The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-23, Page 6• MEETING DECIDES TQ AGAIN "SAYEINDOOR SOFTBALL Indoor softball to arta be it as de - promoted locally, so Tl ltd, LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW.0 ONTARIO South; Kira * W.M.S. The September meeting of the South Kinloss. W.M.S. was held at the• home of Mrs. Allister Hughes.. It was .a special° Home Bided at a meeting on , Friday.; Helpers • meeting with Mrs. D. L. evening.expected- Kinnon presiding. The: meet- It is the.e will t MacKinnon by .singing hymn. 36 be about three town teams.and ing four or five rural` -teams .entered." and i epeating the Lord's prayer Play• will connmence early in to • unison, The' scripture • lesson October, :following the holdingiof was read by Mrs. Ira- Dickie, The ' the Fall Fair. Another meeting is',to be 'held on. Friday night of this Week to get the 'plans settled and it 'is • . requested that representatives Intyre `gave a• vote of thanks to • .from prospective tearhsbe in at- tlie-,-hostess and those 'taking part tendance, and team entries be in the program. Miss Dean Mac- filed at this meeting; with Leo `closed' the meetingwr Town% .softballers , who are:. in prayer. A social half hour.. was •terested inplayingsho re_ ern.-•� . v- - s at ,o •: Art' Andrew or E. D, Thompson. Art • 'Andrew,. 'president of the, • loop, :presided, at Friday's • meet- ing... Election of officers will be ' on: .the, agenda • of 'Friday' night's,. meeting. as .`.1114V Thompson in- tends resigning the secretaryship.•, meditation : was taken by Mrs, Alex Sutherland. The special speaker for the meeting was .Miss Dean MacLeod, Mrs. 'Wm, Mac- HOCKEY PIANS ;TO. BE. DISCUSSED NEXT WEEK There's not going' to be any dilly-dallying in .discussing plans for hockey activity here, this win- ter. A meeting has been called. by •President Hugh Cnming for next Tuesday . `night,; September . 1 • 28th; . The ' own ` al s the ` iilace- and the time '•is' 8 o'clock sharp The, Chin line will be missing from °last year's squad, which coped . the W.O•A.A. Interrr ediate "8" .championship, -.but the rest of the team is pretty well intact, and there are possibilities , for Anne reinforcements in. sight. • At'first glance the outlookdoes not look too • bright, but' never count The Sepoys out, -.and when the -season gets ' underway ten -chances to one,'they'll be in, there with.. 'a team that ;will •: give all comers' a .battle. Better be out at; next week's meeting.. • THURS. SEPTEMBER 23, 1941 UaaUaapousegIAUU /m■ aa■esas■aaaaaasaMaaaaa■rain Presb Man 'CPA.i Th Young People of the Pres- byt ran Church entertained the o . • bungannon ; .i a es staff and students of the •High. t School at their regular Guild 1: Meeting. The meeting opened IN Ee flaE Miss ,Dej ,rOct:: zst wart reaFriday, tore 'lesson. and hymn 757 was ■ - _ _ . _ z , ■ sung. Dr. • Little and M■r. Hoag _, Entertainment' Galore favored with a musical selection se after which Mr. MacDonald gave ra . k: Miss Lillian • Carruthers . Classified Horse .Race. ---7 sure starters; Gentle Playeda pianosolo and this was ■ a ',talk. ' men's Road Race; 2 Running Races 2 Hurdle ..- ._ %bowed by a male ag4ai`tette of a: �lumpin Events, Chariot Race.. Mr. I. MacSween, Rev, C. H. Mac- I e . • p . Donald, George chin and lvor I. i • CLOWN BAND.. NOT A DULL MOMENT 1 ' Admission, to Grounds '5Oc; 'Children Free ONE DAY ONLY man Taylor, After singing hymn 666, Mr, MacDonald , closed •with •prayer. A' social hour was spent and then' lunch, Was served.. P. your name, Or • addres•s 'has : changed since 1,9z01 --fill out the special .Change of .'Address" : Card' available, at all ; Post . Offices and Ineome�Tax•Offices• Mail the. "Change of Address" 8 and before October :31st194s Mail this card even if• you completed one last year: You should not fill out a "Change of Address" Card if both your name and address are still the -- tame as in 1943. • CREWE.: • •Mrs,.•Will Alton, and Wendall of Wingham " . spent theweek-end with her brother, Will Hasty and Lorne. ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crozier; Billie,' Joanne, Mr. Roy ' Maize and.. .Mr. Dave McWhinney 'spent, Wednesday at Western •Fair • at London. . Mr. and Mrs; Morgan' Barnes: and 'Frankie "of . Mafeking spent` Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jack • Curran.: Mrs. John `Watt of Hamilton, is spending . a few days in -the com- ! ty xnuni We are glad to report.' Mr Torn Culbekt has returned home after spending. some four or five weeks in Goderich. Hospital ' Mil Raymond Finnigan spent; part of last we,ek . in London: ,at .the Western Fair .and. at;Thames vine :with 'hisniece; Mrs:.I.:1O 'd Kay. ,. ,• • ' .. Mr. and Mrs: Harold `Johnston spent • Sunday afternoon •with.`Mr. and;' Mrs: Ronald'.;Trel eaverL • • A•..number ,flora here'. attended j Blake Church 'anniversary" ser-' vices iri the :evening.'• Mrs.. Bort . ,Treleaven of Luck-. now spent a ' day„ last:. week with her daughter,`'. Mrs:; Jack Catran.. 'Purchase Ripley,' Home ;.;Walter B '.W.aldert 9f Huron Township ' has . purchased. , ; the' (,ween, Street:.horime:.of Mrs.''Rod- erick Martyn. Mr.. and, Mrs. W'al den *ill move to Ripley and take possession on. Octotiez .15th. . I. ra. ■ ott 111■ .. Lorne Durnin, Pres. Marvin Durnin, Sec ■ansataaaesa■ rials amummismassammimammossi MISS AGNES- MacPHAIL.has House..Mss •Macphail represer sold her .home at Ceylon, near ed ken for. a.m nuber of yet Durham, and has p p taken u er-, at Ottawa as a I7.F.O. candida nYanent' residence in ,East York, and when 'they ended their p, which riding , she .. represents as' itical activities she swung, to .t I, a CCE••member in the Provincial ..eft- wng•CCF ranks.. •• • • °neer da -i FRIDAY' NIGHT IN' • PARISH HALL Play by. Ripley Dramatic •,• Society A ALL CATTLE IN BRUCE 'PO BE T B :TESTED All cattle in Bruce County' are • being . tested ,for tubercu losis.: Be ginning last Oct 1,. •T J Cornish,, official veterinarian. for Grey and- :; Bruce. Counties, has been :carry- i .ing out 'the.. testing' project ever'. 1 since under the'• health of Ani mals Division, Dominion . Depart ment of ,Agriculture. - It .:will re 1 quire: at least ' another 'year to 1. complete' the job, he says. ` ,This'is•the:fii=st;.time.that Bruce .," County •cattle have ' been scorn- ',1 com- 1 pletely tested: _ A complete test . of Grey, County cattle 'was•;complet- ed" . in .1943, and: the second . will get underway after. the Bruce Co. test now being made is completed, says Mr. Cornish. : �' Already the.Peninsular and. the Townships of Annabel, . Carrick & Culross have ;been completed.. Ar ran and:. Saugeen • are now '.being.' commenced:. Approximately50,000, cattle have been tested `•so far, but another 90,000 remain `to be • • examined.. An average of 1,000 an= imals' a week is the rate; at which, the cattle are being tested.. Four percent of. the 50,000 cat-: tie tested to date have reacted. to the test .and ',been slaughtered. One • full-time and;; five' part-time veterinarians have' been carrying :. out the: work:. COMMITTED POR, .TRIAL • . At' a preliminary hearing at Seaforth on Tuesday of last week before 'Magistrate D. E. Holmes, 'Mrs. Caroline 'Crawford of Cleve: - land. charged with dangerous driving, was committed for trial at• the net ;court of general ses- sions of the peace at Goderich. • The charge arose but of an ,ac-; cident •at Brucef ield • when the car driven by Mr_. Crawford crashed into one dricien by Roy Girvrn; R. • 6, Goderich,• fatally • injuring the latter—and causing n1ti "' ' to g..i several : other persona, or men With some gime 'to spdre Its a awn of activity-your'local <armoury, just'hurr mingWith activity`for me•n with a few evenings to spar In the:wide list of'acuvit es offcrcd by. the Canildian Ar'•rn R servt'Force, vou'11 find things to turn those odd free eveninf • into interesting and even exciting ones. 'You'll enjoy the fu programme of social and spits, events.' You 11: be "one of cf an ".—with other Reserve. Force men,'who are •hnding..dr, the armoury'' is their personal ',clubhouse `. All the latest equipment and weapons arc now being u. for Reserve Force trail ng: Ttic summer- camp sessions giVc' the opportunity to get away and qui into the •operr: To 'top • :ill, 'you wilt receive full.. Active Force pay for al'I dine,sp1/4:11� training and 'camp. .SEE FOR YOURSELF' by visiting your local Rcs�r Force . unit's • open house:; • parades Or demonstrations; d ring ' Army Week, 20 Z6 Sep tuber.• Call. at the, armoury of the regiment of your choice,; ' NOW !' . THERE'S A CAREE Eor, in, the 'Ccnodcrny�c�y every. °PPbn For odvoce at i get* completion on f seri**. Ea* ..:..youlocal or.. doin the Reserve force no