The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-08-12, Page 5THUSDAY, I•AUGUST12th,.1948 •Lyceum. 1'h°eatre •W I NGH:AM • Two Shows: Each .'Night • THURS., FRI., SAT.. AUGUST 12th, 13th, 14th JUNE:. HAVER, MARK STEVENS, REGINALD GARDINER. Wonder Who:. s Kissing.. Her ,Now 'sm. MATINEES DURING AUGUST MON., TUES.,, WED. . AUGUST 16th; 17th,' 1,8t1i '• RPRT..L,ANCASTER, LIZABETII SCOTT — WALK ' ALONE. 'ADULT ENTERTAINMENT' ' 1..... w �u •-.m`Pws.uf. Pipe Band At'. Port Elgin Lucknow Pipe Band played its annual summer , engagement at: Port Elgin beach. `orr Sunday. The THE; LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LIICKNow, .ONTARIO l,OUPTH CL"SSION (/� WHITECHUlt N s Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hender- Master• Robert arid Betty Cross son of Mociseirnin, Sask., are stay- : of Walkerton • are 'visitingthis ing at the home. of L. •C. MacIver week. with their �! � ' grandparents,, and visiting all of their old neigh- . Mr. and Mrs. J. F, •Iviej..,ean.. hors and friendi. •' ` Mrs, • Bell Cottle and family of • Sympathy is.. pressed .to Mrs; Detroit visited last week, with, Pat Baird in the loss of her h.us..• her sister, Mrs, Joe Tiffin, Sr. and band in .To•ronto and whose fun- other relatives. eral was held at the horne' of Mr. Mrs. "'Alex Kennedy ur: da .. ' of Winn- eorge Scott last Th y peg, Man , ,is visiting her mother- Mrs. W. Townson and three .in-law,, MrF. David `Kennedy. children .6f Sudbury are spend- `Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Thoinpson ing a month with home folks,, Of Toronto visited last' week with Miss Margaret 'MacDiarmid •of.. her sister,. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Tif- Windsor an. Miss Maggie Hud- fin, Sr. They 'also attended: the .S9n of,TElUt r e Old ,t3oys`' eunion at Teeswater, _r home of Walter' MacKenzie...Mr, and' • Mrs ` John Hayes of •' Mi•s. ,•Neil' MacDonald from •he' Detroit spent the -week -end with West spent. Thursday . ,nth her • Mr. and: .MrS. Russell; ; Ritchie • cif I niece, Mrs..Dan Maccinnon;•She 'Latigsidel`Mrs:,Reliberi Tiffin, who` came to visit her .sister', .Mrs, has spent 'the' last three weeks. Dawson, 2nd 'Concession; ' at, •Detroit, returned 'home with them. .. two sons of Toronto spent several Miss Annie ,Kennedy: returned days at the .•i iimc of Ira Dickie. to hei• work at Winghant Hospital -"Nlarr 't7+id •'•'t'1r jo\'cd the Reunion after convalescing at her home, and. met so man -old friends, kr. Ezia.Scholtz spent. Setup- . Mr. ' Tom Ross and. daughter day at'London with Mi, and Mrs, • Mary ; of Toronto ' viarted •at the`t' Can`reron. home .of his , br otht r•, L: C Mac-- •; Miss .Dianne Lawrence of Tor- Ivc1• on • Th:ursday ,.•` unto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs:. I . Mr. Dari 'Thornpson has 'been J. Grgskortl. t (rti „t,'e Mr; and 1VIrs.:Howard Line an& Mrss Niarro7r'remand Master 9 eek" Coultes• are 'visiting their uncle • Underwent Operation and. aunt,' Mr: and Mrs.: Lawrence Mrs. �,ockhart` is a pat-• ;Marjury of near Paisley, lent rn Hamilton• .General Hos- Some .of CKNX staff were 'out' at' Whitechurch.. on'Monday even ing taking 'recordings of the'choir; banth,,Was heard both in, the after- pital where she .;underw • ..ens a noon and evening, major.. oper�atioh, on Wednesday, composed of 'members of White-• . FRESH : EXTRACTED NO. LB. ;22c' MacS�r yen WI -UTE' plaries :'Phone • 141=w, I' Iavelock: St., Lucknow •The •,Former George McInnes Property • . ■•r ■:.