The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-23, Page 5, 1948 ses • and ''a listr:� t t see, Kl;I.• , Mer and L and altrick Ont.. LRLN its for iESS Annan ark day ,GH ,_ Ont innon .• kEw leiter 'ARiO t 'Block; ence 313 Genie ILICITOR Wit). low' day v • CLOCK TtitlRs.,:I?ECEMBER 23rd, 1948 THE I UCKNOw 'SENTINEL ,• LVCK,NOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE D IiAPPY ' �F;� .RAFFLE •KI t�ITAi � - TOPPED SOVEREIGN AGENTS! W..1. PRIZE ;QUILT- , 1,'lrtt .t,liritni:as sea*n seems tai B�1b MacGregor was the win- nerm of the Kintail Woeres In- .t:tute prize •quilt. The draw wasi11 der on Tuesdays night of last wet* at a dance at Kintail ,sport- s ;red by the W. I. The lucky t.eke:t :i�as di awn by ,Reg' Camp- bell • • •.in :atflaig off the quilt the 1:I: t:t,rte ladles cleared. slightly KS CHEERY AN 1 kaspt•c Z:. I� Wing to nand the aged, ill and .affil thd. One latiy; a fair- . i. in.01 rt ,.:.it••rrt t,f ti' t" \Vawano.hh Grou ' , rlLe. titUEly asci t-ve i •i- pp=1v to.:.,. McNay -Kilpatrick; p4`i4.-14,.. r" lit.: l•►t. ti't;A° a :ItI::. ,Teil:�t The MacNay-ICiipatrick Group - W.A. tri!at t;!, ati 1 :irt . fn,Ie *anti of the Met a t the borne t►f ` 5l tt•p' t rf la• i�'sl+�; -'�l` t'l�� '1' l�'• o t Mrs: ` Alex McNay with 22 ladies St 1Ic It ,w d1 :1L:.PIit_•r' m. 3• ed and' the, meeting opener lay ht.:. 104,t.t.t .. I:i ottf pre4em, M. Kilpatrick prestd- .r • -sF t-,3: • �e' �t.:;�' ii�Yk- �tii: rasa]. `tartar 1 t r sing:tYg. Christmas caro s 'and r�.- .h;� :., ,ai,t;t•. t � •ta 1 plating !the Lords prayer in una-"tt, t :I Y:, MM_.- RT E O.ndersoVn read; - a' son , ;the scripture lesson and Mrs. G. i Andrew “The :Shepherd's first __ . ' . to : •. ^ t:+ is :u :a=.. zn 1e Ca;zctdizan National l;xhabitlon 'announced by Ikon: Dana Porter, - .t'1I... .1cli.ti. and s: it t . r ze° of 100,00 in Education.'. VZfsy of scripture:port . Res were' ' C Fidle Minister • of • • U4. DECEMBER BUSINESS . • ►. Mr. P. 5: Stewart, local Sov- ereign Life Insuranceagent, is the' whiner of . a big turkey' for having written the biggest volume. 'of business in December.. The. contest was open to all , agents in the province. Philip has been with the Sov- ereign Life for four'teen'years, NEW APPOINTMENT: FOR STANLEY RIVERS • •;z::,t:than S100 on the raffle, The ' al:t:lt." detsigned by Iiowar.d. Cow- Appointment •of F. Stanley an,, and Made by members of the .Rivers as su.tperint ndent. of pro . , F%:n rail; Branch, was exhibited at's'onal trainin" in Ontario is. ti'4 t•t;,tt : lig innfes a g. ii -Ln by., different "coinmittees ' ta;,, , .I, competition with.' seventeen- en Mr. ,Rivers is -the son of'..Mrs.. g t'l. I•r ,,l}unlphrey had.charge of thy. program •and read the 231.d psalm. A Christmas solo was given c n by �'r . t• accompanied anied .i 3 Mrs J "Vp" :royn ii?p ..'�r� . "r SISI. -i: .i'�• YF r"aiYc`s:3. Miss. Markt' iii a MacLennan inn bird'$ Kilpatrick , sang 'a• pleasing -:d t: Mrs.. Eddie .Johnston •conducted a.' Contest. The winners sang a verse of Jingle Bells Mrs Ewa' I. �1 ,r �i 1 l t ...t t•. .a• ' C par tries from across the Dominion. + Albert Ri�•ers,, formerly of Luck •'�,ae•1)orizcld; • :il:•�• 'f 7 _' with het i• It ult w displayed ed t the . l" e The quilt as lap S a now, who is now • ing I (,. j" nt. 1It s 1 k F 11 He nu '-s a .I! dal M,r� l lei-• T, h�'tk ucKflO ' 1l r� :1 ;a , : „ • H �,, t . b n to Mr, Shell' at Seafortb , i t tr: ,� zt:�tl• ' The t .