The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-09-09, Page 7S.. Eft B 9th, 1 1948 WHITECHURCH 4 TomLUCK TO *POLAR- NEXT 'WEEK Mrs. Caroline, 'M. "Crawford of BORN—•-InWingham I• spital, Mr. and Mrs. ' iowaxd. 'Thom on September 2nd to Mr'.and Cleveland, .driver. pf , ,ne of ''the son' left on, Saturday on a. motor Mrs, Roddy Inglis, a son. cars involved in. fire ac ident that tri to the West:. • "° - Congratulations to' Mr. Si Mrs, caused the death of Royp `" Girvan, : � Mr, Donald Robertson is ,atteri-' Arthur. Moore who- will be forty Way 'remauded'to'appear• on ,Sep- ding years married .on • hursday; Sep- E Cbei 4th, atainhJ rMg before the ATorthur Ex ithis week. '-tc,mber. 9th., V, C; , Chi e ,' at Ng and .their a Collins are vis- 3" Scott iting .with their aunt,Mrs, Gold, t g M. and Mrs, Will.;Stark of Sf, p fal Seaforth, • • ie Huston, • Thpnit spent Frada evenin Charged krith • dangerous ri:v Y . g on Mrs, e The Kiome; o W lVi.s, was' held Well, irig, MIs Crrawford away released at the', borne` of • bail and• was removed.` Miss Margaret wood'. Robertson last week. , With' r, and Mrs, Ezra by • atnbula n ee a to London- from . John Colwell -:of K No withhh . is Congratulations to Mr. St. Mrs. , Where haute. • James. Forster who are. celebrat- (.: nhClev lam by. it to her. .aunt9 ,ng a' on days his, .. t their 50th.lwedding anniver2 .aunt; lVlrs,• Dan' IVIcCosh. ary. on Twesday; September 7th — The Purple', ,Grove Institute' M,r, J... Hendersa :ura Wm n. of s held In 'the. school • with, a Mrs. James • Purves of•. Lucop Wingham` •visited ,on' Tuesda of•.•_ood •'a en.. -•-daugh-te -Miss; Mar- :l eek t i Mrs.: David -. a t 'rile P`uL�es: of L ndon • nater and -he. ' ' la Thai N J �'v>rsted nedy • n st` pp • igen afternoon.' P ?apt Thursday with Mn: .Raymond: Emerson of: the Mrs. David ISlss Jessie Gilles ie is •leac'ving•,.11.C,A.F.at Vancouver is . spend': Keiined ,; :' .. , . p Y • . this week. for Toronto:- werg T•oronto-where' she.. in a week's. holidays "a�t'.his home:. Mr, and Mrs •B4sr1• ;Thompson intends to Spend same months as ;. Mr.. 'and ,Mrs. Will Walsh •visit- amil nd , fay,:re of Pston and',- Mi, "a 'eor ipanion ' with., .one of, '.her :ped .at Mr. 'Harold, Bannerinan's and Mrs Walter James and fain:•relatives. • . • 'recently. .. . �f r Sunday ' .• ,= Mr. -and; Mrs:, .Barri Emerson.. g ti;ei� arentststM d and Mrs ,Art he McGAn of )sand`familMloi Mil - •..Hilda,. and 13aymond Mr: • and. .'.thur• Moore,;. ', falo, also .MS's. Brayford of Tor- Mrs. Jack Emerson visited onto, visited ,last: Week .' kited at Mr.- cKay of Proton and With',fheir� Angu$ Graham.,§ ; on, Sunday ev g , •sisters, , Mrs. Mac Ross• and, Mrs.. 'ening: he�dau ht r Mrs:. Rev.:.- McInnes',.. . ": attended the funeral' of'Miss Thos-. ,Moore, 2 Marion Ma''Ph rson of • 11Ir':.Ronaad Maas c_ a Luck.r ow a s of British Col- ` ;:BORN - last Monday and`also spenx,•a,day urn la visited last week 'with his EMBERLIN:— In' Win • • gham Gen- with., Mrs. mac. Ross' and Miss .sister, :M : e nd M s. Chas: Moore.j era]. Hospital,. on Monday,.. August °Hite- Terriff. Rev, anS' - Vlrs, °:Gra:ydq,;►i.:• Cox.t 23rd, t .�_. , . ; _ . bhtEi s Donna a .: f.• • .' :; and Mrs. Fred': Em- •. R, 'v; acrid Mrs... j.• Lre. Stewart ``nd drug nd Ruth bei lin, Lucknow, a dat/tighter : • • •K Anne alio aria Patti'son` left and daughter :Mrs.