The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-02-01, Page 1• , ' 11 • • < „ , „e • .I `.... ..11. .. .4'...."1 .111711Ar.".5,Z,,=';','••=1,,,-.!.,:e..,,,,,,,Fi.ra,........ovsz„. .i.,,,,,,t,..,41,444,',., 4.4.14.,4:444 '4,=•,;.., ',.! .2:444t.44:.,. 447. ,444,114.= ,... ',.,;• I f4..00' 41, Yest,k7,14 Advance; ..5oc....E.Xtra' to 1,1"...S. A: , . , . Lti.0 iiN OW, 'ONTARI(),, '1111t-Jit$4, ' F.Elt,R„UARY Ilsi,.-- 1.94r,, • •• ,. •. . . • , . . .,........4...7,1t....„...•,..,....4„,„7,,,,m.,..,,f..,,...„4,,.....2......„.....,.: . • ... . . --- - ---,-,,,,,,,,,t-o•-•,,•-, •; ,..• ,Ell0.. .1t ,r41kplOSi . , : •,, ::,;.:.,.:,:,„‘ ,•,,g; v ,, i•,-_, F.,,,,,,, 4.....,...., , • t• AY • • . n . • . , ' '''''. . ' . - '4.-''''''''''''''''''''''';'47:1••:•377, 7 :74 .71:2:;:•11H ' ;,. '.,',i.,ir.,;4i. ,••• ,.;,i44-••. '" ^74 ' . . . . - • , .... n , , . • ' • • " , • • I I' ,.,,, , J:C.7, !ktrirUe*:. -''S P'. -• : .."' . ' ,..."--, ,i0fit'4.'"'''''''''''44'-'• •"•;-<-N"•""Vkilili-e2-74444'.."V‘Orlittiq ' " IiiirtY ' , CL. I.N..IC NFXT Tit R DAY 4$ENI; ,.AIO`ItIES,. ! - . -----!.---------- -- * - ' - •.' - ' • . ' * .....„' .....'....„........„„..., „PAS.S.EAT,....W.LIYIONTREAL-.- • ' --; ' • ' ' 13 S ' *** ' . 0,,V.:ERS.t).k.,5,": . „..-..1, sEi..z.LIRE„.. p•LAc Ery,„.„,,..7....- ..,...,.....„2...........,„, ..., ',..„,,-,„... -•. •-„,..- •4,.- -,...., • • • THIRD, TERM . ...,- :., .' . . ..•. ,..,„...... ., .. .. •Resideots of .tilo common, • . • . ,, . .. ...., ,. ,. .• ,. ' • _The...cleat/1 Mcic13. i . . . . °lid, i. _ ty . are., apt411.• .reininded:Aha,t7; *-•':••H'••I'A'::.:--•16h"•••.-Yr.riFII.•'-:'.10J'-43.-:'4P51.•,...1•5-r1.-.,91ftr..7411,-•-•!(11-).H•....,:.:..r.-.4:-.,:rET,-,:---lif,f,e1--•.• - •-...k.,-, •Lt Tut(g-i,p•,1,,,,,irt•:.:iiii-441.;s7111-1-,4••••, j '-: ' ' .• energeticilesmcnt. Pf ,::thP1:1:.,4i...l.Plec.-t C9.!rWeDonals.1., -P1,1,0114s:' of thiS • -, is: ilie. 'date :of the7:latirjEtViod---:''' - - 7 ,,,... ow AgroUltig,a*I.crety! for the •tolutt.ttiiitY, cocurr!tt;34--IVIentreal - Donor ritto'c to ..413e :held in naSt'"-two 'years, was i:e,eleeted to • On Monday. Of. last .week.-- - '. .. 'buCknow. To malCe'np:fOr the : - this',Office for a third terim.at the Mt.:-.1v14.,.Donald• was :asSociate pre•irious,„postpoikement= it is. : 2 ... 4.1.11•11-,I•ai., rnot1pg,, of th'6',-.:''speiety agrieulCuralyecyttpr :'(-4, the .Family necessary that the .4ttencii4ric .:• • •• ' ...- "last P,ridaki afternoon, • Hi's' 're'. Herald:and Weekly Str.until his. . at ,this - elipie• 'be •-••.at least , apipiptpieo...t.,*as, •,9:110yecl.:.,-/?,r,Ms;:.