The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-08-19, Page 1• • {,0Q A Year --In advance; :50c: Extra t9,1:1!„ S, A REUNION OVi SMALL DEFICIT There is;genera1.satisfaction in. the :frnarccial, r, .sults of the Luck- g i ion, h c sho now reunion, only:' a h' w '.small deficit of slightly over $IOQ: The municipality advanced; $250 earlier in the . yea'r to .finance in-, • •}-fie penditures. The-^-financial-r--•- , e ' c`.oi t as completed` at the' first �P •of the week, with all known out-. standing accounts taken ' care ` of, shori°s' a' surptus. of ;;$141.10. ; This is being.tuinet=back to the' Munf- ipality' to apply on (the .$250 • ad= vance. which• will on be -reduced- • to $108:90, and which ' the,: Village will a some as the ;reunion "de- ficit", ,Decoration costs, amount- ,ang. to $h00 were paid by the 'Re- unicln Committee, and. could well be regarded as a legitimate Muni=•• gg, cipal responsibility, and' ti'iewed in, this'. Way the actual' deficit LUCKNOW,; ONTARIO ENJOYED REUNI& N Commenting on the recent re- nion, Mrs: Wrn: MaceKnzie of o rottto,, .had: this to say"Luck- now pitt`Ion ' a fine few days of real enjoyment, The,' meeting With so -11'1.40y old friends, was.. a ;real benediction ' and •Memory, : was • busy: • Going back over the trail: • of on , ago ave g g gave me" a• real men- tat;"`and 'spit i.tual d'"lift. G It lv P r as a. lot•'of fun and .1 did enio•y' THURSDAY, AUGUST 19,' 1948 ;)JIGHPAGES, Premi u • . rMa • 1 able A,t Bank°,.' . ' 'Purdon's Baker. is• di Y sccintinu • ing:• the collection of West Wawa nosh "fine insurance -premiums ance• premiums and effective St.ptc>iribe • 1st, these • IIEL�D, PICNIC AT KINTAIL About' twenty-five mrbers 'of the Lueknow, Branch' of the Wo- men's Institute held . a picnic last Thursday: at •Kintail':.Presbyteria.} Church. camp: The trip was made in Sherwood's buxom Dungan- non;.•.. eaf:a pl:_'s afternoon at the beach n - h, hadtop ped off the •outin with a ,del - g , ieious pot luck supper: :The... h wood bus. •has. been ngab... ed:'". to .take :.Tnstit.0 ` ° g , t to mem bers on a . trip to ' Naafi_ a'a Falis- .next :Thursday,.Au u t' 126th An F ; s y, . member wishing to: go should BRIDE -ELECT HONORED AT' I,.UN. CIIEON SHOWER Mrs.. SfiYion: Plewes. was hos- tess ' at ; a .luncheon . shower . on Thursday afternoon;, in honor of Miss Catherine Johnston, whose marriage takes place ori , •Satur- day•,of this' week. • • reg v�zere upward ".pf-,4i- guests at this nicel arran ed y arranged pre nuptial• '-event, .and after luncheon' Catherine was escorted. to: the ..verandah h e ,e da where', .many lovely giftsi. y y -" awaited }ier.• .Upon •opening thern''she 'expressed ' her fhanks,, to the group for So kindly remembering • her., contact Mrs. A. J: Wilson; SHOWINGREUNIONPICTURES PIC U1Et,ES CENTENNIAL REGISTRA.T1 T h, e • Ashfield Presbyterian, Church: centennial register lists. the following names of those. in attendance 'at this ; history -mak-- ing event: aecennell;'; Mrs W. O. Rhoad, 'Priscilla, Wil liam :Jr. 'John and ;Rebecca," J. F. 