■ iNamm••■■. .•■■■. '.■..■■■ .. nano. mm, ■•, Come-In,—And Esnquir-e Ab i `: ■'•• • •■ a • ■ ■ , • • a, a. HE SMART,' • or iSparkling PerfOrmance 'Plus Economy LOW FIRST` COST LOW. UPKEEP. 35 : Miles. ' Per Gallon on Means Economy For Business or rleasure IMMEDIATE DELIVERY • ,Ss.eatamma■■eaa adRh mounts m■■prmid0■a■■apua mall % • Yon might be the nett victim Of fire-fire'that'esti. .quickly .'destroy your homy .tier business, your property, your whole' life's Work.'. Let, Pilot Trrsuranee accept the risk -:ready and quick to:pay II any : just claim. ' The ' cost is eery law. We write Pilot Insurance"' to caver.'selected'risks' in.• Automabile,'Fire, Personal, Prbp'erty Floater, Burglary, Plate.Glass, Pub- intersIei LUCKNOW church;' Calvin • and Langside. :These recordings" will' be used on the' church: of air::services -over CKNX A miscellaneous shower was •held on Tuesday of Wast week.4 the horne'.of M. and. Mrs. John Craig: .in honor of Miss '..Velma Scott of Winghani,' formerly .of. Whitechurch; ,-,who Was • married oil Friday, evening':: tot Mr.. 'Balser of Wingham.' Several club=' bed together and gave her a 1 v - ly table; electric:' lamp` and pier- •ure; , and She:. received 'several other gifts. ; Games .' and. contests. were held after .which lunch- as ▪ . served; ;'arid , a : ;social --time • vitas ■ ■F . Spent'. ' • • • ' Mr...and Mrs Cox of: •Palmer- ston • visited on'.gunday at . the home 'of. "Mrs. • Mac: `17 • i ..,.. Wingham Hospital. 'AYLOiR--iin on Saturday, August 7th to •Mr and Mrs. . Harvey' Taylor of Wing - PAGE FIVE 6 •AI CHAMPION e PLAYHOUSE t , PRESENTS ' Lynne RQHE,RTS -tart `iO .LO' A REPUBLIC -Pitt -URI Thurs., Fri:, Sat. . AUGUST 1l , 1:7, 4 ADDED-,..' ' . Melody Stampede • Des; et1.hY�?anny,.' i u ' •Iurst :News • of Tlie World Moo., Tues., AUGUST12,13,14 TRULY A GRAND PICTURE 'I loved every minute of it and I know you will,, too!" ii many old acquaintances.. Newton .who has been her guest. Mr. G. S. McIntyte was • a Misses Maryand ' Wilhemina week -•end: visitor with Mrs: Mc- Rutherford were.. wee:X-end' guests of Miss Ethel Robertson, Luck-- Intyre and Donald. Rev,' and 'Mrs. M. G Newton. have as their r guest :.this week, Miss Mary Wallace of Walker- Mrs (Dr) `I'. '.S, Comfort of Tor- tdn; 'Mr. Will Moore, of Prince At.:* �^ onto • On Monday they motored best, Sask. and his sister, 11Irs `Al- to Port Alma :tvisit Mr.- and; `fret Collins of t✓ut Knife, Sask., • Mrs.:Clayton Chariton. On their are guests of . Mr. and Mrs. E. J ` return they were: accompanied: ky : Thom.and 'Mr. and 'Mrs . Ati: Mrs : Charlton and Miss ' Helen ` Miller. •uflHlui'■*■idmmelaa■Up■IIIiiiiaI wa.sasd 1■ ior.. 's t■ .So naturally., its egg's that yali ;ate' after. aihd , we aid �� agree that there are more eggs • iin Purina' Laying : Chows' ..:.ri ■ A -whole lot more :eggs.'