The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-30, Page 7s TI41RS., SEPTEMBER • 30 104$ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,ONTARIO LET US TELL "ONE,. RO$S1 ' 1 OFFER $25,000 ' ED JON IN I. TIIR k .E r• CO; ASSESSMENTS Strikes. ., Ross MacKenziR e of the Paisley Advocate , out at Port El- Assfrssm nt appeals K i-gin'stactics in operating a high dine, Walkerton and.. Port Elgin :chool' bus line within33i4 wiles..against the Bruce County Assess- . ssess- ; u•Paisley, and at the inaction of 'rtt4 nt, have' r esultE d in Paisley to trard doing an. thin _ m rpn.o ose d y g ledurc€Irms •i,f• $25-,000 for eleh ixtaout, iriauilicipallty, which would I'c'la- But wait, Ross, you : haven't resent a saving of :,-„275 ••t„ each . E Ii anything ' W.h W'n aclt tow, n. Tin:. :'e'tttj('tv,t1 •. rna .• 1*•larl.. tt, sinular zi.ppi. Za15 by (,thE•I Thous vii,tilitie. :n •the •.County, , L it...ialuv, Was grucitt'cl a con:, sialer tl,;‘ !•t.rlitetit,i� ,,!ij(• rri•,iit it; ,;.1.�: t:,itt h� . .1ppi ,.il , as sustain., . • c'al hat .sr_t• ,at ,tl:( tilt. that 'un 1 i'c"4tk '...•. .k y g yet.• y, i gham -.High School' Boa.x d, that is ,press- itag hard to become .an ,area .ce#n- 'Lt. operates a bus lihe right out l'.ueknow. . }lire's what ,R. oss, ` who .heaver •kills' any putsches, had to • say in matter: . Ist th.e efforts tt, ..'bolster ...i(�; to •°'a right to establish g h a 'high"schools area. with the ibl.E village'• as. its centre', •Port £l�:,}•,high. school' •.board have'put p an.411.0.. .road, ,and'... one; of; ilitse Is now coming within 3sa nicks. of• Paisley to pick up pup ; Is. and .take them to classes in. tat., 'Part.: school: • We . are : yery nnueh- surprised on two'aceounts.. first. that • the .Department • at Toronto should permit suchtac tics, and secondly; that the Pais- ly. • board has •ta:ken :no 'Step: tb- ward protesting the'. Port • .Elgin move, ,Most ' •pa'rents and rate- .payers.'are hoping that shoe local sr'hool authorities will move quickly . to ' survey the situation iti ith a view. to .reaching 'a de vision on the' Paisley position • un.d. when, the final squeeze, for 4 district ':high school, area -'is It would be encouraging, tEi• 1•ia' n too, that the ,Paisley -board • r'e'ared to fight..the,Port gin bus• tactic *•'•Local 'i:atepayers; parents and trustees... ' should' ieatize . that .the time for :dilly •...dallying is past, and ;if: steps aha r :at then to: prey ent it, this..co r::Inr y • is about.' to be. dragged; not,' into. an enlarged• t as, plot.ted•:by .others • tt1 1i'i`.1 i l.I McPH• AIL McLEA.N,' edi ,• ( t.' the . Hui on Epositor; Sea' - t. -1'1;.1:, died suddenly from. a heart rh last : Wednesday He Ni••as :•!i ,ti .. 