The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-08-26, Page 8if PAGE EIGHT' THE LUC OW, ,SENTINEL, Lu•l@NTARIO . i■®■■.■■.a.■ss�l■.s� .rmiaasslsanimm ■■��■ , BELL'S •1 `WED�IIyG • BACK TO t SCHOOL,Sept.Tt. ` 1 A pretty mid -summer Wedding MOWIIRAV-4 01E4 strciN• 1 1 Viiit AShittnik S.,. ..11 . ■ '. tc►c►1: place in the Luc�know lar�.'s-. for , . , i TEMPLETONS' FORCLOTHES THAT ��'l� PIIo'; by terz�zn church on Saturday, ' '4 ■. August • 15 �zt' tw.el�•e ■ cl(�cl. gBACK-TQ-TO ■ 'H QO RE,1. ■ =PRICES THAT ARE RIGir. . ■Nvhetz Czzttie'rine Lo�i.ise Johntun; r • ■ eldest datz;;ht'��r of Pr. and Mrs. ' GIRLS—�-C3ingham, Spun and Wool Dresses All aBOPS' ANIMAL SWEATERS in wool and, cotton. .■`;: V ,g;ansturz was united in ■uses$ ■, - . / marriage to lar. John Mowbray# ; Wool Plaid Skirts, B o , � Cardigans, Pull. BOYS L• 4N.G FANTS.' p 4• W p azers: BOYS' SHORT PANTS;-. . .son of Mr. .Alex. Mowbray 'and • overs, ool • re E . BOYS' ANIMAL SWEATERS. 'in . all wool, ' • the late Mrs. Mowbray, .BOYS- -Short and Long Pants, good gliallty, ■ $.and -shorts Mercur..') .for better • Summer flowers and feu s:rno • . O S UNDERWEAR 'top. 'and- , (._ ? • vided: a colorful. background, for drill, navy or brown. i fit, ge ceremony ' as the bride was . Long and Short • Slee'ved Jerseys, .All Wool . D ES�SErS Little' Girls' Print. Dresses, °' ■ given Marriage by her father, in a ISLE S v' & or gir Mit � trll-•••skr-ted Sweater .- .' Feather flanlie1, tartans, navy ■ white, organdie :over white taffeta 'FOR THE TEEN- ■ 1�QATERlAL BY THE. YARD eaddress of white :earn- ss Cardigans . Purllo ■ serge, . flannel m red• :and blue, prints. , : �` and a h •Dre es, '•Blous s, •g , vers.. • ations , hoia her -tulle veil.. Red i roses formed her 'shower bouquet, Ea Theremony wasa perforted■ e c by Rev J. ' . W. Stew rt assts ed at gl. en" let00, _ : by Rev.•C. H. MacDonald, D.D, The bride's attendants were her _• sister, Miss Mary Lorraine Johnlabel please. •• ' . .1, SIXTY :YEi,k,AS 0..LD . the. bride's little. sister, . Nancy,' . SOUTHAMPTONIMAC.ON ii :the . The• August meeting of *kith. losw•lti• noir°graudbriletamm.alicie'airririePadyli•eni'rYosdeeeln: • the: subacriPtion:rate AO $2:50. home. °f'• IvIr• D-: 1-",‘,/i4cItilin'an' brothers Of the groorn, Ivir• -. It was a ,combined meetig-pf the mciwtway arid NIT. Kenneth MO*. WaYLS. Old. '111i!ssliiiii; mqo wi.:th,,, is .;: 5t,.. acted as ' ushers.; • . the MiSsiOn Baiiiviiittirir on ' the. ilp bride's Mother . wore a, .. '' The 'Meeting' opened ti51 'singing a hymn arid repeating' the 'Lord's ' '4J'f .TalisMarilroies . -., . liarn .conducted.• the• 'meeting .for the newly married. couple at the I, • the folloWing excellent. program.; home 'of * her 'Parent's. • and the . HoT SU1VE4E*' DAYS' theme song,.by the.. lyfission l3and wedding luncheon• was seiN-ed in' ball •For ...• girlS, Audrey.' .Stanley, gave the Kincardine.,, 11.E,G011..D. REiRESHING Opening prayer. The scriPture les- ot t..11 frosty glasies of:: iced lan. A dilet•by Ann and Wanda A°ut 'lilts' fOen!ds and. re1•4'1 • 'tea. with Jemon, •• For:. langy •Tbwnshend .and 'a •Soio. by- June ii.'N'es s°f..a°‘'''6°d 'and viciniiY gath- 1 lemink•:. pie" Apr a or' nish for: Claric :were •much :enjoyed, A re- 0=0er:salads; lemons. bring Citation -Was. given by Allan Mac- 'WW1'S :JohnsOn, Pstowel,-- on',Fri,r .: out the. flavor. • .:13ougail, The .topic N77.4. taken 'hi da7 evening,....td. honor Mr: and ' •,., Mrs.. Jaolc. McCall. puring ;the. eV- 1,,, : THURSDAY, 'AUGUST 2V, 19-lt3 z WIA • r' • • , LE ONSa Lernopad r— Hecht, Miss Margaret lviacs�unaiu auu a contest on '71`13o you know your ening Mrs Cameron Inglis gave Bible” byMiss Grace, • : MacKin- a humorous reading, Mrs R. P. Dennis presented' the couple with ► er'n •ra er w s glv ir,.end abTe%en; beelatpoflhe- en by Mary BelleMacQu llm.: As this 'meeting was celebrat- gathering and Mr.Cameron Inglis read the address.. 