--Fet.04n).P1'4,--ai.-feT,W.:Yeall§.--144,491-7-dou'O.10-711-7,•--,,VC-V;Yg41..ur9--f"--**;;;-: -io . lvialtrearlifirvio-6--piisi- 11.ro'.7Parfhree . YPPtP e-ll'as been - ItOk.'•istert.k,nolk!! :- -,,,,„;,.. , •,•• • • , . , • _ , .. ., • • „.,,, ,, , .. • . , . • - . . , • ,. • . •, 46.1.4.;•;1\-44.,..vva'lloio" ,./i4er -.i.,se,', 'it? fai.lin4;:.k,i,eali12. 7 .., = : , . , .. , ,,-,, , • , ',-, ),ridi...yi'c•pi,eide-i-It1tic..1 Joseph : . His step=daughfere.Mrs,•.'..it, 4, Oro '• biio. s§ .1,..isTisiii•Ai, c ' ,.,• - • •-.'•Y ' ' AgnoAi,.§bc,r,etailr treasurer; ..!-` Stewart : of Teesv:later attended THIS, P.4iRAY Ni:ofrt .,............Pi;.pvioii hon*oi.'ary. • Presidents' :the .f 'metal, i.r1' m°'1,treal" ' ' - • .. ... • , --:-7.---- '. *. • • ' • .' • '•af,'',A,'13,- MekaY,f4tenry, Itiilather of. a ,family, of five Sons, ,rranh.-- -, Tire•--aririiiat'iriteting,, of. .the, '.•;aircl'John •1VIeQuillin, :At F'riday's‘. f M.' 11. • ' • ' e 11.1. ' swvivpi, LucknoW.pranch Of the Chriadipif TitoSe• who predecea.§.ed.-their ,b:ro...: .Red c.rOS.s* 'Society :vvill be he41 tiler J. C.,, were, - W.: E. ,ma,coon-. in the couneil roorn./..of. the :Car- ,.-ald, Fred: and Art114.• ..rr-• : . .. 'legie .tiall,:en ... F.riday. evenirik.c„. 'MERtURY'• LOPOD:TO:• : ,..! . 'full .attendance is requested, • .. I . , • ' '' -- • - Pebrdary 2nd -it' ,eight o'clock ' A theeting Tcidd wasap- .„ -pointed an honorary resident .; • wera'•,the reeves. -,of... the: Town-: ships of .4shfeld,....1titen,:lcinleOsi West Wawanosh and the,liillage• of " ." . -..f!•tt .!4sir• • , - • • - .• . • =•• -.74‘ - • • • The --,w;hicti ;was eOip--, ' • ": 7 " ,.1.„ • • 'in the v,•T'ke - ,a WORKERS nEnis parativexy • welt attended, 'was. • ; • . . • , presided over 4rby.„.mr:. Faerish, zard 1:c•r? struck• this di.striet last vtr.'ecine04y ihe iper,cury. dip- . MTS.. la, Price.,••PerSnrinel officer Sotinded, the keYhote for. ped the coldest. day of the year. :of ip4 as "anniversary Yoar''',';Nhefi' , the• Society will. observe.. its 80th • -11i..illiyifight..-and . JiTMALFtA_ ••• -ttieu.7 go_ _last a •• • .iEttS tf•bka :'uns"?..ou'red ered-ktOrs-...t"dr-..the. from • thia. -eorriMUnitY who ,are Maple :Leaf' Aircraft"Corporation. . • .„'' • • oVerseas. This, s.,hilo.n.leirt P•a.d- a was 'held- in 'I'oi.arito;"-Wha,t • 414Loo, „ indica,ies or transpire as "a 'result.of -the- pOlialia St,n3P*Or. -"that ie.,4'iec;4..] this meeting •is withottt-con,--• •••. esSapy•-' S.1..istain.' suck, ig.",rett.0 ',fitrnatiOfiL' • 444 , • I .One development, owever,* -------.1,,.'