• •Ch•'ristenson; ,j �'-' . fnrm r pastor 6i`�here, called an ...„ i,Y 1i ridgy ar---t-herr .:l horn' es'-- at�-- E� Mrs'. Mac Ross one day last week. C o nnstan' tet nendiiig their° KI1�IGSRhDG ;holidays ,,� itlh Mrs, Cux's moth= M : •Eldon :McNamara` is visit- i '. .:Mi ' and;: Mrs- , Al Olsen and ,,t Duni-s Mae, s d : • ,t Airs - Gary `and..: Gail Ru min i. other rel-.: .ins; FOS...sister .Mrs. `Frank o€ Plymouth,. '. Aus citi�•e�s• 1 i' tin. d Zi . and Mrs.,., Russell NI't•; G r;; orc n Rin auT bought Vl Mr: J lti M • SENTINEL, , LUCK.NOW,,, ONTARIO ,a. . PAGE SEVEN PURPLE. GROVE ty ir. of rs ly iSs in, he ilk' ... ee- Q;: • lad; Id- ai:‘ of net an far ere''. 3c ler.- :•ttGZ age i)rd; !r, JFaa. ces-^ trip', M; Fri .s5. ;1,2 Prcctar. and ;.Dianne' .and. David- i rl' ac cCon:ville and,Mar� 50 Aci e farm on' ,F .;w .• Monday. ' T r1ustin.anent the %holidayWith. Detroit,, also ,Mr. -Beth Gaiint of . this. week. Lt �tias.':farn erly Cliff Austin 'rest;:nand V.l?Iice.Scott .., \,�.hed.bs Mr an Mr, . Albert ( Miss Eileen 'Wallace .• as. horrie cf; Wrncihari spent the •week -end; Mc uitlin .:'1 r:• .RRintoul;' , p ' with. Mr~. :end Mrs. ; Victor, .Saner --,seg ' n ,,in a:; r nontli; ;< ?E t� os !far the holiday, sari • .I Mr. and :Mrs. Gerry1-1111,:and, ;. Ir . D n ona 1 `: E rna ''. d n. • S on' of .,infant,,, �a ,� dau hter":'ar .•- '.,Mr. Nat• b e enjoying. ' a Thom' on and: ps M,: Sim n Mr• �..:;- • r.. , Fr Bell Nevhy. min has xn`eek s `-.holdays'`'wiah V6':m Lan St: elc of"Poi=t Huron arevisiting,: :over �j.� j ,tak,en..:over -,the. „Cttri:s:` Serviee nan- . tl'!�'" 1.‘,.:.eek. • 1, ' : ,..s ei. s br o- sol ne station:: ,.g �.'t�,^�hieh has' kieEyn.;�°'��Iiss`.'1VIario Dalt n tiler', Mr..: Ralph Thom son of ii1anair d 'i :�. i o spent the p •Mr,_ and Mrs: ,.Ezra• .:Week-. ,.., _ ..,, � •:. :. ._ . ... Eri.d wit Mr. John • -'• `=' near. Gr a�:erihti-rst..; { Wel. koi d trii. a nunnber:: of .i°ears.'' :ton-, C:, Dal r•. The Clansmen's Annual In Tie A,rena,, NLUCKNOW Banda Concert by �} . , Blyth Lions,.... Bo ., s. Y VARIETY SHOW BY Featuring Johnny Brent -.Master of : n • Ceremonies, R .Cactus Mac, Morris and his banjo .. and a host of others. JITNEY' DANCING--...Farrier`'s Orchestra • c tra, Carnival Games, Bingo, Refreshment' Boot] I DRAW —. I ;;�;;PRIZE� ::Adults 50c; t.: School '•' Children 25c. Pre':, School 'A Age Free roceeds;-,•f or' ` coinmunit; ecreationalCentre Mrs. •. Sheridan of Harntltori: 'spent, a: week visiting "her 'son ,, - Fr. Sheridans • Mr: and • MVlrs,' Nick Perry .''' y and` Teresa spent the weekend. with�� :Mr. and: ' Mrs:.' Earl Drennan Holiday ;visitors with Mr. ''and Mr,....P. 'J'Murphy were Mr:'an.d Mrs'_Roy•,Masoriv-lie; Miss ss M-ary Murphy arid' Doroth Couldry . y • MiS . ' * s Antomett� Dalton visited Ray over the:' week, end. B•'23; et:.1 et. I (: 4, 5. 5, `:that ;Weir 1�. ic►" ' ` ; CO' off. at‘ =n toe' . vick- es tr. Dolt 'V ~° 4� XX�'�l�es OeYe1A GePal ,. Y5 , 5th'; �,ce cl T WI 'five Let this, overwhelming preference f®r Goodyear's extra mileage; extra .'safety ' ` ' and extra ec'onoirn•y be your bu'yfng urde, • See y• our Goodyear dealer .. boon,- - °' rd• . .y �: - ;�. a ,�+. •I� ® � * r - p L -.lis•.. 'l•! ,*.... MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND A •