The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-16, Page 5)43 at, ing by in vitt faa, r OR tsl THURS., SEPTEMBER 16th, -.1948 1" . •i ;rte LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LTJCKNOW, ONTARIO jeammiliNsraind WHTECHURCH g p ns to. Mr. William Lyceum i'heatr.edPardonlon passing his 87th birth- W I NGHAM, • , Mr, and Mrs.. Welwood spent S unday afternoon with Mr, and M,rs . Jack Burchill.. Miss Lenor• Ad'anis has .gone to work in the woollen mills at Hespeler, h . Two Sbsws Each Night. • THURS.,. FRI., SAT SEPTEMBER 16th, 17th, 18th LARRY PARKS,' ELLEN DREW in. THE--SWORDSMAN- OR HE 1fORD kN- :.Matinee Saturday at 2,3Q Pm. MON.; TOES:, WED., SEPTEMBER 20th, 21st,°. 221,41. BRENDA .iOYCE, ROBERT SHAYENE _.; SHAGGY HYDRO: . RESTRICTIONS FORBID FLOODLI.OIT USE New .hydro restrictions, •aimed. at curtailing the con1umption, ;of hydro power, forbid .the use' of Med lights• , for •:sports or.. playing fields. The ban 'Went; into''effect on Tuesday, 'and. while TheLeg= ionnaires. .are .out of. the playoffs, �the'regulation,ends the. possibility of .any exhibition games, which would : have: 'helped, some 'to fin- ance the Legion's outlay in: 'in Mt' and.:_ Mrs... Marl: • Burger stalling , the'. lights hts •earlie ,•this � s , nt :gond. '• season..',- ,. ' Albert.' Miss Annie Henry; R.N.,. from New York and her niece, ' Miss Marian Hinde, spent an after- noon' with Mrs, Ma9t Ross and Olive, Mr. - Henry McGee is pending a .few weeks visiting relativro; in Lanark, Mr. and •Mr • , . 3.)isited recentlyat Powossan with. ,relatives there. ;• Miss Barbara Newnian•has tak- en a •position• in a 'Winghain •bank.. CREWE Miss' Ruby: Sherwood .spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Henry of near, Kincardine. , Mr Will French and Mr. and. Mrs John Watt of. Hamilton .call-.$ ed on friends . in 'the community recently: PAGE nvz. ST.. HELENS, • of Mrs. M. G. Newton was hos-, tens' for the 18 ladies who attend- W.M.S. and the W.A. on Thursday, ' ed the September mreeting of the afternoon. Mrs. W. I. Miller pre- 1• sided for the meeting• of the W. M. S. the• theme of which was "The : faith whereby the church must live". Scripture lessons were read., by Mrs. S. . A. Todd and Mrs. J; Cameron. It was agreed that we invite Mrs: Kirkby' of Walton, the president of the Hur- on Presbyterial, to address our autumn tha �of,l�ring' some Sun- day in. Nove er;: Mrs. G. Mac. Pherson, herald for India, read of a nine .weeks school in ,Angola. rr• 'i'odd. of school in South' China,, Mrs.. J. Cameron of - a training school , in B •C; "and Mrs L..'Woods of hospitality, in Trini- dad. Mrs.. '. L Miller had charge of .•. the .new study', book; West .of the 'Gorges' and read . the. story of Margaret Li, . Mrs. A. Gaunt presided•'• for the Meeting' , of the. W.A. the' theme for which was ``The Epostle •Paul,, his heavenly • vision"., Mrs. E. W! Rice read the scripture Wes. ort -and-Mr-s� S -A;--Todd- the -les- son thoughts:. Mrs. G. .MacPher- son gave a reading "What 'Christ ' said".. Mrs, Rice. ,favored with a solo and Mrs,: Cameron ,rzead the story of the.: hymn 'Hock of Ages". Mrs S. A. Todd -invited: the- ladies .to' meet at her • home in 'October • . Mr. . and •' Mrs.. , . Neely Todd, David-" and • Patsy , of. Stratford; were week -end visitors with' Mr. and Mrs.• 11 Todd.' • Mrs. McFarlan' has returned, Ito her':, home , in •.Lucknow' . :after spending several Weeks with her daughter:,; .Mrs: G. MacPherson; Mr. and ',Mrs: •Heni�•y Mathers and family of Nile were Sunday, visitors with. Mr. •arid Mrs. rClif- ford Crozier:..'