„,.:,---,,A,•=4,. grS, 111- Nfili'': J.C4164. been'the'''' l ' if; ' ' Of a ;ei ' tn'i' ,PAi.-; ''''' ' '' ' ,A• 4. ., II:s,t'O` n,.,in .c:On-,irnon With ot.'nC`r 1,6941.-: e'-'n1.:p.' laptrpana'ae.:e,giblil.iptnents!bir .;;;'-ne ' ''''':....;•*. :.-,',,''` ...":5: . ' ' . , - . .021gatiizations, have received a $10. 4rhortagee,'• and currentlY „a. corn-, .... . . ,f ',., . ...,.. ..n.i. ; r l• , . , '•c•-!°riAti°n: 'to *thg.i'":"' fl -Ind f.'qii'l t---h:Iplete," in -V. entory is being taketi';'', . :* • • • ; , : ....• . . •• ,. A - • , -, • ,.. • . eairshea Club arid foi" whiPh. .• c.• r,Ai ` 6 at ' - • .---=-1 • .:. -" %., . . • • they ai,e me5t. gi,cef.ui. • - . ,:, : PQrfle. fifty persons or mor . . „ ., . . , , , .4.. , . ton.d.ed ' Thtirsday's .tneeting, n 4 4 , • ,i'. . .. • ,, • ..;,•• • . '• ,,,'. de',.`,Two Quilts - '11'I•erribers Via,01:Y .'CA -00, submitted the Apropcs!sal".' .• „ • hael;:thoh• JarlunarY worli'.rneeting that unsecured creditors defer . at Mrs: McCroste's when then• claims for a.l.Z-nienthS'..Per- , . 1.4Yo io o a e p ant to continue., : • I OTerant Under the Creditors''' Arrangement Act,. the ;Corpora:. : • on Pl..sd.a3r.i.WOne0ay',.s. King4:40:01. in ,c1,41:actPrs; which ' was,. aecompariled . -.. ..,,:yarious.qoai.tments, gave i.fportg TYTeai,i.,1?el.O*'.terii15-eratureblOolced. ernplaYees.--f9f;;a.'• 01;e111'.Pla.nt her. 1.hin pon.. tenipoi-arliy. • On. .5:ti;. which • „rrioiig..,, , g yiursciay evening: •-the ineitury :interested., only..,411 .wOrnen .• oUggest,ioris , for inatmovink • • • report: ShoWect ,that .the :SOciety. ei mo elated eons:iderably '• their-ckt-pa"-r-trnent.` The finan-cial th ,•• • - • be- ladies ir' thisieff foi'e .rriorning, and. ,the low on had: a substantial sUipluS. ,frOnt 104=fr eperations •in spite of wea • ...1:tliee•that threatened •to wash, the oioly 014 cornplotely on,Fair'Day, - ,h If011oWing : directors :were. 1!.; • 1 'e=i'ietit:ii•iKiriloss,,,,Daid Carruth - ..y, t. *. o er Moffat,, es a a-, • • tiOsi,•w Qe..0.1•8-•Kenriedy,. Gaunt, nacketti-Jaeob \••liuriter•••\Hilibii-'Fred IVartin• R. \.\ \q.,11/Tartin; Lucknow, th • Associate; directors. :pre as fol., loWS: Kinloss, John MelcaY; •IPrmarLArchie,MCIntyre,:dee: Lockhart, D. H. ',0,.1r-ruthers' and flafry Ashfield, ,Wilfred No.'s() IVIelslay, Sam. Al ton and Sam GibSon; WeSt•Wawa; - 'nosh, Fred McQuillin,. Tom: TOdd..,.,, *.W. I: Miller; Rosa Henry, and. Me- • • • Austin, Martin .d'earge Herb- Farrell and Goldie 'IVIartin; S.' C: *drew, cop:: .1Dee,ker, CainPbell -h.ornPson, S. 