The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-12-02, Page 2SIO Ms the Ele�rs of Huron P= I have served this muni-', panty for eight years, the Th l two'years ,as reeve, ur g •of office . I lave spz ored several new services Tor the benefit of our. rate- payers,' also a new ,•system '• . :a'an in 'trati'on and • plan . far developing . our 14-e front which will be a decided ad vantage to both -o r ,,rural and transient iatepayexs- As some rof these are std to:. be 'completed, I• feel t1v t. it is my duty to submit my' name as a -candidate, for reeve for. 1 d°. not seek. any personal zonour.. Pr. favor but _fit e a-emstor °cam - -- d•� e ser: ice rendered y - icatr[i- 1E , .017 AND VOTE •v•011Decen `f fh.. Z thank . y for. the splendi,d Co-operation given me the ' and 'wish you eyery success in future. • 1'ihiture . Passes $eek wand early Friday "norm- 'lig nor - e 1d` "w as bDrsi 'in Irn;cardwe Bovitel 011, Never 13 OF Mt patFOSETS Neigiew Asa •41*taa Die NEAR MVO IMWON MARK Mr. 2. B. IteNsibr wv end el‘ the 'death a j1. . r . ..._......,,�, fourth both *^at � . Tni,' ShatVing the waylor the su+ccessive year, 'the Bank id Mon- � �� a nephew, 4ied at his home forwar 3: in llatnilton of a h attack - 'Step treat • marks ���'• another • ,� f���Rath- ' ' 'step iuznanizinz its a re- i . Snell u O Mr110- - Nab,'s oors 4.ilsan • iia meeting of •of 'theWMS 1d at the home offxs. Nelson 3l;nard. The I port, .a practice,originated by the! l ,ch1 ' Bean 1945, ..a0,4 d - The l+iDvern take fbrcnality out. •of , ban` f ` rgus, wed statements. Addressing its 131st annual re- port `', Special Message to ens - tamers tamers of,, e B +Df ", the report : immediaa :includes the reader . was lie as an i414 • e p . ticipant nth the h •- d n ^ 4 1. Took Von gaud , m o ' with' I Imeeting prayer bY, Bev. Woolley:- 1,''�'0Q;D� ,Fellow • �i18L�18ns ' i .. �] took .. +C�l,����' �'� Wr:�te ThisBiY1»-DD'nh- •Stry" '. ,J, l+d �,�yF :devotional period. Car 'Then it :,. • • . • g� �A tD'�lb'.OV' ��t' how given ' �;?� �+�+� I • dors , deposited: at the 3 of , mentals were '. gid, - I are *`kept hard at work . , help- Gartner as Ruth ?ark walk oaf. Kirkland tock rl,•4,-ge of The. r alET- �.ng '�adm�. Y� every . - ' .to . analte" a better future' #.off' "ter- in the studbx, selves .,and for na 3'1 ersoi gavea. paper on tear- •anee. 3 s: .aco ter gave a 3n with :' increase' *) .'TePoof se tidnal , the bank's s eve .`�depa po •, are meet which, as had et .. the band s a,�xv�, •�e}�r�sits in October." 'The. nearly 1'00''r,ii on :dollars . high-' • . chime with nelat _m korY. . ;pater In sinountmg to closed G �� t3ep�: a. , :over one :end three-quarter : g u '13orklYeer- billiOnl • 1D11ars,' deinoinstrate hove fora of an arena at lii9'S:B on.'ha Abe, .en'l let for $32033. This .-does not in - aide foundation, Dr pl.uinbing' The ice s� i be with .'45PtIfirig • e- J dation for ' 6.0 0 3,601: '.a national 0'419 0066700 a the B; of is.hig simply because a great legion -of' r a e look' to it to seggzaard their savings •7 to em.. tlhose avings accoraillg 47" - 'm p Meagan *ally Passes. , :The leathh occurred an Novi 23rd • 1)1 6 e I t£1 . !fit), .Morgan, week -rad Soli Of M alyd Mrs: Elni£r. • .ar- Ms The Cn� dmn , as3 Ski TO , • giv 5, • • oaf a .� lititself,. c be , -f this ,(51,13Tryinly' ' rne xurc�tasls• »h ,- tiVS Iiince., the r o flas sw • y , it i 'ii amil3ts. m z'hiiiiYY4313:-*.bii:-.4.011,4313213147 ITI.er-prit,InCi.10111313ea:Pin. 44111312n14-Zilf_4_#riv.2na . . ..._._ reinembrance To t c tor.• m Est. sent your .conrrii on' TO ; on 'Tkibcrenlosis' .' •sten pasiing bis mother; - ,e,ao►. in 34:aidt e j • .ship, Essex , "ounce Vis. us 63 3reaiso and leaves two I Gni. A Matzo., •Anylibew dam . three ,sons.. to Xtolidays and the r g rd- ino»za bee; waging.. Mt: en't aiuDh` j'was.proven. ' The moll= home is one in' wvhichtthe xa2narm? tet:. v 3 gent?eman a.sked. putai school Qa- PURPLE MOVE mgr. anti mis, Flea& Tear 3tipley viiited.atthe home of 113r. John Fair last uel. Mts. Victor G.a a "Mrs.. nrd 2litunPs1311 ,111 fir_ :and Clark Needham omit Friday at: ;Mr. and dais. Men Steivart :anal ,; Mr. "=I Mrs. :Torn :3 �Virg. pa lad,.. to see ;# ; Nvhat $ie i + h Was .for , the lad re -I there.was eo e baby bora.,` T.The Otaillmog Sea tuna Linive Taw Dimities New Akt The spun% let "peel nt &er MM. LIMA ATIttaa 4111a 1 i Zi .spent Sunday with `: a 1 S. ' - • uxaa�t i fir. 3d'1 .3 i�"iEiseman -at- .. . Tarrant) 11 [is. Mann. and Mrs: Vkin IllinCadi were scnia,. Mrs. aearge ail :orf ar :ani x5• 1 _' .{ Mr. and Iths.W.MIXT-zilslivisit .it fix. • t , zintarag •. 616' '�•,�.� DOM7010) Steam rive ,.Beata Ott Now.. Vifts all!! S e .:: Like:. _ LYS 5125 Spruce Stave 51 hiving Bre suo$5.40 .$1.9.546.0 $1250 Co'gates 'tae •Sets. .541,5 ve $400, Spruce eveSets -$L 715 Ye yn: $1,r-$3.JDO . Schick Rami Set! g. llette. ;Sett Roniou •/Miters. 51.00-53.. 4 Aipot .Shave $114043.091 •IMAM We are fortUnateibis.year inlavinga Cum-: Idete Stoat. 'thit F •moo:•, ri.��+•��• ` �. forrhoti1' bares and Gents, Imported French , . • Cosmetics The . Lined tales met= — /1414r on tbe Canatriair make "� eb Pa - ' , • 1. SEE OURINWS . THE , r CENTRAL FLOOR it BMX! FOR MANY EAUTIRILG',. SUGGESTIONS. • • • ► aua an° Pedant* N 1 I. Te PHair Bnates, Wasersuariasit saw IF T 1101tavesiturnsittv -.• I Revlon Mitnicire Sets $1.11.4730 Eventing'1,4 1n, Puns Perfume Tocrgaus, Cigarettes, baccos -w Gaya Perfinige sw' 042.0( UZI $141.0411 )141 Pan& CessueticSais " , • DRUGST. , • ` LUCKNOW 'PHONE 13. •