...Children.'S Mitts.. ...' ... :' . ; In •MarCh • it was my privilege ..1"!e.r,:.' '- .••,• '7'.' '' : • • 'i •• ••'' .'•''" • a ' ed.: 'RUblerS. Cotinf 750-0 and " VOic.-ig•-fqffilifii.fri•°.:i•ti :The'. StafeP''."--'''''' " 1-101,r11111,..• ,ls, p11.12 IShc,1-.-,14-1,-thl-.--7,-----,,,,,-.- ..--•,-- - ' • r 4,1 . ' AP . atteiid .a '..rrieeting:„Jn.*.TOrOnto °' '. :,•'.:' • ,.• • • , ' • .. '. " .., - '','.', • :' '',.• :With 300 "'for an unfinished rub. :' ••• 2 : • • : .' - ''' ' - •'•'" •• •••7••'H •'';•-•::',.'•iss'',e'' was .1:r...:ttll!'.'' endorsed' • " bY'':'• • .'''..• ''• •••••:.- •''''''."• , . , , .... , , . .. , 9f -Workroom con • eners ' which • — - : ' . 1/ ' ' TO ....PETITION. '.7.T0'.., ',•:-.- • ::... •.' ...-; • . •play•••. - 1;.•••• . • - . f 1 W bei • In •euchre • 24 rounds ••• . - ' - • • • • •• .- .. . -...,•:. . •",,,,,,.-4 '..... •. . ,g,.,..... 7 \ ••••. .• : •• ..7;11,, - T • ; - : • paid was ,,, , ,,' .,•.; .' , :,i. .i. .••*,, ..; , •. • • •• . ' ' - • s ' ' • . s).', .,..c' '; !'' -•'•:' t • e,,m'eetin .:'•arici.M.r:• S ith ' • *d • ..,' ''',.' •• . '•'' :)'' , , , .. • i • • • • • • 1 .• •• •• 0 , ES: HliSTON , tribute to''the 'ladies :for ••the: ,real- • : -•• • • , • • ' ' ..-; ... • • was-m.0st :intcreStirls and.:'inStrue'f; ,' • ' '• ''''' ' - ' ' • •',• •-• :': ' •1•"- - .. ' .... The •,dr'a,w••'for:',,the'oebto...tourict . . ,.. .: •-• ." •• . • . . . • ‘. . , : ..... wQ1,71,t,\,' ';t4p.y.'..4ye , ging.. He . also. ."' • "....li:Ve-and7--.W.as-,-PrO.UkL•7•7.toS-rf-indirt-1-.",, . . .• „, .. . D. PAVED' ' - ' ''. BAR -131E ' ' ' '' - . '''' • . • _i;.%',...as„fatiow.s-,LAv_i.t.h.4..b.g41.17.st_npnl,,,, .. . ..• . . .., ..• Work .. CoMpared.• very. favorably : • : . • ' .:ed Of: •,each feursoMe.....to act, as :,.,- :•..'. '''.: ' • • : .: . . . - . , , . . . . • . . • _. • - • ' • . ,,,-, ..,...;.. 'Lpemted•,70-14-Ttlia.t : the, -Canadiatr-:--ii.:2 .-.2..:?:, •,:•!: .:• f :". ' ' .',. .....;......": ...,' A buSi..n.ess -"---'---ti.ansa , • ''' : '' " .• ••••' I Red Cross haS:Shipped',•13,5011;000,:. ' •,:. .1., ,,,.. ••• .. • ,. . : • ..with • that • :from other•••warkrooMs..:,•...A.t„.,the'V.ebrilary 'Meeting Of ..ti-A.,:.hoSteSs.•••,. . • :, , .• ,,.., ..' ai,94,07111.1.-1"311. boxes to, Allied i PriSoners of: War.. ..,,.:.„ ,,,L .Tlie :deCm' ipil: 'dn.. ti.),,,... paiht"eo,,f. iie:t...,,,iViliaAe: Council ',en Itte.:137. n1g1.4, . ' " ::', .. ' , ,.....„Etiehre : ' : • ,' .,••:.- loc0.1.,in'teresetOOk„efect ,....„., on Molrif"-A.t,Crorn letters,rCeired from :1?63's.:' : .",. ‘ ' ',.. • : - Off' .2e .. rd. 