71st yea` The 'Expositor rrai-..been in: the McLean ,family f,:;i 80 years: Don`t":Favor: Open Season . HuronTownship :Connell has•' gon on record as -being' opposed. to in open :season fair hunting deem, unless • :the •surro}inding •tolkriships :adopt an•.'open '.season: Cu1"c ss. '.Township- Council is also: against an 'Open. season, • • h PAGE' SEVEN RECEIVE t ERTIF1CATES An interesting: service was held on. Sunday, September' 26th, when. •RallyDay::was-observed .in, South Kinloss Church. `Rev, J. Angus Smith took:-as-di.s theme,. "The Lord is My Shepherd",. The fol- lowing •ehildr`en received certifi- cates: :Maty , Anna Maclntyre:. Read. "FOOTBALL, •GIRL" Laura Wall,. June Clarke, Mary Ka hail' scores Wall Shirley England' Audre t .a ne Brush ., another , y. totrchdo�°rr ��rlth. this sparklin Stan1E'v, Jack England, Stewart love story'. You also will enjoy St,�anlE:� . "PaulQa,llico and . other ivr itn; t toning A:iixiliary ti he adl1iners,;.,.in.; Pictorial I evie' , TSE Sc ptember• meeting . « as :b1. 1. 11 lit at t•1iE' home Of 'Firs. Floyd*ll rant magazine with the all. sun :wit' t• 2' present. Doming magazines appeari,' with this t � a • g� Was Host At Rectory Tea a Major Rev.. M. J. Dalton, for- merly of Kingsbridge, was host at the.second annual rectory tea on Sunday. 'afternoon at the' new PURPLE :±GROVE. Mr. and Mrs, Glen Emerson - and Glenda of Stratford are vis • iting with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ern - house of Most Precious .Blood in erson. . • . ' • Mr..:and Mrs. , Ben Scott and family visited relatives at Kit-- 'chen.er 'last week; and Mrs. Don McCosh and Mr. and NITS. ,Burton Collins g spent. a day _ last week ats' Lan - 'don Fair. t. • • ' Congratulations to Mr. & ,Mrs. Donald McFarlane .on the arrival baby girt, Mr, and -Mrs. Claxide`�I itecl, r friends in Kincardine on Sunday It's Timely. Be Sure To. features by .Arthur "Brigs": Baer, uif t,r, S".hil !t t i;� f ��rrrlirt t i„n of iiil t'Ir,• it!'itt It :��,:11t t''a`"t' urban a ( riC•%itt•tt `tb'itltiilt :'ictUrt,0,r+... Ldek-'• ri., i.h.:.ght :':a 11 ,tail.' 1. 'lin the. ~,ani(' ai'}�unci�• t'ir a. �: cri tiuniax t ,1 N tE re'cl'uctra,ii. • •GIRL GLIDE .NOTES The 'Guidc�ti ale me;etin.g..'every F'i day° .evening • in, the;. Legion Ri oms. Lt(;�t s t't.k new�.Patrol :1011 tall book «we're given out. :Ten- derfoc t and Second: C1asst` tests, veie',.t•aught.an.d'cumpitis ,know, ledge ' f Q• ' First C'lu .; • C`ouj t (t :)kfc,noui t:hi� .Fr'ida3. night, i..t pit (,•c•icicl. supper first,; E.,tr.•ii,,:, . iaf t;( ;ti ici n G-tt.;rl•E•a. will L'(.,rtti t i , oiS U' , 'Is I rucc IIu:roon. Iliume Eeonom.ists 1I J( ri tiI we �t 'tt,itt^ c C tlattl;r,ai. t ''f(lr t'i:i( e(!iilttrt.'": ut�l Edi utt. i ui' 'n arid' I'E tit. accord•-: t + an anrt,,rurice•:l (nt • by 'the dii'.((th (of>t'ii V.'t[tl'tfl ILti'tUt€E Braric,t it:isl H(antt' Ecununiics.Ser �•ic e� of tti.e • Qnt ii iii `'•'D.epai trrient Of, Ai;icultu.ti.'. ': '• can`1i�e'as cheaply -as dne -they a uallv have BORN McC1LtIL I'�- 4t ''VVrngham Gen.. eral Hctaltrt,11 (InJIUrsd i St'p-; tem bei( 1E tla' to•\Ii 'find .:tIcC7ii.illrii ..R. I, .Lucknowi.eci son., . BUSINESS . •■ •■ a. ■ • ■ • 1 Y•. ■• • ■ N 1. • 1. ■ PROFESSIONAL:.: r - . a a ■ ■..'1• r. I., .a a •, m . 1: 1 ■ ■ ■ .