. Mb ID '11: ham- (ripe ' W lEliamine;. Golan'); a:. ` Ermu Don't let the price of a bag of feed..fool any of us, because., s ■ son. . its eggs per . bag , of feed that'eounts..For exani a i■ . ,. ■ • l.ic• Liability ;aria other g.ewelt. a 1 • insurance.. P. S. STEWART, Phone 8, Lucknow R. T. . KILPATRICK, `Insurance . Agency,'Lticknow. • Representing, PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY .1, ' QST. I EL=E'NS ■, • Mrs::E1w'ood �Barbotir tess for the August meeting of the Women's Institute when the t president, Mrs. G McPherson, •was• in the chair. The roli call was well • restIonded to by :naming ':.a [form of politeness! .1 .admire, iii a ' person.: Mrs, :Barbour, .Mrs. Rice and Mrs': 'Lorne Durnin were ap- .pointed:; o arrange for the sewing course t °be held in.the Hall from August' 23rd to 27th:Mrs, Lorne Woods. read'a. thought, provoking. paper on The Community --whose. business„ .Mrs. Chester Taylor en-. tertained' with :a piano solo• and t Mrs, Barbour gave a reading,; " Grand'nia and .the'Sea MAP'. At the conclusion .lunch was, served • Mrs.' James Aitchison : and Norman• McDonald as host- esses. Men'ibers Qf the Institute and their. families are. invited to •the• sV stiHuron District Women's In' Str'tite 'picnic to be held inHar hour Park,' Godes ich,, on W ednes-, day'; 18th at, August.30 p,m, 1./0u ate :requested to brink a; basket. lunch; dishes and cutler y Rey. and Mrs, Win; Taylor of Dor°chestt r were visitors with• Mr's: Cranston and Mr. Mid Hurn nhrer They attended Church on Sunday ichor nirg .. and 'renew ed • ,• THREE-FIFTHS OF AN •EXTRA EGG 'PER • s tit..., A'' hen -only eats 4. lbs.. of Purina'`. Lay • Chow per month in • • addition to '4 lbs. of grain This• means that if Purina Lay in ■ , Chow wereto cost $15.00 a ton •(3:ic a• ib.) more than the. '■' ' ,t cheapest laying mash that you cos d buy, it still;only costs • ' ■ 3c per, month more to feed a hen ' on ;Purina and with eggs s in at '5c each this means that if a hen.' could Flay three-fifthsi ,of an . egg, 'that's all the EXTRA eggs that she would need ■ .to produce .in 'a month- to offset this 'seemingly large't`+dif- ■ ference of $15.00. per. ton• feed costs. , HEN. • PER. MONTH. •OFFSETS A DIFFERENCE OF $15.00 A TON IN FEED 'COSTS. ere's How ' It' Works Out'• The hens at the 'Purina Research Farm ('the •largest re- ■ • search farm in , the world) have told' • Purina Mills how to ■ ■ so build ' laying a it alu h' that: will' make you -the most money,' ■, I I � g ■ treat' your hens to `Purina Laying Chows .■ ■ ' and cash" in.on : to -day's' 60c a dozenw`eggs: i ■ ii' ■ ■ a • Here's. How To Cash • In E Keep the hoppers filled With Lay Chow' Meal, and. feed . s ■ ..at noon 'feed.of Lay Chow Checkers (2 quarts. per 100 birds). ■,. on top of the Lay, Chow., , • ■ Feed 10 11is. of Scratch Gram per '100 birds per `div giving r. most. of, it','in' the 'evening. I. ■ ■ • • • Ash. L's About Our Finance 'Plan for Profitable Hog Feeding ''i • ..:; . It Too Pots Extra $ S In Your Pocket. ■ tt'. ■ A:I� • GIIBS D►'Tam i• Purina Chows : and Sanitation Products r' ' ' sey,-Harris 'Equipment : r • ti ' ' Phone59.' Lucknows;, ■. sialattaiiiialiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimaaaaaamamaisaaiimaimailati 1 h litire`a1 +13T :i. k�•�f+• •• ::- :c