'diserjri, tan.Y.e. i..4ii,E_.01,7., , ,ftie,:-:.A...v.-14d:-.-,krdocictect„.to: jpifi..•.-1.-ho• :„..-lyrrs•.--.T.lqa.c.Volinan,'-ivir:;••4•...,-09.1,..7.-..:(1-4y.,.. of......thi.s• ••:\-k•.e61 ....when , J.agla from.. • .,thiS ;'•'.6bin.ititinitY•• ' Wild' ' are'. .!•''. ''' • ..• e -:Of. branch! . , .. s7,giving,,.. . . , '0,OO•d_;*Oads4:-A-Sso,c-laiti-on•-:'-and-'1.api,/-'1-Avi,i4,..---W-,r•Ya-,--1.1Wr• .1‹:ctiiP.' ,C;oibliefl,.toc-rk (-'i.-igr ..,WeSs.Hilstonpi.iohei...; ,'.i,v:e: know what `this. " '• . •• . ' • ,••., . ::', • .•;•..1sj.-eo• ..tt.e• •ei .c.0?),fOrt.'s' .t6."... ,.,..eipa.e..... ' each.'boy "who„.:i7Pir.lti::(1••Aeove ,,,Toyrit .,.:a8: R. dele, ;Joh.. :, . : : . . :,....., ., ' : ••• •. • ..• ......„' barber. bu' c:iness. , :-' - • :', • • • I •••,' e 'means ' to them in:- :81,is'•-•• :::' •• . -.-- : , . . • .. • . . . . . . . , .• ::-.aisted ',*.as: .. ... . : '.• like ,06: i.-.-. . .... ''':-!--. ' 1"--- . •• .;°.----.;:afg-6---opointing.. ..., . gate,,,t6 :the 'cOnvCntion” to he ;11elkl: •• :',I.rs,•'J, 1.-IpOl..[7.1\lir.s...c. Stoward... ...It, 'Was - 1.lie • a' bolt:. from- • th0'.I t i' • -.-•g•.:fit• ..r. tr pgth and health, -'•''.. • - .. •: • , , • •. . . ,. . ••., , . • • • • e.•11.'1.11; • . to 'Sm.' al; l' branchc.. . .. in•••'.Co.ronto the end'eF:the thciti.t...11 ' Mr's:, RedverS •JOhnston•,'Nli's..-1)1:.- bhie' O'n • Ttru'",-sdcy when 'word 401 ivi%.,ih,....... h ' *C1' ' ' • '•'' ' - .' Y• ,". ''' • .' .. , , , , • . strlylp.:..Y.01‘<j-i7cIrtfri."4 . Nv4s. 91-4 :..Qt1A-- .' ' Th -i-4 1.041-4441-1. •1-1110Pos-AT, t-1-140,4-..I.A.kr-s•t.6m.•'. •': ••• ':'• ' • . .. .1 '',. • : .... . , ' around Out. The .ci.,a .W.'1--•- ' :•1.t.;•ws's... repOrted„..:that ',the. Wo- - • 131eCttires .. and, pratical woi t . , brse •co'nsistAriL. • • • • • - J. i• .,Ti. •,. ;., , •rot_i.i.i.121n..... Al1-:11,71K-.--:-.,-,i,s:-.-. •-• .---,-,.0 i , , . ,. . ,. . ,. .4-c .. (:, .... ( .. . • „ , , dels0-1:1-..:Ind 1NTr..=',.,.C•; D.... - 1....- ...,. .- , •,,.. , ..:,.2::-...___,. :.: ..... -- ,,-;,...' :.‘ -.. i Bi ue Mi nn -m .. .' • cOritt. With :t.tiral -,urnt5...',, • ' '.' . : .. • . •.. . • • . • • . . . - . .4•",:f.e.k)i.utipp. be:. sent....liv'0OUrieil• -....•-•Nt.14,-. A::: Il\ifeTa.vig 1.,•.,...1•17.s.• SDrolA. throughtL";'•••the...ndaessart PaPel''s I ,Iyi•oh. War ,W•orkers • .d.on'Imittee .. ... 11, . , -.' ..V`i.41.ir I..) . l_.•i:_ritl,,...-llikh-Vt•.;i:,:sL,N-7.rr,,, -7,:,"":"•:11.acc.111•1•11_,-n . '21,1,....4C,,t '.i7L''',.:.•_._4.,.„, :.:...„. ,,.....,:',.• ::,-• •-•':1,:ii.:. . :,....7.