The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-09, Page 7'Ti<IURS., ' DECg,w3El3 - 9th, 1948'. TRE t.UCKNUWa SENTINEL, LUCI{NOW,r ONTARIO on um.en ts • A family plot should be graced with The shrine -like beauty of a monument which will be everlastingly a tribute to those at rest. Wc• h:avemany- classic; styles. to suggest, and \4i11 work With ' you on cus- tom designs. . Exceptionally :.. low ' prices. No . canvassing, Which eIint tt ztit,'s sales commissions. IriseriptionsRepairing Sandblasting. Memorials 25' Years' Ekpericnce • The latest. in Portable Sandbl€Pt'§t'- Equipment A11 work personally executed grOWn.lie' Ali d se., .' : r tgAHAM 'Phone 450 • or NEIL` MacLENNAN,. Ripley,. Ontario. • • United Church' Y P. 45: • The:regular 'meeting of. the Y. P. S. vitas held 'on Monday at ; the home ;of: Noreen Kilpatrick. with an _attendance of: 17. The opening hymn was; silent Night, . followed by, the scripture by Bruce :John- ston: The Lord's prayer was fol.- lowed by : a, reading • by Donald McNay. "A reading was giver} by Willard Thompson. A. short, busi- ness period was conducted by::the' :pr,esiednt, , Gwen' 'Treleaven..Quiz-' zes , were codnucted •.by .Willard 'Thompson :after which.. the meet ing was *sect with the mizpah benediction. The ' next meeting will' be at,. the home of Willard• Thoiripson with . Donald McNay,: Christian Emissions converter,,: ' in charge, 1 HURON COUNTY FEDERATION NEWS (By W. V. Roy) Faun Forums are rapidly re-' Organizing in the County and, ,sev- e•ral new • Forums have started Meeting im Monday nights. Al- ready 28 fartil furunts have met on u single Monday night t'. disr e u.ss l,t:oble•tits ' pest tine nt to ,rural.! people, Several forums: ;At e. slct�v in seritjing .zn .their z e f'. r.,rts to the Ontot a, • secretary. These should kat ti �:r:t •1 tire day .after the zlacet (.)n the s Auje(•t "1 Set B The. l,(.t,ple.' _felt, getter- . ali�. quit th(. London nee ?less un .. t,',r 'S tutf ,Id fiezt('r;n filet old titer; domg a s tli'•n(h'i job in the C ot...t)• it dailies, in providing 1+ri Fi7 ;tt'i World ni! s and •. the tl•'r; t t,•ier' pt z�'Ctte1y ff)\i rr ri tit: rrt • rape Were of 'mere! to • the whole family and,were w ide1 t ead.. The County: .week - heti, ka:,'.4'ever,, :came .in • for a bit (lets 20 -Year Award: • . The .November issue of "Con- ' tact", the CIL . newspaper, lists Mr. N: E. Bushell •.of" town among the •recipiexttsof the twenty-year I service awards. . Growing old; is no. more than. 'had habit which, a busy man has no time' to; form, of et'ttwkiin. .Molesworth forum. suggested tt.inal'garnation of week- lies and eeklies`and il6Ouling the staff. Elim._ vide Not th •foru.thinks• .t)%e Ex-' titer Times -Am dv.u:cate a very good all-around «;eekly, btzt•they .sug- gest: they would prefer .less crime and'rnare good deeds published. in Our daily papers. ''All .. forums Jwould like ;to. see more ferum. news. Federation doings and .agri-. oulturai'news in. general. Several forums asked 'for more accuracy •in• setting type, less stale news, more; repOr`ters who are'sate, of facts, less publicity of food prices when. • nothing is; mentioned •of Costs and more support for operative' papers; The County projecctionist .Will be pleased to .show films at any, forurn 'meeting where . a ' sizeable crowd • may 'gather, and where . a -suitable loom for, ; projecting can be. provi.dedc, Requests 'should be• sent in well in advance. • Starting the first •,of the year, Huroq: County, Federation. will at tempt to place the Rural .Co=op erator:.in every farm home in the County. This •will' be 'done • from the County office; ' with the, assist= ance. of:the Township. Federations and ' County..,Co-operatives,.:.we. hope.; «•. .Fanners unable -to, secure. suit= able farm labor, may now do so' thr.ta:ugh their . Federa.tion work- ink' in: conjunction with the pn,iz-ation ,:and . Agricultural De. • partinent of . the_', Canadian• Nat- ional. Railway. and' the Dominion .go'vernment. There ere quite a. number' of agr'ieult•ura1 workers, desn ous . of curing ,to;:Catiada. las. agricultural. wcoi'kers; but