The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-02, Page 7• T VBS., DECEMBER 2nd, '194 To The- -ELECTORS OF °: KINLOS..S TWP. Having two +ears',expert: ence on the present Muni* cipal *Board* 1 am. again •• Seeking off ice at the forth- coming election. MY policy isxhonest, conscientious gov- t eminent and if you 'feel 1 merit your •confidence, 1 would like'' to take • this op- )portunityto •solicit. your .sup- a ;j • pod at the . polls• on. Monday, 1 THE LUCKNO W SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CREWE The pupils of Crewe. school are having a Christmas concert in the sch�i,,l on 'i hursday�, Decem- ber.•10Vh at 7.45. Mr. ands Mrs. Jack Curran and 1` ,' pc it atordaby evening with MMr.a rid M s. Tema Anderson in Lucknuw. ` The e Tmiun_.ty was sadd.ent•li ' :to hear of the tifc•xl,c�c•ii•d death of Mr. Austin Quigley. lis• , hay, •1 1 I:ceri c ,:If.nc {l t:, Kir,c•ardiric l itnl for Islhout t '.'u �x c•rk ,. ()vi:r. +• c•� l the It k i n i lila con i,t is �i. wa: impr,,ve,l i..1 he l •...,t..i u c,) S1 tnaa�• f �Inll S 1 , To The, ELECTORS' OF KINLOSS TWP. • PAM SEVEN In standing for re-election after two years . as reeve,. I take this opportunity of thanking you • for. past, fav- 1 ...ors and if re-elected assure se you that. I will contixlue to 1 wt.rk for the goexl :fit the municinalit`' . as I always have during my 17 years of Respectfully yours, • , t. 4nl tt,. 'I fit sympathy 11 Inuxzieipal service. of tl,} �' fillril.arlt goes'tlt: .to • . hUrst-'Sineerei5 i I?AVII? H. • Mi, < uiglc ' 1. • Mr. �:ratl Mies. Mol Stewart ut . ALEX MacKEN CARRUTI-lER5 :: ' , ZIE • ' • • • • • . iTo The ' ? . ELECTORS.. OF • KINLOSS TWP.' for _Como..11or aeras.? have not the 'time at present to personally • interview y'ou,. through the press I ask foie: your support in .the coming election on December 6th. If elected I will. endeavour. to serve to' the , best° of myr ability Yours truly, Luc know `:,ent.,'1? ridgy•, c\•enin is Ali. and • Mr•s..Rrenald Tre- _laIc.•n + C,s leah1i�� v t ir• • .i i .circ r and Mrs.., , Stu.yri :of ,l..,undue.spent the,, week'-cmd ' ' w.lth Mr,;,:, 'arid` ' M •s ,:l Clifford'Crozier. Mrs, ' Anmlia. Trelea en' a n `;i To The ELECTORS OF • Gc•nii;;lyn of hucknow spent the = KINLOSS TWP, tt• .IC'1'OR �MERSOTG ' � I To The ELECTORS OF KINLOSS • TWP Having' served. '' you for. • twos years as ' Councillor; : I pledge, 'if. re-elected, to con-. 'tinue 40 give atteutivee and* ensign cofsiderrtion to the Township's • best interests. Sincerely, IttrSSEyL GAUNT Poor Vote and Influence Will Be Appreciated. ELECTORS'.OF KINLOSS; TVW.P. Infor election as standing Kinloss '.Township 'Council-. lor, I respectfully' . • solicit your support: and `influence, • and' if " elected'will do my' best to, give you sound' and econoitiical administration; Yours Sincerely, �> hoops' of 1� ':,.r 1.