„. ... ' . : ,'. ; 1- .:i .--t,:tyroATkr..44*:•Aia:...670-1.ok;,-;fit„-Urt:•.--iv;to-i=t-7 - • -7•17t":'''.177 in 'a . to.. thOl tmber,for,litir.011 .7,1, ...7.'. :.1:`•1‘.. M.; .0'....";. 7\'./..,1'?,.,. El; 41 . ;. : 1\.1.11'.:-”... .1,..h.‘ , On' 8_•,-1.-1-V.1-...1cry nig .t• Nes: lo6,,.,, 5,,a„q...H....0.711.4.0s. on, . i\: ..,s,. \v--13,.,' .....h . , ...., ..,.„ ..‘,:.±.,_, . .,,,..... ..,,R,..; Z.Oiric'''...'7.ildiSing--,•,",c' . . .";H•11•••••., .. .rt.:157is •••'..:(1‘.il•f..6.11'6g1..•:••••;•'" '0.te.'°t••.:''°' 6. .1.1' ''..f.'•-••• 1) 101 ."1...4 ' .4int.):(4‘16....'..1-1J-iii.k•-f.7•7777-7 •-•.'Mrs•-,.- :Xi'. :Tif,",.....:L•_. TX:,1"\-111',..' 1,1:, P,i1\,:i:(1i..'•..c.s._.':...1::.••••.: ,,,ir,,,,!*:•,:t11)„,...,..17„,t1:;;;;(...•(,:,:_r--,..1,1'1.1.',1),:1:)°,,::,,t.,,„1. th.,7,1; ,1g), 1:,,i C‘...:17,;s1 1. If P6d- , : .. those '29 i . 7.. .s:. ''.. the ...prirl._. . ,, ,.., ....... .....: .....,.. ,,, 4....:.....,;,!, : .. ••••, ' ,.... li•:: ;for 'tliOsre. ;conductihg'..the :.:.,,:„;[•,•:..•••• ...ounc1. dl"l) 1)P1 01(5." -i• • ;•.,: " ' -;•:' -, • •-• • 17. elge ' '".!' • '''' • '''',1.,'-'--,,' I i"''''11 ''''.1.1'''.'' T11( r-.0,- .\!V rio:on: ., i• 1-0t3*' ''•who ...1 o'inea . ., , le :. . . . .• , • , . ,, . , , • • • • ,• ••• . . • , . , • • • . •, ''''mg tilat-tr,..iglAYaly ',81.i .Irpro.:Wir•fwt: ',.'.\•3',.....,,f.,T3i.;().01.1.-.,: . • I's. ,.. ., - .c..• ........ • •a. .c.i. • ,r .., ,.... ,.., . , , ,...., . . . . , . . . --(.:f7.1.nt.7 '',',..".•..,.. ,..(12s.ligilc;(e. i'•:1,14.,/l..orsf....bWpi: .....R1161nilc(1;'):v\v1.18._•••1.:::,14.11;kir. ,..,• .• -• , ,•'' 1.1., c•e(ii.eiTh:, Bii,v: •z,h.',.11."....::\,5.p.s ..T.., :mark. Mi§s,.P,,'.7.`,.1.e.'1'4'.'T-1,....:f.!..111., i't, in ;, •t:,.•,,,.. (1.4;•,;,..ii 11 :. (rf ;her ,.1)).„1.7.,'. 'forc.r:1::.;d:Liting the ear , .7., •.* . .. . - .! •••• '•''', . _••• ••• . • • • . • • • • • • .• . ,,,, .s 17...„bylyri.:54 ,,ent.i...,.flobertsoni ..4.4le .6Tiiti.i'!1'('I'.-1.id•I'',L), :t1.0.C.tli4-..--ABL--.'.. --14,1"..:•....U;'''..L.44-1)'''14.''''.:''';' '..f. ::;'...,7•WA;:'71:41.:.!'''•''i .1*. ;.("1',..):',''.'-;..,i',1"1,.;'Y1'it&T$717.1.1,',. :' ,.,'. ...'•.: :T:T"'O'S (1 iiiil OS :.,, C ti,t,1115b0 1 . 17•911Orripso`h,,, s0('''AtiPns•• - '. : ' ','''' • '• • .' ' ' • - ' .• ''' 11•'''''' '!'' • :: ' .,. ' • ' ••-,.- '•••• ' • • • ' '-'0..P'`).`•` c••)... -''',....,..c..-:: .•. .. .. , . . • . . . . . . • • • • , • : / ing t9 the report of the treasu,rer, • , 1 . • • ' ' • ••• • • • • • '-' ''T''''''1:' . ''': .'''' . .. : ....I' ,' f :1.-• '' '; ''' " ' ' - - '''' ''...