The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-08-19, Page 6•
Sport .•
Lucknow Legionnaires • .a n d.
Teeswater• are this week battling
it out in the first round of the
W.O.A.A,. Intermediate `B" ,play
The' first game ` was slated for. last 'Christmas Day, '
Teeswater- yesterday • evening, "D.G," as he was known to all,;
with the return tussle to be held was born at Paramount, He was;
here under the lights on. Friday one of ,a .family of eight children Mr,
evening commencing a 9 o'clock. of the late. John and Ann. Mac for the':
The death of Donald. Gilbert
MacKenzie occurred in Kincar-
Mr.Joe Hetherington frocn the
west who has been visiting at
- Atwoodspent Sunday, at the same
• Mr, •and. 'Mrs, 'James Moi•rison.�
of Toronto• are spending a few home and visited with' his bra
days 'with his parent's, Mr6 and I they
dine nigh �onpiMonday.tlHe had. pbeen { Mrs: J B. Morrison, . • •
Mrs. Neil Phillips and• son $ud
In declining healthO B I T U A R Y
.for lengthy and his wife and family, also Mr.
period, and had• a• coma McLeod of Proton' spent Sunday MRS. »JOHN GILLESPIE
for. a few 'days preceding his I
death. He was 85 years of• age
afternoon with Mrs. Mac Ross As a result of multiple •fract
and .Olive,. ' f ures received .iii a fall, there
Mr, John Phillips of Timmins passed away in'Winghaxn General
is spending a few' days at the
same home.. '
Mrs. James Moffat left
ome in the West after
Its -a -7 -ti iii=( _ _ ernes, ,1 . -..1
enzie,; p oneer s ers.o : th'at-'apending'a°few web -Es `�witEL imrs: John 'i. esp�e,
. he .for;
should a third game, be necessary Mr.: MacKenzie hav-
comzriupriity; fives in this community,. [Agnes Pail'ey°: Slie. vVas born
Hospital, on ,Saturday, July 31st,
the oldest and" one of the most
highly esteemed' residents of
Whitechurch,. in 'the' person of
it~ would probably` be taken to ing corrfe .from Scotland directly ,�jVir: Graydori-Coit conducted the'
Lanark County•almost 88• years
Wingham. • to Ashfield to take up land: joint services in. the Presbyterian . ago. and. came to' this community
til an exhibition game early ,in;
D, G." has been a Ufelgng rear church Lucknow; on Sunday, as a'young woman, She was mar
the season, the . Legionnaires., 'dent of Paramount and "Lucknow,
.edged. Teeswater . inone of the
best games 'of the season, .and
thisreview gave every reason
to believe that this pla5rdown ser_
° Isabel .MacDonald,' died many
ies should be a classic. • 'years ago. • For twenty-three years
Mr. MacKenzie travelled for ,his
brother, Mr,, W.: L. MacKenzie.
A devoted churchman • and a
student . of the Bible, •Mr. Mac
Kenzie lived a quiet,'reting and
godly life. Few knew. their Bible
having farmed. in' Ashfield .until
moving to Lucknow some thirty
Years ago; His Wife, formerly
The W,O:A.A. takes 15 percent
of the gross gate, which is upped
5'1' ercent over last year,, AS. a
result .the adult admission fee
• will be . 35c .for 'Friday night's
g, P
game,. . with roceeds. in aid of
°the-fk odlightirng ,fund: •-
• 1Vi: JohhGillies from; near Edd'- tied. on' April 6th, 67 years ago
mouton spent • last. • Wednesday
with Mrs, D. Kennedy and Pete.
'Miss Nettie Sharpe of Hamil-
ton spent a few days 'with Mrs.
A.. Fox last. week... .
Mr. and Mrs: Wi dsor of De-
eturned to their home' after ' hter, Mrs. Charles trot; returned . .� one daug ,.
Mar -
spending a few 'days with her tin, : (Catherine) of East. Wawa=
father, Mr°oRobt. Carrick. nosh, alsoseven grandchildren.
1Mr. and Mrs- Victor "Emerson and four great grandchildren..The
and `Lila and EIgin Emerson spent . deceased :was a. • member :of, the
loner wcr :�" alrP. -life. member
'Su�d'ay�"wtfi 1VIr: � LTnated`��Churct and :a
to ;,the late John Gillespie, , who
.predeceased her three years ago.
Surviving are .two sons; 'Gibson
of Whitechurch, with whom 'she:
has resided for the past three.,
years, Charles of Toronto, and
l. constantly faithful and fervently . Hagg.itt, 'Blyth,
devoted to the Christian ' life, as Mr: •andMrs: Tiffin Hethe.rg• in -
he. Was, ton.. and. sons Douglas and Ross
Mr. MacKenziie's religious zeal and daughter Joyce from Turner
Valley, Alberta, are visiting with
'Mr: and Mrs Joe Tiffin...
dates •back to his .,youth. -For a
Inthe first''gameof a two -out 1,number of years • he was super,
of -three series. Played .here o11, intendent ° of Paramount Sunday
Monday night, Wirigham defeated: School, and in Lucknow has ser -
local nine `1'4 7� The second: ved wet} in various, departments.
was.. played' last` night' :in: Wink-I.of -the Presberian and United'
ham': Church Latter . he' was a mem-. .
