The Lucknow Sentinel, 1948-08-05, Page 2PAGE TWO • MR, DAN ALTON PRESENTS FLAG MONVEKWAIWIMINEMEMINIK7.7*,147.0,11Wit*.Ift$WIW .101 ,M.Treittut; 'Ft,* d it w ` : • • } • 4 , E. • s; THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW., Mr. Dan .Alton, a former Lucknowite and president of•. the Vancouver Old Boys Association, is shown presenting a flag to be flown over the new Community Centre in Lucknow.', The flag was accepted by Mr." W. L. MacKenzie, left.: Also shown in the picture is Ed Mahon, secretary of the Vaneouvei;; Association acid orig- inator of the Bruce Reunion idea. Mr. Mahon .is at •the right. Reunion .Rtambl ngs • •. • .WINDOW OF CURIOS ° ON MIO TIW $DAY, AUGUST 5th, :J Booths Weren't Profitable. _ About t. X . Local business places co -open- tura of the whole .celebration,p- `decoratingtheir pears• to be that booth operators ated . well '• ra,• stores and store fronts and . in "dressing, up"• their windows. Old pictures were displayed in several windows and were the centre •of, much, interest. .• The windows of Ed Baker's egg shop were filled 'with. curie• and antiques. One. • window 'featured a•�n umber of curios obtained in the Arctic by ,Finlay McInnes of. Aklavik, N;W,T. The collection included the ,tusk of an '.Arctic -Narwwal., t1e t-usl s -a: Es- kimo carvings and a miniature kayak. A pair. of old'dueing pis- tols .were also displayed „A stuff- ed bird ' .collection previously.. owned' by.the `late ConradDecker was. on display , and a:. stuffed weasel caught,' by . Hugh .. Ander- son of 'St. Helen's 'a, half century. ago. , •. . 4 In the . other. window . . was a replica of. a sailing vessel carved out and constructed by the late James Jardine. of Point Clark, father. of George Jardine of town. The • . schooner masterpiece. was ,' cornpleted in ..1899., he only regrettableiea- • did not find their venture profit- able, and had much hard. work for practically 'nothing. A 'Young '"Old OM" One of the young "old girls" to come :back .for the reunion. was Mrs. Janet MacDonald, who is in her 87th year She was in the -park on Friday and met many old. friends. Mrs. MacDonald is making her home in Seafor'th' with her daughter, 'Mrs, Clinton • •..__. Colored Dinnk's Hitt l Bert Ward's. premises were well decorated for , the reunion, and an , 'open... invitation offered. to all visitors to rest in the garden Decided Against' Pasture Field ' 1VIen's•Bible Class of the Lucknaw ! Highlighting the decorations was To get "home", for '.the reunion Presbyterian Church,, taken m: a coloring job' on one of'' the 'big 1915; ' :-thee ass ofyoung men, several: were in :uniform. at ,that time. The 'teacher was,11r. W. L. MacKenzie; the . pastor, Rev... ,J., S. Duncan, and : the Sunday. School superintendent; Mr. Geo.: Matheson Four .of: that:. class' :had dinner 'together .at the:•home of <P•hilip Stewart on Friday. They, were Sid Plowright.,of Oshawa;G S. Free: of Brar tfond, Alex Butler of God - oriel -far -id Philip Stewart of Luck :°'" . now:' . at least two "old boys" ; inade the Of 1 38 trip in private.planes. - Gordon Smeltzer; son of the late Wm. Smeltzer of. Ludtnow, flew : from Edmonton to Goderich airport in. his 'own pr ivate+iplane..Gordon is Vin' the insurance business in the West, and `hops jot quite` �e• 'ed.b arl b �� air. Aee = ni ul y.y his wife : they. made. the trip in about 18 -hours flying time. .They circled,' tlje old. home • town- with the -idea of landing• in. some acts jacent pasture field, stint, 6—aided..,on the Goderich airport.; :Mr. '.and Mrs. Smeltzer were 'met t'�Goderich . by -Mr =and• Mrs.. T. Anderson' ;when Gordon ' took. him for ari air view •of •the'latte'r's. Ashfield :Township farm *+t Flew From Wisconsin-: Other . air travellers included:. Mr.:and :. Mrs Ralph. Potter of Waukesha,. Wisconsin -They: ac- companied a friend,, . Ed Housh and. his' 10 -year. -old son 'Wayne:. Ed :,piloted a Stimson Voyager and made Goderich in about five hours. Ralph left here:• in his early ,teens,••. and 'it was his ` first ,:trip back. He is a.;'nephew of Mr: Wm Rotilston of :•Huron Township: They were thrilled.:by the ..trip. For Mrs. Potter' it : was her first: ,visit to CatiadaTand she enjoyed it; about 'IS much as Ralph who was diel ighted too meet old school friends and :visit the familiar scenes of lis chirdhood, especially in ',the vicinity of : the ``old apple evaporator". Ralph' is' a _soot of the, late Geo:. Potter, who• at ' one tinte was "a: harness maker i.n.Alex Ross' shop.