'Mackenzie, Detroil4,' Mr. 'a'nd Mrs. Allan Reed, ;Mrs. Robert Donald Mrs: Emil Nor aar Western Springs, I11.,' Mrs. Don ald Wylds, Ethel Taylor, • Donald Wylds, Frank MacLennan, David G. Stewart, David A. MacKenzie, payments Will be reec.''ved at the BUYS FARM' NEAR WINGIIAM Bank` of Montreal. MRS., HERB ELBER iPASSES Robert Moffat has' 'purchased the. . 150 -acre. Robert • Vint 'farm, Ewen MacLean, Murdoch Mac Leod, James Cameron , J. F. Bark- The Playhouse'Theatre is feat- .well, ; Mrs. ' Robert •Scott, Robert d "short'?,. �, Scott, Isabel Scott Marven Scout using as a short ,, pictures taken durin th' Th s' Frank Scott Donald Rae Scott ., James Scott Mr n ' ies'•are in'rolor`and were •shot .- � . ,� a d YVirs. John. di ri " Henry,: Mr. and Mrs.' George Mac u, ng the .Calithumpian ¢parade, ... , .. ,.,. • r,y . m: m, � .. Donald n. Mrs..:_.E,velyn.,_ ,$arkwell .,:. end after the proc�ssion.,reached +, Y Mrs. Alex • MacLen an . and Ch 'i ". the park'. When) the ,opening este= n r s, monies `took `place. Marga "ret M; (Gretta-) Carripb,ell, Thefirst•Mrs• lkiary, Ross, Donald' J,: 'Mac- showings of these pie � . Lean• Mrs.'.'Carl.'Pollock Anne tures were of the parks activities and: Joan Po'llock R:.,Carl: .-1391- the since—they were . 'first , y :., , �" lock:Dr. L.•. McGee 'Goderich screened- .. a , fi m,'.•' of the ina°in, M street parade has been :obtained ' W: H. ;Robertson, Goderich, Dan- !and. the complete;-showin' •is be ald Cameron,- Granum, A1ta., Mrs. '. :l,i . � r ` i Fred. Ross, Auburn, Donald, Ross;` ng, sc een,ed nightly ' :Illi.• rb,'Elber_gut C;r:ed'iton, 1oCated two: miles West :of the Win harn•'Cemeter . �� He�' ri�ai•iu as ed away : g y. gets rn edi a d VI.s. Moffat, and Children Shirley and Joyce will' shortl take up residence there... :Mt: Mof fat's' offering, for sale, his ham " e north. of the 'C,N:R. de- of:a p• With •possession 'available Septembei lst: • ST 11t °r�1 T. 'CORK Old° CHiIItCIi. would o,e practically nil,•i Q , p y suddenly on. erl , Miss Ma nie : Gi `vin � ► z of. Nile Mctneiat t to Sht- rw-a-- for an- sof L Utllag ucknow, advances r:: $ 250.00 Cate: recei is �Frida : ; 89. A y 9....34 Conecssion$ ...;:. 44:00 Beauty . Contest: .....,•:..•... 324.30. .'Legion Thursday, night ..::100.00. clansmen Friday -night 110.00 Clansmen; re beauty con- test • 15.00 Clansmen, : re Clown • Band :'orchestra E�tpen�liturest Par c . iin e ' ;ri � ;1� � s`^�.• day... 4 C 1 Su21 ,�}f ,.,�. day:: of •. Beltluty LConlies:t peculating "streets Surplus returned to :. Village and a•si.st r Of Mrs.` Fred .A`nder-: sajhn'. ut' Zi:on. Some years ago she taught school at =f ' K'inloss. The funeral. is en "Thursda at Y: Crediton She -is survived ,b'y•her. tius.b�:it�l,. one 'dziughtei ' (Bernice) M s W :rel Fritz., of Zurich.a sis ler: Mrs: F' cd •Anderson of Zion r-: torr and, a b t,:ilcr:, Anscir iitrair +t t! Sakat,utJri r'\Irs;. Elbe's n'itec�Yfir An c xtensive program -of re- l: 50.