�� C1D.li1t'ha .been pl�o fir , :l Mak •'c� .>; rti, . _ - Stamey Rivers . Was the ' editor ( k•C ,,. r.t .,,• ,.aphid ° and will be publicized II x - K of the social studies series for mean. •t ; int:" ••ri:*' g:; t:: "h,,• a long career ils 11•=ai; This -R.. 11 t kvery interest- int the Women's Institute publics- ifitc pope:. ,`\ti ]hat° should. Chr:' t-. t: ,:i, '•1L me. end Country", the aimed services and has' had ; 1 1 in teaching in this •Taylor moved, a hearty •vote .if •thanks to our" group. leaders frac their interest in the Group dw=. • iii - the •.ear: 'A` pot' luck supper: g .y . Was. : enjoyed.'•'by a11, Our next meeting will be,.held at '•-tthe hbrne • of Mrs: J. Kilpatrick .With Mrs. W B. Anderson, Mrs,: Ewart,.Tav lor and Mrs.: Sprpul 'the .program comrri'ittee, Ashtield. Presbyterian W M. S. The December "meeting of the Ashfield W.M.S. -met at the 'horse • of Mrs'. Henry .1VlacKenzie; with twenty "present: Mrs.:. Dan, Mac- - • 15na1'd, vice . `prey dent,' • was '•in . • charge of_the•program, The scrip- tore .!.vas: read by,Mrs;' MacDonald •r,nd the meditation given by Miss 'S Johnston, The golden' text, was answered . with :an written. verse 1 referring . to •Gods powers. -,Read- ings. were given lay' Mrs. H. Mac. . Lean', Mrs -*Collinson.. Mi's:: , D:.A: Mc Le.an, Mrs.`, W :•toss,. , Lois• Ma.Lean;;' Anna .M eDonald; Mrs. D. .A.. MacLean 'offeredprayer, • Mrs. Elizabeth''' Rose' -read the} .: story -, of .Christmas, Nylons • and • carols and Mrs:„, Tom •MacDtirinld' - sread ;of .•Christie ,customs::Tire Glad ,Ti -dings prayer was offered by ;Mrs Neil •G .11�iacKenzie The). retiring president, Miss':S. John-.;•-, ston}:. took charge •for the busi- ness The secretary; •` Mrs:' Sire ri:=. son,: offered to' send ,car ds. to Mrs. 41eh i11e. Scott, Mrs.. 'Anna •McGi11, Mrs..Brotchie,. Mrs. "Rebecca "Hui, ' ler] and Miss. •.Belle Ross. The t. treasurer; .Mrs. D. R. MacKenzie,, f • •gave• her ;report. „The supply sec. retark;gave'her report. Mrs. D. MacLean was appointed .to name'' over the slateof officers for 1949.• Pres., Mrs. Neil G. MacKenzic'; 1 1st vice, Mrs..:. Dunican MacKen- zie; 2nd Vice, Mrs.: Dan MacD«p� . old 3rd..vice, Mrs.. J' Collinson :and Mrs. Duncan .McKay, sect i, Mrs: Dr.'Simpson press sec., Mr's:. Hector MacLean;, Glad -Tidings sec., Mrs. Town.. MacDonald; Home • 'Helpers' sec., Mrs. David McMur I chy; welcome. and welfare: Mrs) P. A. 1VIcLearx and .Mrs: 'Henry,: , MacKenzie; supply . sec.,. ,Anna t, Mae 'MacDonald; Mission Banda Mrs. Rev; Rhoad, .Mrs.. John, M•ac- Kenzie, 'Mrs.' David Cowan pian • ist, .Mrs.::D:" A.-1VIacLean ` , 1, ' province, In 193.1 'he ,was ap • pointed to ;the' staff of the . North tt;�=tit t• atict• '_ fir, - : a Normal School and from that o-nunients family . plot` ;should, be graced with the shrine -like beauty, of ',a monument which, Will be everlaastingly a- tribute to those at rest. We have many classic styles to suggest, and will work with you on cus- tom .designs. . Exceptionally IoW rices, m- ates n i n h i 1 n� c Na, canvassing, gt . .. ates sales commissions. • • Inscriptions Repairing- ' Sandblasting Memorials " 25 Years' Experience 'The latest in: Portable •Sand1 1� st Equipment work ersonally executed All z personally • n Alfred St., WINGNAM 'Phone 4i5i1G _ • or NEIL , MacLENNAN, Ripley), Ontario, AL.EN ROBERTSO:�•,of Ea•t. • a, 13 Y t u trig11ttk ..J..QSEat)Crt'. been attached to the winning -the Prince. of Wales h • 1 ted to • the: time. has • '"I"la,• -stn uu t;t .t\ttt .