The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-16, Page 4• • . THE LUC KNOW SENTINL, L1'JCKNOW; ONTARIO , "WANT AD • RATES --1st insertion 2 centsa word, subsequent Insertions 1 .cent a word. Minimum .charge 25 cents.. Replies care . of. TiieSentinel°' 10 cents extra; Legal advertising 10• cents per count line first insertion, 5 cents per linesubsequent insertions. FOR. StILE--2 well bred Scotch WEAK, TIRED, PEPLESS MEN, collie pups, Jas. Forster, women, Try .Ostrea Tonic Ta lets for new .vim, vigor and pep that lasts from early morning to late at 'night, Contains.. iron, vit- amin ' Bl, calcium. 'New "get, •uainted"- size. onl 50c: -All druggists. FOR ; SALE - 1936 Plymouth coach, Wilfred Drennan, Luck - now, Will open on .Sept 28th ' and op.- erste; from. Tuesday to Friday. WANTED. — 'Operator . to take FOR ^S five -piece •bedroom charge of., Dungannon Office of suite, 'Adants 'Adamsdesign, in fine : the Goderich ' Rural Telephone 'shape, Apply Sentinel . Office: Company. Office gives : 24-hour: •---=� r� service to approximately 570 sub- FOR SALE new McCormick- scribers. 6-roomhouse in ' con Deering corn binder.. , Andrew's nection with office, hydro, 'water, Implement Shop. - J• Address ' replies: to Mrs.. Flossie , Sec., Dungannon, Ont. SA>r.E-1537 Hudson 'before September' 30th, 1948:' Terraplane coachin good condi . tion•, '}'hone 372=r-2-•` Kincardine. CLERK WANTED . - 'for' retail store, : either male or: female, good • working conditions. Apply to A. E, ' McKim, .Lucknow. ' ---FOR-SALE - i936 Fond-V-8rnevr tires;: 'also .•an engine drive Beatty washer.' Mrs. :George Brooks, R. 6, . Lucknow. 1 PIANOS - eight used, 3 new, at, Schuett .&. Sons, Mildmay,:. Furn- iture St.ore. .Free delivery, .New • benches .. • . FOR:SALE—Master Climax •.cook stove, wood or coal,' 6. years old. Applyti� Mrs,_ Evelyn Barkwell,• j Lucknowv. FOR SALE Mixed cordwood; also . hardwood•' and' mixed . slabs, for sale. .The•Lucknaysr. Saw mill Co. ,LOST grey' cat, 'part Persian, named "Smoky Please notify E: D.: MacQuaig,,, 391:2 Wiilys Park- way; 'Toledo, Ohio: Reward Offer- ed. WOMAN, •WANTED--middle,'aged Housekeeper•, ` Toyixonto suburban brume, ..three -adults, city conven • iences, light work,. Caiiadian,,Pro= testant •preferred:. Apply byJet- ter to Box "35; '•Lucknow' Sentinel:. AUCTION SALE of household 1: . effects at the :.residence` of ' the t late Mrs. Richard.. : Johnston,: •Lucknow, on 11 Saturday, 'Septem- bet' 18th at ' 2 'o'clock.; FIRE .EXTINGUISHERS f r o m , $2.50:: up. All . types 'fro* bombs. to 'automatic sprinklersi. See. Art Breckle, s Lucknow, P roP.. ', rietor Sentinel' Fire Extinguishers. •INLAID Linoleum, choice . of ..14 .bedroom: suites;, 40 . radios at • cult prices, 60 cycle,' 17 cubic ft, re frigerators at the. Mildmay Furn- • iture. Schuett dz Sons. Free de- livery. ' FOR IMMEDIATE SALE -- 13' acre farm, • .wiithll large barn on cement foundation, a 11/,.. storey, •9 -room' white brick house, ''.built in. •clothes -closets,arge cellar, furnace heated, has modern built ineds-Aand-� P Seats,. .all es . in•-etipboar .. , floors, spring •drilled well at door, farm located PA, miles southeast of Amberley on Con. 13; Ash- field township; ',Ms mile off No.. 21, Bluewater highway: Will -give time. For. further particular's ap= ply. to Ernest Carter, . R. •3,. God- erich or: phone.30-r-27 Ripley. PROPERTY. FOR SALE County Highway in the Village' Kinlough comprising Lots 13 to ;20, and 29 to 36 on Plan 231, . containing