'E. Robertson,. Peter W, • , • , taci3:7 associat-6' :directars'•-,L•Miss Joan Lyons, Mrs, G'. Martin,- -.Ars, 'W. E:- Gorden', Ewart. F. G. Todd; Mi -s, •'W.: A Miller, Mrs. Sarri'. Alton, Mrs -.0cOrge Kennedy and Presi- ‘.itents 'Of 'yvom'en's = • S.. lvtcGuire and. ,AuStin. Friday :Was four below.. PAST -YEAR WAS - - I' financial 1-eport_ilie-he there ...4 • • ' • • • The....•FrbhiarE_meettng Will,,b.e. operation,...,--- Mx.".. ,Saninel.----,--,COhe.N•'..7"",4;";;"'" .. . ' ' ' ' fr, ' , . . . :' .'";j+1 .1:1 e),C1.,.'.....actili...1"' F. -13011*-9,fs 7,- Will.., -.•SOi,6.KgrT-:••7fdr the -Company- -was . •••••• .*:.,". ,.., ,., .. . . ,.." . ,H.ompbrey .ille.::-Xi-rs-t-...TUesday. -0-f-.1e.-6,4-iiiri:a. of the7rneeting. Re said : . • • ' ' . . - .. ,, .1) ..-' 1 • , the m th • ... , :, • ,.. , -;... i'mv!at. prior to the meeting nego- • . . , . ,. . , ' 4.B' 4 ' -7-7 . AI tiatfoni-had been cohtinile,ct. in ar.r-- , . .. Big Egg.. ,. , . - ' I. • ''., . effort to: refiriance.:the..Cornpanyi , A Pl.i.inOPth barred- 'rock' ben 1?1.1t regretted that ...*OlOi. of., ihese;:!: .,..:, ...: ,at--'--th-e---,f-,t'if-..--.-Er--rf*-s'-t4ckert-r-.,lta*' -.-neg-O‘ti-atiorist.---had---71-alleirithr91.Tkil, • .. -77'' 7,777 ' • • -. . . ,failk.an egg that i4...WOrth."eackling..,.and there was only one, group at , , ...,, .-•• -.11 t ' ' Thi • egg. rneasureS 7” . the tilh"e.... of, :the- ineeting 'which Y 9' InolleS.'"fkrOund and tips the; *waS sti.._11..•interested to a hopeful ....',i. __,_•_„:„..• ,..1.. --..... r, , 'scale at.'; '174;1:91-1P'FP'S Are -._,-there. any :deg.' "reliei T. b..e, .a.i.tern,atiye .pf-;--any: '" .......1 , •' • 1.. - ' • , _ .. ,..- edf1O:c.iks..M :the' tOrninUnity . • .." •ehen ,pOinteci•' but;: :and frOM the,: ..;'..., coinp`eti.tors.`Pn"vo.nk other-fea!ti;eri-proPciaal. s , ban14.uptey,: '' Mr..• . . . . .. • .•,'„," ..; '. ,. ..... . • . , . 0 • - ' •. .•- .•, .• . ' . , - IN ' a ' ... w uld be little f r the. creditors • •••,. . j•:•••..- .- STRAY: li(liGS. ; ". UTSTAIDI °sIELot' N. . ...F -In St . 'Jop Mercy *:e.V.ent..O.f,'the..'CorriPanj being' .. ;\. •lc : nlecting of •the •,,I.Tprtd ;chur,en •RudY. Sieleff (n.-e.e- \Noritie.1-16C1 :*Cont!inued,..before . a•Yote : Of the " - • 0. , • • Laick,nov(7,:.,.wdg ,heici, on Thurs'day, i •)," -a San • Cal 'ru B rn 'd,'; . •• creditors.' was itaken s on two. pro -\ ;\ , --ey:einnig_T-•ari-4-.4,was---11-.:.a.t-t-e-nded-1, ---.... .. , - . ---\ '. - . pesals. ' '7'7-- ,..- ..-: '. • ,\ • \• • - . :;\ ':- - ' ' '' .. ' • ' 'Jar26th counter :attractions. , - ., . nua •, , . -y to .... . . . .allsiderable . • - 1 , ;,....... rewordin..was . . .. . . , . , , .. - .„.