The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-16, Page 4'mew 7p ` O o. rim SN>� L�� . � YP "OLb AT 40, 5o, 60?" , MAW Niilt. 4 You're crazy. ! Tho Y nds, • POPPY at --70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up ()dies lacking iron, For *run - d feeling many men, women call 'old", New "get acquainted" size only 50c. At all druggists. 11 Y�. 14 • • •�A ‘"WANT AD" RATES --1st insertion 2 cents acentrd subl es cent insertions 1 cent a word: Minimum charge 25 p • of � The Sentinel 10 'cents extra, ' Legal advertising 10 cents per b count line first insertion, 5 cents pet line subsequent inserttons. FOR SALE -- an electric train. WOOD. FOR SALE --tree tops and Apply at Sentinel Office. •. FOR :SALE ---.good winter coats, 4 , size. 14. Apply "to Mrs. Russell. _Button, Lucknow. • FOR SALE -30 Leghorn = New • Hampshire , hybrid pullets.' Apply to Same: •Cupskey, It, ' 2,. Lucknow: woodfor sale cheap, in the Baird Bush, '1 Y miles • west of Luck - now. Anyone', interested be . at the bush • on Friday 'between 2 and 4 p.m. R.. C. Armstrong, Teeswater, HOUSE 'FOR SALE -seven even -room house, hardwood floors,_ 3 -piece bath, new 'fu ;nace,e2 sun porches;• � � v't 'an � ... good .garage Possession w 3 h FOR . F E. --„Good Ohieer. coal or • gid• _. i lmcnth Apor . to +Mrs, 'Tyndal Office. • Robinson, Lucknow. HOUSE FOR SALE—to be mov ed, large frame house, '3 miles from Lucknow.:Apply to 'J.,V. O'Donnell; Forest, „Ont: • FOR SALE - ^ god used brick': • (from bakeshop bread ovens) ( 2c; also 3 good, cow stanchions. Geo: E. Machines, Lucknow. FOR SALE;•=carload , 4f .feeding steers between' 800 and 900 lbs. * Omar : Brooks, . Dungannon, phone FQ,R SALE --new Singer 'sewing machines, electric portable and cabinet machines,, 'also' • treadle machines: For' information write Singer, : Service Representative, Box - 38; Lucknow: HOUSE. FOR SALE—Seven-room frairie house, ' • newly decorated, Modern ,kitchen,' 3 -piece, bath- room, , good, residential 'location, immediate "occupancy., Enquire Sentinel Office. MEMORIAM 'DECKER—in loving memory of Conrad Decl1er who passed away one year ago, on December .5th. He bade no -one a last farewell, He said goodbye to ndne, loving heart had.. ceased to beat,. .Before we knew it, he was gone. • Our• hearts still ache •with sad- . ,ness . Our- eyes stied' finally 'tears, God.only knowhow we miss him As this ends the first sad year,: 'missed- is- Wife' .wad faatiy. `, , I" UI I''LE ' GROV E Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emerson n • nd, Hilda spent Saturday at Mr., An gus Graham's at Lucknow,. Mr- and Mrs., Frank Dore spent Saturday in London. . • ' Mr. and Mrs, Den Scott and family visited with Mr, ....Morley Pettyplace 'of . Riversdale on 'Sun- day. Mrs.. Gertie Bushell, Mr. and Mi tissell ;Bushell and Bobbie. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles and ATT$NDED DANQVET • represe ativ.es . of the Six Lucknow Agricultural Society were at a banquet at Pleasure Valley, near Hanover„ . on Mon- day evening attended by Calf Club representatives from •Bruce County. Two representatives from the, Department were also present. ' In -attendance : from Lucknow • were Wallace Miller,. John Farrish, Andrew. • Gaunt,, Jack Henderson, `Fred McQuillan: and • Gordon' MacPherson. • .,.