- ,- School re -opened last '•Tues_day with only' six pupils sand Mr Aaron1lBeak of 'Lucknow as 'tea., cher Church opened ,'agaiol;• Sunday after a holiday, . with' Rev. Bright as Minister. Next 'Sunday•Rev. "Turner of Godei ch will preach. • Miss. ,Nor•.rha 'Sherwood has gone! •to. Luck`now." High- ..School and. her sister, Miss Shirley Sher-, �r•ood, to: Stratford Normal, ' g g r p aWith friends at Pt, • ■ aseam■lana■anis■■is■■iaNai ■■asssa6i■amonaiaso■■■ : W e . have on hand Masse -Harris No:: ■ :. Y 31-24 www' . w.wew `w :■ N . the 25th sideroad; and 14th' Con ■ cession .of. Culross. Mr: and Mrs. Andrew . Zettler, i Mr. arid Mrs Berberich: visited the:. Reuben: -Zettlers and the R•uths •Sunday 1ast: Mr and Mrs. Earl Thomson and David s isited• recently vi-th • Mr. and Mr Wm.. Haldenby and • ■ ' Ralph 'and: Florence..., Mr.•and Mrs.•Harold Smythe .. tinter: are at- present residing! in Chat- �` NORTH CULROSS ` • any callers" M anon, Bill and • • PRESENTS THURS.,. FRI., SAT. SEPT,1.16,17,18 wq larnes' fill . MLEMllh 0111111E1. E A Magnificent Story. • Saturday Matinee 'at 2.30. • MON.,, TUES., WED. J <i SEPT. 20,. 21, 22 ..An Academy Awar'd' . Picture. 'Shorts. News. THEIR STORY . . might be .Yours! Dorothy . Guy McGuire and Madison Robert Mitchum. Bill Williams with Torn ' Tully • 'Williams Giryon , Anon•Poit:.la nny Sand,.Loibn Tinske: 'A Dor. Schorr Production Dir cMi by. Eduard Dw.ytrp4` years ago :at the:•time•of the -death. Frank 'Orser, Edmonton; Mr, and of • their youngest,' son, ,.Stanley, I Mrs. Sid •. Bur .ashand chit • ' who assisted:his father With ' them f ith the Gavard; Mr, and.Mrs:' Walter farm:work. work. Their family ludes Driver, Golden • Valley` .Marlene`: Mrs W. �, . Walter ;(cora) Driver, Gold- Fleming; Golden .Valley Jack.Or- en • Valley;•., Frank;. Edmonton;., ser, Toronto' Mrs.. -Alice 'Annis Jack, Toronto; Mrs,, Muriel. Smith • , Toronto; 'Mrs. µ Sadie ' Cockburn, • of Carlow; and Cecil, Detroit.' . Toronto; Gene ,Smyth,' : Toronto; i Many "'of their • relatives were • Mr; and Mrs, Cecil , Orser' :and. J ble to: be with •theme Frida for twin daughters, Detroit; ' Mrs, yorielSm.t'� the . Anniversary. Ni Smyth, Eleanor, Icarie throughout .the. days;rith 6 : erg ands, ' aarlow Mrs: Amy.'Or cards, , flowers . and '. gifts.•, Ther ? daughters Ruth' and Mar- • fam'ily remembered thein with . a I: ,ion, Dungannon;. and. Mr..& Mrs. readinglam a stable•electric!.'Leonard Driver,. Detroit. • p, po .. 4nd `steam heater,.cheques 'and! ,On • Sunday morning :,the fam-, many other articles. . i ily group attended service at. • I Dungannon United Church, uz f In the evening 'a• family' dinner which Mr.: and. Mrs.. Orser°. took:, was served at Bogie's tourist. .a prominent part, Mr. Orser is home; on the :Bluevvater:Highway a member of the:board of ste4 at' Sheppardton. with 28 est'.I �• ...sf.cv�ards' of the:„ church'.•The Afamily l present: 'A wedding cake 'a Pro -1 Threshing is'the order of the day,, . also . seeding of wheat.. •, Alarm. is -being' expressed.•in all quarters" as to the prevalenee of bumper crops' 'of. weed seeds. The: Walkerton High School bus conies, in as' far as` the corner: 'o Also . i • ■• ,• EATTY:'LITTER CARRIER : OUTFIT ■ ■ and• • • WATER BOWLS ` ▪ (_ :1Now Unloading A: Swats Gro*mor . 2-12 ...� We are.exclusive agents for this::: fertilizer.. If you require any of the above,' see us at once i.• ' . 'reunion : broke: • u ' on babe . Day .