three and • one- fifth acres more or. less with 8 - room 'house, good cellar, hard and soft water,, stable- and drive '`shed.. For further information apply to George Huntley, Box 846„ Ingersoll, or• 3. R, Lane, R. 2, Holyrood., ' •- Onl Corn Over 12. Feet FOR SALE -&-room, •14' ' storey house covered . with insul brick, new. : roof,.. living' room, • dining room, kitchen, 3 bedreoms, :good woodshed, hardwood: floor, new- ly • :decorated ...throughout, 'good cement kasenient.'with, Targe soft water cistern. House ,located:' in OF 'THANKS • ' Mrs. George: Lockhart wishes ' to acknowledge ' with • sincere thanks the.hgifts of flowers, ;fruit, cards' and letters while: in the • hospital. 'The thoughtful remem-.' • brance of ,many friends, in •vari- : ()us:.ways was ;deeply ' appreciat- ed. ,= the: • village ' of 'Dungannon, on ''Li acre ` lot. C. J'. '..hapman,, Real Esta',e'1broker, ' phone 18;: Goder- TENDERS -•• TENDERS WANTED for the post• ition of . shipper, for the Farmers Co -Operative Company of Luck nova. Applicants.'to state remun- eration .expected at price per hundred on all•types of livestock, en • era wi • e Tetnved--by- •h = undersigned until „Friday, Sep- an tember. 24th. Lowest or any ten- Frieds from here` attended-. the. ,der not. necessarily. accepted, .• � funeral of the late Mrs Nichol- son, E. .McDonagh, Sec; son, Sr, who passed away at the 'R: R. 3, Lucknow.. • . . • home of .h'er ,on, Alex, South. Line,; on Wednesday. Mrs: Nich-'. TEN E S ' olson made her. home. here with -SEA„. D• TENDERS will 'be', re -m her son.' Walter a number .of years ceived�by; the undersigned up' to ago;, .She- was in her 99th year.: 2.00 p:m., September -20, X1948, for. Archdeacon and' Mrs. W. A. the cutting of the • hill. at Lot 13, Townshend, Bobby and Nancy; Con. 4, Kinloss. Township. Ten- were recent `visitors with' Mr. and d ers to be•ori a .yardage .basis'and. Mrs. Karl Boyle .and_fainily.. . accompanied ; by :a . marked check , • Mrs, Maurice Hodgins was hos for 10 percent : of •tender. ,• 'teas for the Sr. ' Women's Auxil- The lowest .or any' tender' not ; iary ,on Thdrsday afternoon. ,Mrs. Corn 011 the farm.. of Mr.. and Mrs. William Nivins, ,Con, 3, West Wawanosh, measures over twelve feet. To prove it, - their daugh- Euby and their grandson, Kenneth Caldwell, .had their pic- ture ,taken holding a stalk 'which measured 12 feet, 5 inches, KINLOUGH• �. Congratutations to .Mr. ' & Mrs,. Roy Graham on the gift of their. baby daughter in Kincardine Hospital oh Sunday, . Sept, 12th. Recent ,visitors: with .Mr, . and Mrs. . ,James Hodgins were her three brothers, Messrs, Tom Ar m- strong. of Lethbridge, Walter of Ashton, . Bert of Seattle • and. Mr. �'THUlZS., SEPTEMBER 16th, 1'. by• Mrs. Tom Harris. The N Tonal Anthem closed the meet and refreshments were -served the .hostesses and ,committee charge. The October :meeting N be held at thy► home of Mrs. Hodgins. ACCOUNTANCY Service for the Small' Me .chant, !Professional Man at the Fanner. ' ,In Lueknow Tues., Thurs. at Friday. Office in Kilpatrir Block. S. J. r YM M P.O. Bos 74, Lucknow, Ont necessarily. accepted. ' J. R, :LANE, Kiril • ss-Townsh.i. .m Clerk; o .. Pr• . 2, Holyrood, Ont. James Hodgins was in charge ow- • ing ;to the absence • sof . the presi- •-dent.; µ4lVirs.` M:-' Walsh.—After.:.Lthe, • usual opening and devotional. period the afternoon', was spent in sewing. A:• dainty-' lunch ' was` served: by the hostess. . . The annual” Harvest Thanks-, giving services •will ' be held in ' the. Anglican, church next Stin- day ' at i 1 ; a.m. 