The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-23, Page 5TwirRs. sprzEgi... Lyceum Theatre Two.S 4 °I URS FRL„ suripowit ast, srNr `.ff N„ *dame: SaIlard C • at. 2 3o :gsar_ MON -r. MAUREEN aSU'4111i' ..'�, ,ista THE BIG CLOCK Spend M tte�r ti. New York. . \ : am* 10Qlrs;: Matter rlawrence; Spot& �at (couple of rxnor.iths !"t•'r e, t atmranicriz't, lett feorri Bl.irit, :GI rc la ,; Qtm Saturday • to Spend the • \4�. te-c alae. ItZe�iar'' York,. . TIM LU 'OW SENTINEU, mt'CK f, W O s nt° CUI RoSs.cOR ERS 0 Misses Agnes and Ekelyn Mot- , fat visited Miss Gertie Wraith on. Sunday. .. '• --fin Winghain Hospita to M. and. Mrs. Kidford Wall, a Miss Shirley Hodgiris spent the week -end . visiting in • Kincardine. 'Visitors w?6ith 11itr. and M.>'s. Kari Eiodg'ins. and Shirley the past week were Mr. and•Mrs. Harry Hogan of Owen Sound, Mr: and Mrs, Thomas Emery of Cupahoga Fa115, .Ohio; '. and Mr. . Lawrence Surnilie of .Erin. 'Mr. Johra. Mclnnes is able to be out of the hospital again, and is at lois on with his,:parents, Mr. • Mr: and Mit: 'John Ross 'and. • Mr. and • Mrs. Frank • Thdinpsou, 'peat a day'at: London• Fair. Mr:• ;and Mrs. Bob Trv.'in. and Mr. arid' Mrs.' Elmer Wail ;itis: Mrs. ,Toe viite.d with Mr. arlrl Mrs, Will Ritchie on Sun day. • .Mr. and vIrs. :VTe1 iii 'Raynar.d a,n•,I Winn ifred'ot Goderic h isited •Sund;iy with :qtr. .and Mrs. Rau hard IL:.• and ,. Mia.' George 'Hunter and. 'ML and l xs. Gordon Kirk d ,and family;• Mr. and Mrs :Pack on tgla.: ari arruly and •Char-lic:= Anderson' attended; the Licrndori •4,Trs, Will Hunter visiting her', daughter, Mrs. Bill Button.:. Surrd iu Sc=hool :Will' 'be 'at 1.0.15: andl. ub c h: at ‘1..39on.' Sunday. • • turd W ST, HEEL NS M. and Mrs, Fred McQuiilinr Ivan and Barry. and Mrs.. John ' ° Miler Were week -end visitors with relatives at Strathroy, Wind- sor and: London. The ladies are _ remaining for a longer visit.. Mr.: and Mrs: Mel Brown• of Waterloo were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, R. Woods. Mr. & Mrs Al'Martin and Ned- dy of Torontospent the`week-end with Mr: and Mrs, E. J. Thom. Neddy is staying here while. Mr., and .Mrs, Martin visit friends. in. Detroit, ' Mrs. R..1. Woods was a visitor last week with relatives 'iii Wind,,.. sdr: . ro . e : as . een .com- :pleted. south' of the 'village and,. power 'has been Made available 'to Miller's :Store, Rev- M. G. New! `'tori,,. Earl Durnin,' George ,Stuart, George • McRobei ts, :Tohri''Camer- on.; Camer=on.; .Ross Murray, ' Durnin. Broth- ers, Lorne. Durnin, Cliff Murray, Albert :.Taylor, Wm.' Pardon,. 1?urdoin, . David • Todd, Stanley Todd; Mac Ramage' and Gus Kin ahari. . +- • Service. will be held' in the Un-. • ited . Church. at 11 a,ni: Standard time next Sunday.. • Mrs.• A"rnold Barbour and Mr: Wilson Woods of Guelph. and Dr. Alvin Woods of .Dundas" spent the, week -end with their mother; Mrs. R J' RIi f. t..rwwntalmeneg Also. "PIMP, •"Sons to Remembe " eon • stoning . CATHERINE: It A.MEc E McLEQD.' :. •. A :REpusu ' PICTtlRE :MATINEE ` at' 2.45 ettitfst • Asi fieltt PresbYteria .... 'V1i 3VI S: The Sep.teMbormeeting of the Ashfield. W ltd S; wcas he1'd at the .home t of Mrs, S=ector.' McLean with : 2.5 present. The. president, '1tIss .'Sadie .Tohnstor,•• .presided over the: meeting The: scripture 'lesson ' was read 'by. Mrs. Rear. Rhoad and' the Meditation on it. :was .given; by', Miss 'Sadie `John- ton:;:The roll: call °Was., answered wi,th..a verse: froiv scripture. The ''iym'ri "Resuce..,' the •,Perishing". was ' sung. Prayer folloived,: by Ntiss Minnie Cathcart: M•rs. Isabel \1 icKe'r zie read the l 5th, iichapter :'r'om' the ',study; udok. The '.story. •ot the hymn "OQ 101;e that will lot let •nie,:zo 7 :w==as given by: Mrs•. D.ai7.. Donald. Mrs, Earl Hoes• •.-4,21-1, -the latter' 'part of '•chapter 5,triiin ,the study book..Aine'Mae \1cDotiald read the story of a ;clung prince Prayer followed b.y Zig ' Colin '1V,IcGregpi MON., TUES., WED. MO 11111' • Sept.27, 28, 29 Whew • you. come • for the' Fair,: don't fail tai i/RIADITTE se.ngvyees TRI80G. .OF see this great: •picture:; sinew r HENRY' KING Polies/ W WILLIAM PERLBERG ram: 'JENNIFER JONES: Acadeiity..Awards :` wallow IIIIMILES NOM inner of. six Selected Shorts TWO 'SHOWS 'NIGHTLY all • of Holyrood. TheHarvest Thanksgiving ser' vices,'. were held- in 'tile • Anglicax , church .on: Sunday with the Rev; E . RuCh. of ' Chesley charge. •The :choir was tinder. the. direction of the organist, Miss :Edna 'Boyle • The soloists were, Ars.. Harold '• fialdenby ., and. Mrs. Tack Hewitt,: The . church was • suitably. decorated for harvest We are pleased'.to"•• report' that Mrs. ' Arthur', Graham, twho;'ham; been quite• :ill, is able to resume her: duties• as teacher: in.the. Westford: •School... •_ • Note Chang&of :Meeting The Girls W.A. will be ..held..'at...