�, fitted •'.)odice. ,and vrn. s ,•.home: After much..oeer• 20 !Alai iiu utarty u.rwt srrwir.y ...to., me:�T' 1 OBITUARY MRS. RALPH SUN • Mrs; Ralph Nixon who resided in the. Zion district sof Ashfield Touinship for almost four score years, passed away on Saturdays, iv" tuber 20th; at the. home .of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley' Ritchie, where she had been bedfast for I. some time. • • " . • Mrs., Nixon was in her 79th year. She was a kiedly, cheery, hosp•itabie..lady who had endear— ed ndear.ed herself to all who knew her. r. She was born on. the' homestead , on Concession 12, Ashfield, now owned by .'her brother, Albert Beim and the only . surviving member• of.a family.. of seven children ,of the late Thomas J e1ni 1 t grid Elizabeth Jacksori, Mrs. N'ix- on's.'maiden : name was Margaret Janie' �HIelm. • She was married •.59 years ago to Mr. Nixon, who pre - deceased 'her by ,only°six months They •spent their Married life ran the Nixon farm on the Zic n aide } road.; '1i'. Mrs. 'Nixon., was a fait}%ful; and devoted member of Zion United iiastoi,_ Rev. .`. 1 B. Balli sol ; _ zonrducted .cogoli nbN`• r�r1c e- rd-r4i acrd famrl -;�wifyour support -daring the - campaign and on election day next Monday:. Be sure to vote. With • five' years' 'experi-' enee on. the -Council 1 will. do •my utmost • if elected • to. MI,. Susie Kilptitrick' of Luck- 14 txau is spending a few .days with Mr, arid . -Mrs., Mrs. Sam . Kilpatrick. Mr. .and Mrs Ronald Treleaven and Linda spen"t.•Sur)day. with.her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. .',Harvey e Siilih of ,Cedar Valely, • • Mr;' A1don •.H,asty of G'imsby spent the•week en 1: ith.his.fath er, 1VIr. ,.Will Hasty and., brother j Lorne Mr• -''and ultra Ervine Zinn and 1 Warren' and Clark • spent. Sunday 1•i with :friends.a,t BeLthor and in��; Wingham. BOUNDARY EAST Mr::Lavergne MacMillan of De troit' ,spent` a few days' last week at his' home, • • Mr: John MacMillan, ''who has been •confined to his bed:the past few. weeks,: is much improved: • • Miss ; Grace Moir, Mrs': Russell,• .Gaunt and Janet spent. the week- end in•;•:Toronto . Mr: and 'Mss : Henry . `Krueger of ;Lincoln 'Park, Mich.., were at Mt. John Gillies', for the Thinks, gut ing..holiday • Mr;'. and : Mrs" ` T: Ja.ntzi ..and: faintly .of Milverton° sPent.Sung .da • it -George 'Fisher's. 3• WEDDING BELLS • • $PR:I3VGER MAIZE•• .. . !! Chrysanthemu>ms, ' ferns, palms I and candelabra banked the altar, ;h-erI'd•;on Monday at the home , of Mr, ,and 'Mrs. `Ritchie: Interment was in Greenhill Cem- • etery, the'pallbearers" being Fred Anderson,. George Hunter, Wxn. 4. Helm,' Bob •Helm an'William -and Joe fielrn• of Tiverton.'•, serve' you faithfully and ,I Mrs. Nixon .is survived by two daughters, Mrs.. James'MacKay well .as reeve Sincerely, ('Mary) of Tirertoit and Mrs.. Wes ley Ritchie (Isabel) of .Ashfield:. 1 Two gnandsi�ns, A11an:Ritchie and • OEQRdE •TIFF N • John' McKay, a • great grandson, • Larry: MacKay, and .her • brother,. Albert T3eim, also .survive. Mrs. Nixon ups predeceased by one ,sister, Mrs. Isabel limiter and' by four.. brothers, Johii, .' Joseph, Thomas ' and 'Jam -es e1in. ;JAMES • T. PAITERSSON • .Tine death of Jaynes: T.': Patter son occurred at. his home in-.Plk ington townsbiP, November. 