(?Q L, t�.,ehnurvrs'ti:tiritIg lcuriion ='teh pairing and redecorating' the —•fit ' L nited. Church got- under.way; ,a t• ` cr." dad s ago... new, near 'roof is the ► BREWER TO first job to: be : undertaken: The �'�c s' -'.e -.is is bein remove 1.. t d• :and. will A T A g C � PR E„ R D�E SIT• �z $1882;64 ., ..t_a 6:55 254.9c9 100.00 $1741:54. 141.10 $1882.64 An' itemized breakdown of Fri= day's and Sunday's expenses and of the b'eauty ;contest. follows: Park: Expenses Goderi c h . Bluewater and* Bugle ` Band .: '$' 250.00 Cloyn•: Band • . 250.00 Lucknow pPie. Band .75,30 Parade ` prizes :....... .._:.: .. 264.00 'Softball prizes: Canadian Legion : 31.0 Legion 0 Benmiller ' °:•°, 21;00 Port "Albert ;. ,.......:: .... . , .16:00 Ashfield square 'dance set, 44:00', Huron . square dance. 'Set 32.00 Jack , Thyme,. Kansas •• : Fanner ;Cameron :Geddes, exP ense`s • 5:00. .,,. K. McInni°. , old "tinie b•• A. 'MacLennan, J�'Veialnfi.e. d •. pi iMuillin, piping 5..00 i�icQuillin, oat ciil' 5.00 g. 1..'.'1'IePherso n5 °tion cin 90 FrankMacKenzie,. g'' danc.in• •5,00 P ate ria Ewen dancing Templeton -dancing 0.00 5,25 8.7755 17.06 Mea15.,;an:ci 'bilieting: .. Prn iii g and,'adver 'sin Ptxbli i � g c address' a Ste • Platform,,' rano P , terror 'and trucking,' 27.00 Postage, exc,ise' and ex - • e r 3:4'0 Sundry :expenses 26.70 1 $1386.55 Beauty Contest Expenses$ ''Cash prizes't.:,. 4 • 50.00. �. 'lathing suits • 99.99 • Entry' fees, Kincardine .... e 40F00 Public- add ... ss system 10.00 ?lowers. 'solotnon ,Green- hou se ,... ....,....:: 5:75 Chocolates, 0 C 0 1 ateS, Selioy, Store Jo'd ,tin ,� • �. Gi .F'otAiler, s cit. Parise Advertising, i sing, CKNX Silver Spoons, , W A: Sclirnid w 3 '8.20 5:00 '6.00' 25t Galt, :D r W. C. McGregor, Chi-' ca o A MacGregor, Granum l- UPPER SCHOOL berta, ' George W. ' MacGregor,: ; { Chicago; Mrs. W, Fairish,. "Wilf, EXAM RESULTSFarjrish., D. Munni, 1VMi's 'Brown, . Result's ,of the' Upper Sriool ex Pp • • Mrs: Kenneth• Fattish, Mrs.' Lloyd • be rr r71'iced• with1uminurn t.„Mrs. Alvin Gilders• and amirations • ati LucknoW . High \I Dougall Allan • MacDou all; I School. show ;Alex ;Maclntyre' to ' Catherine MacDonald' Andrew 1' N ilER WEN T' .OPERATION At C• n;( C' inn ti. Cif ."1rlc .C1,i:'ns tt,cn on•:l\I nc ht.r.Teal. B1e�rti :. .'was c ic.ctc ri ' pct i g p,re_iden.t. for`' t^<+,,n>xt This appoirrtm nt rV,Lt�>t;ecessal•y` as Dr: W::•.V..'Johnston had: asked' tobe at:relieved ,of the'•. pr esicieney as he ;s currently head of the: Ontario Medical As'. sociation. the dunes of -Which are .quite heavy far a,:tune At Monday's., meeting.: plans were discussed for the annual: carnival to be held.' in the arena on ''hhursd•ay..' September 16th. Therice • dra�rl .ti'cket sale for P . this event is t o.w well :underway. II u exceeding prizes:. at, ,i teal e S200 are ..1jeing'offered.` They in elude a' studic�•.cotici , .cedar chest;, electric blanket pressure cooker, tea set 'Of:dishes. and an sutpmatie iron The' 'are, 01. dispiay,m Davi son's It. >.,tv .isdor� . i . s. caul}tsct i iiIlln� 'sleet,=' .:, ..� mg of • ' ^ ,m l tits' !'t re': at a' F a,-lS CI •tt • tC• .•C?tsCLttit� 3 Ry •ti . c •1, e cn .a - t i��i, c •�if�:i� r4,�1,'t t t. • r`. 