• •• -',.'i :\'1•••foict' \x'.,s h•qs, bov-.• • .. . ,...•.- .• . , • ...„.., '•• Recye '..:Expresses ':° Ap.nreeiatiijilf.,' • •-•..1".4e.f tire' ,the. •meeting • adjdurried. ..', :.'1110 • 'ten cl01-•" cif . t.114....21,0ck•rrov.'• .. ,;;;;Vi..1.4....W.',1:,....:,l\l•aCT1.17i0.;:.:K.rs.,".\\ ,. • her :,d • .in •• 1...n c.:1,..• nb`ve ',„:,ftir-•• s o-ni e- ..._ . .‘,K0 eye; .J.:.' W„ . Sdyrit• wag called • .4in: • ..%„•••...,,,;:•:, . ,rtv,,nni11 . Ccoripativ. NI' • 50 (0 1' 'Al)(1(...ir .011 ,....A1•11,:S -I,'„ :11(:)birl$:011, .:NT1"••••,.• 1..c'rcof v-02-11, .kozirs, ,.. T-TtIstoiV.S.. "11.a.,' --fl'ir,70.1.iii \V'.(i(A•1 ' kr' 01.0 T 0\1 i '.Ha.11‘ E, Iloltinson. - . . • ', • ..„ ' •• - .1,-1• ,;.rio.w. wa•-•• ',.,;!(,',11 -11-id 'effiel eh 1 tv .1b.r:.• 2-'4'..6'‘''''\''''°17ds'. 146 etetlded 'his*;:'''." '''...f. ....:'1'. ' .. , , . , :personal 'congratulations ;5:45 • Wr,.1,1: ;-•• ••• .. ' , ' .. -,•••,.. ;.. ' t '.`" 64.0CP:frt... Cord: Nv:0•,y... a-,CeNA0d•'. ' . '.1i•; -z, ..\\'', ,S0-12111(11...lvirs....)tritr : f 1.cl;-ati‘d' .1iiii .th..e., ,,propr)etor:. en- .. • . ,•., , .• . . . . . ' -• ' '' • ' ' • • • - , 4,', r..•:, ,...." '• :•:',,,.• ',,::' ;:,-.. . , , • . . Foiir•' ...ten lers • Were, yeceiv,eci. it \'t rs, :Hay V.C.If. TIC.O•11':,,"„0,11,. 1)ift.SS ...Vt..' Jod. '.-tiiii. • p i•I 1:(-)11 age .:()f.:••• a ia'ri..c ,, •a.:; °P.• behalf .': of the Village 'Id ' - ' • ' S4.00,. $4.20, :8•4;.1)9'. cm d .$5,00-,,,pyr,.:Trelbk•on.;-,. ... . •, :••• , '.: .• • .: ....' . :',..; : .. • . : • • ' ••:. .' - • . •,,i,' • : • •:'-'`'• ll fh ! -ho had a o ' '; ' !' the •0.i.,,,,,.,to'ro \\ 110 i-..(,,greit:a.. cheis.....a.eti•Sio;ti. -a, .', ' ' Qs:e ',..\'' ranch. ' - a;l•t.••17 .t..(.? ', ..... ',':.,'..: ,17 .. : ' . •• 1- . . • . .. , ,,, . '4, 'Ic.O.:1.44,.•,\VOI'l< th6',3had' don• ':" .. • ' ' ' ' 'cord. '. • . .',... • ..- • .:, • :.. .. • „. s...,. C...1.,..15,01h...,... ,i..„.5., ...,,,, , :,... ,. t-o.i„,,t.,ire' fi''cim".-the t 1 ' ' " • : ' afro .during :the „year:: Mr. 1"ayi-it,„15'or.:‹......• :" , .' • . „..", 1...,,': '..', • .., - .: liTiF;'• ,p1,,zi.iigi.:(dr 'me.' -• futur 0 - ticulcil • . . thanked the ladies for., •'••• ' ''.. -.'''''''' '''' ' ....... ' not" '‘Voi` a-cf.thite,",,:al.thotigh ' ther•e, ' .• •,- ----------- ..., - . ...• . • ' - ., • , • • • ”/. 14 Li I' old All,in, f 4(1; ilaCkett R.0:13Ort Ai:1(11'0W, on'd• Menne:if.; Affurdie The lectures: . • . ••• 1 + gik'ren .by MisS2 •., 12111 and ,DrS, Johnston ,arid Little.: • 0-,t;. lielen's- conducted 4.heiriown , , course...having the same. leettires • .