` the ` honie•: of Mrs. Tori: Hodgins, on: •Saturday' afternoon: instead o. f . at the• church •basetrierits as `was previously aiinourrced, ..:' r s • MIs: H. Ae!� Graham returned • hc'me rpni visiting ,with her' dau- 'ghtex, ;Mrs; •Melvbille J'ohnstone. `at r • Listowel. d A, number frorli • here attended 1e :Western Fair at London. .They :were ,Mr. and. Mr.s..Tack'Hodgins;. Mr. :and. Mrs.'.' Aleir Percy,: Miss p:oris . Barr. Messrs. Tack.: Sari;. Leo . and •Frank Murray, kr. .and M s .'";•Luiz°..` Boyle; . ' Marilyn • :ahid Carol,' Mr: and °:•Mrs.• E•Tarold Percy.; : Mrs.'McLean' spent a few days,, a in Kincardine with kr. and Mrs. •B:ert,•:McLearr,' . " ' Congratulatio' tis to M & Mrs.. • :VTidford Wall' on the i �rr'itrai . of . their little son in: Wingharri'Hos-' pital. . Mrs. Roy:, Graham. and infant daiaght:ern arrived' home• from.'Kin- eardi'ne Hospital'' Saturday, ' • • The, Ad ust meeting. .of ...the 'Pr esbyter ran . W.M;S "was held on ,W ednesd iy laSt at the horrne off Mrs.. John Etnmetsou with an at-• •tenclanci of 15: ladies, arid.. Chiidren. M. Mark Johnstdri.:Was in the chair., Preliminary arrange- Ments 'were rrm;ade. for :the Thank 'cilf�'ring� ;eetirig' to' be: held short.-. l;w ' Readings, from the study,' book ;.were taken .13Y• Mrs. JIM. Burt,►' Mrs. Perry . liod ins, : Alex; . 1 ei ev:. Mts.':Bill Burt, Doris Bart' and Mrs. Frank Maul.deh, A del lii.rous lti'nch was served. by the l hostess :and her ,assistants.. , ,Mie, Allah Wail of London spent the weekend, with his pare'nts,• Mr. and Mrs. ,'Wm.: Wall. .Mrs; I, Wall returned'with him for a few .y r . days. i Mr. and ''Mrs,' W. 1E. Corson of London, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc- Lean' and family :and' Mrs. Slessor Af._Kincardinti spent. .Sia.ad iy.:With. Mrs. W,'J. IVI • : Sunday visaors With Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schaeffer were Mr. and M. s, J. Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs.; George Percy and tam.- matainenalaaa Bala aataaallimat*enta:aalm 4Nfl•O, Are; roti wain youir Iko tc)#' Market, in ,,5' month: on 6. '•tori csiuli., Lbs.. o$ •,tee=d►':. IQL ni t �tou, :sltuaId•be and.caii ' ' y oyit use • 5:0-0P SOW. RATION„ . PIG ' STARTER . AND , HOG GROWER E.O4COW fee+clh; ace b•aiawcedt and for tidied: with alt necessary weld arts.'Vitazmins• A and ); also Rilicff4ia4vfil ouar Prfaittlrilm033.al .m4Ite .:vow more .menet/ if roar, eel -1)P GROW M SHr LAY MASH. Or COLck 33 [merce tt IMoult t• Supplement ;DIM* bx. anal ask roar ai 'parnip left on Feert'm Irkekg 'oni €o.- Swine and r ultry Ftiedi Lucknow -... Thee %IL „ ,ilEar meds and' Fertilizers. • • .; • • C TENNI etween 1 — H:ere •is your' ob' opportunity for permanent employment. DOMINION. WOLLENS & WORSTEDS, Ltd.. at Hespeler,. Ontario.: 1f Manufacturers of distinctive suitin?s, requires the ' services of machine, operators. • We will trainyou for perni,.anent work at good start- ing Tates of :pay. Increased work possible when • you learn your ' job., The work 'is shift .work:. ,Hours_ MORNING SI1IF'T—' i a.m. 3.30 i� m•,, Mon. to Fri. - i a.m. 12 noon,`' Saturday.' A]t±TERNOO t SHIFT -23.30 p: ni:-12 m.n..Mon. to Fri. Shiftsalternate'. every two' weeks Room and board at minimium rates is available, at the Company's . own' staff 'house. • • ' Group Insurance, Sick Benefit ` and Hospitalization plans in effect R-ememmber too,our. plant is 'within easy commuting 'distance by. busand rail to your district. . - Transportation, . 'Paid When Accepted.' l ' personal ' interview at your • home can be arranged by writing the Employment Supervisok, ►1d4fi1�'ION WOi LENS Sr, . WORSTEDS Hespeler, Ontario • t • ... e. -....t.•yWu4...w.4 i.... uswa+a'w*Jt.eY�. ��1,���4q '3ry�'�'�" •��"• .� •.�wi.,*',Fd4:^lU•wc.�w.ti.w.+[W • • •