'Oft c t�a;l ttt he build: a, i th('i•c' }s �Ci!t^t' C ii','St}CJtl tip ing„ t t l to ',if unci'; when t :.s tr ;'1, 't.c' • rE:-: . Ilia .C"1Ca'n�tnc:l to t.'nrt to devote (i • the carnival :gto , 'getting.: rc•,tir 'Uri et•Wt•a�•. again and. rte lcir�tl. il3lxtrt •from nt'unic,i r'.. n ould �- '��' trot. coli } �i t�icl enol i,d pa -1 ct ung 1� Iclin r.etiad for 'izse; hat• •tile l•lu e c t this fall ' . Mr. and; Mrs. E. H..Agnew were called tri` Detroit ton Sunday when their son Joe .underwent, an em- ergency append •ctonly' •Joe came irou• e" op ration well and is getting ;a,oing::nicely. It was ex- pected he could be brought home • on Wednesday. ' Telephone. cells . Expenses, Goderich and Kincardine,: meals,' etc. Sundry expenses Gives' Up Bus Route • Ravinpurchased a. farm ear gn... Win ham Robert Moffat g , Roo has giv- en ' up the jab o - •o f-�irans ortin pupils of S.S. No. 6 (Grey Ox) to. ` ;ucknow Public,ar School. Ten- tiers are now beingcalled for, this service and will be received u to August 28th. p • g The 'Se.to •.gener- ( ally'' favor the transporting -of tni�s,e niiils :on the Hi h' School hitt`, s •; c...nr.n i.r1 ;f m Kinlos and �, F } `� it .t,.. �c thrt.t` t.tisois the s ste r � m 4•r::t , ,k-:1:finall3 be anPraeed. have • achieved the :best:''Standing Mrs: W. G.. Andrew, ”' Mrs. Jahn vitith six •firsts,'three second. and, ;MscChailes, ,Mr. and. Mrs. Orland James Barger—Eng.' Cnmp:,"I•.I; Mrs.OliverOl ' MacCharles and • E g. Li i. III' Hist. ' C , Geom; C; John Mrs. -Daisy MacCharles, _ Y• 1VIi?s: George M. Stuart,Catherine Ph • aron c oa ng. i MacGregor;Ann S cart moron, Trig. to, Mr. and,. Mrs. Frank Young Hist. C; Alg. C Geom.' _II; i.:. an o g ' C; Phys.: C • : -hem and Peggy, ` Goderich, Mr.', and Mrs :MacLean Bell, London, Mr. George; Chin --;Eng: Lit. C; Hist. ► ":Chem..c. and Mrs. E. Douglas Harton, Tor - C;' ' Margaret Graham -.-Eng. omp. 'nie'NiclVlurch B et n 'Mi Y, e o , ss Mary C;:. Eng, Lit.,C Hist:, C: Geom.'Il; Faircloth,,` Breton, Mrs: C. B. Trig; '][I; Phys:. C; •Chem. C; Latin B n • u ce;'Detroit, Mr. and Mrs: Wes- authors. C; Latin Comp. C. ;,, F .., .. ,1e'y Robb •and; •famiary,.. Mrs. Rod- Mayme; lr<win—Eng. Comp- I; err k ",; Mart :n,,, Ripley,D. Maces Eng. Lit. C; Hist. C;: Alg. •II;; Kenzie, Mrs.: Emile' MacLennan, Geom.' III; Trig., I ;. Phys. ,C ; :g I �, y •� Mr. and Mrs.' Tom. Keinptari,' Mr. Chem C Latin Authors : C; Latin and Mrs. Finlay McKenzie ; NI .s. ComP Cs ;� � Roy D. Lane" and family, Cali for- . Dorothea . MacIntosh --- Eng., nia :: Chas: H. MacDonald,,. D.D. '. Comp. ' III;• Eng, Lit. C; Hist. ` C; Rev° W. A. Henderson ` Hillsdale, Latin Authors'' C; Latin •Comp. -C. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie, ' Alex MacIntyre.�g Com , Mr. and Mrs. Noble Johnston anti Eng. Lit.'II, H<ist.• I•, Alg. I; "�Geom. •; a: ._.:.