The Lucknow Sentinel, 1945-01-11, Page 5a A AR re ttrsd .; Friday` Saturday JEAN ARTH:UIR . • LIE BOWMAN' ` CHARLES COBURN• E Luelcrifisv'. $ent>4nel, 'tucknow, 'll • BOUNDARY :EAST New Year's viiitors in this, eon—in—Wray. were , Mr. and. Mrs•,. George Kennedy and sons Of Mr. Pu.ncan 'Kennedy's in Wingharn YVTi :and lV z s James1!`orster, Mr. anl,Mi'~a,: °Wm "}F.orster .and is iJ } l► A li r r kr# way 4 :' 1,_ rht.r MLsc Joh-n:. McMi.ilan..:-and.�i'fai"1y >kn'Y. at Mrs, _Morrison'•s; Mi'a and 'Mrs; :Eddie.Moore'and fah -lily. at Mr,. •Weis Young'Wind Mrs. Alex :ackett, ..Sx and Mr, and Mrs: hex 'acJ J eett, - and dau teT. atVix . Pharis Mather's' Mr and • Mrs., Ed McQuillin and'Grant Mrp: Grant- of .Paisley; Messrs JAI fed Paterson ',and Jack, Gill es at ::Donald^ MacDonaId's• M'� . John G iffin of Detroit 'is visiting at Mr. •JMcMohn • • i11an'a. 'Mr . and Mr`s;. Wi1n,c 'Evans and sons.. spent ;Sunday •at , *George Fisher's. :Mrs.: Frans. is in ANTirng;- ham Hospital We• ' are so ry to report _Mr. Gordon Morrison' also. in ;Wing-. ha Bos` i al and ho ' e hi hea I(tt .P t p s lth 'soon irnprQves " • A co113.e4y •i . rama: :.I%Isor "Short Subjects" Matinee Sat. afternoon at •2 3.0 Monday,. TTuesday;-'Wednesday: 51 161 EDErac- 1C[i C `'A,LE1K'IS SMITH [ITECHURCU ^•..rte_.,,,, la i% "%rad WS,-- rnet.-. "arrier ':spent the week -end in „:I1incar, ;dine with relatives: there.. „, The new .school teaoher, i�liiss Thompson from clarnis arrived here on ' Saturday and • started teaching ;':on..Monday: NT RES A'R�C �• TW _ c ';events in,. the . 1'ife, •'kf. 'Th t -'' •`', . . MarkTwain in One of the hscreen s outstanding bio gr i ap .- cal = stories and ' characteriza- tions. n s: "Short: Su b��ects" Also•., . ,0.arid - :Mrs, John ':.:McMillan entertained,' Mr, :and Mrs., 'Milan McM1,11an, Mr:,..and s: ' Pat •Mc Millan and Margaret, ° Mr and Mrs. Joe.. Mc1Vlillari. and: family, and; Mr: (Alex McMillan to a:"din n:er~-r ecently Mr ;:, Alfred Patterson... spent N'e Year''night:,:. tri' r.:' and . with: r ' Peter' ally.and` Mr. John M, s Pet, M c� , Gills 's e wit .'1V1x.and Mrs: Chas:' h ,:.. Cook 'Mr. %and `Mrs,. James' "McIntosh entertained %:at,, a`famil"Ydinner . , at Ncw Years: A: number' from' this:community: attended:the funeral of the• late 1Vliss Belle . McKay' of Winnipeg, on • Tuesday 'afternoon ' in Luck }»-1 a-t-e-:1�ILias=Ma m'erly l.ivedv on the • farms now ow s :b'y; Messrs.. Jack Purves and, Mr:' MacKenzie.`' VYe :at'e sorry tcfi-zRepc�rt =IVf, Jolie .Gi'Tlespaeffer�d =a, heat attach on New Year's Day and hasbeen confined to bed, sahee- We.'hope for a good recovery..• o n� ,T.-Tti enaa their meeting *,en Friday after . noon 'of .,this -.Week at tile` home .of: Mrs .'E nom, • Mi incl 1Vt s., Cti,rfold ;Crozier and Year's •w.eek.end in:,Lond,on;;with' Mr's. Crozier and family: .. 1VLi'. and Mr Jake Hunte b - Zion spent ,a . day recently with, ..Mr; Ja:cic and Miss Agnc.s Ntallo4li,,: 1VIr. and .Nils' T IVT ; :Duniiii geestswitii ikeii aunt Miss ;eti'tia'.',U.r {i.ney,, D inglnnOf7 fo +lees Year's ^ i Sgt..' Elliott .Rivett''left on '1 ues dayr fol 1V1t5nc1nn after 'p, nding rhe; :past three :wcc�c atlis hc,lit MrS. Bert. Troloayen ,43,4 his diaLighicr: Mrs, •Lawr-(n.er,r. . Norman, • • RE ELEC.TED.,,.DIRECTO i • Mr. Ezra: Wellwgod'.. received the sadnews, of ,the;. death of r :ais• niece' at Edmonton She was only. nineteen- yy�ears '.o'ld. Her mother, a :Sister:: of Mr.. Weliwood, •passi. away only two years.' ago. Her father, ,Mr. 