• His. mother was' formerly Minnie Arrnstro , who...at -one 'time was a ilores b. •the ::.. employed �. as ata s . Y • . late Conrad . Decker. Mrs: Potter • is still living..and'makes her home in ' Holcum, Wisconsin with : her •daughter.• Margaret; Mr"s. Walter *** vng'the • vehicles.. in the cal ithurrvpian; parade was one o -the old brass front Fords... This. antique of 1915' vintage is . owned and operated'by Howard Robin. son and wasn't`just, a parade res -I ,urrection. ~it's `:-in daily use. and ticks,'`_: like sewing.,•inachine: Howard bought - the. Ford' fron Wm. J. Bain, Con. 4,. Kinloss Donald Dinnie pictures, to. create a colorful' tartan for the big Scot and.. traditional emblem .. of "The Games"made:'. famous by;,Luck- now .three score y rs, ago: •:• •. 10 -Year -Old Dancer' 'Little Patricia Ewan, • 10-year- old 0 year-old daughter of: Mr,•,a�id Mrs. Tom. Ewan of Toronto, was `one • of he ' Scotch ;dancers. on Friday's pro- gram. This little miss,. who : won the C N E. baby. contest, when she was?. months old, has been taught, Scottish dancing' since. . she: was 314 `years . old; At ten: she. is . quite a • noted®dancer-and in Compel...- Miens omp titiens since; July • lst of this year - has alreadywon 21` medals Smit Recalls First Trip To Lucknaw Mr: rater Moffat, in his, iv - Marks ' on " Friday.,' recalled his first trip, to Lucknow 6$ years. ag'o.. He accompanied Wm. Orr with 'a . load of dressed; frozen hogs to .Malcolm Campbell's store. The horses were Stabled. at the Whiteley House. Liquor could be bought then for 50c and .as low . as •25c a quart' at Sandy Mac-•' Pherson's liquor store. When he concluded, the chair m an' reminded.: the gathering that there was no: use looking for "Sandy's Place". It no longer °e= • fists. . Ixi Greer's Radio and Electric` shop a • .`display of old ;radios was interesting: , They included the old ear phone type with' models dat. uig--back to'1920.. * *:* WAS GAM E$ C HAI SIXTY YEARS AGCY ' .. Thomas. Ross; Langside 1; native and; ,strong man at Caledonian :Games before turn of the century, was in .Ll now in all :his glory last Fri', not' only inbne ci but , again recallas .a programgy-go perfc err This time his oontribu was 'a' tune on the pipes w. he so 'dearly loves.- " Mr.' Ross will be 88 year;, age, on .Christmas Day.• He.. born•.. at Langside, ..a son Qf t ,_ homa -Ross and, Mar -1 Kinnon.: .For many"years a r, dent of, Toronto, Mr. Ross spends a good deal ,of tirne-°r'� slimmer -.'at the. old • farm l'i on which' not •a sod has 1 .turned in 63 years. His fai died when he .Was twoyears: Ili pride thisover six -1 straight -as -a -whip octogena recalls hit(:. Prowess at; the edonian • Games in' Id icknowii 1889 he was theHuron-B champion, scoring.' the gree number ; of points in such coni icons:. as• hammer throwing, put and . caber, 'tossing; With hand he hurled a .56Tpound,w over the bar, just one inch $ too to of 11 feet Oil;, that occasioi won the .medal •'-donated by 'NeWhveenStu_cChkaiFrmaAn WE:spL�ls, nMastiocn* , TrIun18`M90 PTom .Ross again. air. coil. under Kent e'a ch Via the •.Huron -Bruce 'champion him during .the ;official opening wasawarded the Lucknow edonian Soetety silver cups M is :among his most .prized• post ions: In a Friday afternoon' form. interview,. Mr. Ross "he ' Couldn't °carry'. on his :b� all the medals ` he . had .won' " Ile alio • competed' with De IDinnie ..the. famed. Scottish. tete. �..i ceremonies, he 'came up with. a witty, remark: ,' He , was 'seated be- tween two gentlemen, Mr• Foster Moffat,: 'and " John. Hanna, M.P.P., whose politica. don't need to , be enlarged :upon. Said the chairman, "When a: roan with such:' a name as : Wiliam Lyon MacKenzie, takes a .flop while siting between these two men, he deserves what he gets" WOULD , LJKig: OLD PROGRAM • Mr. .Thomas Ross, champion. Huron -Bruce athlete at :the. Luck now 1 Caledonian games . in, 1889 won_ ders : if anyone* is in . possess- ion of a;: -program of those' games. He• would dearly love ,to' get one or see one ' In;1890 Mr. Ross left for Ontowhere his magnificent 1 ique ,easily 'won' him' a plac the . Toronto ' Police Force's which ;'he served .for. 34, year 1.12 he organized:the To P lice Force Pipe ,Band and . frome ma or: until his retirKe, the Force. i In 924. F, still honorary .pipe, major at his honor The Band coftinul wear ` the • Ross: tartan., F -years:11r'. was pipe