• . NOTICE :Laura ''and,Philip, spent Sunday. 1NANTEI3 to take care :With Mr_ Edbert, Bushell•. •• WOMAN Bread , delivery in Lucknow of sick lady tor three 'weeks. Ap- ply: to Mrs. A. P. :Stewart, Phone 34 Luckfow. FORD .TRACTOR : & PLOW for sale or trade for••l.ivestock or barn mile Martin, 1 J: •• frame • .Josepi} Johnson �'•H:P air-cooled engine; from Lochalsh Store. newly overhauled: for $40,• Cof t�* Mr. Walter Collins taak • part will be resumed on Monday, Dc.- � in the ,CKNX"program' at Paisley,. • FUBDON'S on Saturday might: FOR1 ' H P air- of Pine River 'visited' 'with . Mr. SALE-LawsonVictor Gawley'. last week cooled' engine, 6 mos: <old, for $50, .: Mr & Mrs.'Don'McCosh, 'Mary' and'D3cke .also Mrs. John Col- well spent Sunday with Mr. Geo. Colwell - at .'Holyrooct:. Mrs.. Tom „Quigley of- Luckno :r• visited her sister, Mrs. Ralph Hill• over) the.` week -end • ' - A : McCosi gathering • was held at the. home of Mr. Don: McCosh, including �`Mr. and Mrs.: Knight' and family: 'o# Wroxeter and .Mr and Mrs.: Will Arnold and family. and . Mr. Ikho : Buttymac; Mrs. • camber 20th' BAKERY . . . and• :Mid. Secord • Graham FOR r ,SALE—a.[ • Good Cheer box' field gas washer. $95 Renfrew' stove :.14x24; ` 'or will trade for �.` 3,.. Goderir h • ROOMS. WANIIED -,- .gentleman. Quebec heater. Reuben Wilson • hand 'washers and, *ringer $20; bay team of horses.' 3 & . 4 years old, $135.00. Apply to:Alvin Col - 'Jason, R. 7, Lucknow ' : •' wishes two unfurnished roorns' in 'NOTICE'.`. Lueknow..:Apply:' at Sentinel Of- • fide: • Charis :Foundation.:Garment Co `Trained corsetiere for Lucknow LOST black long haired :dog anal surrounding districts. Pleased with: white ; markings. Finder. to ,d_ 3sc. fur iuie t needs. Watson. and son Edgar, Mr; : Robt zLs�..: y •ga please notify; Harvey. Hodgins, . Vire guarantee to fit all types of McCosh. oil h' ' phone. 1.$-r-19' Ripley:; figures °at ' onable rices ,,i1+lr ''Mr..'and 'Mrs Ernest .Thompson Krol, g Pi'_ P Reward ' ' ... • winiam . ,Keivaeds ' phone 509 -Ru - -and soil . of• . Am berley also Mr. InSUra'flCe AUTOMOBILE,. FIR LIABILITY A GENERAL ", INSURANCE • i or , •" `''In* yr' Canada. S*v1n *Hoods' and Sterling Trust • Cert ficcetes, R. T KILPATRICK . LUCKNOW.. 'Phone .77 -r -t. Dufl annwi. - :. pn `1p • DEcittainat tai SOLOMON'S GEREENli And See The P 'Phone 88 Plant$, And Cut .Flet Azaleas, 52,50:•to $5.00 men, $1.50 to'$2.00; :L5 begonias,` ' 51.75 to 52.00 mas Cherries, $1.00, Mixe 52.0Q;, Poinsettias, $1.50,. ACCO UNTAN( Service. for the Small chant, Professional M the Farame!•, In zeknow Tues., Tb Friday. Office in' Hit Bloch.- ' S. ..F.YII P.O. Be* .74, L.'ekhS1 'Phl fle 23 Wingt ..._ Ord., coiner Minnie & and Mrs.' Sam Geddes spent Sun FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ,from . :. �: dal: with Mr Join Fair. S from, bombs .P4t kn : 5..c X2.50 up All .types. � Uitom°$l le Owners. .� Don't "„.pay two prices.. for your.: tnsurauce. • For the most 'economic 1.'and' reliable protection in a..• AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE1 LIFE INSURANCE:.. a:, ;.FIRE INSUKANCE: SICK • & '..ACCIDENT INSURANCE •ata . HOSPITALIZATION Sae o : Can STKI dPTdll'IETRIS� IN ' LUCKNOO FIRST WEDNESII EACH -MO from • - le. am... to Q 'p, AT WM. scHMID's sal Insure,- In $t Insurance Confede. rah WIND, GAR, FIRE—Preferred. Ba • _..1 lIrred risb • :ACCIDENT & SIC1 Consult 'JOHN FARR1 'Pho e . 7-r.15;: Dona INSURANI • FIRE, CASUALI and AUTOMOBILI • ritsteet' Tour. balite Wit!! Jack i Lueknow, Ontario. 'Poore. D iia 71r-, • to :automatic''sprinklers: See Art ! %, CARD OF THA1�iKS'~ —• Breckies • Lucknow, 'pro'prietor I - II Sentinel Fire Extinguishers • Mrs. "Jim . Nelson wishes to b t011i ` p:,, . ' FOR SALE - Gilson ' gasoline gratefully, acknowledge the many washing machine; knew latter Part kindand thoughtful : remem of ` February. 1948;. also a'' Philco brances. of her mile in the hos • battery radio` in , first class con-.pital, all of which.: sincerely.f' dation Apply .Mrs Raymond Fin appreciated nigan, phone Dungannon 78-r-5,: Kenneth Cainron • sincereh FOR SALE - Holstein heifer calf a grateful, to .all those in the coin` ti accinated and TB,..tested, • due in'i. triunity *dzo , have so, . kin'cdly •re # • February at ;$165.00; purebred membered h in so many yrs. ''We are paving' highest .'m 'market prices, blit will no boar '1'.' yeas, guaranteed :right. `.The People of I sicknow and :'dis at $65 ; Orville Durnin, .. R. 1: Dun-. trict• • have surely been .. goodto '' gannom r me -':.Kennett , a” ar and.he w ishesa % N to • extend w hes.. to all for .t WE ARE -AGENTS for Kitriaener a Merry v z.:17.6- a •.Haopy = Big: -I, chicks. ;They are . fine Ness rtes chicks.' It's .doubtful. if you can ' ' buy any better, Pouitl rykeepe ' - my ' nea eit' c •who keep ,close records tell' of ~ tar-..ks .-, .a .. -W-L., sent' me • their ' livability an layabth _ :. If ,r ..* -- t o --.L-,d, t'e'ams t ou arm interested m good : e- and ---z.----r• •- s-: r -e* :he • turns' :on. your poultry ms es fent•. 1 ._.:. a :rod.,,e —buy Big -4. It's none too soon •1': € ---;- •t ... `- I: ,.. to lie thinking of that 1949`a: da- ,•rr ... s -. act us ED VBAKER 1. 2 g .'s.,. We Are :In The Market. or Kinds LiVe. And: Dresssed • GEESE And DUCKS I. t,. 3 Luekuov ie. U be :buying after .Wednesday, December FEEDS. FOR ALI: 71.9 .' NE�� S' FOR O A4`.; `}. ..ilk w �' z ."•Z W ' i «.i. r.Y� 9 •►'. yl. �V � .Yr,"•'1. .. VYr • +,jy7.W r yn.`i , •� SeCtr ', ,. ti4 s•�i.e - . HesA CYct', Rats �: :J: NY; { (tome FOR .'i'OCR 'POttr13.Y- -N-- - . lets and Scatci•;•Feed. ' Worm Cures, Tmmc•s.. . Equipment.. "• r:. .FOR 'FREE 'DELIVERY 'tom 'PHONE 1-65, 1XCHNoW ,, of :the Std And M*fla hent Sib A ► C tie end •a Happy, New' Year. AND ar alai Si LUC1tN0V ON' One . Jnji Telelibeni 135 • Ream Phone. 62-wi;; • We will pay for old„ disabled or dead COWS . $5.00 'ea. - HORSES $5.06' ° ea. HOGS .51.50 per cwt.. All according' to. size and condition, ion., COL rr for prOmpt. courteous service 121-J:1 47 **Ingham:w ,Ripley. 59-16 or 38-19:-. 'ingetsoll,E 21: WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD. INGERSOLL ONTARIO AN All -CANADIAN FPM ESTABLISHED i $7C '. Stuart :Kul *RISTER k Wilheatei, of IN LOCO itkLatwedne • OFFICE i . HEN'DERSON 1 R.S. , Hettieringi Barri.ster..1 Wugbaaa and 11 r J ` IN LUCKP Each. Monday'. & �'Vr Located • on the ,all in the fret John Kipatrick' 'Phane Win 1Office ,4$ . ,