• licDonalci \vas appointed. •.• • yar,d, was 'assisted :by- the CammUnity1-fa!) `8" • Stuart,Labrine Wil'- : ' ' ' .- : Con-nriilteo-1,4) .•••-• --Ft„)ri .con-,duot-• • . , ,.• rdine •. ••,. g. c.11.1s•so.s.. who is .rrow in .:15,inea 'X'reiSe will take place jointly. as : -C°1•`"`-'41.16,1'Claik relm)rtCd .'("1 ' ' ' • • the , condition .,Of, the, band 1.1,111..', soon as roads and Weather, - Helens. having 35, -and' LucknoW 69. graduates. branches of the Blood We :have 9 Clinics in'. , the :past *.year ' with 8/2 -donors ..„:13-6"e• Ti--•st,"\; t.,.i."-b-1:71,vi.'i ci":17.uttroi.s Ail: :the faitlifulness„ , and: *11,1ingness, '... •,.. .,,......... • ' ..Mrs.:•11. ',.WE',1;-)§1:01': MrS-....R.....-Roli-,..., pizii,',Te. C.r.isc,)n.lNal.. 1-1,0.nrci..e;r, seri: /1\41:,q. ;.t...1.0.. „71..0•4•••4, ,..,.. w•eb: „,,i1,0:.k. illgiAy •• :s4-3-, . • - . c : , ' • '. -.)",•. .. .;a:, e ' 1' i!''... 1, f!s. .t.,..i.ii.1.-1.. , ... ';'...' '... ....,":,••••. • •;..,...• • "..1;;;'.,,...,,,,'" C '4'homPson, • : , . • • . . ...: .'•,•- '..., .,. Ile'S. ' di.ie-fcia;' a.. goOd lo'ng hOli ' ', ' 'carrying on: tni8 'rriO ' woi, 1,3.. . .,.: ..,, ..1.',,,..-f.•.., •,..,f...',.; Viol,. C'an,..',M'i'S. D'Onald:•• 'Ile' surn's .j.t ,l.p• 'tills. \vay::•:•ThQ ..,1,\V 0 .\;C.'61•Tk'...''.,' ,.[•' '• :, .; . ''''. ' ....... : l''.''. • ' ....„.7....2';'.-.1: ' , „.....*''. ' ....; '.. ••••• ' ' ....:': ',.„.',„.71.:•:';,..'1';'.,:', ''''..ellif ..forrris• NYi,cii.:, are' in.:. S.t.cn.',a,. g.,,e, 'a_ il.. cl, '...S.O.ri...•,...r,Mrs... P. e.11.••.1.1-noi,i.c-._Mr.'s,...,K, ,,,'Mu r -' 'wook.s...*..., h.•,0".1.i. d..a• 3," .-,:.,,:i; :.fiei• abn'tirri., ''''.Fro.., it i'es:SeCi., t.laat, he, W.....0.t.t.lc1.-111;ce-;,-:.H,-.,....-.2.... . :. „ ,.; ;,•••••:L. ••:i....,.' .:.•:,..„,•:: ,•••1.:•.?Z,.....-.7_,„- :'':.-.' ., ' was ,•iluth(rizecl..; o ..d p so: . , die. .• . , , .,.. • ,, , : . • , ,i• luhicti ,...be. ; hasn t • had : iri soil?e , • , . a ingeti.rig .called, .withi,:i . . • . „.......: ,, ......, .., . -tlioSe;-4.:Yibic.11-;"••;--cvel*tc•--,rio-Aonger--"--ot- -'t.-.•"..-D,/trs:::-.•:-R-u•ss* 43-01-friStoirr-4Ntsir'--1',- . . ariy. Aialu.e, _Ail, inveritery_., 0; „t, le' : mheMilfian.. • . Mr's:, ,...c.:, :}",:iillaYspii, :band'inSitrinn:Ciits.,:on loan •::•te the :1‘4:1•.g.-, ' w:' pop.gia's.„J_.:::: ........'.: : r - .:'..:: , .1'110h School' Was r Ceiv.ed. •l ' -,' ' • Mi.s DiCken.Soii '. M* ' It''' IA," t.'