The icing, layoff awaiting the ber of' . 'the the., Lucnkow " United
Church, and has been a. church
elder for many.: years,, ' and'; one
ably qualified to f ill the duties
Lucknow struck : out. ,13 .; men 1Ii of this .office. ' Ile gave long ser-
) the six -inning affair but...receiv- vice and leadership as a, teacher
ped very little, support behind him. of ;tile Bible;' Clas's ;and by his.
Stainton struck out ? •• quiet, unassuiriing• . andexemplary
e rnannersm endeared , himself to
502 052'-=14 8 4 a 'wide', circle 'of .friends.,
... 320 020--' 7 7 :9 : The .funeral }service is. being.
* " * held today . (Thursday) at 2.30
Cijpn haws" oustedthe
of the Women's 'Missionary. Soc-
iety: Although •• of a quiet 'dispos-
tions she endeared. herself
young 'and old•
The funeral service, held on
Low Rail Fares '
To The p
Canadian National
Aug:•27th e Sept, 1 lth
Fare and one third
for the Round. Trip.
(Government Tax Extra)
, •
Good going' Thursday August;
26th to Saturday .Septenibi,r.
Fuil' information from any
{ Agent
Canadian Nati n a v
at ` the .home of her son' Gibson;
was ' conducted ` by ..her .pastor,
Rev. M, G. Newton, .assisted -,by
Rev. W. J. Watt', The:pa11':bearers•.
wertwo grandsons; `Jack Aand.
Donald Gillespie, ; one . :great
grandson, Clayton , Scholtz;. and. '
Ezra Scholtz, Garnet Farrier and ..
•Cameron Simmons, The flower
� ere...,.'f ve•..-: ran
15ea ers"�' g' d'darighz.:"
tiers,. Mrs, Ezra ,Scholtz, Louise
Marin,' Mrs. Cameron Simnons,..
Mrs. Garnet ,,Farrier, Betty Gil
.lespie and Mrs. Jack Gillespie.
Interment ,was in. Wingham Cern-
Monday afternoon,. ,August. 2nd, etery,`
playoffs was -Much in` evidence.
by the host of errors committed
. Thompson on • the mound for
Goderich'Pee 'Wees two'g:ames'to' then .1VIr.W.`:.L. MacKenzie.His
one in their best of 'three:, series-. 'pastor, -°Rev. J.".W.. Stewart, will
* * * conduc he service, assisted ,by
Clinton will meet the winnerRev. ,Itobert:.Macconnell,,'am:,in-
of the .Lu eknow-Wingham series timate friend d• of Mr. MacKen ie..
for the W:O.A-A; Pee, Wee chain Burial' will be in . South. 'Kinloss:
ponship. ... Ce. metery.
Mr. MacKenzie is .survived. by
The Lucknow Pee .-Wee.;ball : two . daughters;. • Miss Lala •Mac-.
club wishes to thank everyone Kenzie and Mrs. Annabelle•Mu'r-
who donated .toward the purchas phy, both of : Toronto.
ing' of .'uniforms. The kids' will
be decked outti in a light blue
.outfit trimmed .with yellow.:
He was 'the efdest of a family
of six' brothers and • two ' sisters:
: three of whom survive, .Peter ;of •
Hilliers, `Vancouver' island, •Alexi.
Ed Baker- is the gent.. io . de of Chicago and W L. MacKenzie
• ..serves a lot WAD of'. credit for' organ of. Lucknow
• izing this fund to help the ;kids
buy .uniforms.,, The mind is like the stomach-:
* •; : It is not how much' you put. into
As the old ' saying . goes, any- it :'that counts, but how 'much it
thing can.: happen in baseball: , digests. .(Albert . instein)
Lucknow had no trouble in . beat-
ing Wingham -three -tunes during
•' the 'season bait in, the first play.-
lay-of game=you guessed it -Wing-
ham beats . Lticknow,•
Anything Which parents have
not learned : fr'orn experience,
they:, can .:now • learn.; from their
Girls' • Game Cancelled EXHIBITION TILTS
Ripley Flyers, and the Brussels
girls were billed for; an exhibition The L.egionnaireShad'little def
• fixture ; :here on Monday night, ficulty in • trimming Port Albert
but the latter team had to cancel, and Brusselsin exhibition. games
'the engagement. The Lucknow 'played under the lights las Wed-
Scotties and the Ripley' girls' nesday and Friday night respect,
• switched' batteries and •; held a iy'ely.' The Brussels i iiie weren't
practise session. under the lights, accustomed to the • lights ' and .
to replace the' 'Cancelled °game: `.• ' played 'under a bit of a handicap.
•The 'Legionnaires •, almost . had
the Brussels girls for opposition..
When:, arrangements were made
for. the1°game, the'local.promoters
Nineteen rinks competed in the were unknowingly in contact
Jpynt Trophy trebles at the Local ;,with the manager of the Brussels
greens . last Thurs, ay evening. girls team, and it, Wasn't until
t prize and the ov d tro- Tory's Y broadcast that '.evening'
phy was ,won by George Mathe-- that the error was learned of and
In second some fast• scurrying arotind' was •
son'srink of Goderich. .
place was Elliott's rink of South- necessary at Brussels to line up
ampton. Rev. Poll'ock's rink from their men's team • for the . trip to•
Wingham finished in third, place the Sepoy,town, which the Brus- •
and fourth prize went to Fine's sols feirimes , were • all prepared, .
rink from Clinton.•. for:
re -war Price .. .2e ¢
fartim c Taxes & Orders `' 110
Kou pay 360.
:Authorized Bottler of .Coca-Cola under ,contract with' Co,ca-Cola