„..,... . l''... (. g,...,su , . .. • • ' tfollows: - "That :the :Creditors of , _ Hospital.. • oommunitY , -he , - • eenregational ::January 24;1945, tO\ .., For': two hours . the diScusSions : • ' : • petrait •Michiga.n. .or .forced to take..such , . • \ , has lost a collie dog,•,,they' ma), find it :at \Moors*es. Bob' tell,:; tts_z_that., 901-tple_tof--...strays-,-haye: made; theirA' headquarters ; at.... his Olace. since todl-, 'pity on .therii .and tossed ,them ; the odd ,bone, . The •••••Variou's-'drganizations.' o`f . • '(.•harch ...revids,..ed their '191.1' ,•• , • '‘ <„ i;• consdeiing the elements 11d. G.:O„ci.Prili ••10.s1151P.41. 1„.! A r.esoitition, which aftet e0i1-• ••,:: • • • SUFFERED BA ‚.F.I:ACTURE , Martin Were • narned as .delegates to attend :the •;Fi`rS Association , •, • n en t on•!'"ebit.!-' •arY•-:8th 'and 901.• • • - , , • Whi; Mordie• and W.:. Port - :cons were re -appointed auditOrS, .`..1T-7.7WIT'd'cIded :that the:Society • :uIdm�i.a- Field Crop Id: competition :also •••rriale "AO- • ....,plicqtibirlot: a Calf :cluv, •••• ; • Fair. „dates:'were set:for Tues-- iay and WedlieSday.;;Septenth.er • a d • 26th 1.1144,44ce MiIer and :Peter: \Vat... • !am -yore appoirited;'as.:.eanYaSser,s, - . •• . • • Cecil:: A Strang of ,..}juniber - ;. :.s? -511-76f. q. had. the .:11-1iSf(li' fractured'"•right% leg' and a di - located, ' ; ' • Cecil and 4 i?titiple. of friends, were.. on •a.../1 rabbith•upt...‘v,h,(..,ii. • thr,, ..,,a-..cident-...Oce.or.recl:., they er,Oss.- •ecl: paYcd .1iigh.Wayi in .guing ,s ippe on a • sni511. :patch: of icj -in the roadway, .yIlic,h• r,esulted', ii 'the :accident. ' .; • ' • . Cecil is rig li$11t\cri.,iht.:Ai'll,g, the. scalps. :at ',about ..223"., pouniels: and it- was 9,01, an easy task teiy to -:g -e- ir•ita 'the :yai.• and take. "bii-n. tio. -town, •*.he're x-raY tent -of-his; injuries:. •Cecil is, :employed • as' man . One. of :the canal bridges', at' rlitimbcitone,• ahd because tile.. nature ::0L his' Occupation ceiyes-,:his• halidays•duripg the. wa'S'' on. hatid-ay`s•at fli[Tji 15atiffilrrniShaP ,OcetifF(d., ••": . ENGAGEMENTS -• ", • Captain- arid 'Mrs: '13, ; of Huniberstorie,. Ontarici, nounee, tile engagement •of„ :their Al-' - • • -• • vv, •Armstrong of ,thinibe,r-, tWOfltMTMW G' ArnistrOng of LucknoW,..the 'vec.1=• •lini to-take,plaCe.the la:ttor pari 7.4 February., •• =,•• Aleat • Andrew:, -*George. Ken-;, George: Lockhart .'• nar41. prOgratti.ertrnittee. ; •• ' Sotiety starttd . the .year , . th e d t baterfee of $554;21. ". A1:004s' and' grants •dtiri.rit the • eai natiiited. te., $2,13646' .for 0 •,1.‘olpts'of,2:4600,17; 1 o '.