• ,...c.,... lyslakilig • a total of .16 elin, ,... •, . ' COuricil•.disci.is'se. SnowOloWiog- i6,11.i. mrs...130.1.heli".4,/ts••... „ Hu:. , . „ . ics, ono. . .. •• •• . • • 1, . , -..,.. ,..,... '• " ' • prOblernS ti.riSirig,'",frotri ari ,uild.PIY, tOti. - • .' . ::•'..:. 1,:8, 0 clonations'sirice.cointrienting, . _._•,,, • • • • '' , . , . "1 • • • - . . . „.• .,..,.. ..„. otn. pi,tiiiion: ii, in k,ctirii•ig new.. ,seyere . Winter.. ' Cast ,this 'w-ork • Mrs. a.,,Taylor, Mr• -c: 1 Agnew, • siroard fitys-ef -the loca-li,Receptrorx„. • • • ' him .to a' real vacation. J;.• C. "..CamptiOil, needs no. • --introdixction to out rea00.r?s, from -11illsburg• several ,years • ago Wben' he boUgh.t.' Eldon Jehnston's , 9111nu e ‘s?. preyiousiy. tried to have -a rrieet ' .ing called' :without. suecess. • • Ie - (Continued • on page, : a . .•• •• . . , • • • , , • . • • donOrs ' 't d . .. to date iS.$063.415•PluS, hol'se=1)10'0 Mr,s. R.,: tiloin.psdn,••Mii...G.':Rath.,. bArber..busitieSs. Some three years Wesfet,ii.,Vi:sito..•'. • ... ' • ' • ' - ... „ as itakesfive donations . ,, . • •„:: • ..:',. .',-.19,:ina'ke one transfusion At our ' • d•• e' ' ' '' •-,. . • -ekoeri ittir s Wilidh 'run qnow. well. ... ,,, ,.::: , • ., , .. •, .,, • - . ag6/iaCk :closed- up .1-iis business :" , .m.rt Sa!'n. Igill.er of Fjeldirig, '. • s' ' ••• . ,, • I :•,. , • - ...- ' .,. bi• ving costs so 1.-ir thi-s' Winter Mrs. 1.Iassall,'. 117Irst .F'. 'SieWart,. to / jOiri, . the•*.:-Candian". Active 'SaskatchewAn.. ...is : visiting here ,';'• .. • ,;,, :' ' • .,..,,_ .• ..,elPeutlye meting in ' oetober. it .4,,,,•°`1,0'. •13.r.cinira' • •te,'•iy_. Ir ..."4, 1 . WAi1 1 "fri --I" -I' - - - : - "' - -. i arn ous y decided to -give ..t•-h:et 51.1-17.0- ,;31)71,s, inimep'in- : ' e.,rea s. _j_ta'• "1"rsr, , A .: s,.0) prilb.'ll'',_...K.r8....,L , .., asso_f,j,..ited,L,o,_ : , - ..o_y_e13*. - - - -c$*4-1.09',:--'0'ne----ot•-:. ',:s--II-IN'llill Mrs 'Toven.: - ' '. Arin'y' , He had 'pr viously been with„,. -his brothers, `I-Ierb 7 and - - ''. • .." ''' '' -. ' ' •, . • . •-...--tht..,, stming-7-kfr:fkfreSAM:erits' tO, • , f.1....- ne...--reporis-a-tmil.d.•-- --, -„ -,•,----. ' - -,--• . . ,--- -, -;.. I I 1 -.' en.A • s•; a, proprly-plowed, 111 .the'hindi'zn0!-.''Maarc,ab, Mrsa.., fol'lym"at,.". 'M.ritory' .• t Wfg'iA> H Sev, al-,n-OnthS .-v-11-.tec'vith-.1i.ttle sn'6wto datediffert ogaiztion each.caud by cars parked on theHodPreleterago Jackreccivedhis ::: , • . : - ",.., ';''''''''.."'•''' •',.• '.. • • hoitorable in. 'the West- •Mr.. Miller. is r`eeVe : • ?. ; - • .,, • . . tr6,1.7e1ld Portion of the.