'Garvey- Well'wood, is a''brother of Mrs. -.Art .Moore M -A F E K I N G COMFORTING WORDS`?FROM . _ A BEREAVED 'FATHER - • .,/... :_Mass' Edith Phillips ret•irrned-'--to. Z•Qn don on :Satyrday after,•spend- ing" the holidays at the parental lioarie . Mrs. Will,' Kempton, Paramount, `who"speir ttlk'e -week•ofthe-stox`rrt'• with •friends•• Qn ,the 9th. conces� as Lloyd-„ Saunders '..__ Wneg ha n ; spent Sun aY� • w�thhiS parents. ' ....The ;. storm which. star tedu,on New 'ear's:..morning made the 'r�tWd:;; .ifta asS'ttlgli-t at S n'e' who'spent- the. day with friends, had difficulty getting home ,and others 'remained, all week. • Mrs. • Herman Phillips came home on •': Monday p 'm, :. •frorxa Wingham. where She :spent last we with her 'son J C.:.'who un d resent : an .operatiorx : •on'" New Year's, day. We• are glad to• "report some•'im ,ovement in his condi- tion.,. Presbyterian. Mission Band The .regular :meeting of. tlie' Vic- tgria Mission •Banc% -was'-' held, on Mondayafternoon With 'the.Vice- president; vicepresident, Margaret "Chin, 'in the .chair:, After the!: openirig - hymn; the scr:•ipture; lesson. was read re :sponsively, and•. the Lord's pray-:. n A er repeated • :in .uniso talk on --the •Peace -Thanksgiving Fund was • given :by the Leader The '"'hil ren were informed that the it fund o t :: o contributions -his to t g , • , thetin ch',ldren s. 1eadrs :`ami.g.of , a 'in fndi:a, A. gamer j'count your blessings was played, .a blessing named for each, le€terof••theal-'�, a. ph'abe't: Musiealnumbers ,w ere;: a fano• solo b.` ``Bobby 'Reid and: P Y song by .the` primary children Recitations Were. given ;by Dale Haldenby, Ray Stanley and Jdyce 'Mowbray The Band -then: •divid-' ed: or stu. y. a .rneeti,ng• closed. with hymn and •prayer 1VIr .. F::' G: -Todd of St:: Helens: h : ag,ii-rr-•been-�•r-e-'o-leote-d. • a dil' rn.t'1aI .c,f :the.•,Gan.adiala,.Ah erd.ecn_. Angus •A'sociation.' Ike Ts:. ont,.ci three Eastcr n Canada•-•-dtxectoi:s. elcott d at an Assta:ciation inept iii; in •week T1 e Other' two. are T.• A. EdWards of • Frank :is. also ‘,:ice-preSideot,' its annual rn,ceting in, Regina late: ..frey, retired.:R.C:A.F. officer was the cho.!ce of „the norninat- • _Februaly 5th, In he field be- servatiVe candidate .and Immedi- ate, paS.t mayOr of.' the. city OCTOGENARIANS HONORED • AT: , WADEN A SASIK. The following r was written by A. W. F. $lug.:, fz ish.op 'of- •Brad" Nord,: England, iind" published in «Forth'"• -'` write qri beiial#. of aIL_at-, eats .of -men in . the- services who l vi tlauc. tie: gr ac..;s2ifi'r fie. Azad I "rite as a fate oo • aged`�I9 `whow •. a's -killed ww1rile is ' orr 'service as a pilot -officer with -• the Royal Air Force, Young, keen,. vigorous;andn'd enterprising—such . ,� � fareth �they� were• �4be esti ; done ' More, ',than taste the .. first; sips .of life it was .over:' We Jare..puzzled' and;:sore compla ii .and ,repine, It .ts` easy:,':' `to- be bitter andt.resentful "What -a waste!" w say. `"Why•does God 'allow it? `ITow can God' bear it?" 