` ,• lia repr"dSe. n".ted PriZe. niakicy and' • • 111deg lees; . Net balanc)e. was, $89:1„64 or an irOpear'emetit •dYclr the I943- balariee $,i,330.4with• a tow accounts. Still outstanding.• v ti es. • • • rn,, 'pra eti ca 1 eveo," ,leo,artnient... there ‘v,as: .deeidc, adyan'cAonni,', The- Sun- Sellool.raiSeci $261, being • S9•1 . , Mrs:- Ben BroNvri of •Port Albert...nlitted to„, the meeting' read, a on - • s \, • ' . 'n the Maple Leaf Aireraft, Corpoi- ICAIFS.PREA: qtion •ago ---.6.-- to establish.. a corn- A!DS SMOKES' %FUND 'inittee ef*.five, solely 6t the cred • ' fOr 'the :pLiitiose of .•inVest- • ! more 1.1-w.rt dwinc tlhe••..'pr es. i bps' • ••• A rthie* 1\icint vie 110s- b . . the :affairs .a said "Com- „. •Vei.1"1• ., •The. W.M.S. -.gra S Sdn , ' • • .• v es iga L. •• - • !.es=s lar .0:10 *.larruarv- meeting .,o,f - • . • fid -t ;.* t t • th 4...843 to, tilt.% .Presbyte.rial of - I 4_41cv, rt.,17.,0i.Q..,W a s a • ft...i:eti.L,a4,4hel;laittin,71,--trolow-Nrandll'.._`• !Ii',01•,•• being an inerea,Se: of§6....54-cf(1,00-20ttetidatirt` - rriFelinFb,e; „••• . ••••-• • - • • iio!:',sibilities reSu• rning; 15rd:dike,• .. • • • , , • - 7 o ThUisclay, Y , • $4,864. ruthel,s t, VL 4 ft s .426,00, An...Fiiiip itthe pianu Afi th the er:inee.:George. Hotel- and increase:. Of $1?..aDui v00. , D -tilt: . . -eeni-n-g--.ex(9',C1'SCS ' ,- (,.11 , , t-hk•- loll , tRat.:•the7"Cornrilittee--report to the . -,Av-as ri'sp,d.ricied.:••:to.', by L 11 c ea yi• Sni,)'s0Pi:ption • *6-5 ip.T V d • for ..:theChifice. and 'Tndian ;lief. the: cone,-regiition contrihnt:. , .ing $26-1,46. The Bbard of .ManuL. ;4*.tei-s: 1e,cei;VedS3.48.7, .111.0146a§o, , $,179 'in •additii1.11 to $500 ,•fi-Orn the I3dttbif*EState. The total ral•S,.- to,Mi Hollynlani, and-Mis :Top._ • d for il1 purposes by th con, . fees.''• • • r It W:6s ...'de6 Ct.. tO..:6 $15,:00 to th,a•, War..-1V-ferriorial.•.:•children's: f() The Legion:The "CianSinen and. ere ga t during ---944. .wa.". $7113% 'ePmpaleci with $5800' for' only:a-long .financial linea tirj. ine.):ease. The thurth stun, :for • thenoverseas: smokes fund.:,It was: also decided to "send - 5:.06' to th.e.:•,R0q :cross:for a. 1•130:: .for MacKenzie NVilO a prisoner ...Of. War.' M Gerrnariy.... rneetino.'! ; • ; 'Phe arp.endryiept was, to -thetef7. _ •• feet' That .tie proposal of the. said' .Coi-npa y under the ,Credi- ''.` • `• Arrangernent Act be reject- ed and •the Company make jan. ats,icunent ••• • .„ ...