FORSTER FAMILY PICNIC :1 of the•Toronto Masonlc. Ba Mr Ross' was ..Mar ied '63J The Forster: family •picnic was ';,ago His wife predeceased held at Kincardine on Sunday, two 'years ago. She' was fore • July 25th It was the first time Jane Mary Davidson, `a -natil Daughter Heads, Pipe .Band•"Foot-Prints" since•1935 that this gathering has Kingussie, Scotland: `' ', a book.' written Billy McKay of .Toronto was been held Present from` the far- Mr:.'Ross' has °two. dangl •.1 .: by:, .Mrs.:.Goodhand; : a native:•of . • a reunion visitor at • the home ofchest .point.were • Mr. and MMrs Mrs. ; Alex J. Murray (Eliza Ashfield,. welt: on sale here` dur . Mr: "lid`�'Mrs:' .Jim •: Burns.. Dilly .. Joe Forster :: f Winnipeg. ing the' reu�ziion Mrs Goodhand• �° at one a 11 d fond Fred of•Toronto, Mary T Ross of tun .d'r'ove clic usiaber ., • onto :with. whore he make, . was ca a to the s on Fridayi. 'wagon for the l ucknow Table, To Ta►ronto homie . anal eight ' grand` iii'Company He has •a : •daughter,• `',Returned. ;?ave Horne who had a and tet; great grandchildr morning' by Mr. McKeuzae, -butt she • wasn't'.,present. , •'.. :'been `.. . roud., Grace McKay, who is pipe -major * * * i patient in W�inghi ,Hospital' whom. he s, justly p of theSi.Andre w's:all= ilrls _ ii . g , o, since his �scootei accrd�ent, return-. There are feW of the cahthum- band- which has, won International .•. fame: 'Thee band is shortly 'going pian entries that wouldn't come ed to. his home inToronto . on Monday. He aocompianied his sis-. ter,, Lillian. Dave has not yet re- covered from the effects • of his shafting' ttp and . is still suffering a, good. deal. fo Syracuse.. Mr. McKay has • not . yet recov-, ered.' from . injuries ': received at Christmas time when: struck, by •a motor car as he -.stepped off . *a• streetcar on his .way: to work. •*•0 Oldest' Living Past Master Old Light.'Lodge, A.F. A.M. held a 'special "welcome home' meeting on Thursday evening which drew a .'large;: attendance of, resident.. and non-resident mem- bers as ` Well . as• visiting breth- Droei Another"rtlaughter,,.,'Geor--• ren. ' ' gins, Mrs..' Eisenhuth lives in Elk ' ,Mr, David Lawrence, who was Mound, Wisconsin. When the among those in attendance, Ls 'the. Potter family left Lucknow over oldest living .past master of. .Old thirty years ago, they' went pfirst /Aim, He helped ed ,in .the, confer- . g p to Dakota before settling in. Wis-` ring of'. the degrees upon Rev. consin.. The flying, visitors left Charles 'W. Saunders, one of five at :dawn, on Saturday on their re- clergymen in' 'attendance: at in .for ,a special word of •mention, ifspace' permitted: Bill Blue- from Detroit had his car,. decorated. and ' :lois "Home Again"' carried toutthe whole theme' "of the reunion. ' The ancient stage coach, ' . fire • wagon, brass fronted Ford• and. J. R. McNab's ' butter. and ,egg• ,wagon were among the. relicts: turn trict w......, :....,Thur'sday night's 'Meeting. Rev.. 0 * ' • Saunders was rector of St. Peter's Church from ispp to. 1910. He 'is now in Stewacit `, Nova Scotia, and made the long trek from the Maritimes to visit his, son in .Lon don and to. renew old friendships' in • the Lucknw 'parish. OUR MEMBR,ES OF '191'6 BIBLE: CLASS TOGETHER: • Among the many interesting '•old pictures "dug- up"' 'for the re - 'union :was one. of the 'Young Everybody Satisified' ; We failed to hear one word of criticism or disappointment from the thousandsof people who+.vis- ited Lucknow during the -four-day ,reunion. Everybody''was. pleased arid happy, • `that{ they "Will ' Ye No Come Back!" *•* Well, We 'have heard a coin - plaint: Friday afternoon's traffic, jam into the park (worse because ''Of the rain -storm) led one, party to, suggest that on any future oc rasion such as this, additional en- trances' into. the park should be arranged. And they . easily could be. • r . BOAT JOHNSTON--In Goderich'' ,tai' on Friday, July 30th, 19 Mr: and. Mrs. "Btid"; Johnstl Goderich (nee Verna Dahn daughter. R O Disabled or Dead Farm Animals , • With*undamaged hides and according to size and conditi HORSESu PP 7, =�� tO $ C0i7.8s to�8.00• HOGS (300 lbs. each) • $2.00 plus $2.00 per 100113;• for additional weight YOUR ARM ECT PHONE COLLECT: « Wnigham, 7121-1;' Ripley, 59-16 or '38-19; Ingersoll, . For prompt, efficient, courteous• service WILLIAM STONE SONS -LTD. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO AN ALL -CANADIAN FIRM, ESTABLISHED 1890