'and 7.30: p • Tn. with the •Rev. • R. A. E. Ruch of Ches- 1 ley 'in charge of both ,services, We' ate .sorry .to report the 41- ness, of, Miss Edna Ross, Con. 10. We ',hope ' for a`soeedy recovery. Mr, 'John McInnes • who ; has been 41 hospital 'at ,,IVlalton was hamrto• visit his: parents, • Mr. and .Mrs. John'. McInnes. , ' Mrs. Johns Barr and family and Mrs. ' Wm. Percy,: •visited .Sunda. y NOTICE Teachers of Lucknow, Kincar- dine, Kinloss, Huron; and Kincar- dine Township please' note ' .this' Unit . of The' .Women -Teachers. Federation will meet' at •.Bervie: School; Wednesday: September. 29th, at -8 p.m. All;: worinen teach- ers: of this Unit .are request d. to attend. ' • NOTICE . NOTICE TO • CREDITORS ANN.., ¢THERS In the . Estate of Peter Watson Deceased.' . . All persons having,, any claims i .with Mr; '.and Nis:' Neil..: bicKay, or demands against the estate of • the 'd Peter Watson who diedlamis Service in the. Presby,. • e -sal•,•Presbyterian .h, on or 'about -'the, third 'day 'of July' church.' is • withdrav4n. on •.Sunday' W111OTICE . TO 'GREDITOIiS, AND 'OTHERS In.'the, Estate of Marian.McPher, son; Deceased.. • • All • persons having ?any claims or .demands against the .estate of the said , Marian McPherson, who• died rpif' or about the Tweiity-sev . enth day *of ; August, A.D. " .1948, are :_required •on or be#ore I the Ninth'; day ' of ;October, 1948, 'to send their ;claims,' duly proved, to' the undersigned' Executors of the • estate:: And. .further' take notice `. that. after such', 'last mentioned date the.; • said exec'utors `, will, .proceed .to . distribute : the ' assets • Of the said 'deceased, 'having regard only to the claims';of 'which •they shall then have ncltice, and . that • the said, executors will not be liable for :,. the said. 'assets Or . any part thereof to .any person Or'persons -of whpse claims 'notice shalt not have Been' received by thein. at the . time 'of such di$tribution:., Dated the' .. Sixteenth day . of :September, .1948. •W. W. Hill, •Lucknow, S. •l;•.. Robertson, `.Luckno'w; Ont. • :Executors • of -the said Estate by their Solieitor;•P,• Stuart Mac= Kenzie; - • _ r a WE • HAVE Ten;Weeks To • Reade -To -Lay, . raised On O.A.C. Formulae Lifeter"ia Chick Starter and Growing'Mash, PREPARE FOR FALL Buy �Jatnrrsitary ,Feeders, Waterers. Steel Nests, Electric, Clocks, While Available ORDER R. A. Finn Mineral, Dr. Hess Tonics . • ' or have them taxed free of charge in New Life Dairy Ration, Steer Fattener, Hog Grower, Laying Mash, Etc. FOR RETAILS, 'PHONE 165 OR CALL AT CIEAWFORD'S Feed Store A.D°; Time 1948. • are, required on or be- + newt' ori account of the Anglican, fore the first day :of .October, 1948 ' to send ;their :claims, •duly proved,,Harvest Thanksgiving:' :Mr. ands Mrs. Lloyd.. Pere arid' t_. • the undersigned` Executor • of:Kincardine:• y . q, Mary ..of :•.visited: Sun. the estate.... • • • „ .. .day' With .Mr. and': Mrs..: Perry And: further take notice that .