13th, after an illness, of , four years borne 'with' patient's. • lie was born in Boron Town .. ' •DUNGANNb.1�, Win *Soon 'S,e 91 Mr :Godfrey Hal ,,;'• rho 'will soon observe his .91st 'birthday, is •enjoying these mild fair days by. taking Walks. Though. hard . of hearing, he. has good eyesight.: Just. a few days ago he 'took' a «:auk;to visit bi :•'sister -in -lain, 'Mrs Thos. Wiggins,; about'a mile north, 'of The village andback again, being• 'away not much ,more than` two . •hours:'' Mrs ' Wiggins, • who has been ill, , Was: glad. •to see hint. although she. was• surprised at • his'; venturing such :a;\ D:idn't. KnOir ;His Brother AI�'in'.Sii•erwood, driver of the bus transporting pupils to God- erieh Collegiate, got the -surprise of: hislife, last ;;week A man in Goderich, With intentions 'of }titch -hiking,' ' asked hirn if he could have 'a ride to Dungannon: 'Alvinnow and then ffas a pro- position like this to 'deal .•. with Lof -v i.c toria Street United •church?. and was politely refining' and .ex- Godei ieh, on.•.Saturtlay; :November: plaan.ing that .the schoo' bus was • 20th, for the.,,uedding of, Ellen<`for the students only. The man; :Isabel, only :daughter of Mr, 'and v •ho •had•some baggage 'eyed him Mrs. '. Harvey 'Maize, Dungannon';, c1ose1S',' and with a chuckle to Glenn Charles Springer.. eldest marked, -Not even your'brother; sig'O Mr, John Springer and the 1 .; suppose, ;; Thi you zg . rsan. n #'. . late' Mrs; `Sp�rint;er of Wet: burn:,'t'ur.ned. out.t'o be' none other"than • .Sask.:... Rei•: 'Jas • 'Bright officiated• �l1 n's ; odder and only brother. the ceremony: and :�Zis cath-' CI • ilea 'She -Yu -06d —Of Edmonton • in Dunlop f•1 d n as soloist Alberta. and' has •• b_cr c long serine un op O in" O S. 5. sari -.'Because and`1 Love Yon r v, ,�, that he sec eyed a complete . Ti u1.-:, The bi ie ei en in mar-', t , •err tp • A t -in, who cool. , riac.e ft hs ;' fatlic•:r. ' xv :>> gi,�;"ic'k1 s :� ; eh remem er what' he Was • hi in .1ily, 'like .:al all', _A rice was'ui_kkly .. in • Tt'11i.t. ,�, t,ra�i.c'it.cl Sat , �' • q • of 4i valley es.ign; .nti l.ln yol:c� arranged and Charles Sherwood Y. J. LUIS .edged''' with l..et caught with was made a welcc n'r' guest at Al ,. hoop ski:1 'ciaugfit at the hemline .- ears apart; they ..le noW getting .With .::atin 'lc ayes lined with tie' of. Macderia .late c, A rt):'onc't of lily getting I a cquainted They are "the ship; ,Bruce :County, .16 yoara moo,' the `son •fof ,?Mees, Patteson :and Elizabeth, . ,I'erguson. • Th • he. grew •to manhood, choosinfarm- ing ar n- ing as: his " life's occupation. Orn, November 25, 1902, he, was ignited: in• :narrzage ' 1Viargaret E. DoWney,.'also of Iiuron • Twenty years ago he moved to a • fain in Pilkingtyon wherewith his : family:'he .had. since resided 'Ile. 'was a znelpber of Alma in THE _•firiDE NEWS iced Church and. the I:O OF, lodge i- also. ,in fiipleq ,tit the Guide meeting tin 1} •day •evienimg, ` inert was uniform elides .his widow': hu' leaves to; _ incur his; 10§S. -two. sons,'. Bean :: u peotibil: " .Mrs: 3lli,fr rri • wed 'on t e horneste:ad.l:about•; th+e• "l'atlifindeT$ Iladge', and Clayton h Tolin "hale. '.two , ?vnich'••ronsists of lu3 Iii story as, art' brother :fOlin., �• _ Y. .�.I,I.,Ucknatw:'• sisters, 1ti'Irs. Eliza Btroud, •.Lon TvGames were played and tie:. thin u�iel _•1VIrs:ltrchard'.�.3chart�; Bantam Patrol got' 1 points the Lucir.n6W: The'funeral `was held . Canary 18 anil'the •'Oriole bad 19•, ;. _ 'point ts. Reuben and l aecheef . Was , then played; followed by s`taps ;<t< :. Brownies. at •4,15 and .Guides :.� at 7:30 newt I•'r iday. Any'':one of these lowly. patternswill -1dd•aaasting;. • •ciiann •to all. •'"YOlJR'talle. actings• . 