'Mr., McCall ing the•60th- year of"o�r W M'S � made' 'la fitting reply and ; com- and the;55th year of Our Mission munity singing and Iunch were Baud, special greetings from .enjoyed.—Listowel 'Banner. Presbyterial were read by Miss '. Annie MacKay, also an • account of our first W.M.S. 'meeting. An TRANSFORMS SUMMER HOME account of the first'MYssion Band FOR ALL -YEAR LIVING was. given by Mrs. Ira Dickie. and one of the. Mission: Band's best years •by Mrs., Ted Collyer. The roll call was well responded •to'. by ,the first or 'best W.M,S. 'or. Mission' Band you cart remember. Mrs. Douglas. Graham, Mission Crown' Brand' Corn• Syrup 2 ib. r•es, .. ii...7:. 32c • Now -available ; }l►c rr easypour pout• Bakers' Cocoanut • 4 'oz box. • 20c Pr emiupr� Long Shred, eetened • �a= • • t` r► . C j s M • Via. q. Soap'.;of• Beautiful , 3 BARS. 29c;" Plaid,, Brown, Grey and Black Skirts . in . the Latest- Fall Styles. • Blouses, Swiss Knit Sweaters, ' ar. digans Bo: s'Q Suits .and- Student Suits' Cotton. Slips,' sizes' 42, 44 and '46. on. t: for et :.to get your Order'an for your • TAILOR FALL •SUIT ' I ias.Webster,':;; Prop:) o w �99999999�Nl999 �N�\9a99`�.;0\��‘>OOCLf.9®999 _90 -.. / / / / Start'•the kiddies back' to School in good fitting, long: wearing " shoes. An .issue of the .Globe and Mail last Week carried 'a picture *of Several ` well. ' lnzown `lines to choose !Snit' Mrs. ' W. M:.:' Taylor (formerly Eunice Newton) and ..her two- �'' u.` , r « B S THE WALCOTFT•, SHOE" • year -old --daughter, Ruth. f FURL U h M' They ' wer shown in •. their » G �} y : ��, .,��..;�, ' • �� .� CH and :JUDY"- .. •"CAVALCADE' Band leader,' then ,presented. jun- . island 'hoi a at .Hanlan's R`point ; .: P,1J1S1 .. , ior• certificates to Mary MacMil- and the accompanying • article / • :BUT OF .TBE'•WEEK lan and Mary. •.Maclntyre, two described what Mr. arid Mrs. Tay : Names then. stand. for .ftt and long - wear. faithful . Mission. Band members lor, like many 'other 'Toronton WE CH S This was followed by 'a prayer tans, had done to:, transform sum- GRAAPE JUICE circle •'by fainter and ' present nier•,homes ,on the island .into' 32 oz ,,bottle 57c Mission ';Band Xnembers.'• A vote houses for all -year living.. i of thank? ,to the hostess ayf i .hose,, -The ' Taylors , explain their rl iso � s i '° 16oz tle`::, r, tai part `in the• prograrr�' Vgs. land life is, sort of community /' ^f L giv by • Mts.' W. ,F: MacDonald... affair, withthe centre •of activity � Bar. The meeting closed ' by 'singing the'clubhouse :Their daughter` ; a. t Vve. hymn .595 and Mrs, L.' C: MacLver will go• to -school at the. islands 9 �. ... THOMPSON •. . arid . er. 't: o -room ublic • school whi'c i is I. --- ` L � . gave the cglosmg pray W .. p . �• . On IY1pT1 shirt. ��9a� e� 'The Store of I r eadly. Service. being ' expanded to .meet. the . "We have everything we need Scorch ,stains :'• .. 'island" Eunicebe removed by ' i uLjlti rig the growing pop ul. -. , atiiorz, Mac is active i.zght>on the'isla , says;' can. serving LunknOw & Vicinty p. , , . >t" heed' to stain with.. salt . i»ol•tczl Yl in • : SLENDOR TABLETS are effect- in the Hanlans...Point Association., adding.. "And we:don for over.25 years. • . : the ex ..ense. of a care lemin juice. Then hang the. shut'.•. ve. 2 weeks supply, $1, .12 weeks 'Which seeks better .services 'for 'worry° about p ,��.,�.,y��y�.,.,���.y�y���i �. $5, at Down's. Drug: Store, residers -,-,We'd be better' off a boat', in the 'sunshine to a'� l riiiiiiiumiumilieiiie■ire■ on iKwasesiimmiieeeeeiieee■setaissesesrer■■s■s■■e■saeass■■assess■■ leanniissesse■ss■nemusrs ssassa1a 1 r NEW BRITISH bRESS . MATERIALS: { NEW BRITISH CURTAIN MATERIALS • .,■. - : Sh:IPS i ■ EW: BRITISH PRINTS .. ' NEW BRITISH SHEETS AND PILLOW ■ ■ M. ,: G. • al ■uta, • r • • RK'ET -* Store. With -The Stock • . ..■. • .. ■ s•• ••• a .. r .: , �• 1 . BrtiEiigiii9■neeereeaemoe.em■/E9/EuENr/Rs.Er/EOrE4ieaeeEt1rtiaieia�//////N�/r!/E�/H■Nmr/wel►/ea aw 41, f ack-lo-Schoaol ASIS TO • SEE THEM'