since ahey..have not iuTtds required `by. ,,the D'epai•tment: to. ' ernigr ate to ' "Canad:a, ,they :need to:. have . a • >liitr.sor... Some of the e ..people, 'firth sable and.rnatriet=i are.. Bri ish . sitbject:� '(theta are Scancli- 1ayian. and:frtiiii •othe.Baltic, _ountr:es. • United Church W. M. ' S. • ' The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W. M. S. met iiia the church •bn I)i cernber ••ist with Mrs. '.M. Q. Newton :of :St.' Helens the guest. speaker. Mrs, 0. Andrew presid- ed for the devotional e.xerc•ses. Th(n scripture lesson was read by Mrs. T,' Burns.' Theprogram was in'.the form of a Christmas.' carol;, sE i vice with the; theme - 'The Christian ":world at the 'feet • of Jesus Chest" T1 e- Wtorahip. serer-' -Swt ' ° *as Introduce. o.ducec. by' Mrs.:::tin'- drew:' Mrs, J. 'C. Arinstrong' 'fav'- or ed with=a. solo and. Mrs. J.. Kil patrick 'read. a " short poem- on Christian. stewardship. Mrs. D. C. :Taylor offered ,prayer. Thepro- gram,. in charge of Miss:' Hazel Webster,.. was .in, the form of .a' candle -lighting •service.`with: Mrs: R ..Robertson, . Mrs. W. Drennan, Mrs..Rae, M.rs. Joynt and Mrs. J. Kilpatrick taking part.` Mrs. M. G. Newton. of St. 'Helens gave .a very interesting talk on "How to keep •Christmas in., your 'heart". Having served as a missionary on the Alberta mission field of .the West, ::her: talk wasvery inter esting with a good deal ,of first- hand informatipn•. Miss Webster thanked Mrs. Newton for her Any one of these lovely hattcrns will add lasting c'.t.tnt to all VO i It table S,ryites start at $447s.. WM. A. SCHMID Jeweller. Lucknow - Ontario TAX FREE TRADE MARK ta,:Inl;? no direct. :'t`spo'1::.. ;flit l'ty..we "will.`endetivour!,tO rt.)...'ch inf;):t't11ation' as ,: 'Y19 1F.'lt f�iF'tit these.. em;igrahts. .ri. c essat•y for the ;ftii In , de,h.int.T. thele :he'll). to ,spOta.or.; nt '\':. 4na:_t•) be pr4tare .i tQ givelowip. at ie fist. ()I e .ye lt'5 cintilo 111cnt at ple\,iiling' tt'�tge iiIld living Iociation. !Fialm- et>:dE irinc' kull1•�{1:tyrsp.t•ipg. should • rnali' ai➢t�ttx Ittc;i ' earl This year; Huron Federation., 1t 111 s. orisnr half the (lpeitses of tel) to t hrei...Jtafl 'U'S•111 each: Town,' ship shin tii'-attc'Iid er't of the s1ioi t _eou s.'s .1t' the' Orta' i 1 :\g i- cial.tui'rll. ("slit gc..• ttrl;'..�r�ititer If ttre-'(()t.trse chosen Iy ..along • the lines or rural 1eadin .hip; 75. 'per.:- ' reset of ('ti:pejnp ens will he borne 11),,.4.• (v(iurltt'� 1'ed(':ation, Alal)1lcittictn "' shnitl.d be'b`Inade in writing, to County secretary....Only the first three: antiiczttion.s ,i ceivc, from each 'township can be accepted: • ..Please stateyour township \viten nwl-ink applieatk)tt.'Goderteh evator •funds-. are being aft dfitfi• this' purpose. �yX . Secretary of Band ' t' ' Al\v;ays. an ardent and faith- ful bandsman while in Lu `know',. Mel Ocr is• 'continuing 'his in- terest in hand actiV ties ia°t Cher ley .and is.; sccretaryttreast1rert` of.: the orgcinization. Bud' .Orr is on th,e proTerty committee. • PAGE SEVEN M;( • i. W: A. GOODFEL4 Minister of Public Welfare'frir Ontario wilt sp.eak'Crni. UMAN PROBLE iL ON YOUR RADIO DIAL 5' Monday DECEMBER 136 1030 p,m, • splendid address and expressed regret that more members were not present to, hear it. The Meet- • ing closed 'with hymn. 68 and the n zpah benediction, after which a social .half hour v.. -as enjoyed. Fighting TB' is & comm unity•affair:' This com- munity like others the world over has. 'a share in the. € atuse :symbolized' by the double -barred cross. Just. ;'now we areasked to strengthen the prevent- ive programby i su ortin�' the Christmas Seal Pp sale, because, :lie all world movements, the .fight: agaiinst'tuberculosis comes down to individualtre- sponsibility, N As' always, the 1949 'program .„of tuberculosis associations will be. financed by your purchase' of Christmas Seals. So please, take just a moment send in your contribution today: BUY AND ., USE CHRISTMAS SEALS TO FIGHT.TUBERCULOSIS Published in the, Public ' Interest by John Labatt united. • 1' 0 fr Orn_ ..: ot