•roadWa3r-:. . Mrs, C. :„Toyht,, Mrs. n Leisli-e'..clisCharge: doe to•a.lowertrig of his., of the MaYfield..MitnicipalIty,...T4cr.,-,, ..., ' • . • . . . -fe.' • . ' - •-•• , -.: .. ,, ,1 ty,ian, Mr,s,,' W, V. ',Johnston, Miss medical category., .,., as been iti mtinicipal , i e,• .foi• "-; • : ' ' ' . - ' ' ....' ,' • 'Osborne,. • ' • , ' „ -• • . • ,• • . c.., ' ' 'Failing to 'obtain a Pern-iit :to, .abotit twentY'.3iparsi and 'has; bec,r1. . Made lltli DonatiOn. • . „',. . .. • ,• - • '; - Substitute •,, . •• ,1 • .... . , , )en his barber ,bu,siness. 'jack rt.`ev•i. (it •the ' n)tiniciPOili•Si..;abotit ''• ' :r..•' - r ' . Donald ' "Iiii:11!e.. Ma('' * '. tit6Iil'o...--.• lgi's••• ittiisekf'• 'Mr's. t6ak'a •pOsition iii the Maple Leaf ,i'lliTei'.citOrter's, a•,..tht.. inc ti%.,,,in wild ig now. enliSjoye,d i•,',7'•Golitvi's‘''). .ctivri, *it: Stims(iff.'-'', ....• • ".: blatit, liUt'llas. always beveri_a.6,\-- '.1fe'' last_ Victory Loan, saleS ;An , '.' ,' ';',..;,,r.., . Petrib. .at Peterbor.ougli , has l'Iriclge•-•Mr.s. .J.• Agnew, •'Mril. ious.•tii et back to )us trade \Vith ...his` diM.riet, apPl.ciach,d 8!1(1Q.000,,: , :,... ',•••• • ,..... .,.. •ri-inde hi 11th blood donation. , -- .. .. , !- . • ' • ,, McAlpille, Miss VI,. Mdebotigall, ,.titk,, c.,,lip'pirs arfr,l •••ra7•Qr, 'and.' ,last.' ' as". against sales. -of 40,00 :ttl .t.i-to sit -lc,. .goiiig` to :the*citY,.. `11)innie. , recd :cl. h'.."' button . . -no.n, Mrs.; •-w..,..., porteoto, Air,s. he ;has .beekim.e: Proprietor ' of ,the ."..t-iqilority. the West :‘, is :' nO`W... .ori..., . , ,•' , '''.. ' „ f r ,l )is ttlith '''. • . M-1,<.; . 1:-tavoi,, .1yliss (3, Mact6ti•-., .,•vvek ,01()Aed.: the. ito.al iy.y. wilioh fif't '1c1;.111, , \VITioh indicates - 111,6 •-: ' •:' . . ... . .. • .. pharge of •the Women'S InStitute donation at a clinic lere. he . , . ,, .• , .. ., .; . . . ,. . , , . , ,f.orlyier,jittsteh shop, .w .," • • -)11,,,i7,1g, ., '` ,; , , . „, ,.., • ., . • : .,.,. . ••• : .. .' , , „•,i, , t •;•''';': :' • : '(COntinned' On 'page s) ' ,, f','013?'•• 'llt!tf.‘,":' .:,'"•':'' : '. -‘ . ' ', ... : '.:. ... • • .`, , ' .,, ,. '' *'' ' ' '.:" ' , .',,, ' '. • ' ... ,;',, . ' ', ' ' ,''',- ' .•-,•:- ..' ; .`• ' - ,' ' ',,,,,..., ' " : ' : , "', ."' ,,,: ;,•-,.', '• ' '.-• . ,,' ... , . . . . . . , . , .with :the object -of. stitn- • ulating ',interest in the CllfliC ;fbeir -duties as well, as:providing °**.t and'serving 'refreshiniOnti,-to look afterlundry of 'linen And Seepre • no•N;‘,/ dbnor: The Clansmen 'have- - • been doing 'a, Splendid Work ;in • .that „line, but jaril sure they will Weitiotne. any*, a4sistance -In 'the .1)I14,• rofroshrilents have been in