• rn order -for either, One..to it requ,ired'a Vote of .the eredttoi,s repl'eseriting :three': fourths i •-• value of the claii;ns..The Detiart-'. i-nent of "Munitions arid SupliI.,14". ; 32 , \Y. members- 'and I.,etters we,re'read ...from Several' 'en.tel• ''6d 11,1D, "4, a' e date, of • the 'next _meeting w.as rn „nt voted ..foi arnendme -.68.) families • rider the 1)4...sterLail. .c11.-iitabil.ge,(1.17. Pobia-V not pi 'pared to g;ve .a ruling. on h,e•-• ehai rinan, ••,. however, ' was Jost-; only ..9, .Thiinging t9Val Of the bo' ts in the „serviceS, The • " the 'representative o?the -.t•Irrtr-trf7t 'cv• 1 ch. Ili irust ',reported' 17-'biaptisins.:. wedd,ingsj ncl 10 burialS:.during.•the,`..year, A :beart sv-:• Stowart4,:to. the choirs and their and .t6:the suparinte:ncient (of the 'Sunday. School. with his ' • • . • • . • . • • effieiviit staff of teachers Aro t.q.; .ficers, :At the ineeting all elljoYed a •daiinty proyided p EVENTS ;,•PLAY DAiN'ai.• • - . • , • •, • Tudklay, Feb- ruar3,. 4t • 8.15. Pihe 13iver V'-oung People 1?resent. Old- YaShiOnda •Motlier",. Dance, 'after to -Cat'lltifidt4. or:c.ilesiitt.. Play and lanco,50e; play 3c-,4 childrcin 20e. Nuspicts Red Cross.•- 'ed wlleth,gr or pOt "Blue was enttlecl..to Vote in thetill •f • .• • 1.5 d Bo' n'.." oitnt of theircl irp' ' • , . , ...4,Ah,..4.mietest,114g-peogrthn- inelud - • : . ofScO•tland' .an .1‘1 llip-pated"-b•-r-the, C mpany, •aric.,',. nie Lies- Over the Ocean a read- A • • ordin -1 ...the-reslilt'of t ote • • an instrumental Of 'Scotch • music' c.61-11`Ci''n b tert o e de nlined a his.... by Mrs. '''I?onald MgebOnald; a 'ing arid; Yearling on St AndrowS Bali by, As we °"9-Rres.s'on• Wednes- Mis Were. apP84;res..to be: no-thingjessie MacKay; and a road - official learned•,,here as t • thg by; Mrs, B. Layis:. The -iiloto' to w•sbeth•-0•1, the.; company ha':,.'h,c,ean • Jom'010 Club So. you may 'help Voted into bankruptey - or the.. - other's was ably taken by IVIrs, D. lcf,iiiirn and The topic "Farm For,:r•*-- -4tormnitteed " f- herize to , helpful, : • . , Mrs., Sandy' McLeodi,.ten'derecl•(114' t'lle Cl()mPalv: *c.°T*it4luing voto (31 iivnks, tho a.tions, Mr, re -es- „ ° wa vePY InteFest-ing.jand for investigating thp possi , • = s • . • . . • ,,• • " • WA* 1.. . . '.lostess and "all who' look/ part. •c-nted, the majority Of 4,1-1e..plant eiriploY"ec's, ',9bjeated; and ' • '" ' COrriintinItY singing and the,./14t- asictIci tirta the' words. "The-e..6n1'. , • iorial Anthen-i closed the nieeting. , ,boutitiful, lunch was served , by the ,hosteL4S :and lirectors.' or 4, pany"., be deletetl:: He said hhacl yi fti t,(41i ...ot 'saying (h'e, &On:, -teontiin;l'ed on Pge '8). . , s 4, a . 14t.e'r,e44,440.041.1(eXittsisliiIrlsVrek • '