--n ..n.. - A�don:na Mrs: Murdo Ncicenzi�+, t t I: Trig. I: Phys. II; Chem„'''I: La, t. 1 Toronto. Mrs; C. 1'tacGregoi-, Tor Authors ::III: Latin Comp. II., onto:,Mr; and Mrs: Ales .McAul:; NGtiGEMENTS Jessie Marshall=Ehg.ComP. C•• ey, itZrs:;'A. `A: J •Simpson •AxZnie; Eng. ,Lit: C; ,Hist. C; Phvs. C; T 1\;Iaebonald, Mrs. a Mrs. ” Lorne. •Far- . F e Engagement is -announced i'f 14ss Dorothy -La.ux in:da Wa�. g. l r1 � aU h stir. I� �c e xe.: d ter: of .Mrs: 1 :•1, Wi net,• Annulree}and the .lt I't,.:.11to doie Wagner, to•Mr; ; Jaics.Lloyd Stwart•,•Kitciener• sr n of 1\ r., an Mir. Phili Ste- ...o . '1 � p rva'rt Lucknowr: Theveddin' Will . g. takelace Se� teinber 111th at Zion p p. Evangclical Church,:,'Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs J.:..E. Rutile,. Wince ham; ,•vis to: announce ti1ie, c.t of e my dao h:ngageme, g . > n tc'i,,;•'Eulene i I jo Mr. Mar- vin B..Antoniak ever,: son 30 ► ly it ' of Airs Mary Arttoniak of Win- • 1,0.00 nipeg, The fplarrOg& to take place 10:50: August 21st in Kitchener: I's • '$,25:4.00 All the, is erforiners'takinl part til t1i.C'. local 'beauty: contest cdtfi. rely of th('it° ect t gave \-(.1..y �, ,. iO alerts, .'his was much apprectat- t t" tee..and tt Cir ed li't• . the ,C ttitl'it} t 1 oCEer•itgi,v wore c C1natty •apprec'at ed by the 1e i fie � la '' 'audience ' in •at enclanrc.. : COMING EVEN "Y'S DANCE. To the :music, of Gar n.et "Fai•i•i ;s • 5 -piece ororchestrain the Commui- iter \1einoi.ia•1 pall, Whiteel arch (an .Friday, August 20th. Evervorie cr'i:,icome. 'Lunch counter, Admis ••'�n� 50i:,'each ..Y Chem. C. l`i5'll Mrs Jaek Fairish Jack -Fai- rish, rish Jiw.z Lorne .'F� i fish Winrri- � , fred Fairish: ' Angus D Martyr,, 1V is: A: ;Dw' Martyn, Mrs: 'Donald' MacCharles' Donald •MacCha•,1es:: of Jessie :-MacCharles, Frank Mac.- on acon 'Kenzie, Fred Darrah, Catb erine `Ann Darrah, Rose Marie. Dai•rah, Mr: and. Mrs. Alexander MacLennan, Mrs: •.Swan' Hooey, Ardonria JohnstonFr. ,Auth- 1 Lucy Davies, Detroit, Mrs. • •Ella Shirley S11erwood-L Eng. Conip. I; Eng. Lit., II;: Hist: C; Geom. I; Trig. 'II; •hysC; Chem. III ; ',at:'P • Authors II,Latin Comp.II. II;.Latin . • • The fol ovi gstudents Grace" XII obtained standing Upper School French: Wilfred Black FI. Authors. C; Fr. Comp. III. .ors C; Fr. Comp.II' \ Betty Marshall,— Fr. Authors C; Fr.• Comp CG: Bernice Shaddiclt--••Fr. Authors III;' Fr. Comp. ILS U, CAN ;HAVE a ringside .seat o f the Zale-Graziano world chani- •°pionship.:light-heavyweight•baht, at the Playhouse 'next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August Ilton, 'Lorne: Hamilton,' George • 23, 24.: 25 Henry, Mrs , and Mrs. ' 13c'rt', moray,' ,, Corroon, Mr.• and Ms. VO'tit. 50 -WOMEN`S Black; Nylon and elite and •Harvey, M'Iargat-ct Cow-. ▪ Slips. Regular price $4.75, an, David •Cowaiy; David Allen allsizes,' on sale at $2.95: THE Cowan.. Mr. and .Mrs. Lovell 1 -1u - MARKET; STORE. (Continued air page i •Gardner. Medicine Hat, J: Har old •Johnstone, "Mrs. Norman E. .,Patterson,' Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. K , W MacInnes, Duluth, Margie Blue, Detroit, Bain Stewart, Ton:. Onto, Mr. and Mrs.: Chester, Rit- che., Detroit, 'Mr. and Mrs: Grant MacDiarntid, Duncan C. Aldan, Mrs. ..: James MacDonald, Mrs; Robert G. Hamilton, R. G. Hain-