- priately. decorated; .f adorned. ,the • p • - x - dining. room, :with" autumn .flow 1. as Mr,• and.Mrs. Orser: left' to Frs. Among:• the guests' Were Mr. I: visit at, Detroit for a:' while, ' ;•` .■' :. . Phone 59 iucknow a • mmompumigionimmiaariiia■■i■■a��.■ ommu■■sami■�. 1 1TENT1ON, 'Are you pu to 7 . cwt, > i i'. Co -Op feeds minerals as HOG FEEDERS! put :your hogs lid' market in 51.2' months no bs.' ,'of feed?. If.' not. yta�pit'should : be and can • if you use SOW ..RATION PIG STARTER. AND. .HOG GROWER 'are balanced and fortified with all necessary well 'as 'Vitamins; A and D:• also Riboflavin ' ' y --Your poultry will Also make you 'more Money if .,you• feed CO-OP GROW . MASH, LAY MAST I ' ti u ' Or .00. -OP 33 Percent. Poultry S pplenient Drop lin and ask for a pinnphlet 'on . i Feeding Facts as Co=Op • Swint'and Fou�ttrY Feeds LucknOw District CO-OP Inc . • .`!hone 11, E ucknoWr..: for Feeds and ' Fertit rs ' `Wedding bells", sweetly sound - in -g, .• on .the autumn. 'air. 'Miss Grace Anne Donaldson has . entered ' Walkerton _ ..High School. Good' luck . Grace with those: tricky French, verbs ' Mr `Martin Nelsonspentthe weekend with the:: Stewart fain, Concession 14s ' Mr. Percy' Lowther is moving from the Durham Road . to .the• 12th Con., to the former Thomas Standish farm; ' .Mrs Leonard Bannerman (nee Jean, Keith) is the teacher, •'at . Riversdale, . public school. UN.GAN-NON. Silty Years: Married Mr. and . Mrs. t Albert ,Order" of Diin.,annon o•n, g j i ay, September'' rid 3rd, ~ •celebrated their' diamond wedding anniversary, with their family' present for ``the ,oceaston.` September= '3.; 1888, Albert Or.' .r: born 88 yes ago at Scugog sle. Port Perry, was' married' to n Ann Newby ofSebright, nek Oi- ilia, who is now 78 •years : •old.: Both •are • enjoying:. very good' health. Mr: Orser . attributes his good health to .plenty, of o itdpor I Work. At the' age; of 19 he began! riper -driving near his •home• at' Port Perry, in ,"which, occupation he was engaged for over 30' years,; He enjoyed the work and still maintains a connection- with Juni- Bering to the extent that it .is i his pride to have about his' home fine piles• el wood to start the Winter. The family came to this district ' with 'their- family from. Golden Valley. in 1915 ,and took up •farming in West Wawanesh township between. the Ind . and'' 4th concessions near Dungalinon, retiring to the village about eight 0 • TENTIO11. etweefl 18-40 ere is your" job opportunit r for permanent employment. DOMINION WOLLENS •& WORSTEDS,,. Lt • at. I-lespeler, Ontario... Manufacturers of distinctive suitings, ` requires the services of machine operators. We' will train: you. for permanent work at good. Start- ing rates of pay: Increased :earnings possible when Ie: learn _your job The wet* is' `shift 'work: Hours re: MORNING :SHIFT`, 7 a im.-3.30 p.m., 'Mon. ' to Eli.- „ • • 7 a n►. -1;2 noon,' Saturday. • AFTERNOON StlIPT-3 30 p;tn.=ri. 12 m.n:, Mon. to. F , Shifts' alternate .every. twp weeks. Room and board, at minimum, rates. is' available at the Compare 's own staff . house: !Group' Insurance; Sick' Benefit and Hospitalization . plans in effect, Remember too,our plant is within easy commuting :distance by , bus and rail • to your district- .. Transportation .Paid When Accepted. A personal . interview atyour home . can be arranged by writing the Employment Supervisor; DOMINION WOLLENS & WORSTEDS, Ltd . }leveler, Ontario ) ,y,r ■ i t4.00•”! ' *111111Miltlir 416'4earliiii ;le