'a I.;:. ' ' h l •. we as• '' W rr� . •:Or sell' s sy ... k, by , picked .out for such .a ' sorroi ase • tliis "•: . a.• "Why • doses ',God - allow it?'.'.—; natural, question Su'- why' 1d`oes'. God • allow ;;any evil in, peacetime 'or in .Wartime,.' in: nations or rn,. individuals,: to `::go 4oil?. .Only b'e, 1VIr: and -Mrs.' Frank -Guest f _ .i, .- • -cause, 'He - cannot stop pit without'- Wadena, Sask., 'were recently' ` usin force and to n e.. force honored, at as birthday party; at- would be. take2lway•: the !free. tended.:b- about'fort friends arid... . 4" :, - • Y Y -will • He :has' green us 07 neighbours., A,pleasant-social ev_ ening . was enjoyed'' and .atthe lunch` hdur, ','Mr. and Mrs. Guest 'were -each presQntecLw th a love ly.•gift :• '': They;'..:•are:.87 years, of age and God is a ' stricken Father. He : carf.' God 4:s. trying ;to. 'persuade .'Mien to use :their9;own freedom : rightly We are • stricken ., fathers and • mot ers..wives • an 'and'• friends, but remember 'that sweethearts Were- former residents' of ,this; understands; It 'all, He,':too,:.saw a i�i o.': - • . •r...afflict Son ;die. Afflicted n ions -that is God, As for the: bo ' • d, Y .s a•. had. tasted ;the .: realize 'this, 'this •he . r ar f life. He s . s 'fresh 'uce o '.`e. J p ;ed from tasting its stale. and bit ter,,,dregs. • He -,is 'snatched : away- :, ;from the evil tha might come You; �know''your owns loss. There 'is -a -he -le • r o r -home; and 'your, comrYunity nFor some 3 yeas s Mr • and; Mrs. Guest farmed:. in the • Wadena district ...Where 'they' are. held' in"highg P ire aids. A special ial birthday' cake:was reared; for, b Y pp. when' . i :.as the' occasion and wa lighted th gathering sang Hat py.: 'Birthday To 'You ST ; IE'LE . rS:... D.' •Tedd ; has. been a ..Vis, heart. ',God help.„Yati. 'Ent' do "not 7, mell-,itoSh.:and Mr.- mantoSh at i'tha.end. Life goeS. On,:.I have. 'al'. - , BORN -.---In 1Winghain General- 7Tlie4--univeiSe does,. not make sense if ••the _grave is -the 'end 6 Hospital on Thursday,...,January ,4, ' " inap"-s life. I -never": felt ,s9..‘ tinfolding.S-all, that: growth 1 the use -Pe might 'Make. et- him.; . • The, ..Jannary _meeting of: the, Friday 'i7afterpoon •at. 2:30, ,stOrt,whaVtlaws Would ,yOu right!'; „hy 44 HOstesSeS:* Mrs,: ItIce; ;Mrs: • • bey .has fligh'tS i7each., 'a fuller life, to live,' nlore alive now A-thari When, . he was here: He cs Seeing :more, .know:,..: reniernber..- him •In .one whom - otut 'son 'is dearer. "eV•erin e 44,4mother" JAS. ° otter Mail for • the- :vv inter. Months, ,The „regular' Meeting O. f_tlio' Stitute Will; be hold at,the Of Wm: :Kernp'ton. • .10 irou Of prom We assure pill' the best maiket At. all. times about oilly PAYS TO—DE1:41 Onto, please God, You::a.nd of 'that life alid•that.io.,•:slizill. be. forever" • Why.does war Send 'tlle••ciA.orce. Men AVith marriage, the chief ,easualty? What done. about it? li'ead. -"War and. issne. The. Detroit - Sunday • •