- dins. after : such last . mentioned , date Hodins. the said .executor: Will proceed to distribute the assets o. ,. the said. deceased, having • regard' only to the claims .of: which he shall then :h we' 'notice and that the Said! Charlie Hodgins,: was in `charge:. a After.: •the .usual' opening:exer- executor .will not be liable for .. ciees and„ .minutes,': the' business assets' o any art there.; the said r y. P was,' dealt'. With: 'Plans were, made of to any' person `o persons of: -to cater 'for the plowman's ban- la' notice hall .. riot �: - • whose c s uet•;. in .the . evenin of :October have • een received' b him at ,. l : g • -the :. lo�tvin match .1st •after, t g distri�utiio� �- P the time of suck n -n:hick' wilt, be,=held _ at Holyrood Dated the Ninth ' day: of :•' •Sep- `that day: Mrs. Howard Harris: tember, was chosen 2nd •vice president: Elmo Pritchard, Lucknow; Ont: Execu, for:. of the' ' said Estate . by . •Allister Hughes were judges . for 7 g Mrs: J. It. Lane and Mrs_ Frank Maulden were :hostesses to ' the Women's • Institute on Friday._af- ternoon last. The president, Mrs. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST . IN LUCKNOW' !FIRST . WEDNESDAY :OF EACH MONTH ; • from UI a.tn,: to-,8- AT o ,_-g-- p.m. -�T . WM: 'SCHMID'S. STORE his solicitor P'.Stuart MacKenzie:' the 'living room bouquets.`.Prizes NOTICE TO CREDI1ORS ",' were awarded to Mrs: Jun Boyle' In the. Estate of Sarah Rebecca Thormson, Deceased A 11 persons having , claims against the estate of • Sarah Re Miss' Margaret Malcolm and Mrs. - and Mrs. J. R. Lane: .Mrs: Allister •Hughes, the guest speaker, . gave A. splendid :paper on immunizatiop. against diseases inteen age•. chili. becca+ti`hompson.late•� of the, dren,• The' mystery prize' was •won. . • Township of West Wawanosh,' in the County of Huron;—Spinster;, deceased,. 'who died 'on or . about I the, 22nd 'day of July, .1948, are I hereby __notified :_to_:.send to. the undersigned ` Adinin.istratrix, on' or before the' 7th •day of 'October. 1948, full' particular's of their Claims. • Lnme'cliately, after' the' Pith day of ,.October, 1948, the assets of; the estate . will; 'be distributed amongst the parties :entitled thereto, having regard • only to: the .claims of which the Admin.- I istratrix shall then .have notice Dated at Lucknow, - Onitario, ' this 14th day of Sept'ernber, }948, Lucy • E. Thompson, Adniinis- tratrix' with Will. Annexed,. On- ondaga; Ontario: • , : '• R.. W. Andrew. her Solicitor herein. Doing The Show Circuit ,. ElFno Pritchard . is busy:. doing, the fall fair circuit with his prize team' of 'general purpose horses, "Duke and Dan'. Elmo won first last week at 'Milverton and was photographed With his team by the Free Press carnertnan. ,uttoonobile Owners Don pay ' two' prices for your insurance. For the' most 'economical' •;and • • reliable .protection , in AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE :• ' LIFE • INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE •SICK & ACCIDENT ' • INSURANCE: ' and , HOSPITALIZATION . See or Call • T.A. CAMERON Lucknowr, Ontario Thom Dungannon 7t1 -r=10 -•.� Ii s re "Tt Sure ',::; Insurance 'Confecl rim#ion, L fe ' WIND, CAIC, FIR -•Preferred Rates •fo preferred risks:. 'ACCT e.. , , 8i ,SICKNESS Cons 'It J �. HN:..FARRISH. .Dungannoi INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY and AUTOn1OBILE .. To Protect Your Jack, •. Insure: With ,jack Today J. A Mc�DONAGH 3 . Lucknow, Ont: Phone 61-5 Dungannon R W' ANDREW Barrister and Soheitor iO W LUC8N0., , O NTAR Office: in . the Joynt Bloc Telephone Office lit Residence a . ... ,.rte tuart $ acKenz BARRISTER & SOLICIT Walkerton, Ontario.: I N: LUCK NOW ,:Each •*ednesda7, oI!FICE. HENDERSON'BLOCK Het11erstof, K Barrister, Etc. • .wing Nam and Lucknoa IN LUCKNOW Monday & Wetesd Lcated . on' the ground f in ' the front of Seim E pairfok's • .Builds 'satins • Wingl►aea • O UcS 48 Resideno