� t a•5e's ,ul ' ��'�t`,r� .. was a r e• ec ... i--' medal:. for. `eneral proficiency, .He C 1 t ih ' h d' f the poll.,Department of Education in vii m a g • :iota.: as �<ttk^.i tilt rt" t;ittin (*t girt. a e ea o has done past -graduate work 'in. t ` : Th .. Robertson. : was. fol ntcib ' uus. capacities.. { education. '.a't . the University of the.' tt• t.t ala . dt, .. ,,i t right t11. •Forster:.dau�hter. of. Mr, and He. was, born .at Teeswater,. In , edu . F :,' Jean. , , * ,F t i aduated" with honors.:`Edinburgh; Seotland,. on :a .pro- t�;•a i't,•t.° . Lut1i•li ;i � �,Ii• • ,I•in2e Fina tt. R• .1„Luck- '1924 he g Pro - the • •t'•(•..' •' is i;t' ,yrs•• rat,;; from'• th' University •of Toronto,: vincial" scholarship. ,t.�,t,.�y t tt.. 10 :tinesday • round floor It of I. Building, Kharh tes'idecire 9t :i • I nited, Church. Eva. Auxiliary , •• The. Deceer meeting. at the FAteninn* g ,Auxiliary was held on Tuesday evening at the horiie o`. -'.Mrs,. Alex' MacNay with' 25 Pres- . ent. The meeting' *as., opened ' with•,-the...call' to .worship by Mrs. I...C. Zlhompison: Mrs., G Joynt ead .the • scripture lesson. Three Christmas carols were then sung..1. The minutes of the last meet ng, t4•ere read and adopted.'The tr eaS " urer's report was given 'by Mrs • J:.C. •McNaab,, and' the Friendship • committee report by , Mrs. Geo. Joynt. A request: for a donation, •' to the War Memorial Children's Hospital' in London was 'read by Mrs. ••Thompson. It' was Moved and seconded .by Mrs. k Andrew. ar41 Mrs,° MacNay that this :mat- ter be left' dver°•til the 'next meeting: The "ne* slate of officers, chosen by the nominating coin- - mittee Was.- then . read by Miss Jean ' Osborne: A reading •,,r_. • • lurks the `�coininon.cold' l Ontario citizens E4 EMBER' is. here with, it Iu . and their D~.4i a re `ninded. • now of a , few • simple helpful :rules'' to Safeguard ' health,-' and ha oTothers. '. Prevention' of the: commion : Cold is the responsibility..lof all, and if everyone n •• unecessary llness, expense and discomfort may be avoided pls�•s his; part.rnuc�i • • min ahead, when so .hooch hap With. the_holiday `season loo .;, g piness "depends 'on , ererti'one feeling fit, w° 'run the:risk of" catching cold "-=or Petting: Members . I. of 'our family face that'danger ' • Department of Hearth • 1n . the interest of parents :and familie ,. the :.Ontario ecaueaith l ,. r commends eery Ontario, -citizen tp study the common-sene pr tions Upon them do esied, helow• and act opo Take. plenty of rest Avoid •becoming unduly hired. Endeavour io •'folloWW• a weil=abalanced diet Avoid becoming g' wet" ' chilled or over4 ,it. if " clothing C�etomes •' wef, heaied 'should be'changed as`quicklyas possible: If a cold overtakes you, go to bed until it improves. Ifit does not clear up rapidly, do not hesitate -to seek medical advice.• Be thoughtful. of . others: If suffering from a.cold, do notspread germs by. coughing 'or sneezing openly. e Avoid crrctwdis as far as possible. PARTMENTHEAL` FOR THS PROVINCE aQF ONTARIO" P .E RUSSELL T. 'KELLEY MINISTER OF HEALTH