■ ■w ■ ▪ . ■ . ' 1 .•;U.• .1 • a . 4 .1 . • till ■ • ■: ■• ' •1 ' ..r a . ■ , aa 1 rvoimir. 1DUSTRIAL SEE OUR SAMPLE` ALBUM NOW., Orders Taken Until October 15th Only Also PERSONAL CHRISTMAS. CARDS With name and address neatly imprinted: Order~ -new while' selection s .complete.. A telephonecall .will bring our sample ,album to ,your door. uckn� 11 'Plione 35 N l e bu;.4nes period the Autumn ,S • day's (October 3) issue of th . • •Ti nkr, fvr•rng , ti• a -s.._.. diseussed:. i ;.:. . ., ' "..: • Cki,arles D ei ' Iletrortundsy Tirrres: • , y and 1VIrs:. cphh t A ZacNay read ,the scrips ,t:^ .' • Pini Percy. of Detroit visited tura':' Mi•s.. T.. MacDonald •a ; ; .w . . �'g ,� e . a friends around. thy. Grove last r e �,ading; :T'he' nc' study book THE HYDRO EMERGENCY is week: '` ` 'We'st • of; the. Gorge'.' VE'as intro - I. such in` Wingham. that th"e Cham- • 111rs, tacit Blackwell and. Mrs. dueod by Mrs. V. Hunter. `his her of -Commerce of 'that town '• E. Fort of Kincardine and Mr,' Al - book r v ery' .interesting;. as the li s 'decided 'that business places. , •bort Blackwell and Joh f L john Beaton, is a"rias= �;'Yll close all day -Wednesday. and . don.' n spe t. Sunday at Miss .Mar-• ive ,of. thin locality, Mrs. 'J. Cris- at 5.36 each afternoon f1'bm Mon- w • giros Robertson's.. pin gave a :reading: Mrs. A;' Mc- :day . to *Friday. •Nay • cot'tducted ;a : spelling snatch _and lunch was.,served.by the hos- Been I11 With' Rheumatic. Fever, to s Miss 'Jean Guest; 14=year-old,, day ter of andMr.-.Mia. Wesley Polio' At Goderich "'4 doeq; t; has been. i i fore over hre'e= `Tfiethree•=year ord son of Mr, months with rheumatic 'fever. and . Nils. S H. 'Shenton. of .God"- but 'is now : considerably Improv'• P er.'ich was- taken: to; London.. last ed. She was hospitalized for three, week for', treatment:' The.'' illness` `weeks duri'n� • the' . earl • .. g y, part ,of. • «as diagnosed'. by Dr... W. F. Gal- ' her illness,'` a'nd' has. since .;been lflw` as poliomyel tis:, at•tier' home Was.- Maid Qf Honor � • Miss Florence Beaton of Luck - now, was..Maid of , honor ' at the recent ma-riage,• of Dorothy June -- MacKay,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Norman MacKay Of Tihessa- lon .and: Bernhardt. ' Strassburger of =R. R..1, Preston. \Miss Beaton's' floor lengthgown Was f -1 . g o yellow, taffeta': with shoulder -length veil •11 The enormous`losscs both in life and property, which this country suffers each year though fire, are : thee', j concern ofCanadians everywhere: Kriow Tha 1947': There were 54,931. "fires in 'Canada, an increase of .15,5. percent over .1946, te A'g•gre.tggte property toss amounted to:. $517,050,461 , Fatalities from fire numbered 399 persons:-- 149 • children; 149 men aria 92• women: 10• .E ALERT.' TO FItE HAZARDS. HELP ` GAJ THIS NEEDLESS TOLL OF ,:LIFE. ;AND- • .ftkopERTy-e:. . Space Contributed As A • Cotmnunity Service • 'b 'at .. _. • . •. � , y John L,abf, ymited I u � ��� " '. •1'�• �� . • •��•�:•M'��:� hi�� t • • 1 1 M