3erv• it start nz> 4�nec SCI JID • • Jeweller .L;.uerknaivtatl AIL FREE: ?Monday November . 54 with in terme:it in ,Elora. Cerhetery • at • -an You're.. 'Forge; your, agel usaads are ! as '70. 3kT ***pepping vi w itb ostrelr. C ontalne tante weak. down 'reeling. due zolely to •body a •kck et i w*htob many mea, and women tall "old" 'Try Ostre= Tonto 'tablets Ian Dep, ]younger teeing. gbh ver, day. New "eel acquainted.' hese war 4011, Thr eldest *U drug stores everywhere. 1 • 'Moving To Mende7rson Parm • 'MI% and 'Mrs. Torii` FFergusori and far n.il3 T moved this week.to .'. , Hendersonfs• farm at the 2nd Concession; for tk- hbm 'Tom is now working. scuts �., 'of Mrs: Mary. She'rwond 'of Fill, 1• "-. of • the v aileY held her 'fingertip TO The' • .ELECTORS OF KINLOSS TWP. With sig years `previous experience,, I• am • .stani ing„ tor election as' Councillor,.• assuring you that if elebcted. the'�duties of the office' will have my careful and close attention: • Sincerely, • DAN T. M►CKINNON Some .girls don't mind going out with bad eggs as long ,as they aren't' broketY.' it'. ' Sash,, .and .then . late Wesley ',, held , i•i�scs r,Ift , u•ocd of Belf' . t•.• veil •.ani she cai i c d • rod and white- niun s. M's. John Car -'1' ter: Lindon,::ry as :matron of wearing ;ice, blue; ny1'On t .ffeta i 'and matching 4•1ea.ddt es ; She car- i. vied; :i nosegay of pink' carnations). and White mum's.. G ri dcln ?1laizt3 11'brother of the : bride, was best roan. The'• usher's . were , }larold 11fat7'e, and Oliver Glenn ' Fn' the recd tial • the raid:: tyilt. '.odtt:i7, the: bride'a t)tllri' vv.,ri' ric:�• d.r• - Withi. black si,'t:e:•�soi les sola Cti 3Jgt' . f pink c ert:air :tis.' ' • Fol. travelling :the 'bride „ as gowned in. ..i ot'al 'Isere' with, piaci. acet'Ss.tirir , 8t1:• itri.ly t:,pt'r at'r, iii cirsrigt of. prink rat i rti,xnsi On 'thy, xr return. n. Mi and Mrs. , Springer will i ei4dt' in. Toronto. i Contesting R.eeveship' . • Elmer Parrish, 'formerly of Asha field; is .eta+ "esti'I'g the reeveship.1 of • 1.1.00,1' T ,wnshi.,p:. Elmer has bee, •t' fir, some •anis. Make.yoiir horn*' safer :from'twb, erculosis, ' by 'buying, , . Chr'stmas reals DONNYBROOK' ` Ga: don ChiMnev. ret rned hi,nw last' week after''' spending tlic,1 past three monthsat ll..nek- gush, flask, • •' •Miss image Jciffe son 'of 'bun-n- vii•c, Was home. o�e.r•the ` Neel:'- �.1 1 e+r't9, and: t C. • Robinson silent ',:e f'w clay:; last week with fi lends at Varna ;and Dashwood. Mrs. G ahani Cham 'eY, Bobby: and Jt dy r f`. Owen S and spent . .. �. and fact .�veel:, cru. tt`ith .M .. ,. a : ,. • Chamney. s •' Mr. ;and Mts..J. C,.\Robi l son,` Mrs. Elizabeth Naylor and Mr. Wrn, Elsleti' of Bemriiller •wIere visitors with' friends., in Len ori i; st SundaY. • '' t. l`. $i.•,Ianin'er. vvE ,GtA TEE rot SA SFAcnoN LET.' US ',SAVE YOU TIME, TROUBLE AND. IVIONE' :- . *without, a : �in�°le 'Four grant from gran• aryt to' feed box. ' handling . . do more , ba',ing an 0. travelling . over ' winter • roads ;to the ;mill : .. rio delay , for fresh • grouhrl' grain. every' day , n') mire' l b-15 cent grinding costs. You • can do your own •for *less than ..one-tenth mill costs. If Yoo • Haven't Hydro, We ' Il • Ger Grincl�-AI1 Tractor' • amines Mills LucknowDitrict • O. oNE ,n4 l<,iJCKNow • • • I.; •